[Tom Hendricks POV] 

Monday mornings, my least favorite morning of the week days. 

Waking up to the chirping birds and the bright radiant light of the morning sun, I closed my eyes, still exhausted from the previous night. 

I came back pretty late last night after fulfilling my purpose for setting up that meeting at the League’s headquarters. I was so tired that I headed straight for bed, mainly because today I had to be somewhere later in the morning. 

“Just as I suspected, the Spear of Destiny wasn’t at their Headquarters back at Metropolis, I snooped around in search of it but only came across a document indicating it was at the League’s Watchtower.” I mumbled to myself. 

“The thought came to me that they wouldn’t keep it so close, but yet not too far.” I muttered to myself once more as I continuously stared at the ceiling while I lazily reclined into my bed, feeling too tired to get up and go prepare for my appointment that morning. 

*RING!!! RING!!!*

The annoying ringing sound of my alarm clock engulfed the room, leaving me to wonder why I bother setting an alarm when I literally wake up five minutes ahead of time whenever I decide to set an alarm before going to bed. 

Rolling over to the side I reached out my hand, summoning the alarm clock into my hands as I put a stop to its annoying ringing. 

“Good morning Master Tom.” Gwen greeted. “Your schedule for the week is ready sir.” 

“Got it, thanks Gwen.” I said as I walked out my room’s door and down the stairs. 

“You’re up early.” Jason said to me as I approached him. “Yeah, I’ve gat to head out in an hour.” I said to him, as I took a seat directly opposite him at the dinning table. 

“How about you? You usually find an excuse to sleep-in late in the mornings.” I pointed out, the only thing that motivated him from getting off his lazy ass in the mornings are training sessions and Red Hood related activities.

“Oh, I am just going to tend to some business later.” He said, hinting that it was Red Hood stuff. 

“Oh…I see.” I replied, reaching my hand to the fridge at a distance from us. The door swung open as two glasses made their way to the table, with orange juice following right behind. 

“Telekinesis do come in pretty handy.” Jason remarked as he watched the orange juice pour itself into our individual glasses. 

“Of course, my mundane activities are done with little to no effort.” I replied as we both sipped from our glasses. 

“Now, that’s a surprise.” Jason said to me, using an upward nod in directing my attention towards the stairs where I saw Leo heading down stairs. It was a bit weird getting up before Leo, he was often at the living room by at least seven o’clock every morning. 

“Morning boys.” He greeted, grabbing an extra glass as he poured himself some juice . Neither Jason nor I gave a reply but simply gave a subtle nod as we raised our glasses in cheers motion. 

“That reminds me, how’d your meeting with the Justice League go?” Leo asked while going through the fridge’s content so he could decide on breakfast.

“Yeah, you got home pretty late last night… we didn’t get the chance to hear about how the meeting went, so spill every detail.” Jason said with squinting eyes as he leaned his attention my way. 

“Nothing much happened, we just had a normal conversation between heroes and a powerful dude they have no control over.”

 “Please tell me you threw hands with at least one of them, tell me you smacked the crap out of one.” Leo pressed on, closing the fridge without concluding on anything for breakfast. 

“We did have a small argument due to our differences in opinions, but I didn’t get into a fight with any of them.” I clarified, summarizing in the shortest and most efficient way I could, without giving details of the drama which it actually turned out to be. 

“Let me guess, they tried forcing you to abide to their laws.” Jason firmly said to me, fully aware of what the heroes were like. 

“Don’t tell me you agreed to even one of them.”

“They actually tried to impose laws on me which I must abide to, but I refused and the meeting ended up more like a threat to the Justice League.” 

“It’s no surprise, they are scared of the power Ace the Tyrant possesses, and want to ensure they keep you on a leash just so they can control you rather than fear you. That’s exactly what they did to Superman, just that he’s been a total Boy Scout right from the start.”

“Good one kids, we are the outlaws for crying out loud. We aren’t bound by rules that restrains our free will, or by societal opinions.” Leo emphasized, almost sounding like some revolutionary. 

“Of course I know that, why’d you think I created the fucking Outlaws?” I asked before pausing for a second to look at Jason, realizing I hadn’t told him I was Ghost yet. 

His expression remained the same, no hint of surprise or question why I didn’t reveal that aspect of my identity to him. It could either be because he was yet to process what I just said or he thought it as a sleazy comment. “I don’t claim being the boss, but I handpicked everyone for Ghost.”

“Relax bro, I already know your our boss.” Jason replied, shrugging my lousy attempt of a cover-up to the side. 

“How did you…?” As I was about questioning, the only possible way he got to know my identity as Ghost was seated right next to him. 

I looked over at Leo who slowly folded his lips and averted his gaze to a painting which has been on the wall for a couple months now, acting like he was avoiding eye contact with me. 

“Leo…You didn’t!” I exclaimed, shaking my head in disappointment. 

“Look kid, don’t get mad but I filled him in on a few things after trying him out a couple times. 

“That wasn’t your secret to share. Am not mad that you told him, I would have told him sooner or later. But I’m disappointed you didn’t inform me before and after doing it. 

“For that I’m sorry, kid.” Leo apologized, giving a gentle tap on my shoulder as he did so. 

“When did you tell him?” I asked Leo. 

“The day Darkseid’s forces invade earth. Right before we flew off to Metropolis, leaving him in Gotham, that was when I ripped off the bandage. Although I had been taking him on certain jobs before that, actually testing his loyalty and drive to accomplishing certain tasks for Ghost with whatever means necessary.” Leo replied as he poured himself some more orange juice. 

“I don’t have much time, so tell me why you didn’t flip up on me for keeping that information from you, and what you’ve been up to since learning it.” I asked Jason who was busy taking a sip from his glass like he was excluded from the morning drama. 

“Nothing much, just busy spreading and upholding a few rumors here and there about what would happen to those who betrays you, lacing it with a bit of truth by putting the case with Black Mask in the mix.” He replied. 

“Wait, what?” I asked, unsure of why he was doing that, but now I know why most criminal groups in my territory are more compliant since their visit from Deathstroke.

“I know you didn’t tell me because you were probably being cautious and thought I might switch on you for being a crime lord yourself, but it’s something I’ve always wanted.” Jason said. 


“Crime is something that cannot be extinguished, but can be controlled. As Ghost you’ve coordinated some crime lords who organizes their members and crimes according to your instructions, reducing unnecessary casualties like killing civilians or security men to get what they want.”

“True, I do refrain them from killing during jobs. Well I have to go get ready, am really cutting in close on my appointment.” I said to them, dropping my empty glass after taking the last sip, then headed upstairs to get ready. 

[Barbara Gordon’s POV]

“That was some test wasn’t it?” Marie, my brunette friend said as she caught up with me. “ Those questions were too unpredictable for a course this broad.” She added as we continued to walk down the hallway beside me and with a couple of books in hand. 

“That’s why you have me as your study buddy.” I replied her with an half smile on my face. “God knows I would be totally lost without you.” She replied and we both chuckled over it but hers slowly faded out. 

“What?” I asked her in curiosity.

“I think we have a new hottie on campus.” Marie said as she pointed straight ahead. “You’ve got to be kidding me.” The words I muttered as I spotted an odd guy with snow white hair and pale skin leaving the administrative office, earning himself a second glance from any girl who sighted him, except me. I knew what he really was like beneath that angelic mask of he's. 

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