“Oh… Hey there Red.” He said with an half smile on his cheek which was accompanied with an upward nod as he approached us. 

“Wait a minute…You know him?” Marie asked, darting her eyes between the approaching Tom and I. “Unfortunately I do.” I replied, giving a short wave in response. 

“It’s good to actually see a familiar face around here.” 

“I have to say this was the last place I expected to see you.” I admitted. 

“You didn’t mention you school here.” He said, standing in front of us as I got glaring eyes staring from all around. 

“Yeah, am in my final year.” 

“That’s cool.” He responded. 

“Hmm hnn.” Marie cleared her throat as she gave me a gentle jab with her elbow. 

“Huh…This is Marie, my course mate. Marie meet Tom.” I introduced. 

“Nice to meet you Marie.” Tom greeted as they exchanged an handshake. “If I knew this university had such pretty girls, I would have started coming here a long time ago.” He teased, flirting with her in such composed demeanor, shamelessly acting like he wasn’t dating another close friend of mine. 

Having a serious blush from his compliment, she tried composing herself as she spoke. “But you’re a student over here now, right?” She asked, leaving me to pray within myself, hoping he’s answer was a solid no.

“No, I just came to get something really quick from the administrative office.” He said, hinting on to the envelope in his hand while a subtle breath of relief escaped me as I looked up to the heavens, thankful for an answered prayer. 

“Well, I have to get going now.” Tom said to us, looking at the watch on his wrist. 

“It was nice meeting you.” Marie said with a smile, her demeanor desperately screaming out for him to ask for her number. 

“Bye then, say hi to Rachel for me.” I responded, reminding him he was already dating a close friend of mine. 

“See you around.” He replied, then gave Marie a flirty wink before walking past us. 

“Hey!” I said, snapping my fingers to draw Marie’s attention back as she seemed to be lost in a day dream while watching Tom walk away.

“You know him right?” She asked. 


“Huh… Yeah… “  I said, reluctant to reply as we continued walking. 

“Tell me he’s single.” She pleaded with glinting eyes. 

“Don’t bother, he’s taken and I wouldn’t want you dating him anyway.”

“I don’t care if he has a girlfriend. I’m okay being a side piece if it’s the only way I get to have him.” Her response stopped me on my tracks as I turned her way for a second, surprised by what she had just said. 

“I bet you, you do not want to mess with his girlfriend. She’s the clingy type and would literally fuck you up if you try taking something dear to her.” I warned and we continued to move on. 

Taken aback by what I had said, she was quiet for a bit before speaking up. “Well, I bet I could take her. I wouldn’t let anything stand between my new crush and I.” Marie said, trying to act tough. 

“Sure you can’t.”

“Hey! A little support wouldn’t hurt.” She cutely pouted. 

“You know I only want the best for you. And you’re too good for him anyway, I’m sure you would find someone better looking.” I tried consoling her as we walked into class for our next lecture, not paying attention to the others as we took our seats. 

“I doubt that, there was something about him that makes me feel he’s probably one of a kind. But at least I have you.” She said as she extended her arms to give me a hug from her seat as our lecturer made his way to the front of the class. 

[Damian Wayne’s POV] 

Deep in the heart of Gotham city, a night club’s entrance buzzed with the muffled bass of thumping music, and Damian Wayne seamlessly glided past the imposing bouncer, a clandestine card exchanged as the key to access the elusive backrooms. The dimly lit corridors beckoned, leading him to a private enclave cloaked in secrecy. Seated at the center, a male clad in black leather jacket and a hooded scarf awaited, his silhouette bathed in the ambient glow.

“Move along, kid. That seat’s taken,” The slightly older kid grunted, downing a shot with an air of indifference. He looked like he was younger than a twenty-five year old but not too young to be addressed as a teenager. 

“I’m the one who summoned you here, Jamie,” Damian asserted, locking eyes with a gravity that transcended his youth.

Jamie, taken aback, eyed the youthful figure before him. “I expected someone more seasoned, not a kid like you,” he retorted between sips.

Damian countered with a steely resolve. “Age doesn’t define capability. You carved a name for yourself early; don’t undermine me.”

Upon hearing this, Jamie took off his hooded scarf from obscuring his face, revealing a guy in his early twenties, brown skinned and with golden blonde hair and piercings on his ears and right by the corner of his right eyebrow. 

“Since you at least know about me, why don’t we get down to business.” Jamie said, signaling for a  bottle of tequila to be brought to his table. 

“But first, how about a toast. I can see that you aren’t just some bratty kid, I can tell by the look in your eyes. Those are the eyes of someone who has taken more lives than they could account for, just like me when I was around your age.”

The bottle of tequila was brought and poured into their individual glasses and left on the table. Jamie clicked his glass with that of Damian’s then took his shot, Damian drank he’s as well. 

“So how was a kid like you able to get in contact with me, and why?” Jamie asked, reclining into his chair with both arms behind his head as he calmly placed and crossed both feet upon the table. 

“Let’s just say I know people who can get me whatever information I seek. Just like how I know you have a very special ability and can make anyone disappear. Also that you command a small group of individuals with special talent and superpowers. That’s the exact reason why I chose you for this job.” Damian elaborated, not breaking his gaze from Jamie as he spoke. 

“Hmm, you’re well informed I’d give you that. I don’t have all night, I’m quite busy you know. So why don’t you stop beating around the bush and tell my what contract you have for my team and I.”

“Going right to the chase, my kind of person.” Damian remarked, subtly scanning the surrounding incase of prying eyes and ears. “Here’s your target.” Damian brought a file and handed it over to Jamie who collected it without a word. 

“Who’s this dude?” Jamie asked, slipping a bit of the document off the tip of the envelop as he peeped upon the picture and details of a white haired kid. 

“Everything you need to know about him is in there, personally I want his head but just dispose of him so his body is never discovered.” Damian demanded. 

“You mentioned my talent is the reason you chose me for this, anything special about him?” Jamie asked as he poured himself another drink. 

“He possesses powers I do not understand, but it seems to be based off an advanced version of telekinesis or some sort. A normal mercenary or assassin won’t even last thirty seconds up against him.” Damian explained to the best of his knowledge . 

“He sounds like a really interesting dude. My team was starting to get bored with the recent jobs anyway, I hope he at least entertains me for a while.” Jamie remarked. 

“Not everyday a well connected kid like you reaches out to the likes of me to help unalive some dude. Any particular reason why you want him dead?” With a raised brow, Jamie inquired. 

“That’s none of your business, so long as you are getting paid.” Damian replied. 

“True, but it’s got me curious what did a guy do to make you so mad at him. Nevertheless it is indeed none of my business, here’s my bill on this little job.” Jamie said as he wrote on a napkin, then slide it across the table to Damian. 

Observing the digits scrawled on the napkin, Damian’s gaze met Jamie’s, affirming the unspoken agreement with a subtle yet resolute nod. “Your payment will be in cryptocurrency upon verification of his demise,” Damian asserted with calculated precision.

Jamie, nonchalant, quipped, “He better be worth the hunt,” his expression veiled in disinterest.

“Just so you know, this target is so formidable that he took down armies of assassins on two different occasions and without breaking a sweat on either.” Damian disclosed with a dead serious look in his eyes, his tone laced with gravity. “ So I’d say he’s worth the hunt, and the money.” He added. 

Jamie, however, responded with a wild grin, unfazed by the daunting challenge and enticed by the promise of both the hunt and some entertainment. “I guess he would make a good plaything for my subordinates, before they kill him of course.”


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