[Jason Todd’s POV]

“What were you up to last night?” I asked an half awake Tom who called me in the heat of action the previous night. “Nothing much, I got attacked by some meta bitch who seemed to want my head for some reason which I still don’t have an idea why.” He replied, letting out a yawn as he finished speaking.

“Wait, I thought you went on a date with Talia al Ghul. Did she try to have you killed on a date night? Told you she was no good.”

“If I were someone else, I would have probably thought so but she’s not that foolish to try an assassination attempt against me of all people.” He replied, sounding sure Talia wouldn’t want to mess with him for some reason.

“I saw a report on the morning news about a robbery which took place down town at some fancy restaurant. Any chance that had anything to do with your so-called date?” I asked Tom who reclined into his chair in the dinning.

“More or less.” He replied, using his powers to open both the top cabinet and the fridge, pulling out a box of cereal, a bow along with a spoon, also milk to the table, all right in front of him.

“So where’s the unfortunate soul who tried to ruin your evening?”

 “Oh, I abducted her after an utter humiliation.” He casually said. “I seembto be really stubborn so I asked Deathstroke to break her spirit then do some research on her since I couldn’t find anything regarding her identity. He should know a person or two who could get some info on her even though everything about her had been erased or well hidden.”

“I thought she might have been a dumb-dumb to come for your head but I have to admit she’s actually quite smart if she’s taking such measures.”

“Enough about that, I will deal with her later when I have the time.” Tom replied as he finished mixing in his cereal.

“I could hear gunshots through the coms last night when I called, what’s up with that?” He asked before digging into his bowl of cereal.

“I was going to come to that. I found the culprit behind the recent attacks against our business partners.”

“Good, you can be quite useful in these situations. One of your good qualities, I can’t say about the rest.”

“Hey…what does that mean.” I asked, squinting my eyes at him. “Never mind that, who was the moron behind it all?” He asked.

“It was non other than that two faced bastard, Harvey Dent, popular known as Two Face. I made sure to confirm before slitting his throat” I replied, watching Tom take a pause upon hearing that name.

“Isn’t that guy the attorney who turned into a villain after some dude poured acid on him in court?”

“Yup, that’s him.” I replied. Due to his amnesia, Tom wasn’t someone who knew certain villains or notorious criminals, so Leo and I take it upon ourselves sometimes to introduce a few he actually needed to know if he was going to overthrown the sharks in the criminal underworld.

“Well, that’s one problem swept out of our plates. Any other?” Tom asked he was already halfway through his bowl of cereal.

“Yes, word on the street is that Batman is so desperate to finding solid proof of Ghost influence in Gotham’s criminal underworld, and has gone to lengths he had previously rebuked himself of. Embarking on a couple of torture series just so someone fess up their connection and deals with you.

“I guess it’s time you had a little chat with you dad.” He nonchalantly remarked.

“He not my…” I was interrupted by the ringing sound of the bell at the front door.

“Gwen, identify who’s at the front door.” Tom commanded.

“A team of police officers stand at the front door, led by police officer Jim Tallman, a deputy at the GCPD.”

“What the fuck is the police doing here.” I muttered. “It’s about time. Relax, they are here for me.” Tom replied before finishing up with his cereal.

“GCPD, open up.” This time he’s voice was followed with a banging sound at the door, almost as if him and his team were willing to knock down the door if not attended to soon enough.

The banging continued at the front door for a couple more times and it was evident they were growing impatient and would burst in like it’s some kind of raid if there wasn’t a response in the next few knocks. “What if they search the house? We are screwed, unless we kill them before that.” I suggested as I peeped through a window to count the cops present and noticed the house was surrounded.

“They wouldn’t find anything even if they do.” Tom replied, then he walked towards the garage. “I say we make these cops disappear, it’s either that or running from the police for the rest of our lives.” I suggested once more as I followed behind Tom, casually speaking of making cops disappear like it wasn’t something.

“Grab your guns and any weapons in the house, then bring them all here. They wouldn’t stand out there for too ling so I will go and buy you some time.”

“Don’t worry, I don’t need weapons to take out a bunch of guys in uniforms. Wait, what do you mean buy you sometime?” I asked, a bit confused because I had thought Tom wanted to engage the police but that doesn’t seem to be it.

“Gwen open the hatch.” He commanded and a section in the wall rolled right out, revealing an array of weapons and hides space to keep some more.

“Hide the weapons while I go to the front door. There’s also a hidden compartment beneath the stairs and at the passage You have three minutes to do so before they decide to search the house, we just have to assume they’ve got a search warrant. You’ll see a note of instructions which would be our cover story, just incase you get a call later from the station.

“On it.” I replied before springing into action.

Walking to the front door, Tom could almost feel their impatience. He could play it off as no one was home but his car was parked at the driveway. So they are paranoid minds won’t buy the idea that maybe he took a cab or went for a morning stroll or something.

“Hello gentlemen, how may I help you?” Tom greeted as he opened the door. “GCPD, I am officer Tallman.” The deputy introduced as he showed Tom his badge.

“How may I help you, officers?” Tom asked, having a neutral look on his face as he ran his fingers through his messy hair, and with a relaxed demeanor.

“We are here regarding last night’s incident. May I ask what took you so long to answer the door?”

“I was upstairs taking a shit, you can’t stop or rush these things. So I had to finish halfway through.” Tom replied. “Do you live alone?” Tallman asked.

“No, my roommate is upstairs playing Fortnite. What is it about last night’s incident that has you at my front door?”

“I’m afraid we have to take you into custody for now, details regarding your arrest would be provided to you at the station.”

He reached for his waist and pulled out a pair of handcuffs. “What is going on here?” I asked, walking towards the open door.

“Nothing young man. You must be the housemate.” The cop said as he gestured for Tom to show him his hands so he could cuff them.

“You could come visit your buddy at the station, am just taking him into custody for a crime he’s suspected to be an accomplice in.” The officer said as placed the cuffs on him.

“Now I know what it feels like, getting arrested for something you know nothing about. I know you are just doing your job but this sucks, I haven’t have a proper breakfast yet.” Tom said while being led to the police vehicle.

“Don’t worry, we’ll get you something at the station.” The officer replied as he opened the door. “Watch your head.” He said while directing Tom inside the car with handcuffs on.

Later that evening in an hideout far from Gotham City, a dark skinned young man on dreadlocks and with double piercings on both ears, sat on a sofa in a room that appeared to be a relaxation spot as it was filled with arcade games and other fun looking stuffs used as a means of evading boredom. “So tell me…. What happened to Stella?” He asked with a nonchalant tone as he chewed down on a slice of pizza.

“We are unsure of what happened but there’s been no feedback from her and every man sent along with her on what was supposed to be a piece of cake job according to her, are all dead.” Another answered as he threw darts at a dart board, while wearing blindfolds. Having a short silver hair and silver rings adorning each fingers on both hands.

“I can’t believe Stella went missing and there’s nothing we can do about it.” The bulky looking one chipped in, opening a can of beer he took from the fridge as he gulped it down.

“Not nothing, Arthur. there is still something we could do. But first, any information of her being captured by the police?” A female asked, dressed in an indigo colored seductive gown.

“That’s not even a possibility.” Jamie with the gold-like hair said as he chewed on a tooth pick while fondling the breast of a prostitute he wrapped his arm around. “Even if the police managed to get their hands on her, I would have heard something from our insider in the police force. Right darling? “ He added as the girl reclined into his arms, placing her head on his chest.

“How about her target, is he still alive?” Fangs, the guy on silver hair asked.

“Yes, he got arrested this morning as a suspect to the cover-up job she used to get close him openly and not allow it seem like a public assassination.”

“Then I guess it’s left to one us to go question him on what happened to her after that, before completing the job ourselves.” Fangs said as he threw his dart with blindfolds on, hitting the bulls eye with the least minimal effort.


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