As Tom made his way to the police vehicle, Gordon stood in wait of him. “You definitely took me by surprise kid, I didn’t take you for some sort of humanitarian.” Gordon said, rubbing his mustache a bit as he did so.

“I just want to give back to the community and create a better world for the present and next generation in what little ways I can.” Tom said with a slight smile across his lips.

“After what happened to me, the thought of what drives people to crime wouldn’t leave my head. The thought of the kids that lost their parents that night because of some crazy chick, and those of the officers who died at her hands.” He said, clutching his fist as he did so, his smile suddenly disappeared.

The commissioner took note of the subtle body language and thought to himself that Tom indeed had only good intentions,  and this experience had sent him into the this path. “Well, thank you for not blame it all on the police for the false accusation and being unable to protect you at our very own base. I promise we would be of good service to you whenever you need us.”

“Sure will.” Tom replied.

“At least accept my offer for protection, there would be officers watching over you and your home twenty-four seven. Just for a while and incase of another attack.” He offered, but got Tom shook his head in response. 

“I do appreciate the offer but I can assure you I’m fine and do not need protection. If I get killed then maybe that’s just my fate in this world, I believe everyone gets a death fitting to their lifestyle, position or choices which eventually leads to their death.” Tom casually said to the commissioner with a straight face and without another word, leaving him to ponder on that for a second.

“That’s deep kid, but I’ll respect your choice.” The commissioner said to Tom as he reached out his hand for an handshake, of which Tom reciprocated and they locked hands in a firm handshake.

“See you around.” The commissioner said as Tom got into the vehicle, and was drove off towards his home.

“Welcome home cowboy.” Leo welcomed, popping open two bottles of beer as he handed one over to Tom. “You shouldn’t be here right now, imagine being escorted into my home by some. They would probably wonder what the fuck Captain Cold was doing in my house, acting all chummy with me, then they’ll figure out that am buddies with criminals.” He said before chugging down a bit of beer.

“Relax, kid. I won’t jeopardize this little scheme you have going on.” Leo said to him, then they clicked bottles, toasting to his return.

“You just returned from the hospital, pump full of all kinds of medications.” Jason chipped in, grabbing himself a bottle from the pack of beer on the table.

“So...?” Tom asked, looking at him with a confused expression. “So you shouldn’t be drinking so early, dummy. You just  returned from the hospital, for a really smart guy you can be really dumb sometimes.” Jason said, sounding like some sort of elder brother.

“Chill bro, this cold beer really hits the spot on my chest. I think I might be all healed up in no time.” Tom joking said as he high fived Leo and the duo just burst into a small laughter. 

“Look at him acting all grown up.” Leo commented as Jason earned himself about round of laughter. “Do whatever you like, but don’t bother me when the alcohol fucks you up since you’re still on medication.” He said before tuning in to the news channel, knowing once Leo and Tom gets like this, there’s no stopping them until they actually wish to.

The news was still buzzing with the exposure scandal and Tom’s recovery from the shooting. “So what now?” Jason asked. “Gotham City is in a frenzy and your are now some sort of celebrity. “ He added.

“The kid’s got a point, what now Mr. Popular?” Leo asked, both looking at Tom for an answer.

“After the scandal which played out over the past few days, a few confiscated properties would be put out for auction since they were acquired illegally or built with fraudulent funds, and I’ll be acquiring a few of then legally.”

“Hmm...Then what? You’re going to go for the position of mayor once you blindside the people into seeing you as some messiah?” Jason asked with a cocked brow, a bit sceptical about where all this was leading to.

“No, not that. I’m not going into politics, just going to earn the people’s favour for now.”

“So they say you’re like some kind of saint, calling you Gotham’s messiah or something. A humanitarian with nothing but thoughts of the people in mind. Even the mayor would be jealous.” Leo analysed, stroking his chin as he did so.

“I won’t get in the bad side of the mayor or any political figure, I’d likely earn their favour. I guess I’m finally coming out my shell.” 

“Yeah, you hated attention but now you’ll are getting it from all over.” Jason commented, taking a sip from his beer.

“If only yourself from a year ago could see you now.” Leo said with a hint of sarcasm and nostalgia.

“Yeah, he wouldn’t believe he’d stray into this path at any point in time. Well, here we are.” Tom said as he opened up another bottle of beer and they all clicked their bottles one more time as they drank through the night.


[Feng Chonglin’s POV]

A man stood in the middle of an opulent office adorned with priceless collections of paintings and vases which representing the asian culture.

The man was tied up, covered in blood and bruises, he had an apple placed upon his head and an handkerchief shoved into his mouth, restricting him from speaking or screaming.

Standing in a distance across from him was the leader of the triad, also known as the Mountain Master. 

He held a knife in hand as he prepared to take aim at the apple when he was suddenly disturbed by his Vanguard who had something to report to him.

Given permission to speak after a bow, he began. “Sir, the boy survived and was discharged earlier today.” He reported, waiting for an answer.

“The kid with the white hair I sent Deadshot after?” Feng asked, still using his knife to measure up the distance from him to the apple on the victim’s head.

“Yes sir.” He replied.

“Oh, that kid. Yeah, am well aware he survived. He’s under the protection of someone I wouldn’t want to mess with, and there’s no way I could have missed it when he’s the talk of the media.” Feng replied, dropping his arm as he put his current activity on hold to look over at his subordinate who seemed like he had more to say.

“What is it?”

“Master, with your permission, I’d like to assemble a few men and go finish the job before morning.” He pressed on, wanting to complete the job the Mountain Master had requested.

“You will do no such thing.” Feng replied, looking a but agitated as he did so, throwing the knife and hitting the apple without looking to take aim. While the tied up man shivered in fear, scared it might have found its way to his head or face.

“I’m sorry.” He apologized, bowing his head to show respect.

“It’s okay, just do not go after him or make any move against him,  or else it might be the end of the triad doing business in this city.” He said as he turned over to his hostage to continue the punishment he was using as some little game.

“I understand, we the triad won’t make a move on him or hold a grudge against him for what happened.” His Vanguard said as another subordinate replaced the apple on the head of the tied up man.


Damien Wayne made his way through an amusement park late at night, walking past everything else and only stopping at the Ferris Wheel.

“You requested a meet up” A voice came from behind him, turning around only to see Jamie munching on some popcorn.

“I requested for a meet up, why pick an amusement park as the rendezvous point? Damian asked, furrowing his brows as he did so.

“Why else?” Jamie asked, earning himself a raised brow from Damien. “Because it’s fun, and I was bored. So I decided to indulge you.” He casually said.

“At our first meet, you seem to be capable like your reputation in the shadow world speaks. But a fucking bullet? Was that your lame attempt at taking care of the target?” Damien disrespectfully asked.

“Now am beginning to think otherwise.” Damien said with disappointment in his voice.

“Watch your tongue kid, I could kill you without batting an eye.” Jamie said with an intimidating tone, his demeanor suddenly switching to a menacing one.

‘What’s his deal? He’s suddenly scarier than before.’ Damien thought to himself as his eyes widened. “My legs won’t move...Is this some kind of mind trick? No it’s not, it’s something else.’

“So, what is it you wanted to talk about? If it isn’t worth my time, I might as well just kill you, hopefully you entertain me a bit before you die.” Jamie said, his demeanor and expression suddenly reverted to a neutral one. 

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