Due to the arrest of the crime lords and a couple of corrupt politicians, their territories was free for the taking. Actually for those who could claim it without oppositions, or else another war might begin due to the power vacuum which it had led to.

As Ghost, I secured a few territories for myself and gifted some others to other crime lords who have been diligent in their obedience to my commands and instructions, leaving the rest for others to fight over.

I might be greedy, but not too greedy to not leave bread crumbs for the hungry to fight over. That’s how I  get to scout out individuals with potentias, and could be of good use to me in Gotham’s underbelly. 

I was currently dressed up and on my way to see the Mayor who asked for me to see him so he officially apologize to me for what had happened. He probably saw the news and must have been advised to get on good terms with me after my declaration to helping the city in whatever way I could.

Leo drove me over, acting as my driver while Jason acted as my body guard since we didn’t really trust any other person enough to take on those posts.

“So you’re going to be buddy-buddy with the mayor, huh. Maybe we could rob the city blind at the end of it all.” Leo remarked, always thinking like a thief and that’s one reason I like him so much, always looking at the bigger picture. 

While Jason just acted like he didn’t hear any of that, he wasn’t interested in it at all, so long as harmful crimes in Gotham City heavily depreciates. Like he’s always wanted since he took the mantle of becoming a vigilante. 

After a while on the road, we arrived at out destination  Leo stayed behind since he could be arrested on sight if officers were present. It would definitely be odd to see Captain Cold approaching the mayor, it’d absolutely seem like he was up to no good.

“See how restrictive it is when you decide to become a criminal without a mask?” Jason taunted as he followed it with a mocking laughter, while Leo just glanced at him, seeming unaffected by that.

“Without his Captain Cold’s goggles, they wouldn’t recognize him. But we can’t be too careful, a couple of officers present might recognize him from his file.” I clarified before we headed in.

His secretary led me to his office and knocked on the door before opening it. Jase stayed outside while I proceeded inside.

As I stepped into the mayor of Gotham City’s office, I couldn’t help but take in the grandeur of the space. The office was adorned with the American flag, proudly displayed behind the mayor’s desk. Pictures of past and present presidents lined the walls, alongside a few framed certificates and awards, hinting at a long and distinguished career.

“Welcome, Mr. Hendricks,” the mayor greeted me warmly as we exchanged a firm handshake. “Thanks for having me, Mr. Mayor. I have to say, it’s an honor,” I replied, trying my best to sound humble and modest in first impression.

“Please, have a seat,” the mayor offered, gesturing towards a comfortable chair positioned right across his imposing desk. The mayor’s demeanor was a mix of professionalism and approachability, a testament to his years of service to the city.

The desk itself was meticulously organized, with stacks of papers neatly arranged, a sign of the mayor’s attention to detail. A nameplate engraved with “Mayor Thomas Winters” sat prominently in front of him, a reminder of the person behind the position.

As we began our conversation, I mentioned my intentions of acquiring a couple of properties of which he had second thoughts about. 

“I do appreciate the offer to get them out of our hands and back in service Mr. Hendricks, but unfortunately we cannot do this behind closed doors. An auction would be held this time next month and everyone would get the chance to bid on their various choices, the properties bought would be legalized and the money goes into the city’s account.” He said, trying to play the fair and just mayor card.

“I know Mr. Mayor, and I will be bidding for a couple of properties myself.  I just wish to inform you before hand, I’m quite interested in a few of them. Especially the hospital.”

“That would come at a steep price. Why the hospital if I may ask?” He asked out of curiosity, taking a closer look at me as he awaited an answer from me.

As you’re well aware, that hospital although built with illegal funds and unable to function with its major share holders in jail, saved my life about a week ago. I’d hate for it to shut down when there’s something I could do.” I replied.

“Oh, I see. For sentimentality.” He remarked.

Not at all. I’m only alive today because that hospital was near by. Imagine how many people might end up in urgent need of a doctor but is unable to reach one in time because this particular one closer to them had shut down.” I stood up, walking to the window to take a look outside as I continued.

“Imagine the doctors and nurses, cleaners, receptionist and every worker who would lose their job because of this. I’m only buying a few private properties and focusing more on establishments which would lead to a massive rate of unemployment if it shuts down.” I justified, knowing those establishments would also rake in some good amount of cash, and cost of running the establishments and maintenance wasn’t an issue.

“That’s what I have been worried about, because a lot of people would lose their jobs if their workplace shuts down.” The mayor said, letting out a sigh but nodded in agreement.

Walking back to my seat, I comfortably sat down before proceeding. “An higher rate of unemployment leads to poverty and starvation. Which eventually breeds criminals, out of desperation they would seek for whatever means to provide for themselves and their families.” I elaborated, painting a picture which showed him a version of Gotham City that might be worse than back when crime was more rampant during Joker’s time .

“You make a solid argument.” He said, stroking his chin. “And crime rate was just beginning to subside.” He lamented. “But do you have the funds and means  to run and maintain them after purchasing them?” He asked, worried of the establishments going bankrupt after a while.

“Of course I do.” I confidently replied.

“How so? You’re just a young man heading towards his mid twenties.” 

“ Let’s just say I invested my money in the right places and financially I am more than stable.” This alone would make him a bit suspicious of me and might ask the police to look into me some more and my source of income, but it didn’t matter because I’ve already laid the ground work and they would find nothing out of the ordinary that might incriminate me or make me lose face.

“Okay, we’ll get back to that some other time. For now let’s have a drink to celebrate you health and cheers to a new era for Gotham City.” He said as he poured me a glass of whiskey.


On their way back home, Tom fill in both Leo and Jase on how the meeting went. Providing them with detail as to how much he discussed with the Mayor and all about the auction.

As Leo drove on, they reached a traffic light and had to stop since it was a red light.  

Not too far away but just about the right distance from Tom’s vehicle, Fang and Charlotte watched as the car got into position. It stopped next to a tanker they had planted at a safe parking space, but there were about three tanks in different locations. 

All three was in the shape of a triangle, leaving Tom’s car and other vehicles in the middle. “It’s time.” Charlotte said as she opened her right palm and red hot flames manifested right above it.

“Okay, now let’s get this over with.” Fang said and brought out three silver coins, having them float in the air as she immediately heat them up so they were as hot as a bullet.

“That’s enough.” He said as he shot all three red hot coins at the gas filled tankers. Immediately the traffick light turned green, the area was engulfed in flames from a sudden explosion.

“Now that’s a way to go out, with a big bang.” Fang muttered as he looked upon the mushroom cloud from the explosion, as they were out of range from the shockwaves.


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