A/N: Guess who's back and now a graduate, that's right.....Me!

Thank you all for your patience so far. Let's proceed.


The distant sound of sirens filled the air, announcing the incoming cops while Tom and Jamie stood with locked eyes.

“ Apart from that creepy smile of yours, I don’t see what’s so special about you that had my colleagues dying off like flies against a spoilt brat such as yourself.” Jamie mused aloud with squinting eyes. “Especially not Fangs.” He added.

“Spoilt brat huh, funny coming from someone who looks to be the same age as me.” Tom brushed his hand across the side of his lips, whipping off a bit of blood.

“I’d like to take my time to end things with you right here and now but I doubt the cops will allow it. Also, you’ve seen my face and I can’t possibly risk having my identity exposed, so you and that vigilante over there have to die."

His manner of speaking sounded so casual, but there were lingering hints of seriousness in his tone.

“Fuck the police.” Tom lunged forward with incredible speed as he punched Jamie through the fence wall of his yard, reciprocating the blow dealt on him earlier.

He tapped on his wrist watch and he was immediately covered with nanotech, fully geared up as Ace right before Jamie who wondered what trick Tom was about to pull while he got on his feet.

Before Jamie knew what was happening, Ace was right in front of him and he landed another blow which dropped Jamie on the pavement of the road.

Ace took a paused then stared at the palm of both hands with slight confusion, his powers weren’t working right.

He tried pulling Jamie towards him but his telekinesis didn’t seem to be effective, same as the power punched he had thrown but they seemed ineffective.

Jamie got on his feet with a smile on his face. “Something wrong?” The sarcasm in his voice hinted he was responsible for what Ace was experiencing.

“Nothing to concern yourself with.” Ace replied as both rushed towards each other. Ace threw a punch which Jamie easily dodged with a sudden duck, then landed an upper cut which lifted Ace from the ground before dropping on his back.

Jamie followed his attack with a kick to the gut, of which sent Ace crashing into a building across the street. Three police vehicles arrived at the scene of which officers took cover behind their car doors and with their guns trained at Jamie.

“Freeze, hands up in the air.” An officer shouted at Jamie who rose both hands in the air to show he was unarmed.

“Get down on your knees.” Another officer shouted, Jamie complied with the order and three officers cautiously approached him.

As one of the officers reached for the handcuffs on his belt, Jamie sprang up to his feet and speedily disarmed two as he shot the third on his chest.

The remaining officers opened fire and Jamie accelerated towards them as he weaved around the fired bullets, dodging each of them with precision then fired shots at the others shooting from behind the their cover.

As Ace made his way out of the building, he looked to the streetlight by the road and reached out his hand to it. The pole wigged a bit before being pulled towards him. “My powers seem fine.” He muttered while assessing himself.

In the midst of the heated fire, Ace seemed to appear out of nowhere as he slammed the metal pole against Jamie’s side. The force from the swing sent him crashing against the windscreen of a parked vehicle by the street.

Upon seeing Ace, the officers were sent into panic mode and shot at him while also requesting for backup.

Ace paid them no mind as he closed in on Jamie who had a smile on his face like he was starting to have fun. The bullets fired at Ace were rebounded back at their shooters, making their way through the body of the police vehicles, while some were through the bodies of the officers themselves.

 “That’s the spirit, kill anyone who dares to interfere.” Jamie sounded a bit excited as he engaged Ace. They traded blow for blow, each punch of theirs carried similar weight likely to that of a super soldier.

Ace’s punches were meant to be comparable to that of a Kryptonian since he amplifies the vector forces behind every blow, but they continuously got nullified the very instant they made contact with Jamie.

Jamie clearly had the upper hand in their fight since he was a skilled and experienced fighter, but mainly because Ace couldn’t analyze him to combat his attacks with his deflective field which was ineffective against everyone of Jamie’s attack.

He got Ace off balance and kicked him into the main road, of which he got hit by an incoming truck. The vehicle took heavy damage but Ace appeared to be perfectly fine.

Only direct attacks from Jamie were effective. On this note, he lifted the truck up in the air and quickly hurled it right at Jamie.

Jamie leaped over the incoming truck which exploded upon impact with the ground, affecting everyone and anything within the area as smoke engulfed the region.

The shockwave from the explosion sent Jamie off balance and Ace took the opportunity to fly up in the air and grabbed him by neck, attempting to electrocute him until he was too weak to fight back.

But the instant he laid hands on Jamie, he also began to fall back to the ground as if his powers were rendered void. So he settled on slamming Jamie against the wall of a nearby building.

Jamie maneuvered in midair and landed feet first against the building, as Ace’s feet made contact with the ground he darted right at Jamie who did the same.

They engaged one another but Ace was the one sent flying back to the ground, and crashing against the hood of a moving car belonging to a civilian who was trying to escape the mercy of those two, it’s tires screeched against the ground due to the sudden stop.

Ace looked into the vehicle and saw the unconscious driver who was bleeding from his head which was leaned against an airbag, then looked back to see Jamie taking accelerated steps towards him.

He stumped his foot on the ground and a spear made of rock carved out from the earth and it levitated up to knee level, then hurled it at Jamie with great force and precision. It moved so quickly across the air that Jamie was almost unable to dodge it on time, so he reached out his right arm to shield himself.

The spear seemed to hit an invincible wall right before it could come in direct contact with his hand, then it crumbled back to mere chunks of earth.

“He does negate my abilities.” Ace muttered with a sly smirk. With confirmation to this, he had gotten a perfect understanding of Jamie’s powers and an idea of how to put an end to their little cat and mouse situation came to him.

“It’s impossible to see your face behind that mask of yours, but I can tell you’re having as much fun as I am.” Jamie stated with a mischievous smile on his face, then darted at Ace with superhuman like speed.

Ace lowered himself and placed both hands on the ground, he proceeded to pull down the towering building right behind Jamie. The building wasted no time to crumble as Ace influenced the speed of its decomposed foundations and direction of its fall towards him and Jamie who was headed right at him.

The idea was to grab and negate Ace’s powers and see how he might fare against an attack of he’s own doing.

Ace made a cut of the road pavement along with the ground like he was peeling the top layer of the earth over a wide area as he made a wall right in front and elevated towering walls at either sides of Jamie who leaped off into the air in attempt of jumping over the bolder, but was met with a descending tanker.

A large and rolling bolder in front of him, a building that was close to squatting him like a bug right behind and above him, then a tanker falling to send him right back to the ground just at the point of he’s escape.

At the heat of the moment, Jamie made contact with the falling tanker and ran along it’s body as he jumped over the bolder which was about crushing him. Luckily for him he made it in time and the building smashed the tanker which led to an explosion that was contained by the building and the elevated earth walls.

Jamie rolled along the ground and up to his feet, so as to kill the momentum from his fall.

“That was cutting it quite close.” Jamie wasn’t expecting Ace to pull up some kind of trap but wanted an head on fight against him. Suddenly, a third party joined their little gathering.

“Who are you and what do you think you’re doing to my city.” The tone of a stern and serious voice came from behind, Jamie turned around to see the Caped Crusader and Nightwing behind him and ready to fight.

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