The Gotham PD took immediate actions and made preparations to evacuate and seal off the area where Jamie was currently caught in with the heroes.

“Fuck, not these clowns who like to play dress up.” Jamie sounded disappointed upon seeing both heroes, then glanced around in search of Ace.

“Stand down, you’ve caused enough damage to this city already.” Nightwing warned, taking on a stance as both carefully observed his every move while he got to his feet.

“Shouldn’t you two be in bed?” Ace voice came from the top of the rubbles of the collapsed building. “You should go back to your cave and not butt into other people’s business.” He added.

“He’s not alone.” Batman informed Nightwing as he took a firmer stance. His mind and body remembered what happened the last time he confronted Ace, and this had him even more alert than he was with Jamie.

“There you are. I was starting to think you’ve abandoned your play mate, lil ol’ me.” Jamie remarked upon seeing Ace, not paying mind to the vigilante heroes who had confronted him.

“Don’t even think of making any stupid move blondie.” Nightwing seemed cautious of Jamie already, but didn’t know where he stood with Ace. Normally Ace was branded a criminal but he was of great help to them heroes against Darksied.

“You two need to stand down.” Batman said to them both, not wanting to instigate anything that might lead to Ace engaging them in a fight.

“Or what? You’ll make us?” Ace replied with clear sarcasm as Jamie burst into a laugh, fully aware there was no way the two could.

Batman squinted his eyes upon Ace’s remark but said nothing in response. “You both should return back to your cave, there’s nothing to see here. Just two dudes trying to kill each other, and having fun while doing so.” Ace added, then dropped down from the top pile of rubbles.

“Then take it out of the city, you both are causing more damage than a natural disaster might do.” Batman was surprised to see some kid was actually going toe-to-toe with Ace who staged Superman in a fight.

“Get out, like right now.” Nightwing added, pulling out his escrima sticks to solidify his stance as they crackled with electricity.

“Huh, you think you could win against me in a fight with tasers?” Jamie’s laugh at this was clearly sarcastic as it seemed like a bad joke to him. “Put down those sticks lil man, before you hurt yourself.” Jamie added, suddenly sounding a bit serious.

“Do not engage him.” Batman warned Nightwing, still cautious as to what Ace might do since he had always been unpredictable and difficult to read even when he often appeared carefree.

Police choppers hovered above the air and shun its bright light upon Ace and Jamie since they were responsible for the destruction of the city that evening and with the Bat attempting to diffuse the situation.

Nightwing knew better than to disobey Batman’s orders but something about Jamie’s personality just ticked him the wrong way, yet he refrained from engaging. “That’s right, listen to your Bat daddy little bird.” Jamie chipped at him with a taunting remark, pushing his buttons some more.

“Ha...Good one.” Ace weighed on with a laugh. Nightwing who was often cool and collected on and off duty, was starting to get pissed off by Jamie who seemed too comfortable regarding his situation.

“Don’t let him get to you.” Batman yet again tried to calm his brewing temper. “Members of the Justice League just made their way into Gotham in response to your summon, and will be there any minute now.” Alfred's voice reverberated through their coms.

“This has nothing to do with me and doesn’t interest me.” Jamie said as he turned to Ace. “I’ll be going now, but will be back to pick up from where we left off and end things once and for all.” He added before attempted to leave the scene.

“What’s wrong blondie, are you scared? That’s right, run with your tail between your legs, back to the little shit hole you crawled out from.” Nightwing pushed back in hopes of buying enough time for the league to arrive and arrest both of them for their crimes that evening, especially Ace who’s been declared wanted for a long while now.

“Say what, bird boy?” Jamie stopped in his track, then turned around with a playful smirk on his face. “You heard me...” Before anyone knew it, Nightwing was sent flying off by a punch to the face as he crashed against the side of a vehicle which was already upside down.

“Nightwing!” Batman called out to him as he dropped to the ground, holding on to his side while groaning a bit. “That was fast.” Nightwing muttered as he picked up his escrima sticks, clearly phased by Jamie’s unbelievable speed of which he was able to avoid the first blow but unable dodge the second one even with his quick reflexes.

Jamie took a casual step forward, then paused to look upon Nightwing like he lost interest in any attempt of a follow-up attack. But instantly launched himself at Nightwing with a clenched fist.

Batman shut his grapple hook to grab Jamie’s leg and stop him on his tracks but Ace influenced its trajectory so it make a U-turn and straight at Batman who dodged it on time. Jamie released his blow but a ghostly green wall manifested between him and he’s target.

Batman was a bit relieved to see that, but to their greatest surprise, Jamie’s fist broke through the wall like glass and landed a solid blow against Nightwing's chest as he once again collided with the vehicle behind him and pushing it further with every blow dealt by Jamie’s continuous assaults.

A green chain wrapped around him and stopped the barrage of blows against Nightwing who coughed out a bit of blood, but he was unable to catch his breath for long as the chains also shattered before their eyes.

‘So he’s also able to negate the power of the Lantern’s ring, that’s quite interesting.’ Ace thought to himself as he continued to study Jamie’s powers, even though he had thought of a reasonable weakness already.

This time around Nightwing was able to counter Jamie’s attacks and landed a couple of blows himself, at first they seemed evenly matched as they traded blows but on closer look Jamie had a more superior strength and speed.

Green Lantern was shocked to see his presumably solid constructs shatter like glass before his eyes, then flew down to Batman’s side. “Who’s that kid and how can he do that?” He asked Batman, yet kept an eye on Ace who so far hadn’t made any sort of move.

Wonder Woman and Cyborg also arrived at the scene but Superman and Martian Manhunter wasn’t available due to some mission off world.

“Surrender.” Wonder Woman commanded as she interrupted their fight with a blow against Jamie. Pushed back into a distance, he looked around to see he was outnumbered by the heroes.

The wise call was to make an immediate retreat but his team members were all dead and there’s no telling when next he might get the chance to have as much fun as he was having at the moment.

“Remember, you were warned against acting in discordance to the rules shown to you and now you would be dealt accordingly.” Wonder Woman announced to Ace who stood surrounded by Batman, Cyborg and Green Lantern.

“You agreed to some rules by these monkeys playing dress up?” Jamie questioned Ace with a doubtful tone, convinced there was no way someone as free as he was, could ever coincide with the heroes or conform to some set of rules.

“I literally told them to go fuck themselves in the ass with their so-called law.” Ace replied, not wanting a fight with the league because it wasn’t profitable to him in anyway but they were there to take him in for the breach to some law he never agreed to.

“Seems you have no intentions of peacefully coming with us.” Cyborg stated the obvious, his laser gun trained at Ace.

“Of course not.” Ace replied, still sounding very relaxed with little to no regard to his situation as they all took their battle stance in preparation to engage him.

“Then we have no choice but to use force on you both.” Wonder Woman held up her shield and sword in each hand.

“Of course you all have the choice of letting me go, but you hide behind your hypocritical sense of justice as some reason to bring me into custody.” Ace winked at Jamie who was waiting to confirm if they were fighting off the interrupting heroes, or retreating for the time being so they put an end to things some other time.

“Justice League, subdue them and bring both into custody. Use lethal force if necessary.” Wonder Woman commanded before darting at Ace with her sword in hand.

Green Lantern saw this as an opportunity to get back at Ace for what he did to him at their last confrontation, while Cyborg also readied himself to fight against Ace the avowed Tyrant, leaving Jamie to mercy of the Bat duo.

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