Gotham PD was working overtime as they tried to clear out the area because it was about turning into a battle ground. They knew Ace was really strong and wouldn’t accept defeat at the hands of the League without putting up one hell of a fight.

Vicki Vale, ever the intrepid journalist, saw this as the opportunity of a lifetime. She maneuvered her way through the chaotic scene, her cameraman trailing close behind, capturing every moment with a ready lens. Vale’s determination to get the scoop before any other media outlet drove her forward, her instincts finely tuned to seize the story amidst the bedlam.

The pair approached a hastily constructed police barricade, manned by stern-faced officers who were not about to let a reporter through. “Sorry, Miss Vale, but this area is restricted. You’ll need to step back,” one officer barked, his voice barely audible over the din of sirens and shouting.

Undeterred, Vicki signaled to her cameraman and ducked around the barricade, slipping into an area marked off-limits. This zone, though currently devoid of action, was perilously close to where the battle could spill over at any moment.

Taking a moment to adjust her dress and smooth her hair, Vicki positioned herself in front of the camera, her eyes sparkling with a mix of excitement and nerves. As the red light on the camera blinked on, she began her live report with professional poise.

“Good evening, everyone,” she greeted, her voice steady yet charged with energy. “This is Vicki Vale, reporting live from Gotham City. Tonight, we find ourselves in the midst of an unfolding confrontation between the Justice League and the infamous criminal known as Ace the Tyrant, who appears to be accompanied by an unknown ally.”

The camera panned across the scene, capturing glimpses of the Justice League members—Batman’s silhouette darting between shadows, Wonder Woman’s golden lasso gleaming in the night as she engaged Ace. This had everyone wondering why Superman wasn’t present that evening.

As Vicki continued, the intensity of the battle in the distance became evident. Explosions of light and sound echoed through the streets, and the ground occasionally trembled from the force of the combat. 

“The League is pulling out all the stops to subdue Ace the Tyrant, whose reputation for strength and resilience is well-known. The League’s action against Ace could lead to diversity amongst the people as there are those who consider the man known as a Tyrant, to actually be an hero.”


Batman and Nightwing worked as a dynamic duo in their fight against Jamie who was so dexterous that he was able to evade most of their synchronized attacks, while also making counters in the process. 

On most attacks Batman went high while Nightwing attacked low, yet Jamie was able to avoid their attacks most of the time but was unable to a couple of them which he had to defend against while the others made attacks from the opposite direction.

Nightwing, wielding his electrified escrima sticks, launched into a precise combo, delivering a jolt that numbed Jamie’s senses. Simultaneously, Batman’s uppercut combined with Nightwing’s sweeping kick aimed to destabilize their adversary. Jamie, however, performed a flawless backflip, narrowly avoiding their attacks, only to be confronted by a barrage of hurled batarangs, which he skillfully dodged.

"I think you would have to do a bit more than that," Nightwing remarked, impressed yet frustrated by Jamie's agility.

“I did,” Batman replied coldly, as the missed batarangs exploded behind Jamie, sending him off balance. Seizing the opportunity, Batman and Nightwing launched another synchronized attack.


While they double teamed Jamie, Ace was faced with a 3V1 fight as Wonder Woman lunged herself towards him with her sword making way to stab through him.

Ace subtly used his telekinesis to influence her movement and drew her in closer than she intended to, then stepped forward as he delivered a blow to her gut which he followed with a side kick against her rib as it precipitated her away from his presence. 

Green Lantern covered up with Cyborg in a synchronized attack from up in the air as they both shot lasers at him, of which he easily dodged the beams and speedily made his way behind Cyborg.

He grabbed onto his mechanical hand which had transformed into a laser gun, then ripped it right out of its circuit before kicking Cyborg far into the city.

Wonder Woman recovered as Ace made way to Green Lantern who constructed a gigantic fist with sharp knuckled ends, then went on to throw the blow right at Ace.

It shattered like glass on impact and Ace wasted no time in grabbing hold of his neck, then restricted him from making not even the slightest movement. “Of everyone here, I have to say you’re the most useless one here.” Ace taunted with a cold chill to his voice as if irritated by Green Lantern’s very presence.

With just a thought he pulled the Lantern ring and it led to Green Lantern changing back to his basic form of an ordinary human. Ace held the ring between his thumb and index finger in a pinch gesture as he waved it in front of him.

“You don’t get it do you?” He rhetorically asked, looking Hal in the eye as he spoke. “You are nothing without your ring, just a man playing dress up because of some magical voodoo ring.” 

Ace ended his disparaging speech with a blow to the gut, breaking a couple of his ribs in the process as he proceeded with a series of abusive and relentless assaults. 

Wonder Woman was airborne and approached at a remarkable speed, ready to smash Ace’s face with as much brute force as she could muster that moment,  so close to executing  her attack,  Ace hurled a wounded Hal right at her.

She was forced to abort her immediate action and cautiously caught her team mate. She descended to the ground below as she softly dropped him at the corner of a building of which he leaned against the wall, battered and bruised.

Wonder Woman returned to the fight in order to face Ace, only to see Cyborg was being turned into a tin can, ripped apart in multiple ways. Nightwing was on the ground and unconscious while Batman continued to battle on with Jamie who had a wild grin on his face as he continued to fight Batman, trading blow for blow while they tried to get the best of each other with every strike.

“Ace and his companion seem to have the upper hand over the League members who came to diffuse the situation this evening.” Vicki expressed as the camera struggled to capture fractures of the brawl that evening. 

Wonder Woman approached Ace with her Lasso in hand. “I see I would have to get a lot more physical with you, it just so happens that I’m not against hitting women, gender equality and all.” Ace spoke to her like she had no chance against him and the feeling of inferiority angered her a lot more.

“I wouldn’t be so sure if I were you, Amazon warriors are known to be very physical.” Wonder Woman replied before charging in for a blow of which Ace easily evaded with a side step as her power packed fist missed his face.

She quickly shifted her weight and went for an uppercut which was also evaded, and with her other arm she went for his leg with her Lasso whip. Ace stumped on the whip, grabbed onto it and pulled her towards him with great strength. 

He drove his fist deep into her gut, almost like he hoped to squash her spleen in the process. She bent over while holding onto her abdomen but before she could recover from that, he gave her a direct blow to her face which sent her to the ground as she somersaulted along the grounds until she crashed into the wall of a building.

With amplified acceleration, Ace speedily flew after her quicker than the average human eye could see. She composed herself and got to her feet, Ace was right in front of her and he seized her by the face.

He proceeded to smash the back of her head against the cracked wall and it burst right through, he didn’t stop there but kept flying forward while continuously bashing her head through each wall until they were out of the building.

He went on to repeat the same with two other buildings as she struggled to free herself from his grasp.

He did this so quickly that both eye witnesses and spectators present, only saw a blurry figure of him bashing Wonder Woman through the three residential buildings.

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