[Tom Hendricks POV] 

After my successful theft and awkward encounter with Raven, I was finally back home and was putting the finishing touch on my program. The software I "borrowed" from Palmer Technologies made the process a whole lot easier. I used the term borrowed because I only made a copy of my own and did not make an attempt to delete all traces of the file from their server. I have to admit, it was just too tempting to pass up. What? I'm not some heartless dude who derived pleasure from kicking people into the cold corners of depression as I erased their life's work. 

After some tweaking and coding I was finally done with the AI, in short my personal butler. While it functioned as a customer service website, it's now able to compute human emotions and updates itself according to the amount of knowledge and information that's passed through the internet. There was no longer a need for me to answer questions that were too complex for it to answer itself because of the lack of human understanding it lacked. Honestly I just hope I didn't mistakenly just created Ultron in the DC verse. 

I ran a few tests on it so I could confirm the limits of its knowledge, but there was no limit. I gave it a female voice but with a British accent, just for the fun of it and for my personal liking to the accents of the Brits. 

I also installed a security program and a few speakers in my place, in case there was an intruder it'll alert me immediately. My AI was in charge of the security and if there was a breaking, it'll alert me no matter where I was in the house and only to me. 

There was no need announcing an intruder alert and informing the intruder that we know about your presence, no that's dumb as fuck if you asked me. I'd rather get informed then  take my intruder by surprise["surprise motherfucker"], almost as if I was waiting for them, then make them pay painfully for their insolence. 

I couldn't shake off the feeling that my home was vulnerable to burglars, and I wasn't going to take any chances. So, I took matters into my own hands and installed flat metal rods through the walls, connecting them to my windows, doorknob, and even a metal-plated foot mat at the front of my door. This shit was gonna be Home Alone all over again, if there were just normal burglars and I was in the mood to have some fun. 

I faced a dilemma: how would I manage to keep my AI program with me at all times? I couldn't rely on my phone, and wearing a headpiece all the time was impractical. My options were limited to a smartwatch or a pair of smart glasses, complete with built-in speakers and visual displays - just like Iron Man. Fuck it, why not go for both. 

What I loved about this world was their level of technological advancement. With the incredible brain I was blessed with after my transmigration, nothing was beyond my reach. The possibilities were endless, it was as if I had been given a blank canvas and an infinite palette of colors to work with.  

I turned to the only place where anything could be found for sale: the dark web. With a few clicks, I found vendors selling the exact parts I needed for my latest gadgets. It was exhilarating to know that, with just a bit of sleuthing, I could access a whole new world of technology. After placing my order and paying for the parts, I turned my attention to programming and mapping out how I wanted my new system to work. It was a labor of love, tinkering with every aspect until I had created the perfect setup.

As I awaited the delivery of the parts, I felt a sense of anticipation, knowing that soon I would be able to bring my creation to life. The dark web may have been a risky place to search, but the rewards were worth it for someone like me who would do whatever was needed so I could get what I wanted. 

The next day, my eagerly awaited package arrived, and I dived straight into building both the smartwatch and smart glasses. It was a complex task, and I worked tirelessly for a week to ensure that everything was perfect. The smartwatch was designed as a support system for my AI program, which was the main installation. Meanwhile, the glasses appeared as a discreet earbud that I could wear on my left ear. The device had two sets of buttons - one in the middle and another at the bottom.

The button in the middle was designed for answering calls with a single click, while a double click allowed me to communicate with my AI assistant. As for the button at the bottom, if held for more than five seconds, it would transform the earbud into a comfortable pair of glasses that would sit snugly on my face. 

The glasses were already a technological masterpiece, capable of functions like clear and sunglasses, binoculars, night vision, heat vision, and x-ray. It could even detect things on different light spectrums, giving me a whole new level of vision. Damn it was the whole package, at first I thought I was getting carried away but this was too juicy to not go all out. 

Despite the impressive features of the glasses, I knew there was still room for more. However, I decided to focus on perfecting what I had created so far before adding more features. As for the watch, it was equally impressive, boasting features like a laser, a short-range EMP that affected my surroundings but not my personal gadgets, and the ability to hack into nearby devices and copy data on my command. 

I guess I've finally taken a step into the tech world. I could make more of these and sell them for high profits but I don't like sharing my toys. It's mine and mine alone. 

A figure stood lurking in the dark as if pondering on something like his mind was occupied with thoughts as he plotted and schemed on how to go about his latest job. The moon shone through the window, casting an eerie light that illuminated the room in an eerie, ghostly way. He took a step forward as the moonlight revealed his mask, and it was none other than the man who would definitely send chills down the spine of the likes of someone such as the Boogeyman himself. 

Deathstroke stood in the shadows, his mask hiding his face as he read through the details of his new job. Certain people in high places were not happy with the new developments in Gotham, and they had hired him to take care of the problem - by assassinating the man known only as 'Ghost'.

As a highly skilled mercenary and assassin, Deathstroke was no stranger to this kind of work. But something about this job made him uneasy. He had heard rumors about Ghost - that he was a shadowy figure, almost impossible to track down. And if the people at the top were willing to pay this much to have him eliminated, then he must be a real threat to their operations.

Gotham City was infamous for its crime families and top bosses who always found themselves in legal trouble. But they had a secret weapon - a group of individuals who could make evidence disappear and help them evade jail time, the men at the top. These shadowy figures had long enjoyed a steady flow of income from their criminal clientele. However, lately, the cash flow had begun to dry up at an alarming rate.

They had their men investigate the cause of it and the result they got was that there was someone else who was helping those people to escape the  watchful eye of the law while they carried out their operations, someone who made transportation of illegal goods seem like a cake walk, he made stealing from the most secure buildings seem like child's play, he cooked up plans and schemes that made crime seem like checkers to him while others had been playing chess.

The situation prompted them to turn to Deathstroke, a highly skilled mercenary who they believed was the perfect candidate to handle the task of locating and eliminating the troublesome individual.

"Locating this individual will undoubtedly be a challenging task, but the effort will be worthwhile," Deathstroke remarked, his hand stroking his chin as he gazed into the empty darkness with his one good eye. "Given that he leaves no traceable trail, the only way to begin is by offering him a job. If he accepts, I can use that as a starting point to track down his whereabouts." 

He knew it wouldn't be easy to meet with him face to face. Ghost was a mysterious figure who tried to play God as he used pawns for his bidding, elusive and reclusive, and even Mr. Falcone couldn't coax him out of hiding. But Deathstroke had an idea. He needed to set a trap so irresistible, so cunning, that Ghost would have no choice but to show himself. And once he did, he would be at his Mercy.

"This was it - a chance to finally uncover the identity of the elusive man who had managed to evade all those who had attempted to track him down," Deathstroke muttered in a serious tone as he removed his mask, revealing his white hair and eye patch while maintaining a focused glare on his face as he continued. "It was a high-stakes game, and the outcome was uncertain, but I had a plan and was prepared to see it through. In this line of work, risks were a necessary component of success, and I was willing to take the necessary chances to achieve my goal."


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