A/N: Watsup fam! I apologize for not posting yesterday, I was really occupied and cornered by a lot of work to the point that I couldn't even upload a chapter. With an apologetic heart, here's today's chapter everyone. 


After successfully completing my new AI and gadgets, I felt a celebratory drink was in order. I hopped on my customized motorcycle and headed to Tin Roof Bar, a place I hadn't visited in a while due to being preoccupied with my project. It was reminiscent of a scientist who spends a month locked up in a lab, solely focused on completing their work. 

Upon arriving at the bar, I was immediately met with the familiar smell of alcohol and cigarettes. The place was bustling as usual, and Selina, the bartender, looked as alluring as ever. Although she wasn't wearing anything revealing, her captivating aura was undeniable.

"Hey stranger." She said with a smile while leaning onto the bar before lacing her fingers together and rested her chin on them, as I approached the bar and took a seat right in front of her. 

"Hey beautiful, how have you been?" I asked as I noticed she seemed to be actually happy to see me. 

"Been good, I didn't see you for a whole week. I was beginning to worry about you."

"Well I've been busy with some work. You could have called, you know." 

"But I don't have your number." She said in a flirty tone, her body language accommodating her approach. 

"Oh, my bad. Why don't you give me yours and when I call, then you'll have my number." I said in a flirty tone as I reached for my pocket and handed her my phone. I know it sounded cheesy but in my head that sounded like a cool way to ask her for her number. 

"That was really smooth Tommy." She said with a smirk on her lips. "Okay fine." Selina reached for my phone which I had extended to her and she input her digits. 

With my phone in her hand, I heard another phone ring from the same section. It wasn't hard to figure out that it was Selina's, the meowing was a dead giveaway. She handed me back my phone, but not until she dialed the number. 

"Really?" I asked as I gave her a plain look. 

"I take whatever I want sweetie, I don't enjoy waiting." She said as she let out a small chuckle. I had a feeling like someone was staring at me, like they could have literally bore a hole in my back with their glare. 

"Well if that's what you say then I guess it couldn't be helped, I came to drink so pass me a glass of scotch." I said to her as before, turning my back on the bar and observing the surroundings as casually as I could. I first saw a man who glared at me as if I had taken something precious from him. Immediately our eyes met, he jolted in shock and turned away. I guess he might have been crushing on Selina and was jealous of how close we seemed. 

But something else drew my attention. I noticed a few people who frequently stole barely noticeable glances at me but made it not seem obvious and as subtle as they could. There was no way I would have noticed if not for my paranoid mind and the man who was sitting at a section that gave me a noticeable sight of them. 

Turning back to the bar, I saw Selina who seemed to have noticed their subtle stare. With a glass of scotch in my hand and asked her,"Do you know who they are?" I took a sip from my glass and awaited her answer as she mused at each of them, but without drawing attention with her gaze. 

"No, I haven't seen them around here before. They might be new though, but they came in here a few minutes after you came in."

"It's either they followed me, or it's all just a big coincidence. As if, coincidences are rare in this world, especially in a town like Gotham." I took a sip, dropping my bottle on the table. I continued with a tone which seemed like I was excited to know who my stalkers were. "Well I guess we just have to find out."u stood up and walked out of the bar like I hadn't noticed anything out of the ordinary. 

I stopped by my bike and waited but no one showed, I called Selina and she said they didn't even move a muscle. What a let down, I was thinking I'll get to have some fun, anyway, maybe some other time when they grow some balls. 

I mounted my motorcycle, its engine roaring to life beneath me. As I accelerated down the open road, the stunning sunset scenery of Gotham surrounded me, painting the sky with vibrant hues of orange and pink. 


"Intruder alert, intruder alert, intruder alert."  The words that came from a small speaker by Tom's bedside. His AI woke him up from his deep slumber with an intruder alert. Tom woke up and was willing to play with his intruder a little bit, he thought maybe it was the guys from the bar earlier. But his AI only confirmed the presence of one person. 

He heard his door stealthily open, if he wasn't awake already he wouldn't have noticed. Whoever they were, they'll surely regret breaking into his place. 

Tom turned to a small screen by his bed where he could monitor any part of the house through small cameras which he had placed in strategic locations, it had night vision and the sight he was greeted with was that of someone he had hoped to avoid for as long as he could. But considering his encounter with Robin he expected her to confront him soon also. 

The figure was quietly going through stuff in his house and Tom would have barely noticed her presence if it weren't for his security program, that's how stealthy she was.

"What's up with ladies breaking into my place at night?" He muttered to himself as he stood up from bed. 

Tom wanted to meet with the figure but he tried to erase his presence so he could make their meeting a little bit more dramatic. 

He walked to his room door and eliminated the sound as he turned the knob and also erased the sound from his footsteps which the Batgirl might eventually pick up on. 

Tom walked into the living room and took a seat as he observed the instant halt in the intruder's movements which told him that his presence was already made known to his intruder. 

"I'm impressed, you were able to detect my presence." She said with a cautious tone, as she turned around slowly. 

"Hello Batgirl." He said with an unfazed expression on his face as he stared at the caped Crusader's female sidekick who stood in the middle of his living room with a serious look beneath her cowl. 

"I had hoped this night wouldn't go like this." She said as she maintained her stance. 

"Like how? You breaking into my place in the middle of the night and going through my stuff? Are you here to steal something or what?" 

She let out a dramatic gasp as she couldn't believe Tom would say something like that. "Why would you think I would steal from you?" She asked. 

"How else would you explain you breaking into my place in the middle of the night and hoping for me not to notice you until you were gone?" 

"First of all, I had no intention of stealing anything from you. I saw what you did to Robin and it was inhuman, you almost had him traumatized." This time she relaxed her shoulders a little as she looked at Tom who didn't seem like he had any intention of attacking her. 

Tom mused at the thought of traumatizing the brat who didn't seem to want to leave him in peace. "Well at least now he would have learnt his lesson and left me alone." He crossed his legs and sank comfortably into his chair. 

Their encounter was unlike anything Batgirl had expected. She thought maybe he had some kind of vendetta against the Bat family, considering what he did to Robin and she started investigating him and also thought he'd do something to her like he had done to Robin. 

"You could relax more, you know." He said as he stood up from his chair. 

She took a step back as she watched him closely. "Don't try anything funny. Now that it has come to this, you'll have to answer some questions of mine."

"Relax red." He said, making reference to her red hair. "Sure I'll answer your questions but first… Tea? Tom gestured to the kitchen as he asked her to sit with him. 

"No, why would you think I'd even drink tea with you?" 

"Come on." He exasperated. "Does the detective gene get passed down with the costume? You've been asking questions non-stop, when I'm the one who is supposed to have a lot of questions as regards your breaking in. You Bat's are a handful, you know that?" He turned in the direction of the kitchen to get some tea, he'd rather have a conversation over a drink. Either a glass of whiskey or coffee, but since it's midnight and he would like to get some rest later on, he decided to get tea, and he was sure she wouldn't agree on alcohol. 

"Fine." She said, letting down her guard but still on high alert. 

"Whiskey?" He asked. 

"Absolutely not." She said to him in a serious tone. 

"Damn it, I guess it's tea then." He couldn't resist the temptation to try his luck if she might agree for whiskey, but her answer was definitely expected. 

"Okay, what do you want to ask first?"


Please kindly visit my patreon to read 10 chapters ahead. 👇


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