There I sat, across from a man who exuded a primal aura so refined it was as if he had stepped out of another era. In a bold move, I had challenged him to a fight, and the tension between us was palpable. It felt as though I was staring death in the face, but I refused to back down.

I knew with my deflective field which was a constant protector of mine, I would win the fight without hiccups. Heck, it even protects me from the sun and as a result of that my body cannot produce melanin and my skin now looks really pale. 

'I haven't had a real fight in this verse yet,' I thought to myself. "Maybe it's time to drop the field and test my skills against Deathstroke."

With a deep breath, I closed my eyes and focused on the task at hand. I was still seated on the chair, but I took down the deflective field that surrounded me. The adrenaline rush hit me as I prepared to face the deadliest assassin in the world.

Deathstroke's heavy boot connected with my chest, sending me flying several meters back along with the chair. The impact was brutal, and I gasped for air, struggling to catch my breath. I coughed violently, trying to expel the little air I had left in my lungs.

"Come on, kid," Deathstroke taunted me, his voice dripping with malice. "The way things are going, I might not even need to use any of my weapons. I could slowly skin you alive with my bare hands until you confess everything you know about Ghost."

His words sent a chill down my spine. I knew Deathstroke was not someone to be taken lightly. He was a ruthless mercenary, feared by many. And now, I had his undivided attention.

I struggled to my feet, my body aching from the impact of his kick. My mind raced as I tried to come up with a plan. I knew I had to act fast, or Deathstroke would make good on his threat.

I quickly got back on my feet, ignoring the pain in my chest and the throbbing ache in my knee. I knew I had to think on my feet if I wanted to stand a chance against Deathstroke. I took a deep breath and focused, summoning all my energy and power.

"That's quite a kick you've got there," I said, smirking at Deathstroke. "But if that's all you've got, then this fight will be over soon. With your defeat, that is."

To make the fight worth my while, I recalibrated my deflective field and reduced its range to barely the surface of my skin. Making my skin seem as dense as a Kryptonian but with deflective attributes. 

"Come on kid, show me what you've got to back up that big mouth of yours." With a smirk on his face, he dashed at me with a ferocious blow that from the looks of it I could tell it packed a punch. 

I did a quick dive to the side and rolled on the floor. Increasing the acceleration beneath my feet, I dashed at him and gave a solid blow to his rib cage with the momentum and increased on impact. 

Deathstroke flew across the warehouse and crashed into some boxes that were arranged in a corner. 

I couldn't see his eyes too well but I bet he was surprised by the way he looked at me for a few seconds. He had underestimated me, thinking that I was just another inexperienced kid. But little did he know that I had a few tricks up my sleeve.

I concentrated, and suddenly, the air around us started to crackle with electricity. Sparks flew from my fingertips as I unleashed a barrage of lightning bolts at Deathstroke.

He was quick to react, dodging and parrying my attacks with ease. But I kept on pushing, pouring all my energy into the fight. I could feel my powers growing stronger with each passing moment.

Deathstroke was taken aback by my sudden display of power. He had never seen anything like it before. But he was not one to back down from a challenge. He drew his sword and charged at me, his eyes blazing with fury. 

With a blast of energy, I knocked Deathstroke off his feet. He recovered quickly, launching a flurry of attacks at me. But I was ready for him. I dodged and weaved, striking back with lightning-fast blows. Each blow landed with a resounding thud, sending shockwaves through the air. 

"That was… Unexpected, I guess now I can get a little bit more serious and see how well you do against swords." He stood up and dusted himself, then reached for his back and pulled out two swords which he definitely intended to carve out bits of me with. 

He darted at me and made a horizontal swing at my chest which I evaded by tapping a foot on the ground, making him lose balance and miss me as I stood there looking at him. With his mask on, I could only imagine the sense of wonder he must have felt from that. 

"That was, how do I put it?….Disappointing, I bet a ten year old could make a better swing than that. How do you expect to defeat me when you can't even make good use of those swords of yours?" Taunting him was fun, I knew he wasn't using even seventy percent of his actual skill but neither was I. 

He grunted at that and made consecutive swings at me, of which I evaded everyone. With me constantly increasing the acceleration beneath each step of every move I made, I became faster and waited for an opening. 

Deathstroke gave a fierce forty-five degree swing at me, aiming for a slash from my stomach through my chest, all the way to my shoulder but at the same time avoiding the artery around my neck so it wouldn't be too fatal. 

'There… That's my opening.' I thought to myself as I took a quick side step, dodging while he immediately thrust his second sword forward as a way to recover from the first miss. 

I was quicker than he was and it eventually left him wide open for me, taking on a steady stance, I channeled the energy to my fist and made the field around it really dense. It gave my fist a slightly visible blue aura around it. Increasing the momentum and the acceleration behind the punch, while adding electricity to it as I elegantly drove my raging fist against his mask. A crack appeared on his mask as it came in contact with my fist, that might have been his skull cracked open if he wasn't protected by it. 

Deathstroke flew into a distance and was completely defenseless in mid-air, he tried to compose himself and control his landing but I dashed to him. "Where do you think you're going, I'm not done with you yet." I said to him as I felt a hint of fear from him but it was very brief, maybe because he wasn't expecting me to greatly dominate the fight that way. I delivered the same punch on his stomach, driving my fist into his stomach mid-air and sending him to the concrete floor. 

He crashed into the ground, creating a small sized crater around him as he coughed out blood. 

"Come on now, this isn't what I expected from the infamous Deathstroke, show me the man that strikes fear into the heart of his prey whenever they hear his name." I taunted him with a maniacal grin on my face as I let out a psychotic chuckle. 

I watched him try to get up as he knelt on one knee and struggled to push himself on his feet. I dashed to his position and gave a kick to his ribcage, increasing the momentum of my kick as it sent him into a wall, it seemed like a kind of kick the likes of Superboy might deliver. 

"Who…would have imagined… A kid as pale and fragile as you are, with a physique slightly above average , would be this powerful." He said to me as he gasped through each word, he might have broken something with all the heavy blows I had been giving. 

He staggered on his feet, I was sure he felt numb due to the effect of the electricity. Before I knew it, he hurled two flat discs at my feet. "What do you expect to accomplish with…" I hadn't finished my statement before they exploded, I walked out of the smoke and was met by swords which attempted to take my arm off. On contact with the field on the surface of my skin, the sword deflected backward but he held his ground with his right leg and made it into a pivot for him to spin around and go for a higher strike at my neck. 

The sound of a clanged metal echoed through the air, it reverberated off nearby walls and structures as I held on to his sword and broke it with my fist. He jumped backward to collect himself and finally brought out his guns as he sheathed his unbroken sword. 

Deathstroke shot at me with both guns and they just deflected off me and back at him, he took a quick dive and avoided the incoming bullets. 

"What are you? You certainly aren't human so there isn't any need for me to hold back anymore." He said as he hurled an active grenade at my feet. 


The explosion from the grenade was nothing but a waste of an effort as it didn't have any effect on me, the force sent from the grenade at my position, I deflected it his way and it sent him flying. He made contact with the wall behind him and fell to the floor. 

"You don't get it, do you? The world is my stage and in this warehouse, you are nothing but a mouse trapped in a cage with a vicious cat who has the tendency to play with his meal before he devours it whole." I said to him, emphasizing on each word as I entered into a short psychotic laughter session. 

"Now then, let's get this over with. Shall we?" 


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