[Slade Wilson POV] 

Tom and I were having a fight in the warehouse and the kid took me by complete surprise, he had powers and in as much as I tried to grasp my head around the true nature of his powers, I just couldn't. 

Who would have known someone who looked as pale as him would actually be this tough, swords were like sticks to him, bullets didn't even make a dent on him but rather deflected right back at me, and grenade didn't have the slightest effect on him but he was somehow able to send the shock wave my way. 

I was struggling to get on my feet when I heard the laughter of a man who had lost his mind. I looked over and saw Tom staring down at me and his pupils were red as if they were almost glowing. 

"You don't get it, do you? Thief world is my stage and in this warehouse, you are nothing but a mouse trapped in a cage with a vicious cat who has the tendency to play with his meal before he devours it whole." He said before laughing maniacally. 

"Now then, let's get this over with. Shall we?" 

He stretched out his hand and suddenly it seemed like I had lost my balance and was floating mid-air, the thought of shooting him in the head at that moment came to mind but if it was deflected right back at me, I wouldn't be able to evade it as he seems to be in control of my center of gravity. 

"You are a monster and an evil man. But evil is human nature, that means I'm evil too. Let's share our evil and see who's evil is  greater." Tom let out a chuckle before dashing to me and hitting my chest as he shoved me into the craters created on the wall behind me. 

He was one messed up kid and before I could react to him, my limbs suddenly became numb as it felt like electricity was being sent through every inch of my body. 

I grunted in pain but he didn't stop, instead he started laughing again as I slowly lost consciousness and everything went completely dark as I dropped to the floor. 

[Tom Hendricks POV] 

"Passed out already? Well that was… Disappointing." Deathstroke had passed out from me tweaking with the bioelectricity in his body until his brain couldn't hold out anymore and it resulted in him losing his consciousness. 

I didn't see the need to tie him up because I'm sure a trained professional like him could escape any form of restraint I could find there. 'How the table had turned.' the thought that came to mind as I stared at the unconscious man who laid in front of me. 

The next thing I found myself doing was checking his pockets and phone to gather whatever information I could and maybe find out who had ordered the elimination of Ghost, I went ahead to look around the warehouse to see if I might find anything useful, after all he picked it as the place to execute his mission. Whoever they were, I'll be coming for their asses soon enough. It's time Ghost started striking fear in the hearts of those bastards who thought I was a weakling or a coward just because I never  involved myself in any operation or revealed my identity to anyone. 

Hiding in the shadows does not mean one is a coward, rather it strikes fear into the hearts of their opponents as they won't be able to predict their next move. Maybe that's why Deathstroke's employer wants me dead, I might either be a glitch in his/her operations or maybe because they are just simply scared of me. 

I felt a light and barely noticeable movement from Deathstroke, if I hadn't been alert at the moment I might not have felt the slight friction he had made with the ground as he slowly reached for one of the pockets in his gear. 

"I know you are awake already, and don't even think of pulling one on me because I disarmed you of anything that could serve as a weapon to you. It's just you on your mission gear right now." I said to him without even sparing him a glance as I went through the laptop I found in a room somewhere in the warehouse, it seemed to have been where he took camp for his assassination mission. 

"Are you so confident in your own abilities that you didn't see it to be a need to restrain me? That boy, is called arrogance." The first words he said to me as he slowly turned over on his back, his right hand on his ribcage yet he didn't show any expression which showed if he was in any kind of pain. That was truly remarkable, nerves of steel if I may comment on it. 

"I didn't see it necessary to restrain you when I know that you might be able to set yourself free from whatever I used, so I'd rather stick to using my powers to restrain you if it calls for it." 

"Okay, you clearly won this bout. So, tell me the proposal you mentioned earlier which you had for me." He said as he slowly got himself in a sitting position with his back laid against a wall. 

"You were wrong about me being Ghost but you were right about one thing, I do have a way of contacting him."

"I thought as much, I came to a conclusion that you either have connections with him or you were Ghost. My gut feeling is never wrong whenever I link it up with facts from my investigations." Deathstroke said in a low tone, he spat blood on the floor and two tooth went along. Maybe I did it a little bit too much, but nevertheless, it was necessary to get him to listen to me. 

A wild beast would not listen or submit to another unless it is completely dominated and tamed by a more superior one. I needed to exert dominance unless he would have eaten me raw without showing mercy. 

Taking a deep breath and exhaling it, I turned over to him and asked. "How would you like to work for Ghost?" His reaction was dull, maybe because he doesn't let emotions show in his face, or maybe because it sounded like a bad joke to him. 

"Why would I work for Ghost?"Deathstroke asked. 

"He's looking to put together a team of highly skilled outlaws who would handle his personal operations and trust me when I say, the pay is worth it." I took a seat in front of him and continued. "And of course you can continue being the mercenary that you are, he'll only call on you when he needs your services. All you need to do is make yourself a valuable asset to his arsenal and give him your complete loyalty."

"Um.. But how can I trust a man I've never met or even seen with my eyes, not to talk or even have a conversation with him?" The questions were on point and made a solid argument, I needed to find a way to get him to meet with Ghost but not with me, maybe a substitute. 

"That's reasonable enough. Fine, you'll get to meet Ghost once you agree to offer your services to him and your complete loyalty to him. And he'll pay you well and would give you operations that you will definitely enjoy executing. 

"Is he recruiting just me, or are they others?" He asked, curiosity slightly echoed from his voice but not as audible as most people might be. 

"For now you are the first, but there will definitely be others. He has his eyes on a few persons with unique skills and was planning to reach out to you soon but things worked out quicker than they were actually supposed to be. Now that we've made contact, it's only reasonable to facilitate things, otherwise he might have my head for missing the opportunity." I needed to make Ghost sound a little more like a no-nonsense person so Deathstroke would have a sense of respect towards the figure. 

*Okay, I guess you've told me all that you are allowed to tell me…So, when can I meet him?" 

"Go' treat your wounds and contact me on this line once you are prepared to meet with him." I handed him a paper with a number to my burner phone written on it. 

"Goodbye Slade, until we meet again." I walked towards the door and gave a wave without turning back, and I could feel him staring at me with the paper still on his hand as I walked away. 


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