Vintage Red [GL]

Chapter 38: The Turns Have Tabled

Did you like last chappy? I know I did. Writing this one was also fun :3

CW: This chapter is just as lewd as the last one, if not even lewder, so, just saying :p

Having been cuddled up with Ria-chan for a couple of minutes, I noticed that she’d fallen asleep.

“Ria, I’m going to check on Emma, okay?” I whispered and gave her a gentle kiss on her forehead. Slowly worming my arm from underneath her, trying my best not to wake her up. After I accomplished that, I looked around the room - it was getting colder and Ria was probably going to get cold with only my hoodie. So I grabbed a blanket from the bottom shelf of my bookcase and draped it over her. I used to keep a couple of blankets there just in case Ria wanted to read some manga in one of the reading chairs as she liked to be cozy when reading.

I opened the door of my bedroom. As soon as I did, I heard Shima jump off the sofa in the living room as she walked past me, probably so she could go and sleep next to Ria. Emma was watching baseball on the television, so she didn’t hear me coming.

“Hey there, Em.” I said and leant on the sofa’s backrest. Her reaction was priceless as she almost fell out of the sofa in surprise. 

“Goddess! Aurora!” She put her hand on her chest. “Do you want to kill me? Geez.” 

“Hehe, I’m sorry.” I grinned.

Em sighed and took the remote, switching the TV to a different channel and turning down the volume.

“You can keep watching that if you want.” 

“Hmm? Ah, it was just a recap of last month’s games. I just needed some… noise to distract me...”

“Noise? Why?”

“Well…” Emma blushed. “Ria is not the quietest…” 

“Oh no… Did you hear that?” I started blushing as well. 

“Yeah….” She shyly nodded. “But at least it sounded like she was having… fun…”

“I guess you could say that.” I walked to the front of the sofa and plonked down next to Em.

“Did you… like it?” 

“Mhmm... I did.” 

Emma stared at the floor. 

“Is something wrong?” I softly bumped my arm against hers.

“Not really… well… maybe…”

“You don’t need to tell me if you don’t want to.” 

“I do… it’s just…” Emma’s face grew a bit redder. “When we… you know… did it…”

“Mhmm.” I nodded for her to continue.

“It didn’t feel bad, right? It felt quite nice actually… but hearing Ria…” 

“I think I know what you want to say. It sounded way more intense… right?”

“Was it?”

I nodded.

“D-does that mean… that… it doesn’t work as well between us…?”

“I don’t think that’s it, Em.” I put my head on her shoulder and looked up at her. When she turned her face toward me, she blushed a little more. I smiled. “The two times we did it… It was kinda forced, wasn’t it?”

“I guess so…” 

“And with both of our conflicted feelings and the stress of the confession on top of it all… I think that just didn’t help. Remember sex ed?”

“Yeah…” She softly nodded. 

“Well, they said that sex is also a very mental thing. I think this works practically the same.”

“So, if we are both in the mood…” 

“It will feel a lot better.” I took her hand and squeezed it. “So I wouldn’t worry about it too much.”

“That… makes sense… Thanks, Auro.” 

“What are you thanking me for? It’s my job to reassure my girlfriend, is it not?”

“I wouldn’t say it’s your job… but thanks anyway.”

“Eh, don’t be silly. If I wasn’t so full, I wouldn’t mind biting you right now.”

“Bad. Thirsty Auro.” She poked me on my forehead.

“But I’m not thirsty right now. That’s the point.” I smirked.

She clicked her tongue in feigned annoyance. “I wouldn’t mind a kiss, though.”

“Coming right up.” I put my hand on her cheek as she closed her eyes and I guided her lips down to mine. She tasted deliciously sweet, like a strawberry milkshake on a summery day. My lips parted hers for a second with a smile. “Is that enough?” 

“Hmmm, maybe a bit longer.” She leaned back into our kiss. 


We ended up kissing with our bodies flat on the sofa for quite a bit longer. It was actually getting quite steamy, as we both started to feel up each other's bodies.

“You don’t know how long I’ve been waiting to do this.” Emma’s voice purred as her hands moved to my hips. “Having you close to me like this.”

“I hope you forgive me for having been so dense.” I traced my index finger along the contour of her face. 

“I’ll have to think about it, but you’re definitely making up for it right now.” Emma moved her hands even further down and squeezed my butt. 

“Naughty.” My smile turned into a smirk.

“Sorry, there’s a raging lesbian inside of me who has been waiting to get out for quite a while.” 

“I see, why don’t you let her then?” I whispered into her ear.

“You sure?”


“Don’t forget, you asked for it.”

Before I could even compute what was happening, Emma had me completely in her grasp. She had flipped us around and ended up on top of me, and she was already pulling my hoodie up to reveal my breasts. The expression on her face looked like she’d just seen the most delectable dish of food on the planet. It was actually quite intimidating.

“I’m happy you decided not to wear a bra. It makes this a lot easier.” She walked her fingers up my tummy, tickling me and playing with me all the way. My breathing was already getting heavy, and she hadn’t even arrived at the most sensitive part yet.

Her hands journeyed on to the top of my chest as she continued by drawing spirals around the base of my breasts, closing in to my nipples, slowly but surely. It was making me very squirmy, but Em held me still with ease. “Shhh, Ria is sleeping.” She silenced me with a kiss. “Can I continue?”

I silently nodded.

“Good.” She tweaked my nipples between her thumbs and index fingers. My body just decided to stop breathing, that’s how good it felt. Emma noticed as she chuckled and mercilessly continued. Starting to softly massage them, her warm, soft hands felt so good I started drooling a little. But that wasn’t even her endgame yet. She kissed me on my lips, and then gradually moved down, first passing below my ear, to my neck and then to my chest. I already knew what her final destination was. If I wanted to stop her, which I didn’t as my body was awaiting her in full anticipation, I’d have been powerless to do anything against it anyway. And she knew it all too well. She looked up at my face to gauge my expression and smirked.

“Oh Goddess.” 

“That’s right.”

The first time I felt her tongue on my breast, my back instinctively arched while I was trying my very best not to let out an eeeep. Emma didn’t let up and moved closer and closer to my nipple until she finally reached her goal. It simply blew my mind how good she made me feel. While my experience with Ria was not even more than an hour ago, this was not comparable whatsoever, especially since now I was the one being served.

“Do you like it?” Emma asked, taking a small break from what she was doing. 

I could only pant. -She knows the answer, why is she even asking.- 

She just smiled and continued, my back arched yet again as she switched to my other breast, leaving the first nipple moist and in the open. 

-Did I accidentally start dating a succubus?- Emma was having way too much fun, and my reactions were only fueling that fire inside of her.


Ten minutes later, my trial appeared to be over.

“I’d have liked to continue, but if I had, I think you would’ve passed out.” Em smirked and gave me a kiss, pulling my hoodie back down. My body was almost paralysed because of what I’d just experienced.

“...Y-y-yeah.” I only barely managed to say.

“Your body is incredibly sensitive… It’s very cute.” I don’t even know how because when I got hit by bullets, I barely felt anything… but this...

“H-h-how could you do all that… know the spots…?”

“I just did what I thought, I would enjoy myself.” She gave me another, longer, kiss.  

“I-I-I will try to remember... for next time…” 

“Good girl.” 

I blushed. “Mye.” 

She gave me one final kiss before standing up from the sofa. 

“W-what are you going to do?” 

“I’m just a bit thirsty now, so I’m going to grab something to drink.”


“Do you want something to drink too?”

“No-not really.”

“Alright.” Emma walked over to the fridge and was inspecting the bottles inside of it.

“Ah! Do make sure you don’t take the bottles marked with a ‘B’ if you want grape juice.” 

She looked over to me and then at the bottle she was holding, slowly putting it back in the fridge and taking out another. “Thanks for the heads-up.”


-That’d quite literally have been a bloody mess.-  

For the moment this is the last truly lewd chapter for a while :3

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