Vintage Red [GL]

Chapter 39: PJ’s and Toothbrushes

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Emma had quickly taken back her spot next to me on the sofa and was sipping from her grape juice while we cuddled up to watch some more television together. It was just some random cooking show on a random channel I tended to put up when I was completely bored out of my mind, but Emma seemed to enjoy it. 

“We should probably head to bed once this show is over; it’ll be midnight soon.” 

“Mhmm.” I nodded.

“Do you think you’ll be able to get some sleep in?”


“You’ve been awake since…”

“Yeah, pretty much, I hope I won’t get any nasty dreams.”

“The two of us will be here for you, though.” She put her hand on my thigh. 

“I know.” I squeezed her hand in confirmation. “I’m truly happy you are.”

Emma smiled and leaned in, giving me a kiss. It was a short but sweet moment that got interrupted by the slight creaking of my bedroom door. 

“Rora, Emma?” Ria-chan groggily walked into the living room, rubbing her eyes with my hoodie draped around her.

“Is something wrong, Ria?” Emma asked with some concern in her voice. 

“I got a little thirsty.” She yawned and walked over to the fridge. She pulled out a bottle and started pouring out a glass, but I could immediately tell she was about to commit a grave mistake.


Before she could lift the glass to her lips, I zoomed over to her and gently stopped her arm from moving. A small gust of wind followed in my wake, which made my hoodie flap a bit.

Ria was staring up at me with big eyes.

“I don’t think you’d like this.” I took the glass out of her hand and put it down on the countertop.

“I-is that…?” 

“Yeah, you should probably not get yourself some grape juice when you are a bit tired…” 

 In the meantime, I could hear Emma giggle behind me. “Here, let me get you a glass of grape juice for you, Ria.” Em took a different bottle from the fridge and filled another glass. “We were going to bed after this program, want to watch with us?” 

Ria nodded and followed Emma to the sofa. “Rora’s so fast.” 

“She is, isn’t she.” 

“I-it’s pretty hot…” 

“I know right?”

Somehow it felt like it was a conversation I wasn’t supposed to hear. “I-I’m still here, you know.” 

“We’re both well aware of that.” Emma looked back at me and smirked. 

They both sat down, so I just sheepishly followed them, deciding to take the glass of not-exactly-grape-juice with me, so it didn’t go to waste. 

“Aren’t you feeling hungry too, Ria?” 

Ria shook her head. “Not really.” and she took a sip from her glass. “Why?” 

“After Auro bit me, I always felt like I could eat a horse. But maybe it’s because you ate quite a bit at dinner.”

“I think I could eat some cookies.” 

“Ria, you can always eat some cookies.” 

“That’s true but…” She pouted, which made me and Emma giggle. 

“It’s alright, I’ll get you some.” I ruffled my hand through her hair and stood up from the sofa once more. “Just brush your teeth before bed, okay.” 

“AH! I didn’t bring my toothbrush!” Emma suddenly called out. 

“Don’t worry about it, I got a couple of extra ones still in the package.”

“Ah, phew, thanks.” 

“Why do you have extra ones?” Ria asked. 

“You need to change them every once in a while because they wear out.”

“Wha~ Really?” 

“Didn’t you know that, Ria?”

I shook my head at Emma’s question. “I’m pretty sure they just replace her toothbrush without her knowing.” 

“Oh! Is that why sometimes my toothbrush feels rigid again?”

Emma closed her eyes and pinched the bridge of her nose without saying anything. 

“Yeah, probably.”

“But how do they find the same toothbrush all the time?” Emma looked at me.

I shrugged. “Maybe they bought an entire stock of them. I don’t know how you rich people do. First thing I thought of when I saw my coffer of money was the amount of cat food I could buy for Shima.”

Shima meowed happily when she heard her name. 

“Yes, Shima, lots of tasty food for you.” I gave her a pet as she walked past my leg.

Emma hummed happily. “Always thinking about someone else before thinking about yourself. That’s truly the Auro way.”


When the show finished half an hour later, we all got ready for bed, taking turns at my sink to brush our teeth. 

“By the way, Auro.” Em was leaning against the door frame of my bedroom while she was waiting for me and Ria to finish. She was already done and wearing her own PJs which she didn’t forget to bring. It was a cute pink set with gray cartoon cats printed all over. 

“Mhmm?” I spit out the toothpaste and gurgled my mouth with water. 

“Are you planning to move in the future, now that you have money?” 

“Hmm. Not immediately. But I guess I can’t stay here forever, being immortal and stuff.”

She nodded while I made room for Ria to start brushing her teeth. 

“Thought so too.” 

“Although a bigger bathroom wouldn’t hurt. Especially if you two wanted to come over more often. And a bigger bed, and a bigger bedroom…”

“Yes! I’d like that! Because I like seeing Emma in her cute pyjamas!”

Ria’s remark made Emma’s face turn about as pink as her PJs, resulting in her running and hiding herself in my room out of sight of me and Ria.

“I can definitely get behind that sentiment, Ria-chan.”  

“Stoooop, you’re making it woooorse!” Emma’s muffled moan came from my bedroom, she was probably burying her face into my blanket.

Ria and I looked at each other as we both started giggling.


A few minutes later, we joined Emma in the bedroom. I had changed into a loose t-shirt and some short PJ bottoms for the night, while Ria was still wearing my hoodie.

“So, who wants to sleep where?” I stood at the foot of my bed, looking at Ria and Emma.

Em quickly looked up after still having her head buried in my blankets. “Auro in the middle.” 

“Rora in the middle!” Ria quickly and enthusiastically followed suit. Their decision was unanimous, but not really unexpected.

 “Alrighty then.” I smiled and started crawling my way up to my pillow under the gaze of my two girlfriends. 

Ria was the first to get into bed with me as she took up the spot farthest away from the door. Emma shyly followed a couple of moments later, after first having sat on the side of my bed before getting under the blankets. With the three of us together, the bed was incredibly cozy, maybe a little bit too cozy. 

“A bigger bed definitely wouldn’t hurt.” Emma softly laughed before she continued. “But I like it nonetheless.” She cuddled up to my left arm.

Ria copied this move on the other side of me. “Mhmm. It’s nice.”

“Well, I can tell you the Rora sandwich is also really enjoying this.” I smiled. “Ria, could you turn off the light?”

“Mhmm.” She nodded and switched off the night lamp on my bedside table. 

“Thank you.” I gave her a goodnight kiss and then did the same for Emma. “Night night cuties.”

“Goodnight Rora. Ni ni Emma.” 

“Good night, sleep well.” Em replied.

To my surprise, the both of them quickly dozed off. Ria had moved a bit closer against me, while Emma started to hug my arm tighter in her sleep. It was cute as heck. Especially when Emma started drooling a little, too.

-I think I might be able to sleep too… although it will be a bit of an issue if I need to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night.-

I spent another half hour smiling as an idiot at my two beautiful girlfriends before I finally decided to rest a bit.


It was the best sleep I have had in a long long time. That was, at least, until the doorbell rang at way-too-early-in-the-morning o’clock.

“In the name of the Goddess and everything that’s holy, WHY?” 

“Hmmm, Roraaaa.” Ria murmured, still asleep. 

“Are you going to get the door, Auro?” The doorbell had however woken up Emma too.

“I think I’ll have to.” When I said that, the bell rang again. “Before that ass wakes up Ria too.” Although I was irritated, I still wormed my body away from Ria as gently as I could while Emma sat up to give me some room.

“Please try not to kill the person at the door.” 

“I’ll try.” I gave Emma a quick kiss before running to the hallway.


When I opened the door, I was greeted by a girl, about a head smaller than me and I’m not going to lie, she was quite cute too. She apparently didn’t expect to be faced by such murderous intent, as she immediately started shaking when she saw me.

“M-m-m-miss, I-I-I’m sorry to disturb you.” She bowed her head and offered me a package with a few envelopes.

“Thank you.” I took the package and inspected it. The contents felt like some kind of fabric.

“T-t-t-these are the uniforms Mister Viktor commissioned me for. H-h-h-he told me to come bring it to you this early…”

I sighed. -Really Viktor?- 

“I-I-I’m so sorry.” 

“Don’t worry about it, sorry I looked so angry when I opened the door. It’s 100% Viktor’s fault.” I put the package on the small table I had set up near the front door. “Let me go and get you a tip.” 

“Y-y-you really don’t have to m-m-miss.” 

“I insist.” I quickly grabbed my wallet and took a 10 euro bill out of it, and grabbed her a couple of cookies too. “Here, and this is for on the road.” 

“T-T-Thank you!” The girl bowed to me again before quickly running back to her car. 

I sighed again and closed the door behind me and took the package with me to the living room. 

-Looks like I’ll have to give Viktor a stern talking to when I see that idiot’s face….-   

Mad because small, angry of tall


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