Vintage Red [GL]

Chapter 40: Se Préparer Pour Dimanche

I'm getting my story ready to also start posting on a different site!

I put the package on the living room table and decided to go back to my bedroom. Reading what’s in the envelopes could wait until we were all up. When I walked into the room however, I was met with the most wholesome scene. Emma had moved to the center of my bed while Ria was completely cuddled up to her. Em started blushing when she noticed I was looking at her.

“Oh ho, what’s this?” I teased her quietly.

“She noticed you were gone and was getting cold so she asked if she could cuddle up to me… and since I’m her girlfriend too…” Emma whispered back.

“Did she fall asleep again?” 

Em nodded. “Almost immediately after…”

I smiled and got into bed next to her.

“Did the person at the door survive?” 

“Mhmm, she did. I don’t know if Viktor will the next time I see him though.”

“Did he arrange the early doorbell?”

“Pretty much, sent a cute innocent girl as well to make sure I wouldn’t bash his head in on the spot.” 

Emma softly giggled. “He knew there was no way you’d hurt a cute girl.”

“Exactly. What a bastard.”

“So what did the supposedly cute girl bring?”

“From what I understood, my and Ria’s uniforms and some envelopes.”


“Our uniforms?” Ria peeked over Emma at me with sleepy eyes. 

“Did we wake you, Ria?”

She shook her head. “I wasn’t really sleeping anymore.” 

Em immediately turned her head towards Ria. “Wait, so you were faking being asleep?” 

“Mhmm.” She smiled. “Emma is soft though, and smells really nice.” Ria yawned and laid down her head again, cuddling up to Emma even more. 

“Y-you are soft too.” Emma stuttered as she started blushing again.

I didn’t say anything and just let this cute scene play out in front of me. It was nice seeing the two of them interact with each other. Our future together was getting more palpable every second. I just started dreaming about living together as Emma’s voice shook me awake again.

“Earth to Auro.” 

“Uh, yeah? Sorry I was daydreaming.”

“Dreaming about what?” 

“Uhm… things…”

Emma laughed with a sigh. “Alright then, anyway, our little cookie monster here asked what we are going to do for breakfast.”

Ria peeked over Emma once she heard her new nickname and then quickly hid from my sight again behind her. 

“How does a full English breakfast sound? I still have a can of beans somewhere.”

“That’s a lot of work, isn’t it? Can’t you do something easier?” 

“Eh, my girlfriends are definitely worth the effort though.”


“I’ll go and prepare it in half an hour or so. Just give me some more time to indulge myself.”

“Of course, as long as Ria doesn’t start to eat me that’s fine.”

“Emma, that’s lewd.” Ria giggled. 

“Wha… That’s not what I meant!! I-I-I meant it physciall-… wait no!!”

I couldn’t help but laugh at Emma digging the hole even deeper for herself. -I doubt she can crawl back out of that one. Especially not when she’s as flustered as this.- 


After my indulgence meter had been filled up quite considerably I decided it was probably time to make some breakfast for my girlfriends. 

“Are you sure you don’t want our help, Auro?” 

“I’m fine, just stay in bed and tease each other for a bit longer.” 

“Ok, Rora!” 

Emma suddenly started laughing hysterically after Ria’s answer. “No! Ria! Noo! Auro! H-help. S-s-she’s tickling mee!! Hahaha!”

I laughed and left the room while whistling and pretending I didn’t hear anything. 

“No! Come back. You evil vampiress! Aaaaaaah!” 

Before I closed the door behind me I could just hear Ria whisper. “No one will save you now Emma. Teehee.”

Shima mewled as she came walking towards me and the closed door I was standing next to. 

“Hmm, let’s give them some privacy, Shima.” I petted her and made my way to the kitchen. Shima followed me in my footsteps. “I’ll give you some food too.” To which she replied with a little meow. 


Having fed the cat, I started searching through my cabinets and the fridge for the ingredients and finally started cooking some minutes later. What is nice about a full English breakfast is that it is easy to make even though it’s a pretty sizable meal and it doesn’t really take that long either. By the time the food was ready to serve, my girlfriends walked out of my bedroom and joined me again. Emma was still a bit out of breath. 

“Did she really tickle you all this time?” I looked over my shoulder at Em with a smirk on my face. 

“U-uh, n-not really…” Emma blushed at my inquiry.

Ria giggled which peaked my interest. 

“So… what did you do?” 


“Girlfriend things?” 


“Oh, I see.” I smiled and put the frying pan on the table so everyone could start plating their food.

“The food smells really good, Rora.”

“Thanks! I think the egg is a bit too overcooked but it should still be fine.” I started putting some food on my own plate while also pouring myself a bit of human juice.

“Ish fwine.” Ria had already stuffed a bit of egg in her mouth. “Stwill tawsty.”

“Good to hear.” I giggled. 


We all started eating after the Ria’s head start, the egg was indeed still very much edible. Right around the time I was about to try one of the sausages Emma’s phone vibrated. 


Em quickly opened her phone and started reading. “Ah, it’s Mam… mom, she says that Ria’s parents called and that they have some visitors this evening so they want Ria home before three in the afternoon if she’s not feeling too sick.”

“We already have your uniform so that shouldn’t be an issue.” I softly smiled at Ria who’d just bit into her second sausage. “If you want to leave, that is.”

“I think I’ll have too…” She frowned. 

“Hey.” I put my hand on hers. “We’ll see eachother again tomorrow anyway, right?” 

Her frown quickly turned upside down. “That’s true.” 

“Alright, I’ll send a message to my mom then. Helen will probably come pick us up around 2:40 if I had to guess.”

Ria nodded and continued eating her breakfast. 


After breakfast we cleaned up as usual and got ready for the rest of the day. I’d unpacked our uniforms and hung mine in my closet while Ria got dressed in hers.

“How does it fit, Ria?” I asked her while she buttoned up the last button. She looked perfect in it as always. 

“It’s really comfy.” She stated while twirling, making her skirt go spinny. “I think the lining fabric is different…” 

“Really?” Emma raised an eyebrow and walked towards Ria. She gently took the bottom part of Ria’s uniform and felt the inside of it. “Oh, now that you say it. This fabric feels really high quality, and the stitching too…” She compared it with her own. “Damn, I’m actually quite jealous now.”

“Well I can rip up yours if you want to.” 

“Can’t we just order a new uniform for Emma without ripping up this one?” 

“Fair point. I’ll see if I can get a hold of her later if you want one too then.”

“You don’t need to go that far for me. It’s not that I hate my own uniform.” Em protested. 

“But you want one too, right? We just want our girlfriend to be comfy!” Ria jumped at Emma and hugged her tight. 

“Myeah…” She blushed. 

“Mhmm.” I grinned. “Now that that’s settled, should we go on to look at what's in the envelopes?”      

“Yes!” Ria released Emma and casually walked off to the living room, leaving Em dazed.

“You’ll get used to it, it might take a while though.” I smiled and gave her a pat on the back. “You comin’?” 

She nodded, the blush on her face hadn’t fully disappeared yet. “R-right behind you.” 


Ria had already grabbed the envelopes when me and Em entered the room. 

“I think we should open this one.” 

“Why do you think so?” I sat down at the living room table. 

“Because it’s written on it.” She showed the envelope on which was clearly written ‘only open this envelope.’ 

“Fair enough.” 

Emma tapped me on the head with a karate chop. “Who wants to do the honours?” 

Ria gave the envelope to her. “Emma has the best reading voice.” 

“But it’s Auro’s enve…”

“Nah, she’s right, you should read it, Em.”

“Fiiine.” She stuck out her tongue and opened the envelope, reading the contents out loud. “Dear Aurora, Emma and Corelia, in the other envelopes are letters provided by Alessia for your school and parents concerning the ‘extracurricular activities’ on Sunday and Monday. As for Aurora, please don’t punch me next time you see me. It was merely a bit of a joke. Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Viktor.” 

“What do you think, Rora?” 

“Well, I’m definitely going to punch him, that's out of the question. One does not mess with my girlfriend time without consequences.”

“That was to be expected.” Emma laughs. “But it’s good that we already have the letters now so we don’t need to convince anyone.”

“Yep! Now we are ready for our trip!”

“Yay!” Ria hugs us both close to her. 


-Looks like someone is already very hyped.-  

Conlcave is soontm, stay tuned :)

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