Chapter 332: Judge, Jury and Executioner

The execution was kicking into full force as the final masses of the Garden had gathered for an evening promised to kick into motion the plan to save them all. There was little over a few hundred people piled into the small village, with others sitting on the outskirts watching from a distance. Lucas was right in the middle, in awe at such a large gathering. "Have you ever seen so many people all together in one place?"

Richard shook his head, whistling to himself. "It's sure something, isn't it? People aren't just here to see the execution but also hear the Gardeners' plan to win this war. From what I've heard going around the garrison, the war is on the verge of victory."

"Even with three Stages missing?" Lucas questioned, conflicted.

"I heard that the Gardeners are actually going to take part in the battle now."

"The Gardeners?! Fight with us? I don't believe it."

"It is hard to believe. But if the word is going around that they are fighting. Things must be serious up on the earth." Chloe muttered, hands in her pocket. "Anyone else worried about this? I mean, not only did the humans hold us back but take down three Stages. I can't help but wonder if we've got any chance."

"Look at you, always so paranoid. Stop getting anxious and just wait it out. The Gardeners will come through for us." Richard poked at.

Lucas kept looking through the crowds, still in awe, until she stopped seeing Eve moving through the crowd. Then, feeling ecstatic that Eve was at the execution, he called out. "Eve! Over here, hey Eve!" 

Eve turned, looking troubled, seeing Lucas as she darted back into the crowd, vanishing. "What was that all about?" Eren questioned, walking up holding a cup of water. "You sure that was Eve?"

"I'm positive…. She looked just like her. Something must be wrong."

"Hey, mister Eren, are you off for the day?"

"Just till the execution. Although Bargaining had reminded me to keep an eye out for any strange activity."

"Strange activity? What could possibly count as strange?"

Eren gave a strange look shrugging his shoulders. "I don't know. There's always an off chance someone turns up to save Zinnia."

"Wait, you don't think Alton is coming here?!"

"God no, now that is unlikely. He'll have to get through Depression first. We checked up on him a few hours ago, and he still is holding the line. So we're going to check in every hour just to be on the safe side."

Lucas let out a deep breath relieved, but this was short-lived. "If those stories we hear of him are true…. I'm terrified to see what my friend has become. Do you. Do you think we could save him?"

"From Fairy-Tale? Hard to say…. Hey Rich, Chloe. Do you mind letting me talk to Lucas alone here for a while?"

"Sure, we'll see you at the execution Lucas!" Richard boasted, taking Chloe by the handoff to enjoy the rest of the day.

Lucas turned to Eren, lost. "What is it you want to talk to me about?"

Eren took a long breath rubbing the back of his head. "I've taken good care of you, right? I did a good job for your mother?"

"Where's this coming from? Mum would be proud if she was here."

"I'm glad to hear that. I did my best, you know…. Your mother and I, we were old friends. We went back ages alongside your father. But when he died during the first war, she was left to look after you…. When I found her…. I just thought she would never take her own life."

"Eren? What's wrong? Why are we talking about this for?"

"I guess what I'm trying to say. Is no matter what happens tonight, I'm proud of you. If Anger is given to you after that girl's death, just keep sight of who you were and where you came from, promise?"

"You don't have to worry about me Eren, I'll be fine."

Eren nodded, not feeling much better as she slouched back overlooking his home town. The burrows caving in, becoming rotten with age. The Titans housed the worthy hanging over in a clump and the ominous purple haze sitting over the horizon. "I just hope we get out of here soon for yours and those kids' sake. All of this can't be for nothing…. But, ah, look at me rambling again, don't worry, kiddo. You'll see that blue sky you always boast about."

Lucas smirked, nodding. "The sky. Eve has told me about it. How it's so clear and bright. I wonder what blue looks like. It's a whole new world out there. We're taking back our home, the ones our ancestors walked on. That's a promise Eren."

"I hear you, kid. I'll see you at the execution."


The crowd had swarmed in as Zinnia lay on her knees, tied up dehydrated and starving. Her face was frail and tired, her eyes droopy and dull. She had almost given up entirely on winning with the only saving grace for her was the fact her sacrifice saved her friends. She could die in peace knowing that. Then, bargaining stepped in, staring down at her. "Any last words you got, girl, let's hear them. The Gardeners won't give you a second chance."

Zinnia looked ahead, shaking her head in shame. "Not to you."

"That's fine by me." He said, kneeling to her level, gripping her chin pointing to the gallows. "Up there is where you'll take your final breath. The crowd is watching, so be sure to give them a good show."

"I hope there aren't any problems?" The man muttered, placing his hand on Bargaining shoulder. "We put a lot of faith in you Adam."

Bargaining turned around, bowing slightly. "Of course not; all the preparations are ready for your speech, sir. But, might I ask? You're not both going up?"

The Gardener shook his head. "Me thought it was pointless to show up. I'll be the one telling the lies here." Zinnia cranked her head, seeing the Gardener for the first time; his purple suit had vines wrapped all around it with clear holes around his shoulders. He had a purple flower wedged into his front pocket and serval insects crawling around him. His blonde hair was tied back into a ponytail with more vines wrapped around, covering most of his head. His eyes were the same piercing yellow Zinnia had come to expect, but these ones were worn down and gloomy, showing little care or worry. Feeling herself gag, she held back the urge panting. "My, my. Any human would collapse at the sight of myself or Me. You managed to hold it in more than Alton."

"Alton? Was it you…? Was it?" 

Zinnia found herself unable to speak, her lips wren shut by tiny vines keeping her from talking. "Speak, only when spoken to, my dear. Although quite frankly, there won't be much of that. I'm ready, Adam. You may leave and watch the show with that poor sister of yours." Bargaining let out a simple grunt leaving as the Gardener turned to Zinnia again. "It is time. Your assistance, please."

Eren stepped in, looking troubled, bowing his head. "What is it?"

"Carry the girl to the gallows. The worm will be ready."


The crowd had gotten into position as the execution had begun. Purple lights hindered over the gallows low to the ground as the Man stepped out to a roar of applause. He raised his hand, stopping all sounds completely. "Now, now. That's quite enough. I welcome you all to something I know many have looked forwards to. For the sake of the underlings, I shall keep today's plans simple. Thousands of years ago, our mighty nation was murdered. Left to rot away in this external world because of the jealous monsters at Fairy-Tale. Ever since then, we have tried our best to free you all to no prevail. Two weeks ago, we tried again to save the world and return to our rightful home. However, we were stopped by our very own, in fact. Alton Brantley, many of you won't know who this boy is, but some of you may. He was a promising cadet who wished to like you free his people from the suffering we all endure. But he was brainwashed and taken by the very humans who fight against us to this day. Now he wishes to wipe us all out and ruin all the hard work and sacrifice our families have made to get us this far. Two weeks ago, our plans to destroy their forces was foiled by a group they call Team Rhapsody. A group of vicious misfits who claim to be heroes, warriors who save others who cannot save themselves. To make this insult worse, they stole our Stages and plan on destroying us. What I have for you today, ladies and gentlemen, is their leader, Zinnia Trost!"

Zinnia was pulled into the light as everyone got a look at the girl who stopped their freedom. She stared on with a blank stare at so many people. So many she actively kept from freedom. Countless souls, she was damning through her hero work. Everyone stared at her in silence as the Man kept going. "This girl brainwashed, manipulated and controlled Alton into killing our dear Acceptance and Anger. He would have killed Bargaining if he wasn't careful. This is the girl who has stopped us time and time again harnessing the power of Anger. Take a good long look at her. This is the girl who wishes you were dead, the girl who would stand in your way of living all so she can see herself as a glorified role model. One you would see in the pages of a fictional comic book. That's all she sees us as, stepping stones for her greater goal. This here is our enemy. Fairy-Tale is dead and long gone, but their reminder will always remain with humanity! Therefore, we must fight, fight to recover our home and live! Because we, like anyone else, have that right! The right to live and to be free, so, therefore, we will make Zinnia here a message. A message that we will not stop until we can stand where our founding fathers once stood. We are taking back our homes now!"

The Man turned to Eren, nodding. "The worm."

Holding out a large bud, Eren handed it to the Man, whispering. "May God have mercy on your soul Zinnia Trost…."

The Gardener held the bud up as the Garden worm emerged. A purple slimy creature with yellow eyes and fangs. It curled up, sliding around his hand as he approaching Zinnia. She had no care in the world letting the fate happen. Everyone watched in anticipation as the worm snapped, burrowing into Zinnia's ear. She jerked, screaming in pain as she felt herself fading away. Memories and feelings ate away in seconds as her will to live was ripped from her. The Gardener watched, holding the bud up yelling. "This is our time! Our time to march against our destined fate and fight, fight for our children, fight for our future, fight for the sole purpose of surviving! No more will humanity be the dominant race on earth. It shall be us, and I shall take you all there, the logic of the one will not fail us, the Garden will Grow forever!"

Zinnia began losing conscience, her mind almost gone as light pierced her face. Then, with her memories fading, another was shown, one she hadn't seen before. In the light of nothing, a figure floated in the air with wings made from bone. Their mere presence was unnerving, and centrefold as the city of Rhinefield began to crumble away into nothing. The white light stared down at Zinnia, inflicting absolute terror on her as they spoke. "This is Salvation."

Coming back to Zinnia hit the ground, falling off the gallows as the Gardener watched, appeased, ready to take his Stage back. However, when Zinnia fell out of sight, his eyes widened as Alton stood in the crowd with a dead stare. He looked up at the Gardener clapping with the rest of them, making him back off. Before he could react further, the gallows began to shake before a giant iceberg ripped from the ground piercing through him. The Man didn't respond, torn apart by the iceberg. Everyone stared on in horror. Alton stood centre stage, his back to the audience and Zinnia in his arms. He ripped the worm from her head, crushing it. Opening her eyes, Zinnia whispered, dazed. "Alton…. Is that you? I knew you would come."

Alton nodded, looking over his shoulder at the chaos he caused. "I promised you did I not? Zinnia…. Let's go home."

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