Chapter 333: The Third Garden War Part 1

"I hope there aren't any problems?" The man muttered, placing his hand on Bargaining shoulder. "We put a lot of faith in you, Adam."

Bargaining turned around, bowing slightly. "Of course not; all the preparations are ready for your speech, sir. But, might I ask? You're not both going up?"

The Gardener shook his head. "Me thought it was pointless to show up. I'll be the one telling the lies here." Zinnia cranked her head, seeing the Gardener for the first time; his purple suit had vines wrapped all around it with clear holes around his shoulders. He had a purple flower wedged into his front pocket and serval insects crawling around him. His blonde hair was tied back into a ponytail with more vines wrapped around, covering most of his head. His eyes were the same piercing yellow Zinnia had come to expect, but these ones were worn down and gloomy, showing little care or worry. Feeling herself gag, she held back the urge panting. "My, my. Any human would collapse at the sight of myself or Me. You managed to hold it in more than Alton."

"Alton? Was it you…? Was it?" 

Zinnia found herself unable to speak, her lips wren shut by tiny vines keeping her from talking. "Speak, only when spoken to, my dear. Although quite frankly, there won't be much of that. I'm ready, Adam. You may leave and watch the show with that poor sister of yours." Bargaining let out a simple grunt leaving as the Gardener turned to Zinnia again. "It is time. Your assistance, please."

Eren stepped in, looking troubled, bowing his head. "What is it?"

"Carry the girl to the gallows. The worm will be ready." As the Man went to greet the crowd, he stopped turning to Bargaining. "Adam…. One last thing, I believe we shall have guests soon. Make sure to treat me with your divine judgement."

"What do you mean?"

"Depression has gone quiet. We tried getting through to him a little while ago to no prevail. The enemy is on the move. Once everything falls into the plan, he will appear."

"Shouldn't we get you to safety then? Alton could be here this very moment."

"Not to worry. The logic of the one dictates my fate. If I am to die here, then it was predestined. You will all carry out my will. The Garden Grows forever Adam remember that. Goodbye."


Bargaining merged into the crowd catching a glimpse of Lucas and the others trying to get the best view. "Adam! Are you here to watch the works as well?"

"That I am. It will be quite the occasion. I don't want to miss it."

Standing beside them, Lucas looked up, clearing his throat. "Correct me if I'm wrong but, it seems you and Zinnia have some history."

"You could say that, I suppose. I made a contract with her years ago, and since then, I've been inside her head. So I know all that there is to the girl. She also happens to be the daughter of the legendary heroes who stopped us 400 years ago."

"No way," Richard muttered. "Who would have imagined they would cause us issues again?"

"We can finally have the revenge we deserve for them stopping us," Chloe admitted staring on at the gallows. "Hopefully, this is the first of many."

Placing his hands into his pockets, Bargaining clicked his tongue. "She's not a bad person. Zinnia, that is, she's selfless, always thinking about others no matter what. She gave herself up if I spared her friends. Whatever the Gardeners make her out to be tonight, it's all just to boast the crowd up. Zinnia just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time."

"You almost sound sympathetic to her." Chloe points out, eyeing Bargaining down.

"Now, now. I wouldn't go that far. Just see it as respect for the enemy, that's all." Bargaining started turning away as the Gardener came on. Looking down at Lucas, both made eye contact as Bargaining leaned forward, whispering in his ear. "Are you sure you can trust the people around you?"

Lucas' eyes widened as he looked up at Bargaining, confused. "What?"

"…. Two weeks ago, our plans to destroy their forces was foiled by a group they call Team Rhapsody. A group of vicious misfits who claim to be heroes, warriors who save others who cannot save themselves. To make this insult worse, they stole our Stages and plan on destroying us. What I have for you today, ladies and gentlemen, is their leader, Zinnia Trost!"

Bargaining placed his hand on Lucas' shoulder, nodding. "I'm going, to be honest with you, Lucas. Alton wasn't stolen by humanity and brainwashed. The one who did that was me." Lucas couldn't speak, finding himself horrified and dazed by this truth. "We made Alton into a Ten Judgement and sent him into the world to be found. Not only that, but I was the one who put the seal on the Garden 400 years ago. So I've been working against the Garden this entire time."

Turning back around, Bargaining blankly stared at the execution gripping his hand tightly. Finally finding the words, Lucas licked his lips, trembling. "Why? Don't tell me you're still working for Fairy-Tale?"

"Don't be absurd. Fairy-Tale is dead. Most wouldn't know that; I was the one who destroyed them. Can't you see Lucas? I was never on anyone side apart from my own. Stella was the one who awoke me to this realisation. But the Garden has a grip on me through Eve, until Salvation is taken from her, I'm your Bargaining. So that's why I took Denial, and once this is all over, I'll take Anger as well and leave-taking the last two. Once Eve is free, you can all do what you want."

"You've been playing everyone from the start? Alton, the Gardeners, even me…."

"Don't take it personally, Lucas. I'm only looking out for myself and my sister. If you were to ask me, however, I'd say your fighting for the wrong side. The Gardeners only care about their stupid logic. Yours and the lives of everyone else here mean nothing to them. They'll happily watch you all die if it brings them one step closer to Salvation."

"…. Because we, like anyone else, have that right! The right to live and to be free, so, therefore, we will make Zinnia here a message. A message that we will not stop until we can stand where our founding fathers once stood. We are taking back our homes now!"

Lucas looked down to the ground, his hand trembling as he began to stutter. "Why are you telling me this?"

"Who knows? Maybe I just wanted to tell somebody. Or maybe you're different. Tell me, Lucas, how far will you go for freedom? Could you kill someone, someone innocent? Split a family apart and leave them hurting for the rest of their life. Could you be like those bandits who killed your father?"

"This is our time! Our time to march against our destined fate and fight, fight for our children, fight for our future, fight for the sole purpose of surviving! No more will humanity be the dominant race on earth. It shall be us, and I shall take you all there, the logic of the one will not fail us, the Garden will Grow forever!"

"It's time. I was glad to have met you, Lucas. Keep dreaming, and maybe one day you'll see that blue sky you always go on about." Bargaining held his hand out as Henry's power dispersed around his palm, holding Lucas in place. Walking through the crowds, ready to take the Stage of Anger Bargaining couldn't imagine what would happen next. He was knocked back as a giant iceberg ripped from the ground tearing the Gardener apart like it was nothing. His eyes widened at sight. "No…. No, no, no. How is he here? What are you doing….? This wasn't how it was supposed to go. Alton, you bastard."


The remains of the Gardener lay in the crowd as the screams of the masses overpowered all sound. The crowd began dispersing only for giant pillars of ice to form, blocking everyone off. More panic began to pursue as Bargaining lay on the ground leaning forward staring on in horror as his plan was overturned right before his very eyes.

"Alton…. Is that you? I knew you would come."

Alton nodded, looking over his shoulder at the chaos he caused. "I promised you did I not? Zinnia…. Let's go home."

"Alton Brantley", A voice cracked. Alton turned his head as Eve crashed down, holding her scythe behind her pointing it to the crowd. "You're ruining everything; you're ruining my brother's plan. So I'll slit your throat and take your stage myself."

"Can you stand?" Alton asked.

"I can fight."

"I simply asked you to stand, Zinnia. Do that for me." He mocked, getting a simple nod from Zinnia. Then, putting her down, Alton faced off against Eve's arms folded. "Eve Berry. Come to manipulate and trick me once again? It's been what 400 years since then? I've been looking forwards to this."

Readying to swing her scythe Eve was countered by Alton flicking his arm around, sending off a napalm strike of fire scorching everything around him. Escaping into her portal, Eve stood on one of the Titans, looking down at Alton, gritting her teeth. Creating a portal, she fell back into it as one more appeared above Alton. Looking up, he chose not to attack that portal. Instead, holding his hand forward, he sent off an array of ice and fire, and just as expected, Eve took the bait. Returning to the original portal, hoping to catch him off guard. Her eyes widened as she was blown away, crashing into the crowd ignited by Sam's power. Alton stared down as Bargaining turned around, horrified as he ran over to her screaming. "EVE!"

"Alton, let's go…." Zinnia whispered.

"Right." Nodding to himself, he turned only for serval feathers to fly past him. Biting his lip in frustration, he spun on the spot holding his arms up as bloody swords came cutting him down. Stumbling back, he turned as more kept coming forcing him to just take the hits, doing his best to withstand the fury. Dropping his arms, he stared on as Eren crawled out from the rubble, wiping his mouth as his tawny owl flew onto his shoulder. "You aren't going anywhere, traitor! We'll make you pay for what've you done, Alton! I'll tear Acceptance from your flesh and bones."

Feeling a built-up sense of rage and anger, Alton's eyes began twitching, burning with hatred as his hand began scorching with a green aura. "You! You dare use his power in front of me?! That power doesn't belong to you! Do you even know just whose powers you're stealing?!" Thrusting Eren back into the floor, his eyes began to burst with a yellow snap as his powers went into overdrive. Zinnia, on her knees weak, watched in disbelief in Alton going berserk lunging at Eren. "His name was Percy Misharp, and I won't let you drag his name through the dirt!"

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