Chapter 346: Together Till the End Part 2

The others had arrived in Rhinefield after a short amount of rest. Standing in the road, Zinnia turned, seeing Riley and Gale running over. "Zinnia, are you alright?"

"Everyone…. I'm so glad."

Before Gale could jump to conclusions, Riley held her arm out, snarling. "Wait. The last time we saw you, Zinnia, you were siding with Alton and tried to kill us. Any changes?"

"I'm sorry. I was foolish to believe Alton was right; I had forgotten that. I want to stop him just like you."

Riley raised her eyebrow, grunting. "Sorry isn't quite good enough."

"I'm sorry…."

Sighing, she walked past. "But it will have to do. Harmony, Tempo. Are those rings ready?"

"I think so, we've only done it once, and even then, that wasn't enough to stop Alton. I don't like how we're running in without a plan." Harmony warns.

"I don't care. We don't have any time to waste!"

Gale grabs Riley's arm pulling her back to her disgust. "I know you're desperate to get revenge against Alton, but things have changed. It took Sam everything to beat him in his pocket world. Now he has the Stage of Pain and Anger. For all, we know he could have Adam's Stages by the time we arrive."

Riley nodded, calming down. "What do you suggest then, Lampard?"

"Riley should stay here. Her hatred for Alton will only get in our way. If we are to kill him, we can't have any built-up anger against him; otherwise, he will keep coming back. Even then, our chances are near slim."

"I think I can take him." Zinnia whispered, holding her hand out, showing the group a purple bud. "I took this from Lucas."

"Is that a Stage?" Tempo questioned.

"It is. The Stage of Hope. It's nowhere near the power compared to Alton, but if I catch him off guard, I might be able to take him out." Zinnia whispered. "If it comes down to that."

"You seriously aren't still caught up on saving him, are you?"

Zinnia paused for a moment before shaking her head. "Not in the slightest. While it's ideal for saving as many people as possible, sometimes you have to sacrifice one for the many. If we don't do this, Alton will wipe everyone out."

"Maybe we should just let him. I mean, look at this place…." Gale whispered, getting a dodgy look from the group. "I mean, never mind. Sorry."

Zinnia stood up, putting the Stage away. "Alright, Gale, Harmony and Tempo, you're all with me. We'll find Alice regroup with her and take the fight to Alton."

"What about me?" Jehovah whispered, standing idly. "I want to do something."

Zinnia kneeled down, smiling. "You're going to stay here and look after Riley for me. You're in charge until we get back. I promise."

"No, this is my fault. I want to help, please."

"You are helping. Surviving means you are proof the Garden isn't all bad. It's too dangerous even for you." Zinnia exclaimed, looking to Riley. "Look after her, please."

"I've tolerated with the girl up until now. A few more hours won't hurt. You be careful too, Zin, don't let Alton's words get to you."

Zinnia shook her head. "My mind is clear. I can do this. Let's go, guys."


Alton leapt back, avoiding the carnage Chloe was sending as the giant snake slivered through, destroying the area. Catching his balance landing on a truck, Alton grunted, finding his attacks have no effect. "The skin is tough…. Too tough." Chloe turned her attention to Adam, smacking him back into a wall pinning him down. Leaning forward, going in for the killing blow, Alton sighed, holding his hand up, freezing time. Jumping down, he managed to snag Adam to safety before flicking an echo of explosions at the Stage before time resumed. "I hate that I have to save your sorry ass."

Adam coughed, standing up. "This is looking to be more troublesome than I first thought. The Gardener must be behind this; there is no way a Sub Stage can be this strong."

"That makes too much sense. How should we do this then?"

"I can't attack her directly. Her Stage makes it that anyone who attacks Chloe directly will fall victim to fear of losing the will to fight. A dangerous pact I could find myself in."

"I hardly see a problem in that…. That would also mean Alice and Eve can't fight either. Very well, I shall face this foe head-on. Distract her for as long as you like." Alton muttered, jumping down from the building, meeting Chloe head-on. Alton began skating around, turning the whole ground into ice, keeping his distance to avoid Chloe's brutal attack. Then, spinning around, he managed to get behind her leaping over the tail as he blasted her with a large echo of fire. The skin melted away as Alton was thrown off, backing away. "Did she just get weaker?"

Looking up, Alton saw Adam send off serval swords from his armoury, which this time had no effect. Turning to the Gardner, Alton smirked. "Oh, I get it now. Decided to pick a side after all? How revolting. Like I need help from a freak like you. No matter, I can use this to my advantage."

Exploding into a puff of smoke, Alton leapt ahead, slashing through the snake, landing on the floor, holding his hand up, breaking his pocket watch freezing time. Everyone was unable to move as Alton stepped back, holding one hand out turning it. "One, two, three, four. Stance four. Never-ending pain." Thrusting his palm forward, a swarm of vultures appears surrounding the Stage, all turning into bloody swords. Each one hovered in the air before slashing down Chloe with no mercy. As time returned, Chloe's Long Whisper was destroyed as she returned to her standard form. The moment this happened, Alton smashed the ground shouting. "Whiteout!"

A heavy blizzard covered the area blocking everyone off as Alton walked over to finish Chloe off. Picking her up, she began coughing, holding onto Alton's arm. "She was right…. Everything is happening according to plan. The Logic of the One shall forever live through you, Alton Brantley."

"I don't care for any of that. I just want to end this madness."

Chloe gripped Alton's hand tighter, laughing. "Have you ever considered the madness covering this world was because of you?"

Without any more hesitation, Alton killed Chloe taking her Stage and throwing her aside. This time he didn't use the Stage. Not yet anyway. He had something else planned.

The snowstorm began to set as Adam looked around, finding Chloe dead and Alton gone. Readying himself for the next fight, he stopped seeing Alton standing idly on top of a bus holding Eve by the neck, keeping her close. Flinching, Adam went to strike only to stop hearing Eve whimper in pain as her body slowly began to freeze whenever he got close. "That isn't fair, Alton. This is between you and me!"

"Is it now? Funny, last I remembered, she was the one who tricked me into trusting you two. You both did this to me, meaning she is just as involved as you, Adam." Alton snapped. Holding Eve near him, he leaned forward, playing with her hair. "So, Bargaining, let's make a deal."

"Don't listen to him, big brother. I don't care what happens to me! Kill him!"

Holding her chin up, Eve's neck began to slowly freeze before stopping. "You might not care, but your brother does. Face it, Adam, you messed up big time, and you know it. All of this was for your sister, was it not? Alice and Iris, the manipulation of Zinnia. Our bargain was all a part of your master plan to save her from the Garden. I can sense it eating away at her by the passing second. But you see, none of this can work if she's dead."

"You bastard…. Let her go, or so God helps me!"

"Or what? The second you try anything, I will kill her. You make a face I don't like. I kill her. You say something to hurt my feelings; I kill her. You breathe funny, and I fucking kill her. You may take my life in the meantime, but I take everything you worked for. Salvation's Calling can do a lot, but it can't bring back the dead."

"And this deal? What is it?"

"Oh, I think you know that." Alton taunts. "Give up your Stages to me, and she lives. That's it."

Alice held her bow, pointing it to Alton's head. "Don't you bloody dare. Try anything, and I'll send an arrow through your head. Leave her alone."

"Alice…." Eve whispered.

"Huh? What's this? Don't tell me you wish to save this girl Alice? The same girl who ruined your childhood and tried to take over your body. This is the same girl who betrayed and would have killed you if it wasn't for me. So why the hell would you want to save that?!" Alton snapped.

Alice gave a faint smile nodding to Eve. "Whether I like it or not, we are connected. There is no Alice without Eve, and there's no Eve without Alice. We need each other."

"Good Grief. I can never catch a break, can I?" Alton whispered, crushing the Stage of Anxiety into his hand. The Stage activated as Alice's heart dropped her hand began trembling as she fell over, crawling back out of fear. Taking deep breaths accepting the Stage, Alton scratched his neck, groaning. "Enough distractions. Adam, do we have a deal?"

Taking the risk, Adam activated his Long Whisper to no resistance from Alton. As Time stopped, hundreds of versions of him appeared. The past, present and future. Checking each one who confirmed the worst. Each possible outcome would never change. Some ended with Alton's deaths, others his own, but everyone always ended the same. Eve dead. Time passed, and what felt like forever to Adam before his choice was made. He was backed into a corner with no real escape as he gave up.

Walking in front of Alton, he stepped into his copy, kneeling as time remaining. Alton looked down with a smug look, his wager working. "I give up. Please don't hurt my sister. I'll give you the Stages."

"Good. Hand them over." Alton hissed as Adam held his hand out, wincing in pain as the three Stages appeared in front of him. Alton took them without hesitation, throwing Eve aside. "Finally. While I don't like receiving help from your kind, I won't say no. They're all yours, do what you want with them."

Adam picked Eve up, whispering. "Are you alright?! He didn't hurt you, did he?"

Eve coughed, shaking her head crying. "Why did you do that. I wasn't worth it."

"You're worth it to me."

"Aww, how touching. But of course, you always knew this would happen, didn't you?" The Gardener taunted, landing in front of them, twirling her umbrella around holding a flower in hand. "No more running trickster."

"Eve, run. I'll hold her off."

"No," Eve yells. "I won't leave you here. Not ever again. If we are to die here, then we shall do it together. You can't make me. We're together till the end."

"Always so demanding…. Alice." Adam whispered, turning to her. "It will take a while before Alton is right in the head to activate Salvation's Calling. You can still stop him. Go."

Alice looked hesitant before nodding running off. "You knew this was coming. Fate has foreseen this outcome, and through the Logic of the One, you will both die here Adam and Eve."

Adam gripped Eve's hand, turning to the Gardener. "We won't give in not till the very end. One last adventure, sis. Let's show them what we're both made of."

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