Chapter 347: The Logic of the One

The Gardener raised her hand as the two siblings were knocked back like it was nothing. "If I recall correctly, you couldn't defeat Me even with the Stage of Bargaining. Yet here you are trying your best to best me without it."

Adam held his stomach lying on the floor whimpering. "Yeah…. Even with the Stage, he was a pest to fight. But, even so, you know this better than anyone. I'm not one to give up in a fight."

Being helped up by Eve, the Gardener smiled, recalling the memory. "I do faintly remember you saying that. When you brought Alton to my domain those many years ago, I was, of course, at first doubtful. Your plan was sloppy and off centred, but the potential was there. I foresaw Alton's fate and knew he was the one."

"The way you're talking, it almost sounds like…. You were there….

"Correct. I was. Come on, Adam, don't say you've forgotten who I am." The Gardener teased, lifting her dress up slightly to bow. "We've known each other for so long before you killed our people and imprisoned me."

Adam's eyes widened as he went pale, shaking his head. "There's no possible way. That's not possible. You're him. You're One of the Ten Judgements?!"

One nodded, laughing to herself. "Always have been, and what fun it has been, that's for sure. I got to see how both sides lived, and my my, it was enjoyable."

"That doesn't make any sense. I watched you fall. I took you out with my own hands. You cannot be here!" Adam barked.

"Are you sure? I can be both, you know. I was always both the Ten Judgements' head, the ones destined to destroy the Garden and the Gardener. Leader of the Garden and destined to free her people. Playing devil's advocate was so much fun."

"But why? Why would you turn against your own people like that?!" Eve yelled. "We trusted and followed you."

"No. You followed the Logic of the One. I used to think like you so long ago. Before the war, when we all lived in peace, I was found. The worm of the Garden found me and granted me untold power. My life changed forever, and I had found perfection. The Logic of the One indicated only the strong were worthy of his love; therefore, changes needed to happen. With the way the world was, this wouldn't have changed, and the Logic would have died before you knew it. So, I needed to change that and destroy it. Banishing the Garden away and causing the war was the only way how. Through the Logic, we were able to ascend to greater heights. The Stages, The Ten Judgements, all of that was because of me! This world is gone to the ages, but through the Logic, we can move onto a greater plain one where we will live forever. Doesn't that sound blissful?!"

"I can't believe what I'm hearing…. All of this pain and suffering all for some stupid Logic. You started all of this to live forever?" Adam barked. "You're psychotic!"

"I would never expect the weak to understand. And although our home is gone and my race dead, Alton shall carry that on to wherever is next. He is our Salvation, and through him, the Logic of the One will never die, as shall I. Fate as decided by the great ones."

"I've had enough of this bullshit. If that's all anyone's lives were meant for, then I want no part of that. So many people, good people, died for your pipe dream. I won't stand here and accept that." Adam exclaimed.

"You don't have to. You're as good as dead anyway." One teased before a Gate opened above, showering her in weapons and more. Each one was thrown aside as she stood smugly. "Suck weakness."

Knocked back again, Adam and Eve found it that much harder to stand as they both looked at each other. "Eve…. I'm sorry, I spent all this time fighting and causing trouble for you in hopes of saving you. Look where that got us now…. I should have spent more time as you, not as Bargaining but as your brother and now. I can never get that back."

Eve shook her head smiling. "I don't hold anything against you, Adam. I know how much you cared even if you couldn't ever show it. You were willing to risk it all to save me and would do anything to protect our family. I'm grateful and could never be happier for you to be my brother. I wouldn't have wished it any other way."

"Then I have no doubts to worry about and can die with peace at my heart," Adam stated, standing up pulling Eve to her feet. "You toyed and used us from the start. We were your pawns and never questioned the Logic given to us. So see this as our official resignation."

"Always with the quips. So predictable." One sighed, shaking her head pushing her hand forward as flower petals moved forward, passing through each of the siblings. Each one found themselves unable to move as they both collapsed, bleeding out their life force drained entirely. Adam looked to Eve one last time before moving on.

Eve was the opposite, however. She was still alive; taking long deep breaths, she found herself standing up without her knowledge. Then, turning, she was dazed to find Alice picking her up. "Alice?"

"I won't leave you to die here alone, Eve. We're on in the same."

"Alice Hawthorne, you couldn't just stay away. So now you're damning yourself to your sister's fate."

Alice took Eve's hand, shaking her head. "Iris would have done the same. Eve is as much my sister as was Iris. I won't abandon my family."

"Then there is nothing left but for you two to die."

Alice nodded, making sure to keep Eve company. "Then we will do that together too. You gave me the chance to live Eve. Let me return the favour." Pushing Eve back, a portal opened as she smiled. "Thank you, Eve."

Eve's eyes widened as she held her hand out, screaming. "Alice, Alice! No, stop, wait! Don't do this!"

One was furious as the portal closed, instantly cutting Alice down. She fell to the floor bleeding taking long breaths. "I'm coming home, Iris…. I'm coming home."

One watched Alice fade away as she spat in disgust. "This is why the Logic is key; such weakness as a sacrifice is pointless in the end. Nothing will change." Looking to the night sky, she smiled. "It's almost time; you can't stop it. The end is near Salvation is calling."


"What are you going to do about the girl?" Gale whispered, walking through the snow sighing. "She was a member of the Garden."

Zinnia shrugged her shoulders. "I'm not sure. Adopt her, maybe? She's been through a lot and deserves someone to look after them. Rebeca was that for me and well. Jehovah deserves that too."

"You're still such a kind person even to do this day. You haven't changed one bit." Gale smiled, pleased with the outcome.

"You think? I'm glad to hear that, but I would disagree. I've done bad things, things I should answer for."

"Bah, you worry too much. People do bad things all the time. The right thing is to learn from those mistakes and be better. Don't ever be sorry for what you did; own that and grow." Tempo talked down. "We made sure to be like that when we lost the others."

"Melody and Vivace…. I'll be sure to never forget them even when we allow the Ten Judgement to take over."

Tempo placed his hand on Harmony's shoulder. "I've followed your lead since we first met. Nothing will change now; it will be like this till the very end."

"This is really the end…. It's really only hitting me now that I think about it." Gale muttered. "It isn't going to feel quite surreal if we stop, Alton."

"It doesn't have to be the end. Not really; it can just be a new beginning, right? That's what endings are, a Segway into a new beginning."

"Yeah, I like that." Gale smiled; taking another step forward, a portal opened. They all stepped back, expecting Alice to emerge, only for Eve to collapse into the snow a wreck sobbing. "Is that?"

"Eve Berry…." Zinnia whispered, walking over. "Where is Alice?"

"Alice…. She, she, that stupid idiot. The Gardener attacked us. My brother stood no chance; she saved me. She…. That stupid idiot. Alice saved me."

"I'm going back!"

"It's too late…. It's too late." Eve whispered. "It's all my fault."

Zinnia looked away, biting her lip holding back the tears squeezing her fist. She knew she didn't have time to cry, trying to keep her bold, heroic look on for show. "You were friends with Alice, were you not?"

Turning, Zinnia smiled through the tears as Eve nodded. "She was my best friend…."

"Any friend of Alice is a friend of mine." Zinnia exclaimed, holding her hand out. As Eve took it, Zinnia pulled her up, hugging the girl. "It's alright now. You're safe."

Eve stared wide-eyed, crying, silently staring ahead dazed. "Alice was right…. You are too kind for your own good, Zinnia Trost."

"I can't see that as a bad thing."

Eve coming to her senses, pushed Zinnia away looked troubled. "We don't have time I. I…. Damn it. Alton got the last of the Stages; if we don't hurry, he will activate Salvation's Calling!"

"He's got them all?! Shit, is it too late?"

"No," Eve whispered, shaking her head. "Each Stage takes a toll on the user. It affected my brother badly. Alton will be too overwhelmed to use them all and take control of Salvation's Calling all at once. That short window of weakness will be our chance. We still have time."

"Then we have no time to lose. We move now. Alton is waiting for us!" Gale yelled, running ahead.

Everyone ran ahead as Zinnia spoke up. "Eve. For what it's worth, I'm sorry. We never saw eye to eye Adam and I but…. I could tell among anything he cared about you."

"Thank you, Zinnia. Alice would say the same. However, we can save the mourning for later. We have to stop Alton now. I can hear its whisper. Salvation's Calling is close at hand. We are almost out of time…."

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