Virtual adventure F.O (Fantasy Overdose)

Chapter 1 what a surprising start

In the year 2070 scientists have able to made a machine that can transmit waves of electricity directly to the brain without frying the brain in the process, this open up great amount of possibility   and one of those possibility have come to fruition 

In the year 2090 the first ever commercially Available virtual dive device is at the shelves of your city's game center the first batch of the device is sold right now 

[Third point of view]

Inside the game center among the crowds there can be seen a pair of siblings one is a girl and one is a boy 

"I can't believe that we got the last 2 neuro dive device in the first batch" Said the girl who is seemed to be the older sister due to her being a little taller than the boy, the girl looks beautiful with a balanced body and a mature looking face with a reddish hair. 

"I can't believe it either onne-san we're fortunate to get a pair" Said the boy who seems to be the younger sibling the boy although being a male looks a bit feminine due to his mother's gene and the boy have a blonde looking hair if it's shined with light without being shined it looks black like every body else. 

"Ara you can quit calling me onne-san you know anyway were really lucky to get it if we can't at best we'll have to wait 2 months to have a possibility of getting a pair in the second batch and by then we'll be late for the F.O server opening" Said the girl 

"Yea if we can't get to the server when it first open up we'll be way behind in the progress than everybody else, also i can't really stop calling you onne-san it's a force of habit, anyway onne-san let's focus on getting home first" Said the boy. 

"Sure little brother" Said the girl 

Long story short they have arrived a little early with the help of a public transportation services (train), opening up the door to get inside the house they both is taking off their shoes and go to the living room to discuss strategies of playing inside the game. 

"Onne-san what do we do inside the game besides having fun of course" Said the boy

"Let's see, you know every time we play games together you'd always pick warrior and i always pick magician, i heard there's a feature to randomized a character creation and a randomized character have a chance to get a rare race, not to mention the class is also picked according to the race acquired" Said the girl explaining a feature in the game 

"But why tho" Said the boy questioning the older sister about the reasoning on why. 

"Because we can and im tired of being in the back chanting spells"(girl) 

" But this is a vrmmo game are you sure that you and i will be able to handle it, for an example a bow will not just be clicking a button and aim it'll be realistic "(boy) 

" I know but i just wanna try "(girl) 

" Fine at least we'll have a chance to get a rare race, anyway when are the server opening up "(boy) 

" Let's see- what the heck it's in 20 minutes "said the girl surprising the boy also 

" What it's the time already okay see you in the game onne-san "(boy) 

" Like wise "(girl) 

The boy taking one of the device run up to his room same with the girl

There he open up the box and take the device called neuro dive, the device look like a headphone but is covering the whole head and is having a sheet of glass covering the face 

He plugged the device on his computer with the device up and running with electricity he put the device on his head and said 

" Link dive in " Said the boy starting the device 

[Pov of the boy]

I've started the device and im opening up my eyes 

The place im in is seems to be the default home page i look around and see the icon of the game that i want to play, the icon of the game F.O

I clicked the icon and the surrounding around me changed again 

Right now im in a field of grass there's a big tree in the middle and around the area  there's also a digital looking countdown above the tree  the countdown is showing 1 minute in it

I looked around and starting to walk i can seems to move around in this place so i go closer to the tree to touch it until the system teleports me again 

[Welcome travelers to the world of F.O fantasy overdose is a game world made to let you enjoy the world of fantasy  in this world there's fantasy creature fantasy race and further more tons of places to explore   we the development team have made a world that is 1.5 times as big as Jupiter this big word will take times to explore so we have delayed the time inside the game to be slower than the real world 

An hour in this game is 20 minutes in real life so you can enjoy this world as much as you want 

But beware  if you play this game for a day equivalent of the real world you will be warned and forced to log out shortly after we don't want players dying while playing our game you know

Also in this fantasy world there's magic  to use magic you can't just chant and magic will come out 

You have to 'feel' the energy around you and inside your self to use magic 

Anyway without further a do enjoy the game dear travelers]

Holy heck that's a long dialogue by the owner but it's to be expected anyway he explain that there's magic in this world and time in here is faster than the real world but the perception of time is the same

Anyway the system again teleports me to what seems to be the character creation room 

In here there is a lifeless body in the middle i guess that would be my character that i would use

And there's also many button to change the look of the character in the middle there's also a small button isolated from the many buttons around that said randomize

"I already decided it with onne-san so I'll be choosing this" I said while clicking the button 

[Warning are you sure that you want to randomized your character]


"Yes"  I said sure of my choice 

[Answer received starting character creation procedure]

After the ai said that the surrounding around me suddenly shined brightly  almost blinding me

[Somewhere with someone with a elegant dress and pointy ears]

"Hmm so the algorithm have chosen you too bad the chosen have to be a female but i can work things out 

Be sure to entertain me my child"

[Back with the boy]

The bright shine have stopped i open my eyes and see the blue skies above 

"Holy hell that's bright " A feminine sounding voice is heard. 

"Huh" The same feminine voice is also heard 

"Don't tell me" I looked down and see 2 mountain in my chest 

"What is this even possible im a girl"

Im confused is this even possible wait let's check my character sheet

"Open status"




Gender : female

Race:divine elf

Class: archer

Affinity: light, water, life

Physical affinity:bow

Strength :30 <a little above average>

Magic capabilities: 120 <way above average>

Dex:40 <above average>

Speed : 50 <above average>

Defense: 20<below average>

Health: 70-70 <below average>

Title: [child of the elven goddess]

[Key of the elven gate]


"Ehhh what how can this be"

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