Virtual adventure F.O (Fantasy Overdose)

Chapter 2 “isn’t this character is a bit op”

"How can this be, my gender is female. But I heard that. The ai won't choose a gender that contradicts the real physical body" (the boy <now being a girl>)
I'm still confused is this a bug? Or is the ai  playing with me
I'm thinking of just scrapping up this character but

"open status "
Opening up my status again to check something
[status ]


Gender: Female

Race:divine elf

Class: archer

Affinity: light, water, life

Physical affinity:bow

Strength:30 <a little above average>

Magic capabilities: 120 <way above average>

Dex:40 <above average>

Speed: 50 <above average>

Defense: 20<below average>

Health: 70-70 <below average>

Title: [child of the elven goddess]

[Key of the elven gate]


"My name is a question mark, probably because I haven't put a name when creating this character
Also what even is a divine elf "
[ divine elf: divine elf is a divine race born from a god or made by the hands of a god
This divinity let the bearer use life magic and possibly ascended to demigod ]

This description of the race is pretty good, being a creature created by a god sounds great
I'm guessing the one that creates me is the elven goddess  because of that title
[child of the elven goddess: you are born by the hand of the elven goddess elyasara 

This lets you have far more magical capabilities than others and let you use life magic]
That is good but  isn't this kinda cheating having more magical capability means that I can use more magic  without running out of mana as fast as other
It also means that my magic is more potent than other 

"yea this character is busted," I said thinking of what this character can do
Alright now let's see the next thing I have a title called the key of the elven gate what is that 

[ key of the elven gate:&@$&@$%@%&@%&@%&@%&@%&@%&@$&]
What the heck it's blanket out, why?
By the name of it maybe there is a gate somewhere that I can open.
Alright let's not think about it For now 

And the last thing about my elements of affinity  water and light is pretty self-explanatory but what do they mean by life, can I make a life form, can I revive someone hmm let's see

[life element: well the name is a bit misleading but this element let you use nature as you want, you can create and control, and you can also control preexisting plants to a certain degree ]
That too is a busted ability, being able to use my surrounding as weapons are op
I seem to be thinking for a while now I need to look at my surrounding
"hmm, it seems that I'm in a field of grass, gosh the ground is even flat if I'm playing a battle royal game this would be a death wish"
it's true tho without any cover I would be dead if I'm staying here, I need to find a pond or tree to hide but first, let's see do I have any weapon on me,
I do have clothes on so that's great the clothes seem to be beginner's equipment but I can't seem to find any weapon
"gosh system if you gonna give me a bow class at least give me a beginner now at the begini-"
[check your inventory]
"oh god, that scares me, any way check my inventory alright, inventory panels open"
[showing inventory ]
1. Beginner now
2. Wooden arrows 20×
3. Beginners quiver
4. -----
5. -----
6. -----
10. -----
"Nice thanks system "
[thank you have been accepted ]
"Anyway I'll take the bow, arrows, and quiver thank you "
Taking out the bow arrow and quiver  I equip the quiver around my waist And put all the arrows I have there
"come to think of it I haven't used a bow in a long time, last I used one is at school when there was a bowsman-ship showcase " yep sometime in the past there was a bowsman-ship showcase and I get to use one the showman even said that I have a pretty good aim for a beginner.
"Now let's move somewhere, ohh there is a forest there  I might be able to find a pond or a lake there, "I said pointing at a bunch of trees that look like a forest behind them there is some rocky mountain.
Moving to the forest  there are not many things going on everywhere I look there is only grass and grass there isn't even any animal around
I have finally  arrived at the edge of the forest and am currently getting deeper until I see lights on the other side
"Woah this place is beautiful"
The place I'm currently in is a really beautiful lake the water is so still it can reflect  lights like a mirror
"alright while I'm here let's check how I looked I did not have a chance to see it when I'm in the character creation sheets" going. Closer to the lake I looked at my reflection 
To say the least, my face is pretty but the detailed description is that my face looked like that of the usual elves with pointy ears, usually blue eye color but in my case one is blue and the other is green, blonde hair
To put it simply I have a beautiful face with blue eyes and other green and long blonde hair  reaching my waist 
"holy cow I looked beautiful, I'm not trying to be narcissistic but if I met myself I would  totally ask for her number"still admiring myself  I'm forgotten something 
"oh wait, me and onee-san forgot to tell each other. Names that we would be using<heck I haven't even told the reader my irl name>, ehh it doesn't matter the usual name that I would be using. Doesn't match my looks after all so let's think of a new name to use
Let's see the name of the elven god is elyasara right I'm thinking of a name that still retains some aspects of the god because. She is my mother in this character
How about  elly "
[name elly is accepted  changing the users name to elly]
"gosh next time  don't just appear without a warning "
"open status"


Name: Elly


Gender: Female

Race:divine elf

Class: archer

Affinity: light, water, life

Physical affinity:bow

Strength:30 <a little above average>

Magic capabilities: 120 <way above average>

Dex:40 <above average>

Speed: 50 <above average>

Defense: 20<below average>

Health: 70-70 <below average>

Title: [child of the elven goddess]

[Key of the elven gate]


This will be a long journey

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