Virtual adventure F.O (Fantasy Overdose)

Chapter 3 A person?

"alright should I go and find civilization or stay and find out the neck thing that I'm curious at"

'After much consideration, I've decided to discover the magic first because with magic traveling would be much easier, and I'm pretty much useless if I ran out of arrows although I can bonk them with my bow'

"alright so what is Magic and how do we can manipulate it"

[magic is energy born from nature and because of that all things naturally have magical  energy in them, well manipulating them is another story tho]

"for once you didn't surprise me but anyway thanks system"

[gratitude received ]

"alright what magic is, is more or less the same explanation in some other fantasy novel I read

If so then I guess I need to meditate and look deep inside my mind to feel that energy"

' I looked at my surrounding and see a small island in the middle of the lake'

"is that an island Gosh how to did I not see that"

' meditating means that I would be defenseless while doing it, and that island is close to land but not connected to it  I think t would be better if I go there to meditate '

Swimming to the island only took 4 minutes half of it is resting while floating 

Arriving at the island I once again looked around

"This place is even more beautiful when I look from here"

The island I'm on only has a tree in it the size of it is the equivalent of one 30studen classroom and the tree in the middle look like a cherry blossom tree I decided to meditate below The tree

"let's do this"

Below the tree, I crossed my leg, sit, and then closed my eyes. 
I have watched some meditation videos there they said that to meditate you need to focus on the silence and natural noises around you and I did just that

some minutes passed and I didn't feel anything until I do, the energy feels like it was in some kind of vessel like a glass. A plate or something similar

An imaginary hand forms and touches the vessel, the vessel pours a little energy and I suddenly get out.  In my meditation state

"gasp, holy cow that is weird "

[congratulations you are the first to discover your internal energy this news will be told to every Player]


[world news player Elly is the first to discover internal energy ]

"system I did not agree with this "

' gosh I can see that this will give me unwanted attention '

'now that I have discovered my internal energy what do I do, hmm I would like to try some magic but the question is how,  maybe imagine how I want the magic to do'

I get up and go to the edge of the island, I raised my hands and imagine water forming a bubble,  a moment after one big bubble forms in front of me I try to move it around and it does and then I imagine the bubble to shoot into the distance and it suddenly lunged into the distance pretty fast

[congratulations you are the first to  have earned the skill of magical manipulation this news will b-]


[what, humph fine I'm not gonna tell this to all players ]

"gosh what are you, a tsundere"

"Anyway, god that's cool but  it's a little too op...., as expected from flipping 120 points of magical capabilities "

' I don't think I should use that often otherwise this bow would be useless '

" alright let's check the magical manipulation skill"

[magical manipulation this skill lets the user manipulate magic to a greater extent and freedom than others note: hey sweetie congrats I did expect you to get this first because you are my daughter but congratulations are still required]
'That's a great skill to have as a mage but the thing is I'm an archer well. In some anime, some archer uses swords and throws planets around but that note tho I did not think that she would directly put a note in there did she watch over me, gah let's not think about that right now.

'Anyway let's get out of this island and find civilization'

A little time skip I have Got off the island and am currently walking  through the forest when I heard something

"Rustle rustle"(something)

'There's a rustling sound in the bushes what do I do, oh I know '

I crouch and go in the direction of the sound and it turns out the one that makes the sound is a wolf

'how the heck did that wolf not hear me, anyway can I check on its stat '

[grey wolf
This wolf is often found in a group this wolf is fast but doesn't have that many strength capabilities
Atk:17 hp:40/50 ]

' a grey wolf huh, the wolf seems to be alone so I might be able to kill it with a shot to the neck'

I slowly got up so that the wolf doesn't know that there is a Hunter beside him and I slowly readied my bow and arrow when the two is ready I then draw them and focus on my target until I'm sure that it is gonna hit then neck until

Swift)  the arrow flew and hit the wolf, unfortunately, it doesn't hit the neck and is still alive although the arrow is still stabbed in the wolf

"shot what do I do "

The wolf realized that I'm there look at me and run toward me the wolf ran so fast it was in front of me in seconds and lunged at me

Without giving myself much time to think I panicked and Dodge it while also grabbing the arrow that was in the wolf ripping the wolf and killing it in the process

[you have killed a wolf and gained  10xp and 5 gold]

"god that was intense for a beginner monster "

[I don't think that it is a beginner monster ]

"huh what can you repeat what you said "

[Nothing ]

"darn you "

'anyway  I have killed the wolf but the body is still here it doesn't disappear like other RPG games that I play '

I got closer to the wolf and touch it

[do you want to  dismantle the body yourself or let the system do it for you  {yes}{no}]

'huh so we need to dismantle the monster to get the loot  what do I get if I dismantle it myself'

[dismantleling a body yourself can grant you a higher quality material]

'huh I don't have any knife on me so I'll let the system do it '

[Order received dismantling the body ]

[you obtained  1 wolf fur 1 wolf fang 3 bones and a mysterious ring ]



"how the hell did I get a ring from that "

[what uhh  I don't know, do you want to not get it]

"no but how the hell can I get a mysterious ring from a wolf in the middle of a forest"

[I don't know ask the creator]

"alright anyway  what is this ring "
[mysterious ring: this is a mysterious ring to know what this ring do you need to go to an appraisal specialist and check it there ]

"Alright, that's kinda obvious, anyway ill save this for now"

"What a good performance you give there lady "(unknown guy)

Hearing this I immediately look behind me and point my armed bow at the person

"Who are you "(elly)

"Relax I'm Nathan, a player just like you "{nathan)

"tell me the reason you are here"(elly)

"I'm just walking around until I found you in a lake I see you meditating and see you make a ball of water fly like it's a rocket from a rocket propeller and I found you again here"(Nathan)

"that doesn't sound believable"(elly)

"but it's the truth"

"fine I'll believe you for now anyway, Nathan do you know the nearest civilization from here"(elly)

"huh you didn't spawn in a town"(Nathan)

"no, I spawned in a field of grass around here"

"that's interesting anyway the nearest town is around West it would take us around 8 hours to walk from here"(Nathan)


"What, I need to go to a town too you know, and besides a girl like you need protection"(Nathan)


I raised my hand and summon the same ball of water earlier to drown him

"wait no I'm just kidding-"

This will be another long journey

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