Virtual adventure F.O (Fantasy Overdose)

Chapter 9 [holy shiet natt]

"hey what do you mean by that, " Nathan asked 

"it means that this trial is gonna be difficult " I answered 

"But how," he asks again 

"let's just put our blood and mana here and you'll see, " I said 

We get to the front of the altar it seems that they already prepared a knife for us.

Nathan takes the knife and pours his blood onto the altar while I just look at the knife.

"what's wrong, " Nathan asked 

"It's nothing, it's just that come to think of it this will be my first time getting hurt," I said 

"Really, so before I met you in the forest you have never taken damage before" replied Nathan 

"yes I've never taken any damage before so I'm kinda afraid of how painful it feels to wound my hand," I said 

"oh poor you," he said jokingly 

"shut up," I said back 

"fufu, anyway don't worry the pain is lessened by the system you can just cut a little of your finger and heal it afterward," he said 

"yes " I answered 

I take the knife and use it to slice the tip of my finger it doesn't hurt as bad as I imagine but it's still uncomfortable, and due to that I can't help but let my voice out 

"hnhhn " I let my voice out (control yourself, reader )

I wound my hand and pour my blood Into the altar, for some reason the blood looks a tad bit more realistic now.

"how is it " Nathan ask 

"not as bad as I imagine, thanks Nathan" I answered 

"don't think about it" Nathan replied 

"[heal]" I healed my hand "Anyway let's pour our mana into this thing "


We move our palms closer but not touching and made a ball of mana using our mana then put that ball on the altar.

Then suddenly after we put the mana to the altar, the altar shines and makes 4 beams of light to the ball in all Vertices of the room, the ball also redirects the beam of light up to the ceiling shining all over the big room.

"holy, that surprised me, " Nathan said 

"same " I replied "I guess I don't need to illuminate the room myself then "

In the middle of getting fascinated by the event that just goes on a notification appears 

[ohh interesting the child of the elven goddess and the bearer of the Phoenix's essence, this will be interesting]

'wait' I thought 

"Bearer of the Phoenix's essence?" 

"child of the elven goddess?"

I and Nathan said at the same time 

"you talk first "

"you talk first "

We again said at the same time 

We stayed silent for a bit to let one talk first, but because no one said anything we again said the same exact thing at the same time.

"what the hell is happening "

"what the hell is happening " 

for the fourth time 

Before we could say the same thing at the same time again the notification pop up.

[alright stop that you love birds -]

"were not you piece of mph-" Nathan stopped me before I curse at the notification 

[anyway the trial for the both of you is to survive a total amount of 4waves of monsters, don't worry supply will drop after some waves, anyway Good luck ]

I had a hunch that the one sending this message is the goddess itself but anyway 

"After this, you explain yourself, Nathan, " I said 

"you too," Nathan said 

The beam of light stopped but the ball still shines brightly with the beam going upwards and the notification of the first waves appear 

<first wave > 

The wave will consist of mainly small minions like goblins and zombie type of undead 

Goal: kill a total of 50 mobs 


"alright this will be easy I think you can do this by yourself, Nathan," I said 

"I betcha I can, especially after I got these new tricks of mine, elly look. [infusion]" Nathan chants a spell 

"woah cool Nathan" Nathan's spear right now is burning but only the tip not affecting Nathan "How can you do that, can you teach me "

"It's simple as long as you have a high enough elemental affinity to an element you should able to direct your mana to your weapon and change that mana to an element" he answered.

When we're talking some of the ground descended and rises with a monster standing on the tiles.

"Alright, I think I understand" I take my arrow and draw the bow but instead of losing the grip and launching the arrow I pour a little of my mana into the arrow and turn that mana into light, after that my arrow began to shine a golden light "like this, " I said, to Nathan 

" yes exactly like that you learned fast " Nathan answer me and praise me 

"fufu, of course, I am, " I said 

With the arrow, I then try to shoot a goblin in the distance, right after I let the arrow go the arrow turned into a flipping beam of light and it immediately destroy the goblin's head.

Surprised I said "Holy" 

"yep that's how I react the first time too" Nathan answered 

"This technique barely even needs mana," I said "Also it doesn't even need a chant what do you chant earlier "

"oh that, just something that I said because it sounds cool " he answered 

"you remind me of an old friend of mine," I said 

"Really? What makes us similar " Nathan asks 

"come to think of it pretty much everything except for the gender " I answer 

"oh a...anyway we've been talking for too long where's the monster, it's a wave right," Nathan said. 

I did not hear it but he also said "There is no way" in a small tone that someone who is not right in front of his face could hear.

"yea where's the mons...ters, shit [barrier]" 

In the time that we are talking for some reason all 49 of the monsters gather up in a flipping circle surrounding me and Nathan.

I deploy a barrier because the monster is just about to attack us at the last second.

"Nathan help me will you," I said

"open up a way and ill blast them with fire," he said 

"alright "

In the dome of barrier that I made I open up a way for Nathan to go out 

"alright it's time for a blast " he shouted 

Nathan runs into the way out with his firey spear and impales zombies and goblins until he's out, I closed my barrier again and Nathan begins to do his work.

Nathan runs away a bit and cast his spell 

"[fotiyá blast ]" He cast a spell to make a spear made of fire.

He then throws that spear into the dome where the monsters and zombies are and kills pretty much half of the required amount, thanks to my barrier skill I did not take any damage from his spell

[monsters killed 34/50] Only 16 mobs left ]

I still stayed inside the dome while Nathan runs around on a rampage killing monsters.

Before long the notification shows up 

< the first wave cleared wait 30 seconds to start the next > 

[you and your ally have killed 15 zombies and 35 goblins you got 45 xp and 70 gold]

"and that's that first wave is easy enough, " I said 

"I did all the work " Nathan replies 

"I bet I could clear it solo too, anyway that fire spell is cool when did you learn it, " I ask

"oh that I got it when I reach level 5 but I think it's that powerful because of this ring you gave " he answered

"then that's good, also what do we get, " I asked

"Alright, let's see... Huh just some mana potion and health potion " he answers 

"at least its something," I said 

<second wave> 

This wave consists of mainly small and medium flying minion 

Goal: Kill a total of 50 mobs 


"alright elly this is your turn," Nathan said 

"Okay, it's time for my arrows to shine, literally," I said 

"I guess tonight well be eating drumsticks" I joke 

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