
Chapter 21: Denise and her Model – Part 10.

Marion smiled and blew air over Denise’s liquid covered form. “Yes, dear.  I am nearly complete.  Lots of curves and arches to compliment what you like and how your body flows.”  Marion winked. “I am so glad that you don’t have a mirror.”  Marion winked and kissed one of Denise’s hands. “Allow me.  Blue and transition into green.”  Marion suckled Denise’s index finger, swirling her tongue lightly around the small digit. “Your sweat is all over everything..sweet and salty..”  Marion purred.

Already heated beyond what she’d experienced before, Denise shivered and squirmed on the bed when Marion’s warm mouth clamped over her finger. “Fffthhhh…oh god yessss…”  Denise sucked in between her teeth and clenched her legs shut and ground against her puffy nethers. “M..Marion…pleasssseee..”

Popping Denise’s finger free, Marion dipped the same finger into the blue paint. “Now then..How many curves and loops can we paint on this beautiful body of yours before you beg me to crawl between your legs?”  Marion kissed one of Denise’s knees. 

“I should beg you now.”  Denise playfully huffed and let Marion move her finger across her skin. “Are you making a flower petal?”  Denise closed her eyes and followed the subtle moves across her body, “Mmm.. you were careful weren’t you?”

Marion brushed her lips lightly over one of Denise’s dark nipples, “So tender and stifff…” She hissed lovingly. “Should I?...”  Marion darted the tip of her tongue out and flicked the little nub once.

Grinning wide as she watched Marion close in on her stiff nipple, Denise felt her body tense a fraction of a second before she felt the overwhelming sensations ripple through her body. “Yes…you certainly should…Ma…” Denise stopped mid sentence when Marion pulled the ripe bud  into her mouth, rolling it gently around her tongue.  “Damm….god…yes…oh my…” Denise rattled off as she felt the soft suckling that came after.

Marion kept her pressure for a couple more moments before taking a cool breath in and releasing Denise’s perky peak. “That isn’t begging, my sweet.”  Marion laughed and dipped Denise’s finger back in the blue paint, connecting another series of dots. “You also asked me if I was making you a flower?”

“Mmhmm..”  Denise replied still in a half daze. “Do I really need to beg?  You seemed to enjoy that just now…”  Denise giggled and with her free hand, pinched one of her aching tips. “I…would prefer it if you did this…”  Denise murmured and moaned as she increased the pressure herself.

Switching the color on Denise’s hand to green, Marion slid her lover’s finger across her slick body, connecting the dots and half smearing the paint. “My much heat coming from your tummy, creating your lovely musk and slick sheen.” Marion growled teasingly.  With a pigmented loop around Denise’s belly button, Marion filled in the gap with another rosy print from her lips. “Hmmm, darling.  That still wasn’t begging.”  Finally blending the two colors into a rich teal, Marion began to connect the final dots. “I suspect you know where this will end.”

Fire pulsed non-stop through Denise’s body the moment Marion mentioned that the end of the art was near. “Marion…please me…”  She pleaded while her skin prickled with the last of the paint being spread across her hips to the light tuft of musky hair between her legs.

“There we go…Denise.  The words I have wanted to hear all night.  I will always love you.”  Marion wiped streaks of blended teal down the length of Denise’s legs before crawling onto the bed. “Let me do this, you’ve already asked.”  Marion tenderly offered as she kissed her way up Denise’s inner thighs.

Intoxicated with the myriad of sensations that had her body buzzing, Denise’s mind gladly bounced from place to place.  Her heart pounded in her chest, sending scorching blood throughout.  Her breasts ached from her desperate breathing.  Her legs quivered under the relentless pressure of Marion’s lips.  Her nipples drove spikes of pleasure to her cunny with every tug.  

Arching her back, Denise let her breasts free and gripped the bed when Marion’s kissing parted her folds and lapped gingerly into her sexual pool.  Denise desperately panted and pushed her hips down harder against Marion’s face.  “Oh…god…yes…take me…”  Denise pleaded as both of her wet folds were licked clear of their musky essence.

“Come on my sweeeet..” Marion rattled her tongue across Denise’s plump petals.

Shivering and still trying to get a complete breath, Denise cried out in ecstasy when Marion’s finger nudged its way into her small hole and plunged deeply within her. “Fuck…Yes….”  Denise rolled her ‘S’s and squirmed as Marion twisted her finger inside. “More..Mar…M-Marion.”  Denise sucked on her lip again and pushed herself down harder, grinding her hips to increase the tempo.

“You miss my lips, my sweet?”  Marion teased and swirled her tongue over Denise’s clit.

Releasing the mattress, Denise gripped Marion’s long silky black hair and guided her model straight to her pussy. “I miss it…I want to…” Denise’s voice came out broken and desperate. “…all over…”

“Oh my!  Aren’t you a dirty little artist?”  Marion relinquished and collapsed her molten mouth over Denise’s tight, wet womanhood.

Intolerable pressure built up across Denise’s small frame.  Starting from the top of her tummy, Denise felt her muscles go taut and release in succession until the wave of pressure circled around Marion’s thrusting finger and thrashing tongue.  A singular heartfelt feminine whine coupled with the sensation of a spring being released, Denise felt her body let go and love’s sweet lava flowed across Marion’s waiting tongue.

Moments after the rush, Denise’s head remained spinning though she’d taken some drug.  Lost in the convulsions of her orgasm, Denise barely took notice of Marion laying beside her and running her hands over her wet skin. “You are my glow-flower.”  Marion softly pressed her lips to Denise’s.

Giggling with the aftershocks still making her legs twitch, Denise noticed that Marion had struck the same pose as she did in the classroom. “ model.  Posing for me again?”  Denise ran her hands in Marion’s long hair, “You did paint a flower on me…I knew it.”  Denise whispered and trailed little kisses on Marions chin. “Will you stay the night…I…don’t want to be alone.”

“I am all yours, Denise.”  Marion whisked away a sweaty strand of hair from Denise’s eyes. “I will stay as long as I can..sleep now, Loved One.”

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