
Chapter 22: “Lost Little Denise.” – Part 1.

I wanted to take the time and thank my good friend Cory for taking the time to edit this chapter amid a stressful family time.  Thank you so much for your dedication.  I wish you all the best.

Echoes of sexual bliss and the last few words that Marion uttered flowed like water through Denise’s mind as she found herself coming out of the sleep it seemed her lover had put her into.  Opening her hazel eyes, Denise felt Marion’s long fingers lightly wrapped around one of her plump breasts. “Mmm, what a great…”  Denise purred softly and placed her hand over Mairon’s, “…great nap.”  She paused, “How long was I asleep?”

“Not long, Loved One.  Not long.”  Marion coolly responded. “Tell me what was so great about the nap.”

Denise swiveled her fingers through Marion’s, “You know how you fall in a dream, and most of the time it is scary, and you think you are going to die if you land?”


Taking a long deep breath, Denise closed her eyes again. “I had the falling, but no fear.  Like I couldn’t die.”

Kissing Denise lightly on the neck, Marion lightly teased. “You know, some people think that falling means that you have lost control…”  Marion paused, “…over an important subject or thing.”

“Have I lost control?”  Denise quickly posed the question. “I have seen myself swirling in a huge funnel before.”  Denise points to a small canvas on the wall. “I painted it when I woke up.”  Turning over so she could see her model, Denise scrolled her hand down one of Marion’s smooth pale cheeks. “Loved one…I like that name.”

“It felt right to say.” Marion leaned forward and gently kissed Denise. “You have lots of love to give, I can see it smoldering in your eyes.”

Rubbing her foot along her model's perfectly sculpted calf, Denise purred lightly and kissed Marion’s shoulders with cute little pecks. “I want to give it all to you, my darling.”

Caressing Denise’s cheek lightly, Marion shook her head lightly. “After one evening?” Marion chuckled and dabbed Denise on her slightly misshapen nose. “What do you truly know about me, Loved One?”

“What do you mean, Marion?”  Denise pulled the sheet up and across her chest before sitting up. “I guessed you were in the military before you mentioned it.  It was how I figured you were leaving in a few days.”  Denise huffed.

Marion sighed and rolled out of the bed with an amused look on her face. “I only asked what you knew about me, Denise.”  Marion winked one of her heavenly blue eyes, “You are the one that got angry.”

“I am not..angry.”  Denise quipped and felt her heart ache. “Come back to bed with me.”

Marion placed her hands on her hourglass hips and raised one of her long eyebrows, “It is probably for the best that I get dressed and you…”  She pointed at the decorations on Denise, “You get inside and wash all that off.”

Quickly looking at her body completely covered in paint, Denise snorted and smiled before nodding. “You have a point, Marion.”  Denise ran her hands through her hair breaking up the sweaty strands back to their natural dusty-blonde curls. “At least you kept the design where I can cover it up with my dress.”

“Your rules, not mine.  If it was my choice..”  Marion sat on the bed again and traced long lines around Denise’s eyes and cheeks. “I would have lovely and intricate tattoos that highlighted your darling eyes.”  Marion laughed when she saw the shock in Denise’s eyes, “Not permanent ink, silly.  Henna.  You can design so much with it and it is an ancient practice.”  Marion kissed Denise again, “You already knew that, Loved One.”

Reluctantly agreeing with her model, Denise shook her head. “I did know that, thousands of years old in fact.”  She smiled and shrugged, “Thank you art history.”  Denise sighed, “This still doesn’t resolve the question you had before.  How well I know you.”

“We have days for you to figure that out, Loved One.”  Marion winked after repeating the pet name. “I am willing to bet you know everything anyway.”

Denise crawled over to Marion slowly, “A game is it?”  Denise licked Marion from nipple to chin. “Mmmhumm.. You know..Romeo and Juliet knew nothing about each other..”

“Interesting choice of plays to focus on.”  Marion gushed, “You do know they died at the end.”

Denise laughed and pulled Marion close. “Antony and Cleopatra?”

Marion shook her head, “Hunted and killed.  Your choices aren’t ending well, Loved One.”

Denise felt her palm start to itch and she pulled away from Marion long enough to look at the little glowing mark. “Can you see that?”

Marion nodded. “Probably just paint.  I wouldn’t worry about it.”

Denise fell back on her knees pondering the things the two had discussed since she woke up. “Death is coming up quite often, Marion.”  Denise bit nervously on her lip, “It has to mean something.”

Marion waved her hand, “You’re just tired.” Getting off the bed once more, Marion pulled on her undergarments. “The good news is that if you hurry, then you will make your mother’s curfew.”  Marion slyly whispered and winked.

“I told you, before.”  Denise huffed and seemed a bit annoyed. “I sleep up here all the time.  Didn’t you even point out that they’d see the car?”

Marion zipped up her black skirt, “We’ve discussed a bunch this evening.”  Marion blew a kiss to Denise. “Let’s not upset that balance by a simple misunderstanding…I mean you are so distracting that I might just lose my memory.”

Denise tossed the sheet away from her flower painted body and jumped from the bed to stand in front of Marion. “Distractions.  I think that is fair enough.”  Denise pranced around Marion before pressing her breasts into her model’s back in a loving hug. “You say I don’t know you..Let me guess your last name.”

Marion laughed, “How will you possibly do that, Denise?”  Squirming until she faced Denise, Marion found Denise’s neck and nibbled lightly. “You don’t even know where I am derive a last name.”  She planted kisses up to Denise’s earlobe. “What do I get if you are wrong?”

“Ahh…uhhh..”  Denise moaned happily as Marion kissed her. “Wh…what do you want?  Lord help me your kisses are devilish.”

Marion stopped her kissing and gave Denise a longing look from her blue eyes. “Promise me that when I am gone you will always leave a light on for me to see so I can get back to you.”

“I can do that regardless.”  Denise offered and wrapped her arms around Marion’s smooth shoulders. “I asked you to stay all night.”

Marion broke free of Denise’s arms and put her hands on her hips once more. “Well?  Agree to the terms.”

Rolling her eyes, Denise laughed and sat down on the bed. “Fine, I agree.  Soldier, model.  A nurse in fact.  You don’t look old enough, but I think you were in the war.”

“If you say so.”  Marion winked and laughed as she pulled on her blouse and buttoned it up. “You won’t trick me into saying anything.  This is your guess, not mine.”

Denise mirrored her partner and slipped on her underwear and snickered at covering up the paint. “I think you are from a bit further east of here, Norfolk?  A Navy nurse?”

“Yes, but you are stalling for time.”  Marion winked and giggled. “So not a soldier, but technically a sailor.”

Denise wiggled into her dress and re-zipped it. “You caught me, my dear.”  Denise strapped her belt back on. “Let’s see…Smith would be too common and silly.”  Denise watched the blank expression on Marion’s face. “Walker.”

“No. Hell no. Not even close.”  Marion laughed and did a little twirl. “Walker? I do like it, but that isn’t it.”  Marion picked up her dog tags and let them clank before tucking them into her top. “You had all night to look at them.”

Denise closed her eyes and pictured the small detail when the couple started to get undressed.  She knew that her model had the little name tags and even briefly looked at them before tossing them in a metal heap on the floor.  Slowing time in her head, Denise replayed the image in her head a few times. “I got it.”  She purred lightly. “The W..I had that right.  It’s Williams, not Walker.”  Denise opened her eyes and raised her eyebrows.

“You have an excellent memory, Loved One.”  Marion pulled out the tags and showed them to Denise for confirmation, “Williams.”  Marion kissed her lover on the cheek, “That wasn’t the deal though.  You have to leave a light on for me to always follow.”

Slipping her feet into her Mary Janes, Denise sighed. “I promise after you leave at the end of the week, I will keep a light on for you.”  She scratched her palm again. “I will have to be inventive and see if I can paint teal on a lightbulb.”

“Teal?”  Marion grabbed Denise in a loving hug and kissed the twin hearts on her face. “Our color mix!  See, so much love in you.”  Marion brushed Denise’s hair from her eyes again, “Can you think of a fun couple?”

Blushing heavily from the string of kisses to her cheeks, Denise barely registered the question and quickly voiced, “Bonnie and Clyde.”

Marion shook her head again and slipped on her own shoes, “Still not very promising.  A set of outlaws?”

Denise made a set of twin finger guns, “We are kinda outlaws, right?  It is not exactly legal for you and I to be here confessing love, let alone having sex.”

Marion pranced back into Denise’s arms, “Do you like the idea of us being outlaws, Loved One?”

Using one small paint covered finger, Denise traced around the outline of Marion’s lips. “Yeah, I do.  It’s kinda fun.”

“My little rebel.”  Marion winked and pulled away from Denise. “I would stay all night, but you know full well I can’t.”  Marion winked, “How would I sneak out in the morning?”

Denise wrapped her hair in one of her loose bandanas and opened the door. “Good point, my darling.”  Denise laughed and clutched her legs tight. “I still have to get everything off my body, while thinking about how you took care of …mmm…”  She ran back to her model and pressed herself into a quick but heavenly kiss. “...See you tomorrow night?”

“Of course.”  Marion cooed.

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