
Chapter 25: All Good Things…. Part 8.

Blood moved slowly down Faye’s throat, providing a great measure of relief to the flame that typically radiated and taunted her.  Faye had felt the change in Casey’s blood consistency when the initial drops drained into her stomach.  Rather than taking all of her precious seconds feeding on her friend's lovely and sex filled plasma, Faye forced herself to pull away and deal with the gnawing hunger. “Thank you, love.”  Faye winked and took a staggering step backwards so she could gather more of her determination. “Wh…what a lovely gift, Casey.  Thank you.”  Faye managed to stammer as the sexual desires laden in the small amount of blood she’d consumed started to weave its way between her legs. “You hid that well, Casey.”  Faye held her temples as she kept gathering her senses.

Sensing that her new wife was struggling with her emotions and cravings, Vivienne held Casey tightly around her waist and gently lifted her dress back over her shoulders. “Faye..”  Vivienne half whispered and nodded to a chair, “Faye, darling..please take your time, I have Casey.” Peering into her ward’s glossy and distant brown eyes, she took a moment to comfort Casey in her bliss. “I will confess that you had deceived me quite well.  I thought you had simply gone…what’s the term..”  Vivienne paused, “..ah..Boy crazy.”

Slowly moving her head side to side, Casey took a long deep breath and let her mistress' strength hold her up. “Nope.”  Casey rasped and giggled as she let the euphoria wash over her more. “I can live with or without sex…mmm..”  She moaned quietly. “I…I just…missess…um..missed this.  You…us, me…closer you know?”  Casey focused her eyes on Vivienne’s soft blue ones. “It’s okay, Viv.  I love Faye as well as yourself.”  Casey found the strength to cup Vivienne’s cheek. “Happy for you both.”  She sighed and lay her head on Vivienne’s shoulder. “Mmm, when I said yes…I didn’t fathom any of this.”  Casey frantically waved her hand at Faye, “Please?”

Aware that her control was firmly back in place, Faye stood up from the small lounger that she’d relaxed in.  Making her way over to the hand waving Casey, Faye half-laughed and took the ward’s hand. “Calm down, I am here.”  Faye pulled Casey out of Vivienne’s arms with a wink. “You are something else.”  Faye kissed Casey on her cool forehead. “What can I do for you?”  Faye snickered.

“Nothing.”  Casey gripped Faye around her shoulders and hugged her tight. “Take care of her, Faye.”  Stamina returning, Casey stood up and took a step back. “Look at her.”  Casey smiled widely. “Without you, she will be lost again.”  Casey kissed Faye’s cheek lightly. “Love at first sight…Faye.”  Taking a shallow breath and swallowing hard to avoid crying, Casey headed to the door of the cabin. “Looks like we’ve stopped.”  Opening the door, Casey waved to the captain who was waiting on a small craft to take them to shore. “At least I have the house to myself for a few days.”  Casey blew a kiss to them both and closed the door behind her.

“Just us.”  Vivienne pulled Faye into a hug and kissed her lightly across both of her brides’ cheeks.



Once the sound of the little boat engine had faded into the distance, Faye grabbed Vivienne’s hand and slowly escorted her wife to the back deck, under the soft light of the full moon. “Vivienne.”  Faye whisper-breathed her sanguine scent. “While I love you and this gift Casey provided…”  Faye closed her eyes and held onto Vivienne’s hand tightly. “...I…I want to be me.”  Soothing out the deep and raging river of sexual desire from Casey’s blood, Faye knew she’d cleansed the blood so she was completely herself.  “Mhmmm..”  Faye murmured and reached up to touch Vivienne’s soft visage. “I am, however, willing to try that cognac.”

While the earthy scent of her sex still permeated the stockings she wore with a hint of rosemary, Vivienne completely understood why Faye cleansed her blood. “Mmm, In…deed…”  Vivienne purred, “I agree my love, she meant well.”  Vivienne kissed the gentle fingers touching her face one by one. “Give me a few seconds.”  Focused solely on her partner's green eyes, Vivienne felt the hard and pulsing energy of Casey’s charged blood dissipate, leaving her completely within her own mind and body. “Have I told you before how much I love you and your cat-eyes?”  Vivienne reached around Faye’s lace clad waist and started swaying to a silent song in her head. “I’m all yours, Mon amour…”  Vivienne whispered delicately between their warming bodies.  Wanting to be lost in the moment, Vivienne leaned down to kiss Faye and found that Faye had already tilted her head up and had her lips half-parted.  Unable to resist such a divine offer, Vivienne pressed her blue painted lips onto her lovers.

Sensing that she was ready for whatever would come, Faye took the unusual step of taking the lead and offering her lips to Vivienne first.  Faye had expected that their kiss would be slightly above normal due to the circumstances of the wedding and the excitement it brought.  She wasn’t ready for the overwhelming sensation of the moment.  Hints of mortal iron laced blood trickled into her open mouth as Vivienne’s lips pressed harder into her own.  Faye felt herself shiver lightly when Vivienne’s hands slipped along her hips and to the small of her back.  Whatever Faye had been thinking melted away with her ability to think or move clearly.  Almost numb to everything except where Vivienne and her were connected, Faye didn’t register that her hands had fallen from Vivienne’s face and her arms dangled limply behind her.

Instantly, Vivienne felt the connection of their lips as though they’d been plugged in together with their hearts feeding electric beats to one another.  Inspired by the little pulses that flowed between them, Vivienne danced the tip of her tongue around the edges of Faye’s mouth and worked her way over the pink rose lipstick Faye wore.  Delving deeper into their connection, Vivienne enjoyed the way the soft wax melted and meshed with every passionate flex of their bonded lips.  When Vivienne felt Faye give up her entire body weight, Vivienne felt the energetic pulses turn to complete trust and devotion in her arms. Images of Faye’s sparkling eyes flashed in her mind, and Vivienne slowly pulled herself out of their lip bond to see them in reality. “Make a wish, Mon amour.”  Vivienne cooed lightly.

Having given herself completely to Vivienne, Faye didn’t move and simply enjoyed the way she was being softly cradled without any worry of being let go. “’s…”  Faye felt her normally dead heart flutter in her chest, sending little butterflies through her veins. “ happened.” Faye closed her eyes once more and sighed, “I could lay here like this forever.  Moonlight on my skin, your arms keeping me safe as I almost fly.” 

“Mon amour…”  Vivienne leaned down and scooped Faye so that she was cuddled against her chest. “Almost fly?”  Vivienne twirled and watched as Faye’s hair spread out and their silhouettes turned slowly with the moonlit shadows. 

Faye wiggled her legs and feet as she felt her wedding dress catch air and float lightly in the air.  Giggling lightly as Vivienne spun around like top Faye pulled her veil off and held it in the wind. “You’ll give me anything if I say it, huh?”  Faye pushed the bobby pins of her veil into Vivienne’s braided hair.

Casually stopping their little aerial spin so that she faced the door to the main cabin, Vivienne kissed Faye’s neck lightly and tugged on the supple leather with her fangs until she heard Faye moan lightly. “Mmmhmm, I will do my very best.”

Faye trailed her index finger along the curve of Vivienne’s cheek. “Then take me beyond that threshold..”  Faye pointed at the open door, smiling. “..Then let’s recharge from that very old bottle in there and see where it leads us.”

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