
Chapter 25: All Good Things…. Part 9.

This section was the one that released about a month early.  You can see the release date back in January. Sorry about any confusion that this might have caused.  Tomorrow will be new content.  Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

Walking and twirling her way inside the main cabin, Vivienne carried Faye to one of the three rounded white elongated sofas that were shaped like a broken circle and facing each other. “Oh…”  Vivienne partly sang, “...I am certain that we both know where this is going to lead.”  Laying her wife softly on the end of one couch, Vivienne hurried to the bar and picked up a small chrome corkscrew.  Using her sharp claw, Vivienne first peeled the paraffin seal from the neck then after a few quick twists, she popped the cork free. “Shall we let the mix breathe?  It has been over two hundred years?”  Vivienne teased as she picked up a couple brandy snifters and walked back to Faye.

“Isn’t part of the whole cognac experience supposed to be smelling the blend?”  Faye asked politely as she flicked her white heels onto the floor. “Amber...”  Faye called out, “...Dim the lights to candlelight and drop the sunshades.  Pick out some mood music.”  

Initially confused, Vivienne laughed as she realized that the name was linked to one of the Blood Bunnies back at the manor. “You named the computer, Amber?”  Closing her eyes, Vivienne swirled the alcohol gently in the bottle and absorbed the scent as it escaped. “...Peaches and figs…mmm.”  

“Oh, heavenly.  I don’t think I have ever smelled something so..potent.”  Faye watched as Vivienne poured them both a sample of the cognac. “Oh, the blood…”  Faye’s throat suddenly abated as she looked curious at the rich red liquid. “How?”

Vivienne slipped her own shoes off and settled on the sofa with Faye, pulling her wife’s legs onto her lap. “Why question it?  We might have to visit Quentin.”  Swirling the aromatic brew in her glass, Vivienne finally took a sip and let out a quick sigh afterward. “It’s exactly what you think.  I can detect the blood in it, but somehow it doesn’t overpower the other flavors.”  Vivienne ran her hand along Faye’s covered leg. “It’s quite good.”

Lost in the fruity flavor, Faye sat for a few more seconds and let the cognac keep the tiny whirlpool she was creating as she moved the balloon glass in her hand. “Heavenly.  Faye tilted the glass to her pink lips and felt the immediate cooling effect as the liquor coated her throat. “Viv!”  Faye nearly yelled and tossed her head back. “It’s gone…really gone.”

“Amazing and intriguing isn’t it?”  Vivienne sipped more and enjoyed the absence of the burn in her throat for the first time.  Facing her partner, Vivienne blew Faye a kiss and finished off the contents of her glass. “Mon amour…without the gnawing in the back of our mind…we can just be together.”  Vivienne leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on Faye’s stocking covered big toe.

Relief from the ongoing pain was enough for Faye to be convinced.  Faye quickly tipped the glass and let the contents flow down her parched throat, coating it and driving the scorching torture away. “Just us.” Faye panted lightly when she felt Vivienne kiss her toe. “…funny joke…Amber…”  Faye felt the rush of emotion and warmth as Vivienne’s lips grazed the tips of her toes through the sheer fabric. “Just tear the stupid thing off..” Faye begged and began to squirm lightly.

Blowing lightly through the sheer fabric, Vivienne teased Faye a bit more. “No need to do that.  The bed is just through the hall back there.”  Vivienne traced Faye’s toes with her index finger. “A soft and comfy bed, just…begging.”  

Forcing herself to sit upright, Faye pulled herself away from Vivienne’s teasing grasp.  “Amber…moonlight.”  Faye stood up and held out her hand as a small ball dropped from the ceiling and bathed the room in light that was just as soft as the moon outside the cabin.  Faye held out her hand. “Misses Moreau?”

Pleasantly surprised that Faye could stave her off, Vivienne took Faye’s hand and stood in the center of the room. “Yes, Madame Moreau?”  Vivienne playfully countered, and stepped into Faye’s personal space.  Clasping Faye’s other hand into her own, Vivienne scooted a little closer so that they could feel the energy between them. “What…” Vivienne exhaled lightly, “ on your mind?”

Months of being in Vivienne’s presence did nothing to help Faye resist what was currently happening between them.  Faye didn’t know how or why, but she felt the small granules of Vivienne’s soil tumble and twirl in her chest like light snowflakes falling to the ground. “Mmm, lots Viv.”  Faye slipped one of her hands free and pulled Vivienne to her by the waist. “Amber…music selection number one, please.  Repeat a few times and then load R&B number two.”  Gazing into Vivienne’s eyes, Faye took a steady breath and held completely still. “A little surprise..a little something that focused you before.”  Faye leaned in and gently pecked Vivienne on the lips. “I never really thanked you.”

Deep base and impactful drums lead the hard yet distinct sound coming through the speakers.  Vivienne heard a single note from the heavy metal being plucked from the electric guitar and knew the song.  Unable to hold back the crushing weight of the words that Metallica started singing, the ancient vampire let tears of joy and admiration roll down her round cheeks. “Nothing else matters.”  Vivienne mouthed the words of the song playing aloud and dancing in her head.

…So close, no matter how far
Couldn't be much more from the heart
Forever trusting who we are
And nothing else matters
Never opened myself this way
Life is ours, we live it our way
All these words, I don't just say
And nothing else matters
Trust I seek and I find in you
Every day for us something new
Open mind for a different view
And nothing else matters…

Twisting and spinning slowly with the heavy beat, Faye led her new spouse in their graceful and dreamlike dance.  Pulling the two tightly together, Faye carried their combined weight just as Vivienne had done while basking in the moonlight.  Between the warm whispers of Vivienne singing the song, Faye pushed her hips into Vivienne’s and with a skillful pivot, had Vivienne with her back pressed into her chest.  Faye slithered her hands across Vivienne’s tummy and kissed her neck. “Love?”  Faye rasped between the lines of the song. “You are singing it, but do you truly trust me?”

Between the music playing and the firm grip Faye had on her, Vivienne didn’t hesitate with the reply and through her angelic haze mewled, “Irrevocably, Mon amour.”  Closing her eyes, Vivienne enjoyed the perpetual sway that Faye had started along with the dainty little kisses on her neck and shoulders.

Smiling to herself, Faye felt her four fangs click tightly into place.  Trailing kisses along Vivienne’s neck and down to her shoulders, Faye found her mark.  Scraping her fangs lightly across Vivienne’s immaculate and virginal white skin, Faye waited until Vivienne shook lightly and quietly purred before pressing her four sharp points through Vivienne’s normally impervious exterior.

Exquisite and unfamiliar pain shot through Vivienne’s body, as she inhaled through her teeth sharply.  Half ready to issue a warning to Faye to not injure herself, Vivienne forgot any justification for her concern when Faye’s fangs pierced her. “Incroyablement magique, mon amour. Oh, la douleur agré…”  Vivienne sputtered and gasped hastily in French, as the pleasured pain ached its way through Vivienne’s hungry senses.

Swallowing a bit of the ancient and kindred blood that rushed into her mouth, Faye managed to get a moment to respond to the babbling train of French coming from her lover. “Mmmhmm, my love.  I love the way you put that…”  Faye teased and let some of Vivienne’s blood stream down her shoulders and stain her white dress. “Unbelievably magical…”  Faye purred and seductively hooked one of her fingers around the zipper to Vivienne’s dress and pulled it straight down, exposing her lover’s back. “So sexy when you mutter like this…pleasured pain, huh?”  Faye slipped Vivienne’s stained dress from her shoulder, and licked the streams of plasma as they rolled down. “Yes…Vi…Vivienne…we are magical.”  Faye slurped her way back to the open holes and kissed them closed.

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