Waifu Catalog: Warcraft Beta Tester

Darcell is on the Case


It was so exciting to get a mission of her own. Darcell had never been entrusted with a special mission before, and she was ready to prove herself. Drusilla was coming along, but she was just there to watch Darcell’s back. That was also very exciting in its own way; she wasn’t normally into girls but Drusilla was so pretty she might make an exception. Especially if that was something Otto wanted.

Back on track. Darcell had to watch this Sylvius girl. Her companion pointed her out in the market, presumably with gem magic. Keryn Sylvius was obviously a Stormwind girl; there was a soft cleanness to her that only people with regular access to lots of clean water bother with. That was the only soft thing about her. She had her hair tied back, and was wearing a thick leather breastplate over a brown shirt and pants. It was important to memorize as much as she could, so Darcell would be able to keep track of her whatever she did.

What she did was not exciting, mind you. Smoked fish and wolf meat were exchanged for copper and silver then tucked away in her pack. She seemed like any other woman preparing for a trip. She drifted along fairly normally, doing a bit of window shopping at some stalls, seriously considering a new pair of boots. Then alarmingly she made her way to the west end of town and left at a brisk pace.


The redhead hurried after her, trying to remain inconspicuous while maintaining line of sight. Darcell refused to lose track of this lady. Otto was relying on stamping her for whatever he was planning, so that had to happen. She made her way out of town, and Darcell followed, relying on trees and shrubs on the sides of the road to avoid being seen. She didn’t know what her plan was really, but she needed to at least know where the target was going. Otto could figure it out from there.

Abruptly, Keryn vanished. Darcell was moving between two trees one moment, and when she looked up to get a bead on her target, the road was empty. What had happened? Darcell panicked, looking around for any signs that Sylvius was still around. After a few moments she stepped out into the road, hoping she might at least find some landmarks to report as the site of the disappearance.

An abrupt blow to the back of her head and a sweep to the legs was her reward for exposing herself. “Hey fish. What brings you here?” The woman’s husky voice was slightly amused, but Darcell didn’t need jewelry magic to tell her she was in danger. “You should have stuck with your spotter’s strategy. You don’t need to keep track of a mark that closely, you know? Exposed both of ya. Now. You’re going to tell me what you’re here for, and if it’s something I believe, then you are going home and not bothering me anymore.”

Darcell looked up at the woman, standing with her hips cocked and a hand on each dagger, standing over her. Otto was right, as always, with his suggestion; this cover story wouldn’t even be a lie. “I want to be like you,” came out before she even thought about it. “That was amazing.”

“It was a basic application of stealth, fish.” Keryn was unimpressed, but relaxed a bit at the obviously genuine tone. “I train recruits sometimes, but you’re too green to be worth the effort. Try going to Northshire if you want to start on the path. Jorik is a hell of a lot more patient with kids than I am. If it turns out that you are actually worth my time, he will let you know.”

An idea occurred to Darcell, and she felt a small wooden circle appear in her palm, just like when she’d needed food. “Do you promise?”

“What the hell are you talking about, fish?”

“Do you promise you’ll train me to be like you if Jorik says you should? Will you shake on it?”

“Ballsy little fish, ain’t ya? Alright. If I haven’t been reassigned and you get a recommendation from Jorik, I promise I’ll push you until you can’t go any further.” She reached out her bare hand to Darcell to help her stand, though her other hand was still ready to draw a dagger. Their hands clasped together with the stamp pressed firmly against Keryn’s palm as she hoisted the redhead up to her feet. Darcell held tight until a three count had passed, letting go with a satisfied smirk.

Keryn looked at the light blue design on her palm and the smug grin plastered across Darcell’s face. “What the hell is this?”

“Something to remember me by. I got one over on you.” The agent chuckled good naturedly when she saw the simple wooden stamp held up.

“Alright, alright. I look forward to making you cry when you come back thinking you’re hot shit, and have to go through real training. Now get lost; I have things to do and your friend is hiding behind that tree trying to decide if she should intervene. Oh; also, don’t try to pull pranks like that. You’re lucky I didn’t gut you on reflex.”

Darcell’s smile was glowing as she walked back to the warlock, who was indeed hiding behind the indicated tree. Otto would be pleased, she was certain of it. She was starting to get horny just thinking of what he’d say.

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