
41. Call the Exorcist!

Content Warning: Things get pretty lewd in this chapter. There is lots of perverse talk and some sexual situations that may be disturbing to sensitive readers.

I'm completely shocked by Emma's request. The documentation had warned me about possession if I channeled someone my own level. It hadn't mention anything about being possessed by someone of a lower level voluntarily.

"Um... why would you want that?"

"I want the chance to breath clean air again."

"We're in a stuffy tomb."

"Still, it would be nice to experience life in the real game world, even if it was only for a few minutes."

"I just... It would be weird."

"You said, you would do anything. And I would so owe you. Big time! When we're back on campus, I will do any favor you ask of me. Any at all! So, what do you say? Come on. Be as cool as I know you are."

Hmmm. This would give me what I've been wanting. I could use this to ask her on a date. Not to mention, she'd have a reason to like me and not just think I was Lee's weird friend who could barely string a sentence together in front of her.

Astra put a hand on my arm. "I don't think this is a good idea. Not a good idea at all."

It is only for a few minutes. And Emma has always been super nice. What could really go wrong?

"All right," I say. "You can have control for the remainder of the spell."

"Thank you!" Suddenly my hands are pawing at my body. "Whoa! What is it with this game and boobs." I stand, still groping my assets. "I was turned into this green goblin girl with tits bigger than my head.1Just to clarify: she was a Pooka, the species as Kerda and not Kerda. These are a bit smaller, but not by much."

Astra groans. "Triste, why did you do it?"

"Because Triste is a big softy and doesn't mind helping a girl out. And speaking of helping a girl out... I have about fifteen minutes to fuck, so lets get at it."

"Emma, wait! What are you talking about?" I feel like I'm in a long hallway trying to project my voice to the other end. It's then I notice that my body is practically panting with need.

"You have no idea what it's like in that place. Everything is trying to corrupt you all the time. We didn't understand that at first. We thought that staying away from the demons was enough. But everything you eat or drink changes you—twists you until you can barely recognize yourself. And the horny-ness. Always horny! Always needing a fuck. But fucking corrupts you even more. That's how the demons get you in the end. They don't even need to hunt you—although they do. All they need to do is wait and you'll eventually become so depraved, you'll beg for them to enslave you." I turn to face Bronte. "How about it Big Blue? I could sure use that cock pounding this ass."

"What!?! No! Not a chance! Stop this! Give me back my body!"

"Shhh. Quiet now!" I keep screaming, but my words stop coming out my mouth as she blocks me from having any control.

Bronte looks struck. "No. I'm not going to do that. Get out of Triste now!"

I sidle up to Bronte and lean against her. I lick my lips. "Now. Now. I can tell you want to do it. So, how about you get inside Triste now!" My fingers circle around her hard shaft. The only thing between it and my skin is the wool of her skirt. I feel my whole being jerk away from the sensation, but my body only leans in closer and my thigh rubs against the exposed tip.

I can see it in Bronte's eyes: she does want it. With the stress in her gaze and the way she flicks her vision left and right, it's easy to guess she's trying to figure out a way to agree to it and not be the bad-guy.

"Look bitch!" Astra says, pulling me away from Bronte. "You happen to be wearing my girlfriend's body, and I'm not going to let you do anything sick and perverted with it."

"Girlfriend huh?" I giggle a little. "Well, girlfriend, in that case, why don't you help me." I grab Astra's clenched fist and hold it up between us. "I sure wouldn't mind this slamming into my ass."

The longer I'm stuck in the background, the more Emma's thoughts bleed through. Well, only one thought really. She doesn't seem capable of thinking about anything except how much she wants her ass penetrated. And it's very clear she's anxious for it to be both painful as well as giving her sexual release.

Astra gazes at me in horror. "Okay. That's it. Everyone, help me restrain her until the spell wears off and this psycho is back in Hell."

"Fuck that!" I scream. "Character Sheet!"

Astra takes hold of my arms and Bronte who's right there, grabs me from behind. Emma doesn't waste any time grinding up against her erection. But she only does this for a couple of seconds before my body becomes insubstantial and Astra and Bronte crash into each other.

"Ha! Ha! Triste has some pretty cool skills," I say stepping away from them. "Too bad she teamed up with such a group of useless losers. Isn't there any one here, who knows how to give a girl what she needs?"

Everyone stands around gawking at me. Morgan says, "Well, at least she can't do any harm as a beam of light."

"Except we can't stop her if she does something stupid," Vladimir says. "Like run up to the next level to the Lich."

My eyes dart to the stairs in the center of the room. Then, I'm drifting toward them. 

I'm going to kill Vladimir when this is over.

Suddenly, I'm solid again and my feet slam against the floor jarring my bones

*** Congratulations! ***

Your Arousal Potency has reached its Maximum!

Due to your current possession, you have been rewarded with your host's anal kink!

This kink will become permanent unless Arousal Potency is lowered in the next two hours!

Son of a bitch! I'm never using this channeling skill again.

Not that it seems Moon Glow is all that great. Ten seconds or so of being insubstantial and my Arousal is maxed.

Bronte slams into me and brings me down in a flying tackle. Pain shoots through me as I crash to the stone floor. My strength is no match for Bronte's, and she quickly pins me in place with a knee on my lower back.

I yell, "I choose to leave this party and go solo!"

Why would she leave the party? I think. 

Then I remember: my Wail and Aura don't effect party members. Shit!

Lynesse shrieks in terror. 

*** Congratulations! ***

You have enthralled Vladimir (Level 6 Pilferer)!

You are the object of Astra's (Level 7 Warden) erotic dreams!

You are the object of Bronte's (Level 8 Blade-weaver) erotic dreams!

'You are the object of Lynesse's (Level 5 Fleshomancer) nightmares!

"Unless you want me to unleash all of Triste's weapons, one of you will fuck me now!"

"I'll do it!" Vladimir says.

"What the hell are you doing, Vlad?" Morgan asks.

"Let me go!" He squeals. "My Love needs me! Eeeeee! Keep those filthy tentacles off of me!"

"Yaaa!" Morgan yelps. "That was a bad idea! Those are not for fighting with."

Bronte's grip on me isn't as tight as it was, although more of her presses against me. Drool drips onto my shoulder. Breathlessly she says, "Maybe we should. Triste might get hurt if we fight. I can be gentle." The hand on my left arm stops holding and starts caressing. 

What?!? No!

Astra says, "Okay. I think you're right. But I should be the one to do it."

Astra, no! Not like this!

"No!" Vladimir screams. "Let me! Let me!"

"Am I the only one here who hasn't lost my mind?" Morgan says. From the way they pause here and there as they speak, I guess that they're the one holding Vladimir back, and he's struggling quite a bit. "You're not really thinking of violating her while she's being possessed by some crack whore, are you?"

Astra says, "Sorry. You're right. I... She just so... I just want to touch..."

"Just for that comment," I say to Morgan. "I'm going to let you have a blast of this." I let loose with a Wail.

When the echo fades away, Morgan is yelling, "Lynesse! Lynesse! Where are you going!?!"

At least restrained and at full health there's no other way she can do any more harm to my friends. All my spells require me to either move or heal. And even with Bronte's slackened grip, I can't possibly pull out my knife.

But then, the system menu is brought up, and I see a selection of available spells. I never chose my new spell at level up, now Emma makes the decision for me. She picks Ectoplasm and casts it immediately.

I remember the description had said that it created an ally out of the spiritual ooze called ectoplasm. I also recall from reading about the Fox Sisters and how mediums long ago would claim to produce the substance, but would really use stuff like cheese cloth and hide it in their nose or mouth. Or their... Oh, no!

Of course, of all the places women were reported to conceal it, Katie had to pick the worst place for it to emerge.

A rough scrapping begins shifting through my body. Well, not my whole body. A very particular and sensitive part of my body. Soon the walls of my vagina are being shoved a part, and it's filling me up from the inside out.

"Gnnaaah!" I cry. "Oh, that hits the spot! Triste really does have the coolest toys. Speaking of which, Equip!"


Instantly, it's not just my pussy that's full but my ass as well. What has she done?

God, it feels good though.

The ectoplasm keeps flowing until a rough humanoid figure stands next to me. The pressure in my loins ease as the last of it escapes. It sets on Bronte, attacking her and trying to dislodge her from me.

"A little help here!" she calls. Then, "Son of a bitch! I really should have healed after that last fight. Morgan!"

"I can't cast without letting Vlad go."

"Let him go!" Bronte isn't fighting back, and she rocks and sways with each smack of the creature's limbs. "We'll deal with that later."

"Fools! Attack, my little death fairy! Attack!"

But before Vladimir can join the fray, Astra screams, "I've got him!"

"NO! I must do as Triste says! I MUST!"

"Yeow!" Bronte howls. "Goddamn! This goo monster hits hard. Triste, you're going to owe me when this is over."

"Make her pay now," I say as the magic creature dissipates into the ether, the spell spent. "You can still be holding me down while ramming your dick into me."

Bronte seems to pause, perhaps considering this.

"Quick! Quick! We only have a few minutes left until that goody-goody is back in charge!"

Bronte shifts, twisting her body around and my dress is yanked up.

"What are you doing!?!" Morgan screams. While I scream the same thing but impotently inside my head.

"Stay out of this," she replies. "We both need this."

Morgan casts a spell, and Bronte stops. She expels a deep breath of air, and I can feel it on the back of my neck. She seems to tremble as she says. "Damn! I was losing my mind. Thank you."

"I'm just shocked it worked. That anti-curse has the worst—"

"You people are pathetic. I can't wait until you are all dead and are in the Netherworld. The demons will make you their house pets!"

Astra says, "How are you going to live with yourself when you get back to real life?"

I cackle. "What makes you think any of us are getting back there? Or even if we do, that we won't still be ruled by Katie."

"What are you talking about? Katie's control is limited to Feronia."

"Idiot! Katie is a god. She is everywhere! Everything! Everyone! There is no escape, so we might-as-well embrace it and—"

And like a switch being flicked, Emma's gone and I'm back in control.

"You can let me up. It's me," I tell Bronte.

"How can we be sure?"

"I can feel your winkie pressing against my thigh and its freaking me out!"

"That's her all right," Morgan says.

Bronte gets off of me, and I struggle to my feet. My dress is still pulled up so I quickly correct that. I also notice something extremely uncomfortable about moving and realize whatever Emma did to my ass, it's still there. I look up my character sheet and notice the gold butt-plug that was in my treasure pile is now equipped. Ick! What a perverted thing to do.

But I can't seem to bring myself to unequip it. Although I probably could pull it out. I wouldn't mind knowing what that feels like: pulling it out and pushing it back in. Pulling it out, pushing it in...

Right, the kink. At least, it doesn't seem to be all mixed up with masochism like with Emma. She must have suffered from layers of kinks. I just really seem to have gotten one of them and now I like having it filled. And played with.

I really have to make sure this doesn't become permanent.

Astra says, "Could you do something about, Vlad."

The little pixie is thrashing in her arms, her eyes filled with murder. "Vladimir, stand down. Behave like yourself," I say. Then, remembering everything that was done, I add, "I rejoin the party. Did that reverse the effects of the aura?"

"I don't know," Astra says. "I was horny for you before it, so it's hard to tell. Order Vlad to do something."

"Yes! Yes! Command me! I'll do anything!"

Morgan says, "I'm going to go out on a limb and say rejoining the party isn't enough to reverse the aura."

My friends look miserable and Lynesse isn't even here. She got hit by both the fear aura and Wail and is probably hiding in a corner somewhere.

Astra walks up to me. "Next time I tell you not to do something, listen to me."

"Okay," I say meekly. "Are you mad at me?"

"No. A little. I'll get over it. Eventually."

"It's just that I have a little problem that needs to be addressed, and I was hoping you could lend a hand—er... help me out."


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