
42. Squabbling

Content warning: graphic sapphic sexual situations.

Despite being a bit miffed at me, Astra seemed more than willing to help me out of predicament of needing to get rid of a kink (not to mention being horny as heck!). And when I told her in what way Katie had afflicted me, she um... embarrassed me by giving that area a lot of attention with her mouth, fingers, and the golden toy she found embedded inside.

Between Katie's mental manipulations and Astra's expert physical attention, I was a melting moaning mess. Positioned on all fours with my butt in the air to give her easy access, I mewled wantonly into the back of my hands. Unable to help myself, I begged her to do things to me, I can't bring myself to repeat. And when I came, it was so intense that my gushing orgasm spayed against the floor and splashed back up against the front of my dress and my cleavage.

When, I manage to return from my post-climax delirium, I'm lying flat on my stomach and Astra is resting with her head on my butt. 

"Thank you!" I say.

"Any time." It's not a flippant response. There's an eager quiver to her voice indicating that any time is an offer, a promise, maybe even a hope. As if to confirm this, she runs her tongue up my cheek to my tailbone. "So, is your kink all gone?"

Despite the notification informing me it has, I send my mind off in that perverted direction to see how I respond.

"I... think so?"

She raises herself up. "You think so?"

I turn to face her. "You might have done too good of a job. I'm not sure I'm not going to want you to do that again," I say awkwardly turning beat red. To get off this subject, I tell her, "You're turn now."

"Later," she says. "We should get back to the others and see how their doing. Besides watching you made me cum."

"What? Just watching?"

Now its her turn to blush. "Might be something to do with that aura mojo you put on me."


She stands and helps me up. "Don't worry about it. It's not like I wasn't already lusting after you." She playfully smacks my butt.

As I adjust my dress back over my hips, I notice the goddess's mark. It's a black crescent moon about two to three inches long. It's placed horizontally so it looks a bit like the Eresh's horns too. It's just a little above my slit and it glistens from the juices that covers it. I rub my hand over the mark, taking pleasure in the sensation as well as it's presence. It's very simple but it looks good. Although a bit lonely. I should get some more of these. Perhaps a cute one circling my navel and some on my thighs. Rings in my labia would look really good too. Might feel good also.

I'm lost in these thoughts until Astra clears her throat and snaps me back to the present.

Suddenly, I wonder why I so want more tattoos and piercings. It's then, I remember the description of my Fade species specialization and how they use such things to show their status. Just great! Another think Katie has stuck in my head.

* * *

In the hub chamber, the others are sitting in a circle battered and tired.

Morgan seems particularly drained. They explain, "Used up all my magic energy spamming the anti-curse spell on Vlad and Lynn. The good news is Lynn's no longer terrified of Triste, but I couldn't get it to work on Vlad. Sorry, Astra. I'll try it out on you when I've recovered some of my energy."

"Don't worry about it. I'm good for now. How are you holding up with the other stuff?"

Morgan shakes their head in resignation. "Could be better. I try to put it out of my head and not think about it, but it seems that the game has the power to divert your thoughts to the kinks it gives you, so every few minutes, I find myself fantasizing about them again. It really messes with you."

Bronte says, "You can't use that stone anymore."

"Someone has to," they say emphatically. "We would have been toast without it."

"If you keep using it, you'll end up as deranged as that bitch that possessed Triste."

"Can we talk about that for a minute," Lynesse says. I start to apologize to everyone again, but she cuts me off. "It wasn't entirely your fault. I mean, if you hadn't been dumb enough to give up control of your body things would have gone a lot better, but it did make Emma reveal herself to us and exactly what game-death means. I think we can agree, under no circumstances can we die. We have to do everything we can to keep each other alive."

"Easy for you to say," Vladimir says, obviously thinking about the prophecy that was given to him.

Morgan snorts. "Just because she was some twisted perv doesn't mean that will be our fate."

"No, Lynesse is right," Astra says. "She died shortly after the reboot that was like ten days ago, and in that time, it drove her out of her mind. At least, I hope she wasn't anything like that before Feronia." She looks at me.

"No. She was... not sweet exactly. In fact, she was pretty snarky and often made jokes at other people's expense. But nothing too cutting." We never hung out much, but she sometimes teased me about my shyness or being a nerd. Not in a mean spirited way, but a way that fled friendly and familiar. And she teased her real friends just as bad if not worse. The only thing she ever said that really hurt me was when I told the group I was going to go for a hike, and she warned me not to get mistaken for Big Foot. But then, she couldn't have known how much reminders of my size and hair bothered me.

"She certainly never did anything like that," I add, gesturing to the place in the room where they'd fought her and she demanded sex.

Bronte stands up from where she's sitting. "But so what of we die and end up there? How is it any worse than life in Feronia? We've all started to change, and it's only getting more intense as we go on. Hell, so far today Triste was possessed by a ghost begging to be anally raped, Vlad had his free will stolen by one of our own party members, and my brother has sprouted genital tentacles."

"Could you please not call them that!" Morgan says.

"Sorry if I offended your precious tentacles. But my point is... it's only noon. In another week there might not be a whole lot of difference between us and someone trapped in the underworld."

"Netherworld," Morgan corrects.


Morgan says, "You forgot to mention how you've turned gay and lewd as hell."

"What are you talking about?"

"The way you were grinding against Triste when you were supposed to be subduing her."

"That's not my fault. She enchanted me."

"But you were doing it before then."

"Yes. Well. Maybe I'm having problems controlling my own genital tentacle. But that just proves my point. Although for the record, I was always bi. I just used to prefer men. Er... I mean, I prefer men," she says with a huff.

Astra steps in. "Okay. Okay. We're all a little overwrought, and we're in no shape to go on. We should have a rest, then regroup."

"Resting isn't going to change anything," Bronte grumbles.

Morgan snipes back, "Well at least we'll be at full heath."

"And we'll still be facing a swarm of undead, which will either kill us or distract us from the way Katie is changing us."

"So, what do you propose?" Lynesse asks. "We sit her until the dungeon throws so many random encounters at us we're armpit deep in giant rats? Or should we just kill ourselves and go straight to the Netherworld and get it done with?"

"I'm not saying any of  those things?"

"What do you want to do then?" Morgan asks.

Bronte sags at this. "I don't know." She rubs a hand over her face. "Maybe I do need a rest. What I wouldn't give to really sleep instead of this blink and it's over shit."

Astra says, softly, "I know everyone is absolutely done with this dungeon. I get it. But we're nearly there. My intuition tells me there's two—maybe three more levels and we're done. We finish this, hightail it back to town and then we can take it easy for a while."

"Take it easy?" Morgan asks incredulously.

"We can get rooms at the inn—"


"—and stay there for months. We've gotten enough gold to do that. Perhaps depending on the reward for the Scepter, we can stay there for the entire remainder of our game time. No more being trapped in a dungeon. No more weird things altering our minds and bodies. We can stop leveling even. Just treat our time here as a vacation."

Morgan says, "That sounds pretty boring."

"Well, I'm not saying anyone has to do it. Just we can. We can take ourselves off the game-board and stop being Katie's toys. We just have to make the last push and get through this. Now, lets get some rest. We'll assault level 6 at 10:00 p.m. sharp. That should give everyone enough time to recharge and have a bit of time to themselves."

* * *

I wake from my system sleep to see Astra sitting up looking worried.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"Nothing," she says in a near whisper. But she bites her lip and tells me, "My system sleep was different this time. I had dreams."

"Dreams? What sort of dreams?"

"Dreams about you."

Oh, crap! The effects of the aura! I thought it was being metaphoric when it mentioned dreams. "Sorry. Are you okay?"

"Yeah. Just feeling a little pent up."

"Do you want me to help you with that?"

She nods with such a dazed expression on her face, I almost laugh. Her need seems to be short-circuiting every neuron in her brain. I begin to put myself between her legs, but she says, "No! Not like that. In the dream—one of the dreams, I was sitting on your face. I want that. If that's okay?"

"Um... sure."

I lay on my back, and she gets naked and mounts me. Astra's already a mess down there, sweating and dripping from the excitement of her fantasies. Her thick tangy odor engulfs me as her thighs lock on and my vision fills with her ass and tail.

She's more aggressive than she's ever been with me before, grinding herself against my face like she's fiercely masturbating on a cushion. I try to use my mouth to please her, but it's challenging with her frantic movements. Her hands fumble with my choker, and when she gets it unfasten she pulls the top of me dress down exposing my breasts. She wastes no time kneading them with the same fury as her thrusts.

"Oh, Triste!" she moans. " I want to make you mine. All mine!"

After a while she slows down and slides against my body until her mouth is at my crotch. I take the opportunity to drive my tongue inside of her and she commands, "Deeper! Deeper!" Her hot breath makes my pussy quiver. I comply and she attacks me with the vigor of a starving animal.

We manage to cum together, but Astra barley even pauses, she just keeps going at me while her thighs grip my head, keeping me focused on the task at hand.

It's only when the others call us because it's nearly time to go that I realize we've been at it for nearly two hours. We hurriedly but reluctantly finish up.

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