Wandering in Omniverse

Ch 47 – The Demon Tower (2)

When he finished, Jin-Woo was making a dumbfounded expression because it was completely unbelievable for him that he had such an awesome power.

"But Hyung, why don't you take this power for yourself?"

"Well, it's simple." Jason laughed and activated the Monarch's Domain.

Jin-Woo was stunned to see a large shadow spreading from him to a large radius, covering one-third of the floor.

But he was even more shocked to see the next spectacle.


Jason's voice fell and in response to it, all the dead demons present in his domain, a jet-black shadow rose from each of them.

Even Vulcan's shadow was present in the hundreds of shadows.

"Hyung... this... this... How can you..." Jin-Woo was so surprised that he didn't know what to say anymore.

Jason saw his expression and couldn't help but laugh heartily.

"What's with that face? You think that you're the only one who has such an amazing power?"

Jin-Woo scratched his head embarrassingly. It's not his fault. Who could think that another person also possessed the power to control the dead?

"Well, I want you to meet someone," Jason said. A small part of his shadow rose and turned into a human-like shape.

"Isn't he?!... How..." Jin-Woo stared at the jet-black shadow with a dumbfounded look.

"Well, you're not strong enough to convert him into his shadow soldier but it doesn't mean I can't too."

The shadow belonged to none other than Baruka, the leader of the Ice Elves and the Boss of the Red Dungeon.

"So, shall we proceed?"

"Hyung, just how strong are you?" Jin-Woo suddenly asked.

"Me? Hehe... I'm the strongest." Jason said smugly, trying to flex in front of him.


They continued to climb the stage while having fun.

Jason was also able to capture a good number of demons' shadows. It took them two more days than the supposed week to complete the quest.

Upon exiting the Demon's Castle, they quickly headed home right away.

Jason just wanted to take a shower and clean himself.

After finishing that, he met with Jin-Woo again at the entrance of the residential area.

"So, ready to get your new rank?"

"Yes," Jin-Woo nodded his head. 

"Good luck with your reassignment test. If there is any problem, update me!"

Jin-Woo nodded his head and took a taxi to the Hunter Association.

Jason looked at the taxi and thought. 'Maybe, it is time to buy a car for him. An S-rank hunter taking a taxi is a little bad for his image.'

Jason decided on Jin-Woo's gift for the re-evaluation test as he jumped in his car and drove away.

Today, he had plans with Cha Hae-In. He was finally going to take her to his villa to introduce her to everyone else.

When he arrived at her place, she was waiting for him, looking very anxious. Since the time he told her about his plan, she was getting worried with no idea how to interact with the other girls.

Jason smiled at her reaction and escorted her to the car, letting her take a seat while he jumped into his driver's seat.

He assured her that everything was going to be fine as they arrived at his villa.

Cha Hae-in was very nervous, completely opposite to her title of being the strongest female hunter in Korea.

As for how this meeting was going to end, it was a story of another time.

In the evening, Jin-Woo called Jason, reporting about what happened.

Hearing his version of the event, Jason smiled and said. 

"No need for that. Immeasurable represents the S ranks as there isn't a single device which can measure their accurate power."

- "Then why did they tell me to visit again in three days?" Jin-Woo asked in confusion.

Jason smiled. "To buy time!"

- "Buy time? For what?!" Jin-Woo was confused.

"It's to give them enough time to get a chance to talk with you and possibly recruit you! Leave such stuff to me. Make sure to pass by the office in two days, I've a gift prepared for you."

- "Gift? For what?" Jin-Woo asked.

"For being the S-rank hunter and possibly the next star of Paradise Guild!" Jason joked.

- "Hehe... I can't wait to see it then."

"So, what are your plans for now?"

- "Well, I'm going out with a friend."

"Ah? Who is it? Lee Joohee..." Jason asked.

- "Hehe... yeah."

"Then good luck on your dinner date." Jason smiled and cut off the call.


The next day, Jin-Woo paid a visit to Jason at the office, looking happy and excited.

"It seems the date went smoothly."

"Hehe..." Jin-Woo smiled sheepishly. "And as you said, President Go Gunhee himself paid a visit to have a chat with me."

"Oh! So, how do you feel?"

"Well, it really a weird experience to meet him face to face. And as you have said, he is really a kind-hearted and good person. I explained to him that I wanted to follow you and explore the dungeons. Since, we hunters have the job to hunt down the magical beasts."

"Oh yeah, you just said that you arranged a job for me."

"Yes. Didn't you want to experience a high-ranking dungeon? We have got a raid scheduled for today, you'll be going to participate in it." Jason then explained the job. "With your low rank, no one will accept you but this job doesn't have high requirements."

"Okay, what is this job?"

"Mining!" Jason smiled.

"Mining?" Jin-Woo was dumbfounded. He asked again to confirm that he hadn't heard it wrong but he received the same reply.

"Don't worry. I also did such jobs in my free time. It's fun!" Jason patted his head to cheer him up. "And you don't have many options, to begin with."

Jin-Woo sighed and agreed. It's better than anything else.

They informed Mingyue and took a taxi to reach the spot.

When they arrived, the raid had already begun. The hunters had already entered the gate.

"Huh? Mister Nie! Hey, it's Mister Nie."

"Mister Nie, it's been a long time."

"How are you doing, Mister Nie?"

"If you're here then the job will finish before the schedule! Haha..."

Just as they reached the area where the mining team was waiting, Jason was greeted by almost everyone.

"Ah, Mister Nie, you made it."

Soon, another voice came from behind. Jason and Jin-Woo turned around and saw Foreman Bae approaching them with a smile.

Jason smiled and greeted him.

"And this must be your brother, I suppose."

"Oh yeah, let me introduce you guys, he is my little brother Sung Jin-Woo. And Jin-Woo, this man is the chief of the mining team and our boss for today." Jason quickly introduced them.

"Hey, what boss? Stop it already." Foreman Bae laughed and waved his hand jokingly. He then said to Jin-Woo as he extended his hand.

"Don't listen to his nonsense. It's nice to meet you."

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