Wandering in Omniverse

Ch 48 – Mining

"Hello, Sir" Jin-Woo politely shook hands with him.

"I'll leave Mister Nie to explain the job to you." Foreman Bae patted his shoulder and said before walking away.

"Follow me. I'll show you the ropes in the meantime." Jason signaled to him as he walked away.

"Hyung-nim, what am I supposed to do? I don't a thing about mining. And why are they calling you Mister Nie?"

"It's no big deal. I used a fake identity to join in the fun. As for the job, you just have to copy my movements later, okay?"

After putting on the distributed hard hat and the miner's overall, Jin-Woo followed after Jason.

Jason took him to the other miners who were waiting a little distance from them and introduced Jin-Woo to everyone

"Hello everyone, this is my little brother, Sung Jin-Woo. He's also working with us today. Please treat him well."


Jin-Woo lightly bowed his head.

"Haha... don't worry Mister Nie, we'll look after him."

One of them said with a smile. The others also laughed.

As everyone chatted for a few minutes, the attack force finished its job.

The front of the Gate became rather noisy.

"The raid team has come out."

"Looks like they are finally finished."

The tired expressions of the Hunters in the mining team, restless from all that waiting, brightened one by one. Foreman Bae had been observing the situation until then, and he gestured at his team.

"Okay, okay. Everyone, let's get going."

Hunters in the mining team checked their equipment and slowly shuffled towards their destination.

Jason and Jin-Woo also followed everyone.

The Hunters Guild employees stood in front of the Gate and welcomed the raid team members as they made their exit one by one.

Studying the faces of every upper rank – no, the very highest-ranked – Hunters walking by, Jin-Woo's eyes sharpened considerably.

"They are good, right?" Jason whispered and asked.

Jin-Woo nodded his head. 'There are a few really strong auras among the hunters. All the hunters at the Paradise Guild are really best of the best.'

Bae Yun-Suk turned around to face his boys. He clapped his hands loudly and spoke up with a bright voice.

"Well, it's our turn now, so let's all do our best!"

Jin-Woo stood in front of the Gate.


As he stood there while silently admiring the splendor of the rank A Gate, something he hadn't experienced before, Jason pushed him a little.

"Let's go too or we'll be left behind."


Jin-Woo replied briefly and stepped through the Gate, just like other Hunters did before him.

And then, a familiar message popped up before his eyes.

[You have entered a dungeon.]

'There's a breeze inside this dungeon?'

Jin-Woo raised his head.

As soon as stepping inside, he sensed an ominous wind blowing in from the deepest part of the cave-like dungeon.

Suddenly, he felt a chill run down his back. And at the same time, Jin-Woo realized the identity of this mysterious wind.

"You're right. It's the magical energy emitted by the boss."

While he was lost in his thoughts, Jason confirmed his doubts.

They caught up with the others pretty quickly.

"Orya! Orya!!"

The retrieval team that had entered one step earlier than the mining team was already in the middle of their operation. And that would be to drag the corpse of a huge monster outside using the ropes tightly tied around it.

"One, two! One, two!"


Jin-Woo imprinted every step of a high-rank dungeon's conquest into his brain.

They continued to chat as they moved forward.

"Ohh, so it starts from here!"

The Foreman Bae discovered Mana stones on the cave walls and smiled brightly.

The experienced miners began occupying their natural spots in front of the stones even though no one directed them to do so. They put down their gear and hefted the pickaxes up.

Jin-Woo too stood towards the end of the cavern wall filled with Mana stones.

'So, am I supposed to just strike down?'

Jason saw through his thoughts and said, "Just copy my movements. Don't think too much!"

Swish! Crack! Swish-! Crack!!

Jason raised his pickaxe and rhythmically mined the stones. Whenever he struck the walls, Mana stones noisily tumbled down to the ground.

Jin-Woo's eyes gleamed brightly as he observed and learned Hyung's postures and breathing patterns, as well as the movements of muscles.

After a few seconds, Jin-Woo also lifted his pickaxe up and struck the wall.

Swish! Crack! Swish-! Crack!!

The other hunters were rendered speechless by the scene.

Jason and Jin-Woo looked like mining machines as whenever they struck a large number of Mana stones fell down.

Foreman Bae was quite pleased with the performance.


Beep, beep, beep!

An alarm went off from Foreman Bae's wristwatch. He raised his wrist to confirm the time.

'Aigoo~. It's already…..'

It was lunch hour already.

"Everyone, let's take a break and have lunch."


Everyone dropped their tools and dusted their hands.

Jason also dropped his tool and turned to Jin-Woo. "Don't make a stupid move in my absence, okay?"

Jin-Woo scratched his head and nodded quickly.

Jason then turned around to follow the others.

"Uh? Mister Hyun? What about your brother?" Foreman Bae saw Jin-Woo not moving and asked.

"Well, he said he's not feeling hungry. We can go ahead."

"Oh... okay then." Bae Yun-Suk was still confused but agreed as he went out with Jason.


Hunters of the mining team were returning to the mining operations area, one by one after finishing their lunch.

Foreman Bae was walking with a toothpick stuck in between his teeth. Once he saw Jin-Woo appearing from the deeper parts of the dungeon, though, he flinched greatly in shock.

"Uh? Huh?? Mister Sung, why are you coming from there??"

"Oh, that… I got lost while searching for the bathroom, actually."

Foreman Bae then told the young man to be careful inside the dungeon.

"So, what really happened inside?" Jason asked in a low voice when Jin-Woo returned to his side.

Jin-Woo sighed and told everything. He had nearly made a mistake and killed the boss but Cha Hae-In came at the right time.

She then showed him the way outside. She also passed a message to Jason to go to her place later...

Crack! Kwack!

It was then, they heard their colleagues getting back to work. So, they also lifted the pickaxe.

Thanks to Jason and Jin-Woo's brilliant efforts, the mining team was able to finish their operation well before dinner time. According to the foreman, they had finished three hours faster than planned.

Foreman also asked them if they could participate in tomorrow's raid and they agreed.

After getting their wages, they parted ways as Jason had to go to Cha Hae-In's place.

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