Warhammer 40K: Power Fantasy Rebirth

Chapter 16.5: Hannah’s Private Business

"My Daughter it is nearing dawn." I felt Hamilton shakes and spoke near me, his voice also waking Joseph who shook me harder which woke me up properly. "I'll be waiting outside." He said and left our room.

"Fuck... I wish he wasn't so loud." I heard Joseph complain.

"He was whispering." I tell him.

"A binary screech even as a whisper is still a screech!" He answered and I punched him, it wasn't hard enough to do anything... but he played it up as I had just stabbed him.

After getting out of bed I change my robes into a better version... a more diplomatic one, in other words more brighter with the primary color being a brilliant crimson red with Deus Mechanicus emblazon on the center of my back, it didn't have a hood which displayed my extra 'ears' fully closing my eyes I moved them around.

After reopening my eyes I saw a certain prince with a slight blush, activating cute mode I flatten my 'ears',  and shifted my 'tail' to my front pretending to groom it along with giving him a face that wanted to be petted, the blush intensified... -poof~!-

A pillow fell from my face and he had a tongue stuck out but the redness was still visible on his cheeks and a slight golden glint in his eyes. But this time I had to hide my face as I started blushing a bit hard... with a cough and checking that I had everything leaving the room with Hamilton on my heel, with a unheard order passed from him to meet the rest of my fellows of the Machanicus at the front gate.

Just before we could leave several of the guards wearing some fairly heavy armor stood in our way, with a raised eyebrow and my 'tail' raised like a scorpion over my head and my 'ears' shifting around and I could hear several more behind me. With a diplomatic face I spoke with a voice that was tainted by a little annoyance, "Yes? What do you want?"

With a cough he answered, "I must ask where you may go Lady Hannah?"

"Ask Prince Joseph, he should answer." I replied knowing that said person would tell them to fuck off, with a groan that I don't think I wasn't meant to hear... "I'll be back sometime later." With a little wave of my hand I left the Keep not given them a chance to stop me, as they knew that if anything happened to me there is still someone else that was far closer to the duke and who could do real damage.

After a few moment and outside of view of anyone of the duke's men I take out the note that AI left... northern slums, building out of place...

Despite the how early it was people where out and about, and my little group was very very eye catching with myself being the focus as I wasn't hiding my features that make me less then human, while the group of red robed men behind me made it look like I was a royal or a holy figure as several people gave little bows or half Aquila's with their right hands over their hearts... noting that down mentally I kept walking.

After sometime I found a section that is walled off from the rest of the city with some decently armed guards... interesting to say the least.

They didn't stop us, just said as we passed that "we were on our own within"...

With that I gave the order to my men the order to freely protect whatever Mujra saw fit, which he took in stride changing the formation which until now was Hannah leading and the rest like a parade behind her.

But now it was himself flanked by his second Kulian and another forming an wedge formation with Hannah in the middle with Hamilton... I fiddled the hilt of my blade, but I wasn't as confident in my swordsmanship or skilled like Joseph, changing my mind I reach for my plasma pistol and drew it. After checking my coolant we start heading in.

"Look for anything out of place." I reminded them as I sent my Ork-skull to look for whatever that AI was referring to...

After barely leaving the line of sight from those guards at the gate the people became more active, with many watching and even more following us. I could see this along with weapons becoming more visible though the ones seen are either damaged, chipped or improvised...

After another fifteen minutes the Skull came back and I had to stop to check what it had, and doing so my Skitarii and Command Squad formed a square around me... my 'tail' uncoiled from my waist and connect into a port on the base of the Skull and as if I just plugged a USB into a computer I closed my right eye which was by a twitch but this did allow me to see what the Skull had observed.

I looked through the footage and I stopped it with a thought when I saw a house... a modern house the style was European, but what confused me was that nearly perfect circle around it that was completely clear, looking behind me back towards the Keep and I could just see it's battlements... no wonder we couldn't see anything much here.


At a binary warning I disconnected from the Skull and tossed it back into the air, now able to pay attention around myself I saw that the crowd of people had increased and the air was tense that cut with a knife... I gave a binary command alerting everyone for possible combat. Galvanic rifles were raised to present arms but fingers were left off triggers with Hamilton readying his halberd.

Clearing my throat I asked the crowd that was forming even denser around us, "What do you want?"

"Are you a noble?" Was a reply from someone within, from that I can assume many things.

"No, we are just... pilgrims seeing the world." I replied it wasn't untrue. Hamilton shifted and the head of his weapon stopped a rock from hitting my face, blinking a few times as I didn't even see it. "Well then. Mujra."

With a nod he placed his finger on his trigger and with a voice that static akin to a radio, "Disperse at once or face the Mechanicum!" He fired which flew over their heads several ducked and ran, the woman and children along with most everyone that didn't want to fight... but that still left a armed crowd with men either too desperate or stupid for their own good left to fight.

I felt a shiver ran up my back, as in the game you could be completely torn to shreds and Joseph had seen that from Astartes without weapons... but I was always in the back in a titan so I never saw that kind of damage and I just gave the go ahead with Galvanic rifles? This will be a blood bath.

I have already killed, my hands are no longer clean as they are now... raising my plasma pistol I kissed the handle which calmed the Machine Spirit as I had noticed my emotions...

"Flesh is weak. Flesh rots while metal is eternal. If the Spirit is pure then one day you may join your holy machines!" I muttered to myself, it was a mantra I made up to say when I played... I repeated it a few times.


"Flesh is weak. Flesh rots while metal is eternal." My head shot left and saw Hamilton, I knew it was him from his more distinct as it was older sounding compared to everyone else. "If the Spirit is pure then one day you may join your holy machines..." With a low hum he too repeated... and it slowly the rest started saying it.

It was touching a creepy as fuck, to have half a dozen half metal-flesh people in half binary saying it and it had gotten loud which spooked a few of those around. With a gesture and binary command they stopped.

"Disperse now or die!" I shouted, at that safeties were flicked off and fingers placed on triggers. Counting in my head until I reach ten, I leveled my pistol at the nearest person who raised a shoddy built shield, with a moment of hesitation I fired. My first shot fired not in anger or self-defense but for what is needed to be done.

Dear Readers.

Sorry for delays I have been tossed around at job trials and have also been actively looking for a job so for the base two weeks I have been unable to write.

Your Author Royal Jeager

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