Warhammer 40K: Power Fantasy Rebirth

Chapter 17: Shit hits the fan

"This is Prince to HQ. Over." I spoke into the Vox, I was standing at the top of the Keep watching the smoke rise from the northern slums.

After a moment I got a response, "This is HQ. Read you loud and clear my Prince. Over."

 "Just asking for a report, on your status and the villages. Over."

"Roger. Status is green, no sighting of anything from the Orks. Nothing else to report. Over."

"Roger this is Prince over and out."

"This is HQ. Over and Out."

Placing down the Vox. I return to the area around me, to my left was Felica and Marcus using a pair of decent binoculars looking for Hannah and her troops, and to my right was the old Psyker who was called "Reiner" and he was here to learn from me or more so I help guide him since I don't know what the fuck I am doing either.

In an aging voice Reiner spoke to himself, "Hmm... the weapons they have seem more devastating then even our instructors."

Seeing this as a good teaching moment Felica asked for him to elaborate. "Well, from what I heard from the guards and what you have explained Instructor Felica, Commissar Marcus. Is that Las weapons are indeed powerful, compared to what we ourselves us... but even from here the damage they are causing, I tremble to wonder who would win. They or the Guard."

I answered, "While the Machanicus has better weapons and tech, the Imperial Guard has numbers, is more centralized and has the willpower to fight anything and anyone in their path. But then again we haven't taken into account of the Emperors Angels. Reiner, answer me this. Would a Psyker with your skill and experience what could you do to an army?"

"Well." He placed his hand on his chin and thought, "I could without risking myself to the 'warp' and demons within... I could destroy maybe." He stops himself for a moment, "Maybe, wipe out this Keep... but to an army? I would say roughly two hundred to three hundred may die. But that is with my staff."

"Hmm." I nodded. "That is a interesting assessment of yourself." I look back over towards the northern slums and I spoke to the System, "So System, what do you think that AI is... Glory to Earth is rather interesting."

[Master I am not sure myself, I am only able to you things based of information you and Mistress Hannah know. Glory to Earth can mean many things. But what Era or anything else I can't not say]

Right, rolling my eyes. Out of some boredom I start playing a little with the warp. Small mottes of gold start dancing around my body and I slowly start condensing it onto the palm of my hand, slowly I from it into shapes and smiled once I got a humanoid shape, and made it do a small dance.

"Amazing." Was what I heard, I continue the dance for a few moments I made it bow before dispersing it.



We all flinch down and saw a large fireball coming from the slums, I grab the Vox caster and tossed it over my back and the rest of us start moving down the Keep with Marcus blowing a whistle that the Guardsmen knew and came a running. With Old Mate bounding at a full sprint towards Hannah.

"Fall in by unit we are moving out! Hestorian Auxiliaries remain behind! Commissar, Aid! Get them moving on me!" Ignoring the looks of confusion on the Guardsmen and the concern from the Duke's people. I leave through the gate at a mild jog so I didn't waste my energy, but like hell Hannah or her men could have done that kind of explosion. 

(Hannah's POV)

"ArGh!" The scream was shorter then any persons could do... and it wasn't a person it was a Machine Spirits from the Skitarii weapons, getting back to my feet I fired my second overcharge shot killing the Psyker. Looking towards to the men that had pushed me, the two were nothing more than molten metal and roasted flesh.

"Vox Joseph NOW!" I ordered and my tail lashed out spearing a person coming behind me.

Hamilton swings his halberd it crackling as his crushes through another two people, "My Daughter I believe we were expected by someone else."

"Ya think?!" I asked back and just as I take aim the Spirit within the weapon almost screamed and I just realized that I'd almost fired my third shot on overcharge without any coolant left. "Sorry!" I told it and throw the Plasma Pistol towards a group of our attackers, with the expected happening.

One of them pick it up and tried to fire it and the result was that it blow up vaporizing a one meter area around... hell of a way to go. With only one weapon left I draw my sword.

"Word from the Prince! He is incoming!" Came the call from Hamilton. Thank fuck! As I block again and my 'tail' impales my opponent and push with my blade I get him off.

Why are these people so determined to kill us!? Looking behind me I saw a home with it's door open, good.

"Follow me!" I commanded and barged into the home, only to see a frightened family. "Sorry, but we'll be needing this place." I said matter-of-factly as the rest of my men pile in and shut the door. Despite the state of the home, the door looked is heavy and with only a single front facing window I am confident we could hold.

"Hamilton check if their is a back door, Mujra take two and watch the door..." I stopped as my knees began to shake, no not now. "Kulian watch the family- Blug!" Grabbing my binary box tearing it off my face and I nearly keel over vomiting but someone got a hold of my arm and sat me down.

"My Daughter are you okay!?" My aid's voice for once filled with concern and worry.

"Yea." Taking a deep breath. "Yeah, I'm good." I gave them a reassuring smile even though my teeth are probably coated in my vomit. "You have your orders! Got on with it!"

Having a chance to look around the home is... "ramshackle" would be the word, it looked to be a three room place based off the two other doorways, outside of my vomit this front room would be the living area, the others might be a kitchen of sorts and maybe a the bedroom. I was expecting less from a family in the slums, or maybe I'm comparing it to the slums in from Earth...

Wiping the last of vomit from my mouth I turned to the poor family, it was a nuclear one with a mother, father and a pair of kids both boys.

"Sorry about that." I apologize, as I really didn't like the idea of bringing to civilians into a fight they didn't want to be in.

"Sure you are." Was a muttered replied from one of the boys, which got the mother to hush him and the father moved the kids behind himself and his wife.

"Please forgive my son my lady." The father apologized to me.

"I am not a noble, don't apologize to me." I replied a little harshly. "I am a commoner..." Before I could continue the door gets hit hard and creaks open. I and a few other adepts braced against the door holding it closed.

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