Warhammer 40K: Power Fantasy Rebirth

Chapter 3: First Combat in this World {Poll}

"Kill them!" The Mage says who called himself Baron Luc as the little glowing rock on the head of his staff shone brighter and a fireball formed.

'Fuck that!' Joseph and Hannah thought.

Hannah fired her Plasma Pistol twice and overcharged the third it being stopped by what was a barrier that was identical to a Psykers barrier.

Joseph sprayed down the two Swordsmen killing them fast but he had to note that both had a small barrier around them but it was brief and shattered and when both broke and died they affected the Baron...

'The bastard was extending his barrier over his two allies... that advanced for, well I have no idea what level of Psyker he is.' Joseph thought.

The fireball from the Baron hit a tree that Hannah was using for cover.

"Anti-Psyker shit!" Joseph yelled at Hannah who nodded.

Both moved too either side of the Baron ensuring that he can't aim at both of them.

With Joseph rifle contently plinking off the Baron's Barrier and Hannah was waiting for her Plasma Pistol for two overcharged shots.

The Baron sent a fireball at Joseph it too hitting the cover being used by him.

"I thought you were a Mage? All I see is some party tricks." Joseph taunts, he could see the expression on the Baron was turning strained and he was clutching his head.

"Ready!" Hannah shouted after two more fireballs from the enraged Baron missed Joseph as he was moving from tree to tree, all while dumping rounds into the Psyker barrier.

Hannah leaned out of cover and fired both shots followed by a hissing as she used her coolant.

Both shots smashed into the Baron's barrier.


The sound of is barrier shattering, the Barons face was starting to bleeding from his eyes and nose.

"SHUT UP! GET OUT OF MY HEAD!" He shouted as he dropped his staff and clutched his head as his fingers dug into his skin.

"WARP FUCKERY!" Joseph shouts, as he starts mag dumbing into the Baron and Hannah fired into his body with another overcharged.

The Overcharged tore the Baron's right shoulder off and his heart was turned into paste as rounds after rounds entered the Baron.

Even when the Baron's body hits the ground they didn't stop and keep firing and only stopped when Hannah shot his head destroying it.

This followed by a round of vomiting and the sudden realization of what they did.

"What the hell did we just do?" Hannah asked after managing to get back to her feet.

"I don't know, we followed... I don't know our instincts, *Vomits!* We just did what you would I the game right?"

"But is it? Did we just condemn that man to suffering so that we could kill him as he was being, god knows what by the Warp?"

"It was him or us." Joseph said as spat out a half digested piece of bread.

"But are we still in the game?"

[No Mistress you are not, both of you are just suffering the after effects of killing someone for the first time, your mind has yet to receive any information that may tell it that the world around you is fake. While you both may have killed hundreds of people back in that game, the fact you had to enter it, gave your mind enough info so that this response the one you are both suffering with the vomiting and the second guessing. You both are being groomed for greatness by the order of the Gods as a way to apologize for another fuck up]

"Yeah and if this is real what would stop some body from fucking with the red strings and get us killed?" Hannah asked.

[The word is "would" do you think those of the Ruinous Powers are on the same strength as the Gods that made me? Or sent you two here? Those Five... Four I mean are only local Powers while the Gods that accidently killed you two and sent you here along with making me are Great Powers that could if they want and kill them as if it was nothing. There will always be a bigger fish]

The pair fell silent, they both got a mouth full from the System... although they both noted what it had said.

[Now I think is it over for to day, please it may be a good idea to return to the Village...]

As the pair started colleting themselves, Joseph moved to the staff and was about to grabbed it but he sensed something wrong with it...

Looking at it again he saw... carvings... chaotic carvings that shone a bright red when Joseph had recognized it and voices came from said carvings. 

Taking his rifle he blow the staff apart.

"WHAT WAS THAT?" Hannah shouts.

"That staff had Chaos shit on it!"


"Yeah, that staff was some form of Force Weapon. I could sense the power coming off it and the voices as well. It was just full of fuck no juice."


The pair slowly returned to the Village taking the swords to sell and so they could stay at Hamels Little Inn again.




The next Chapter is about the (Call Reinforcements?)

What the Poll will ask is.

One, Have the System be the same as the predecessor, EG with having a cost with Allowed Command but expand it so that Joseph could recruit all forces under the Imperium, within reason.

Two, Change it slightly and have it so that he recruits a Person and then that person Recruits the rest below like how Hans and Ralof had once becoming NCOs had subordinates. EG If he recruits a Imperial Guard said person would be once starting to level recruiting PDFs and Guardsmen and so on.

Three, Complete rework and have a base building, think of Dawn of War Ultimate Apocalypse, where they would need to build a HQ like the predecessor had, but were the HQ would be at level one and only be able to build, lets say 10 PDFs or 6 PDFs and a Sargent and Corporal. And as he upgrades the HQ he could add sections to it, like a Sisters section and from there he could then recruit Sisters and the same if its Astartes or other Soldiers. While Hannah is different she would not be able to go to Legio Titanicus from the out set, but could pick from the other forces.

Heads up, This Base Building would on it's own start being populated by non-combatants. EG Sisters Hospitallers, Priests, Chapter Surfs and others you wouldn't see often within the Lore.

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