Warhammer 40K: Power Fantasy Rebirth

Chapter 2: Learning our Powers

I groggily woke up, feeling something heavy on my chest and I know that isn't my armor, glazing down I saw Hannah sleepy head as she to started waking, doing something stupid I started rubbing her head as you would a cat...

She snuggled closer but after a few seconds later she realized what was going on.


Yep that was my face.

"What the hell are you doing? Pervert!" She demanded of me.

"Says the one that slept on my breast plate." I simply reply.


"To be honest, I deserved the first one but not that one." I tell Hannah.

I grab her hand before she give me a third smack.

"Are you done?" I ask her.

After a few more moments and she nodded. I let go of her hand.

She got off me very fast and started straightening her robes, and I did the same to my Uniform.

[Good Morning Master and Mistress]

""Morning."" We say half-awake to the System.

We spend the next few moments to wake ourselves our own was, for Hannah she just bit down hard onto her hand and the shock woke her up, me? Well Hannah slapping me already woke me up.

[Seeing that you have both woke up to day I'll be helping you two with your respective powers. You Master with your Psyker abilities and you Mistress with your powers over technology]

We both stay quiet waiting for the System to continue. Which it doesn't.

"Are you going to tell us?" Hannah asked.

[Oh sorry I thought you were going to say something about me interposing myself like this]

"Like hell we would know how to use our powers." She puts it simply and I would have to agree.

[Then I would suggest that we go somewhere with less chance for... collateral damage and loss of live]

Yep that makes sense. I could become a nuke if I fuck up or summon a demon.

We left our room and headed towards the door but Hamel stopped us and said that we still had some money left over from last night for some breakfast.

It was only one loaf of bread but we took it and gave back our room key and said goodbye.

As we left the Inn the Village was very much so more lively people were walking around most Human and a few Abhumans but we could tell that they were given a wide berth like some plague.

We went back to the 'Forest of the Damned' due to us knowing that is the only isolated place we knew of for our learning.

The Guards tried to warn us about the place and we blow them off and we kept walking and just as we entered the Forest the System stopped us.

[Okay this should be good enough, we can start]

At this point it was clear that the System was talking to us both separately as Hannah drew her Plasma Pistol and started fucking with it but, I could see a small Oil droplets leave her hands and enter the Pistol and the weapon in response started disassembling into it's respective parts and she started speaking to the weapon/Machine Spirit.

[Okay Master. While Madam Hannah is learning about her powers with the help of her weapon's Machine Spirit, now please get into a sitting position that you are comfy in]

Do as asked a sat down cross-legged.

[Now relax and close you eyes]

And for the next few minutes the System and I went through breathing exercises.

[Now raise your preferred hand]

As asked I raise my right hand.

[Now imagen a small ball of light]

As I do so, I feel a mental strain like a tugging and then voices...

'Well what do we have here?' 'So strong... such a strong human.' 'Join us we can give you power!' 'Open yourself up to us.' I could sense the malic from the voices and while still holding the image of the ball of light I crush the voices.

[Now open your eyes]

Upon opening them I see my small ball of light glowing a bright golden hue and looking up at Hannah her eyes were wide while looking a the light but also at the weapon which now had remade itself.

[Do you know what those voices were?]


[Demons of the Warp that upon seeing you power for the first time were more or less caught off guard and so were unable to try anything]

"Wait what?" I blurt out, "You mean those Voices were Demons?"

[Yes, the reason I had you do a very simple Psyker power was so... more dangerous Demons would overlook you but those one? I doubt they would let the Info out about you to anyone stronger] 

I check my status quickly and saw that I expended 5 of my 100 PP.

[Now please for the next hour repeat the exercises, and Master I will cut the exercise short if you start getting tempted, you must learn to resist such things that those Demons could offer]

We both nod and restarted.

(Hannah POV at the start of the exercise)

[Okay this should be good enough, we can start]

[Now Mistress please draw your Plasma Pistol]

I draw my weapon.

[Now request to commune with the Machine Spirit] 

"May I speak to you, Machine Spirit." I didn't know why but that was felt natural to say, like a sixth sense. Small droplets of Oil left my hands and entered the Plasma Pistol and soon I got a response.

"You may, Daughter of the Omnissiah." My weapon said. I blinked at the title that my weapon gave me and the voice... it was beautiful and young something akin to a child.

[Ask if you may preform Maintenance upon the Spirit itself]

"May I preform Maintenance on you Machine Spirit?" I ask.

The voice seems to think it over.

"You may." The Plasma Pistol answered and slowly the weapon started disassembling.

It took it only half a minute before the Pistol was in its respective parts and all the said parts had a thin white string that lead to a Humanoid figure but some of the strings we ether black or red.

"Hello there." I said to the Humanoid.

"Hello Daughter of the Omnissiah."

[Mistress, this is the Machine Spirit, you will see many, but as you can see those Strings, the colors of said Strings mean what condition they are in from best to worst. White is fine, Red is damaged or a part that could cause issues if not attended to, leaving Black which means that the part is severely damaged or destroyed.

To fix the parts take them into your hands and your body will react and use your power to repair the held part]

I reach my hand out to a trigger which was Red, The Machine Spirit reacts and moves away from me slightly scared from what I could sense.

"Forgive me for scaring you, may I start repairing you?" I said sincerely.

"Y-You may." The Spirit said hesitantly.

"Could you present the parts that need repairing so that I don't scare you?"

"Yes that can be done." The Strings and parts moved around the Spirit and now I had five different parts sitting in-front of me, four Red and one Black.

Slowly I reach out and take hold of the Trigger again and slowly I see the rust on the part flack off, and the String turns white and I repeat for the next few parts.

All the whole the Spirit was fidgeting and sighs of relief when I had held a part and fixed it.

After the Black part had basically disintegrated freaking the Spirit out before a new part was made out of my power and a new String was attached to the freaking out Spirit.

"I have finished." I said assuring the Spirit that I was done, I felt the poor things anxiety escalating every part I took into my hands and it spiking when I had gotten to the Black part which was the power cell... thank god I hadn't needed to use it.

The Spirit calmed and slowly started pulling itself together until I had my weapon again.

"Tha-Thank you, Daughter of the Omnissiah." A timid voice came from the Plasma Pistol.

"Your welcome." I respond, looking up at Joseph he had a strained expression on his face with his right hand raised with a ball of light in his palm.

And then he opened his eyes, "Wow." Was all I could say.

[Now please for the next hour repeat the exercises, and Master I will cut the exercise short if you start getting tempted, you must learn to resist such things that those Demons could offer]

We do so and I ask for his Auto-Guns seeing that my Pistol had already had it done, Joseph agrees and hand them over.

The Auto-Pistol was very different from mine, it was very cooperative and allowed me to give it Maintenance without issue, no Blacks, two Reds simple fix.

"Thank you!" The Auto-Pistol Spirit said to me enthusiastically.

"Your welcome." I tell the very Happy weapon, it's joy rubbing onto me.

Next weapon.

I grabbed the Rifle and asked if I could do Maintenance.

"No." Was its reply.

"Pardon?" I say befuddled.

 [Mistress this Machine Spirit is agitated by something find out what so that you can preform Maintenance]

"What is the problem?" I ask the Spirit.

It doesn't answer.

"If you tell me what's wrong I can see what I can to fix it." I tell the thing like you would a child.

"That bastard slept on me!"

Oh. when we fell asleep last night he was laying on his back on top of the gun, "I can assure that he will not do it again."

"You can?" It asked a little bit of hope enter the Voice.

"Yes I can."

"Thank you. Daughter of the Omnissiah." The Rifle said as it disassembled, oh fuck. Six Blacks and a dozen Reds. 

It takes me five minutes to fix the Blacks first and another three for the Reds.

By the end of it I was sweating... Checking my status I had used up all but four points... fuck me.

Crunch! Crunch!

We both heard leaves being crunched underfoot and we moved to ready ourselves.

Looking straight ahead was three people two swords and a staff wielder.

"Well well well, looks like there are two Republic Dogs in our Great Dukedom."

"And you might be?" Joseph asked as we slowly move to the nearest trees for cover. We both had our ranged weapons out, I was aimed at the Staff guy and the way he spoke to us said that he was a Mage, and Joseph was ready to spray the two Swordsmen down.

"Oh. I will gladly give you Dog your last request before you die, I am the Baron Luc of this Barony. Kill them!"

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