Warhammer 40K: Power Fantasy Rebirth

Chapter 1: Interesting World, Some Asshole People

I shot up and looked around me... Hannah's still on her ass, trees and a lot of them... "Where the fuck?" I muttered.

"No idea." Hannah said... "Are we going to ignore the whole you are dead?" She asked me, to be honest... it didn't matter now, whatever the voice said about us being dead wasn't really a concern right now.

"Isekai?" I asked.

"Maybe?" She replied.

[Definitely] We both jumped at the voice and the blue text box that sat just below our vision...

[Welcome to the System Master]

[This System has been given to you and Madam Hannah so that you may not be killed out right by this world.

Master Joseph the Gods have agreed that your deaths was... Unfortunate. So they agreed to place you in a world with powers that can make you the envy of the worlds greatest warriors.

Thusly. You Master Joseph are going to be the Successor too The God Emperor of Mankind, BUT. You body is too weak to have that power all at once, so they have made my to manage the amount of power you and Madam Hannah can have.

So at this time you are only level 1 of Rank 1 or just human, even a normal man from this world is several times stronger then you. 

But the Emperor wasn't the strongest man in a day he had thousands of years to grow his power and strength.

If you would like to see your Status just say or think Status]

"Status." I say.

[Master Status]

Name Joseph The God Emperor of Mankind Successor 

Level 1 of Rank 1 [Master each Rank is 100 levels]

HP: 100 [You do not yet have the Emperor's immortality] 

PP: 100 [PP or Psyker Power you do not yet have his limitless pool]

(Open Equipment Menu?) [This feature is the same from the Game you were playing, when you know]

(Call Reinforcements?) [The Emperor didn't reconquer human space alone]

Party Members: Hannah The Omnissiah Successor,


[As you can see Master, Madam Hannah is too a Godly being but is also limited like you]

"So miss Omnissiah." I say to Hannah, who jumps at her Title. "Say or think Status."

"I know that." She tries to kick me in the gut, but I grab her foot before she could hit me. "Can I have that back?" She asks after seeing that I was holding her leg up.

"Say sorry."

"Sorry." She says with no emotion, I let go and she manages to catch herself before falling on her ass...

"Oh. Wait, isn't The Emperor and The Omnissiah the same person?"

"Yes according to the lore, but if I remember it right, that they saw him as a living embodiment of the Omnissiah." I respond. 

Entering the System going into the Equipment Menu.

[Equipment Menu]

Head Equipment- None (Change?)

Torso Equipment- Cadian Majors Battle Dress (Change?)

Lower Torso Equipment- Cadian Majors Battle Pants and Boots (Change?)

Small Arms- None (Change?)

Heavy Arms- None (Change?)

Melee Weapons- None (Change?)


Seeing the full extent of the system seeing it was the same... good.

Head Equipment, take a nice Slouch Hat.

Torso Equipment, seeing that I had lost my flak armor during the chat with God, I picked a simple light flak armor.

Small arms, to see the only the shitty Auto-Guns were available... shit. Damn, taking two, a rifle and a side arm.

Melee Weapons, I took a Sword, just a sword.

A low golden light envelops me and a Slouch hat popped upon my little head. Next the weight of the flak armor is added to my chest, and soon my right hip gets a pistol and my left gets a sword and last but not least a sling goes over my right shoulder along with the weight of a nice Auto-Gun on my back...

"Wow." Hannah said looking at me.

"Like what you see?" I say, like some cheesy Rogue Trader trying to bed a Sister of Battle. 

She blushes and pulls her robes to hide her face. A few seconds pass and a pillar of oil and smoke covers her, when she remerged her once bright red robes were now green and I could see a hilt of a blade, and she had a Mechanicus Plasma Pistol which looked old as fuck...

"What do you think?" She asked back.

"You looked cute in green. Although I miss the Mechadendrites tails and your audio sensors ears."

"You like cat-girls?" She asked playfully, causing me to blush.

We started walking around like a pair of idiots in the forest the we found ourselves in.



We had no idea where we are going...

"Do we know where we are going?" Hannah asked.

"No idea." I replied.

"Are we there yet?"

"Don't start!"


As we kept walking after some hours just as it starts becoming night we found the end of the forest... And we saw a Village, thank god.

As we walked to the Village, it had became truly night time and we saw a few men standing at what seems to be the front gate of the palisade that surrounded the place.

We got within the touch light and that is when we were spotted from the men who seem to have not had any night vision from staring at their torches.

"Stop!" A man shouts at us, he had a sword and shield combo, and the other man was spear and shield, "Are you Humans?"

"Yeah." I replied.

"Magus or Republic?" He asked.

"What?" I blurted and stall.

The pair of guards seems confused and put off, but both readied their weapons luckily Hannah picked up.

"Wait we don't understand, our Village was very isolated so we have very little knowledge of the world. And we had to flee when bandits attacked."

"Was your Village in the Forest of the Damned? And attacked by Bandits?" The Spearman asked skeptical. 

"Yes our Village is made up of those lost over the years... we were lucky to even reach the edge of the forest. Let alone get away from the Bandits."

"Then let me rephrase my question, Guns or Magic? From the look it's both, you." The spearmen pointed at me, "Are Republic for using Guns and you girl look like a Mage, so Magus." The spearman continued.

"Is that an issue?" I ask.

"Not really, although our nation accepts both... but in the cities and towns have a Magus superiority complex."

"Well that works for me." Hannah says, "I use a gun as well."

"Can you use Magic at all?"

Hannah shakes her head but points at me and nods.

"Rude." I tell her.

"A Mage that uses Guns?" Spearman says confused and the Swordsman seem to agree.

"He was never formally trained. Can we come into your Village we have been moving for sometime." Hannah asked.

The two men got there head close and spoke hushed.

"You may, Eric here will take you to the Village Inn, Oh and my name is Markus." The Swordsman introduced both himself and the Spearman.

We followed Eric into the Village we didn't talk, just looking around the buildings were mostly wooden with some having stone bases but the rest being wood, Eric stopped in-front of one of the few that had stone walls and was a two storied building.

There was a sign above the door stating, "Hamels Little Inn." Eric gave me a few copper and said that this would give us a room and a nights meal.

We entered the place we clean, half a dozen tables and chairs, few patrons enjoying a meal and a drink. Said patrons were armed to the teeth, two had swords another had a bow laid against the table with the quiver, leaving the last one she had an air of... self-entitlement, weapon was a staff with a glowing rock on top, they looked over at us the swordsmen didn't care, the bow looked interested on my guns, leaving the girl with the staff who looked at me with disgust and puzzled at Hannah.

"Hello welcome the Hamel's Little Inn!" A very chipper and high pitch voice came from in-front of me looking forward I didn't see anything. "Down here." The voice came again, looking down to find a Ratling.

"Howdy, the guys at the gate said that this is a good place to stay." I said opening for us, "Are you the Innkeeper?"

"Yep! My name is Hamel and this is my little inn, hehe get it?" Hamel said, leaving us with a joke that Hannah found funny and I chuckled, "What would you like to eat?"

"What do you have?" Hannah asked, as Hamel had started leading us to a table to eat at, it was next to the other patrons.

"Well that depends on the coins good madam."

"Oh. forgive us, my name is Hannah and this brick here is Joseph." Hannah introduces us to Hamel and effectively the people on the other table.

I hand over what cash we have to Hamel and said that we would like a room and we money was left for food, general food stuffs.

Hamel nodded and left heading back to the kitchen.

As we sat down I took off my hat and placed it upon the table and leaned my Rifle on the table as well, Hannah pulled her hood back and allowed her hair to flow freely...

After waiting for a few minutes Hamel comes back with our room key #4 and gave us some bread to nibble on. that is when the other people at the other table decided to speak to us.

"So Hannah, is it? What is a Mage doing with a Mutt that uses a Gun?" The Staff girl asked speaking as if I wasn't here.

"Funny I don't remember telling you my name." Hannah replies.

This got a stifled laugh from one of the swordsmen and a scowl from the girl.

"Answer the Question." She demanded.

"What makes you think I am a Mage? Maybe this 'Mutt' carries my weapon?" Hannah replies and points out three weapons I carry.

The Staff girl stalls, and I join in with the fuckery. "What if I'm the Mage?"

The Bow woman looked at me and asked, "Do you know who she is?"

""Nope."" Hannah and I respond.

The table seems stunned at this. "Well you might as well tell us who you are?" I offer.

The two swordsmen declined saying that it was apart of their contract... okay.

"My name is Mary and this is a Duke's Daughter, Marina of the Dukedom of Hestoria." Mary the Bow woman told us.

Me and Hannah are unimpressed, when your use too Imperator Titans walking over you or Battleships falling from the sky as the space battle is turning south, along side that Duke is really not a rank to be impressed by. For us anyway.

"Okay?" I say like an idiot.

Marina grabs her Staff enraged and was about to mutter something but was stopped by Mary, why? The second Marina moved for the Staff my side-arm was ready to fire.

The speed I had done impressed the two swordsmen and Mary but confused Marina.

"Why did you stop me?" Marina asked.

"My job is to keep you from dying, you can't tell but both of them are more then able to kill you and the rest of us." Mary answer, "You father said to never read the book by it's cover."

"And how is this important and what do you mean those two could have killed us all?"

She points at me and Hannah.

My right hand was holding onto my Rifle and my left had already drew my Pistol and aimed, and Hannah had both of her hands inside her robes.

"What of it? The Mutt is using it shitty weapons and that bitch I can't sense any Mana." 

"Oh your fucked now." I says, Hannah drew her sword properly and I changed my primary from my Pistol to my Rifle.

"Those weapons! I have never seen before even that sword both have look high grade, I can't allow you to continue unless you want to die!"

Hannah takes my Pistol and we slowly start gaining distance from them as we slowly inch back.

"Can you please stop!" A very angry Chipper voice shouts at us. Looking left we see Hamel with our food and with a very pissed face.

Reluctantly we put our weapons way and move tables, not before Hannah gets one more word in, "Call me bitch again and you'll find out what being a Servitor is like."

We sat on the other side of the room and eat our food, but our appetite was very much so gone.

We both went to our room upstairs to find that it had a single bed... fuck, don't care we both dived into the bed fully kitted and fell asleep.

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