Warhammer 40K: Power Fantasy Rebirth

Prologue: Cadia Stands, what?

"Move! Move! Move! FOR THE EMPEROR!" The Commissar yelled at us. As we charged forward Bayonets ready and Lasgun's firing tearing apart the heretics and us Guardsmen fell to the Blood Packs fire as they counter-charged us.


"ARHH!" "FOR THE EMP-" Shouted people around me and died...


"Fuck me!" I shout and hold the trigger of my Lasgun, Las bolts came out in rapid fire...


Looking left the Baneblade advancing in the distance exploded from a Chaos Titan and it blaring it's War horn, and our Imperial Titans blared in returned and fired a Nova Cannon the shot going over the horizon, the Imperial and Traitor Guardsmen stopped charging, both looking towards where the shot went...

We all looked there like deer in headlights...

*BOOOOOOOM* A large explosions echoed from the rear of the Traitor lines.

"Traitor Titan Destroyed! Cadia Stands!" Blared the Titan that is only a kilometer away from us.

"FOR THE EMPEROR!" Shouted the Commissar and charged firing his Bolter.

Like a starting gun we resumed our charge into the Traitor Guard.

100 meters. 100 of us. To many Traitors.


75 meters. 86 of us. To many Traitors.


50 meters. 45 of us. To many Traitors.


25 meters. 17 of us. To many Traitors.


0 meters. 5 of us. Still to many.


My bayonet penetrating the shit body armor of a Traitor and fire two Las bolts, moving onto the next enemy. My Faith shall not falter another shall die by my Lasgun's holy fire...

Killing two more one with a bayonet into his neck and the other shot through the torso.

Then I heard it, "Loyalist Dog! Do you think that corpse emperor can save you?"

Turning coming face to face with a Traitor Astartes... His red armor dripping with fresh blood and I could see that he had two new skulls added to his collection.

The Traitor Guardsmen made a cercal around me and the Astarte...

'Fuck' I thought...

Looking around me, 'Is that a melta bomb?' Oh fuck yes...

Dive to the side I grab the bomb arm and toss at the Astarte, why? That Asshole charged me the second I moved and by the time I tossed it, I had gotten it stuck in the nooks in his neck armor.

His Chain-axe tore my gut open but I got last words.

"Enjoy respawn bitch." And the Melta went off killing us both.

[You have committed suicide]

[Change class?]

[Change Equipment?]


My name is Joseph, one of the few players who play well. The newbies don't know that a good guardsmen player is far deadlier then any Space Marine or Psyker... maybe not a Demon but they aren't real...

Picking to Respawn I appear at one of the Cadian Kasr annoyingly into a sieged one...

 The first thing I did was run to the nearest Commissars and asked where I was needed.

"Ah good Joseph I heard you where on our server, hard to find good Guardsmen players hell even Machanicus players too... then again that Hannah girl is doing well in that Imperator Titan..."

As if her ears were burning she appeared behind us.

"You had to say it." She shouted at the Kasr's Commissar, "There are two Chaos Imperators coming this way and three Warhounds, 'Doing well in that Imperator' Mate you killed me."

The girl wore a blue Machanicus robes with red trimmings, with her Mechadendrites coming out of her lower back with two audio sensors in full blue... she looked like a blue 9 tail fox.

Me and the Commissar shared a chuckle, soon she joined us and asked, "So Commissar, what's the plan?"

"To be honest? I am waiting for Admiral Catallia."

"So your plan is to hold out, until the Black-stone Fortress to come an knockings?" Hannah and I say nearly at the same time.


I slap him across the back.

"I am the Kasr's Commissar." He says threateningly, I take my hand off his back," Now Joseph you'll help my shitty players that have no idea what the fuck their doing, try to break the COD out of them. Hannah I have a few Machanicus players as well."

We both nodded.

We both enter the Menu and changed our uniforms, I taking a Major's outfit while Hannah reversed her colors.

The Commissar sent us the same way. We were both needed to rally the shitheads and make our way the the Kasr's main entrance and retake it, he is aware the enemy player numbers are low so he believes that we could do it as long as we get help.

Hannah and I was only friends by the sense we are only online mates and a few others know my first name, but when one of the best Guardsmen are running about word gets around...

While people like me and that Commissar are unsure if Hannah is her name or just an alias...

But none the less this Kasr can't save it's self. Running to the front gate we find 30 or so idiots hiding from two support MGs while two squads of Traitors crawling under the friendly fire flying over them.

"NICE TACTIC!" I shout at the crawling enemy before tossing two flashbangs and a frag grenade. The flashes blinding the crawling men and the Gunners while the Frag killing the blinded fools, and me and Hannah hopped the cover and killed the last of the blinded men that were crawling and shot the two Gunners.

"Come on chuckle fucks!" I shout at the 30 guardsmen.

"How?" "What the fuck man." "Hacks!"

Some of them start talking.

"I have never hacked once. You just need to think. I used two flashbangs and a frag, you have that too. But this isn't the time Follow me we have a front gate to retake."

Some of them followed me and Hannah, and others? Went the way of CODs and ran off to most likely die.

As we ran it felt like something was near me, something above. Looking up and.

"What the fuck?" I said, stopping and everyone looked up with me seeing it too.

"Is that new?" Hannah asked.


What we were looking at was a black hole floating above me and slowly started pulling me up.

"WHAT THE FUCK HELP!" I shouted as my Lasgun was sucked into the black hole.

Hannah grabbed me left arm and her Mechadendrites launched into the ground digging herself in and some of the other guardsmen got hold onto my legs and tried to pull me back down...

After it was clear I was still being pulled into the hole, drawing my Las-Pistol I fired into it seemingly pissed it off as the sucking got harder.

Soon the normal guardsmen let go of me not wanting to join me wherever I'm going.

Hannah didn't, not until the ceremite her Mechadendrites dug themselves into shattered and now we were both going into it...

We both started screaming until we both disappeared into the hole...



"You can stop screaming!" Shouted the black void we found ourselves in.

When we didn't, the voice clicked it's tongue and our voices was taken from us...

Looking around the void... 'My Lasgun!" diving forward I gripped my weapon and brought it to my shoulder and aimed around...

"Oh you won't need those toys." The voice said, the my Lasgun and Las-pistol dissolved along with Hannah's Mechadendrites and her audio sensors disappeared.

"Ready to talk?" It asked us.

Me and Hannah shrugged.

"You can now speak." It said.

"Testing testing 1 2 3." Hannah said and laughed.

"Yes I can hear you little Hannah."

"Where the fuck are we." I ask. Not entirely sure if I was still in the game.

"You my dear, are in my realm..."

"Chaos god?" Hannah whispered, Are they real? Is that was she thinking.

"Chaos? Oh from that 40k Universes... Chaos no. But yes I am a God. I am the God of Death."

"What!?" Me and Hannah blurt out.

"Are we dead?" I asked the big one.

"Yes. But it was an accident... you both were meant to live rather good lives. But yes an accident from another God fucking up and killed a few dozen people... it has been a pain." It paused "'So what now?' You two are thinking. Well both of you can't die before your time, but I am not allowed to send you back. Sooo your going to a new world."

Me and Hannah looked at each other not talking we had just been told that we had died like it was nothing... Wow that puts things into prospective of our normal this was to the Voice...

"I am Sorry... but time is running out." It sounded like a snap of fingers and the Black void changed into some green... And my back hitting the ground.

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