Warhammer 40K: Power Fantasy Rebirth

Chapter 7: First Official Contact

After spinning a tall tail about a powerful mage that was misled to believe that I was evil person, which isn't wrong to a certain point of view. Though if I met this Lord Inquisitor I would most likely have to kill him.

I step outside of Hamels Inn and rustle my hair. By the Emperor I hate fucken peasants, through the whole story I made up they kept asking questions after questions.

"Vox." I call. Wait now I think about it, I don't have a long range Vox Caster just squad beads.

Hannah's Aid walks over to me, "She will speak through me."

Before I can say anything Hannah does speak through him, "Hello? This is weird."

"Your telling me." I reply. "I'm talking to some guy and a chicks voices is coming out of it."

"What's wrong? You sound pissed?" My tone must have gave myself away.

"To be honest? Orks are still around, then spoke to a bunch of Villagers. Oh yeah then the main event was speaking to the Lord Inquisitor-"

"What?!" She shouted, and everyone that knew that rank looked at me with concern.

"Well. I'm fucked, since I was only able to be warned after I had told my name to everyone inside." I went onto and explained everything we spoke about.

[I am sorry. The Lord Inquisitor came out of left field]

"That is how someone can fuck us." Hannah says, "The Changer of Ways probably found out that he can't fuck with us directly, but he can fuck with those around us to get us killed."

[I am sorry, again he came out of nowhere I only detected him after Joseph had mentioned his name and so now they know his name, and they know that you exist but they don't have a name]


"Your Aid showed up mid conversation and said that 'The daughter wishes to speak to you'. And I had to kick him out of the boy's body just as he was about to ask about you." I tell her.

"So how are the Orks doing?"

"Poorly, the War-boss died early on, but I nor any of my men know where the body is." I say and glance around my men.

"Hmm. That is somewhat troubling." She says.

[I will like to point out this Village would be rather grateful so we can exploit that and you could... well you know annex them?]

"You have to be joking right?" I asked.

[Think about it. If you can guarantee that your men can defend the village from Orks or just defend them, but in exchange for them giving some food to you win-win, since instead of you two using Req. Points for food, you can spend it on something better, plus don't forget you saved a Duke's Daughter political favors]

"I have to agree to with the System." Hannah says, "While you where gone I experimented with what I can spend the RP on-"

"RP? Oh Req. Points."

"Yes and rude. -Cough- I can spend the RP on. Like the System said, food was one of them, next was ammo and then general supplies for campaigning. All came by Valkyries. But I doubt you hear them come since they seemed reluctant to break the sound barrier."


"Also me and my acolytes tried to steal one."

I raise an eyebrow, "And."

"Ever got tossed out of a Valk as it spins at a few hundred KPH and for it to stop suddenly. So I have several wounded luckily no deaths."

I facepalm, "Felica." I turn on the sound of crunching grass behind me, and I was right about who it was but she also had the Duke's daughter with her.

Felica jumps and moves one foot back but brings it back forward. "M-my Prince." She says nervous about her last actions.

"Do you know why I did what I did?" I asked. Forcing my wings and eyes to not show or manifest.

She shook her head, leaving Marina confused, "I will not punish you. Since no crime was committed but this is a warning, do it again and there will a punishment. You got off light compared to what the Schola might do, but this isn't the Schola this is the frontline both metaphorically and literally. Understood?"

"Yes my prince." She says and lowers her head in submission to me.

"I called and you brought the Duke's daughter. First Felica when your done here rally some of the lads and start clearing the Village." I heard the Las-fire stop at some point when giving that tall tail.

"Sir!" Felica snaps to attention, "Yes sir. Heiress Marina wished to speak to you and Madam Hannah."

"A mere duke's heiress wishes or demands to speak to the Daughter?" Hannah's aid asked rudely, as he stares daggers at the person in question even though this is a large breach in etiquette, but it seems Hannah want's to hear how this will go, and so do I.

"Demands." She says with confidence, "My name is Heiress Marina, Daughter of Duke Robert, Lord of these lands. I demand to speak to both you Prince Joseph and Daughter Hannah."

"I like this one my Daughter." Her Aid said after leaving a uncomfortable long wait.

"Agreed." Hannah says.

"Sir! I shall do as ordered." Felica said and in one step does a one-eighty and pull her Las-gun off her back and starts getting a team together.

This left the three of us.

Me and the Tech-Priest stare down Marina but she seems to stare us both down just as hard.

A smile tugs on the corner of my lips.

"Well Heiress. You may speak. We are both here." I tell her.

She nods but looks wearily at the Tech-Priest since seeing a guy two-third mechanical and would unnerving to someone how hasn't see them before.

"Who are you two really? My men after talking to the village guards said you two showed up out of the blue from the Forest of the Damned. And only now after one a vision of you saving me and everyone I have had a chance to talk too about you, they say that you are the God-Prince of this Imperium of Man."

"Rather powerful Psyker there." Hannah comments. "For her age and be able to get a premonition like that... Hmm."

"Agreed, a three maybe?" I say.

"Either a low three or a high four. But I'm leaning on the four" Hannah concern entering her voice, the numbers we're throwing around are the category numbers of Psykers.

  1. Being the God-Emperor of mankind.
  2. The late Malcador the Sigillite/Hero being a very high two since he was second only to the Emperor, and myself sitting just between two and three.
  3. The higher average of the common Psyker. For me I think Marina is a Low three.
  4. The lower average of the common Psyker. But Hannah believes that Marina is a High four.
  5. Someone who could sense and manipulate the Warp in a limited fashion and can be easily tempted by demons.
  6. Doesn't even know that they can use Warp. These are the most dangerous since no one knows what number they are.
  7. Normal Human.
  8. Those with the Blank Gene.  

"What?" Marina interrupts us from continuing, "Please answer me. By the Golden Father."

I turn on her with both eyebrows raised and I hear a sound of surprise from Hannah.

"What? No your like the rest. Why do people forget him."

"The Golden Father. Is his like 12 foot tall man in golden armor?" I ask, and she looks at me, "And had a really old guy with a staff in plain robes?"

"Yes but why do you know of him?"

"Your Golden Father is our God-Emperor. But pray tell when did you come to know him?"

"My Family are record keepers, and for the last eight millennia. From when his great airship descended from the stars... but much of our records of him and what he had brought us into were lost to not time. But people who believed that he was a devil in disguise and after he left. Things happened."

"Like?" Hannah pushes.

"Infighting, assassinations and just Kings and Queens silently removing those officials he left behind to help us. But after he had sent one of his sons to deal with us... my family aren't sure, but he just vanished along with his great airships. And we hadn't seen those great airships. After a few generations and when the Families saw that the Golden Father isn't coming to find out about where is son was... they rebelled. overthrow the Kings and Queens that still believed in him, but those were when my fathers great-great-great-Grandfather was leading us, and we have been the last of those that believe in him."

"Who else believes in the Golden Father."

"The number is small and we are hunted by most kingdoms as traitors of our race." She sighs, "My Family the Lancester's, a few circles of Magi that fight in his name. And then their are a few guilds around the place. Most within our Dukedom."

"System what do you think." Hannah asked.

[Base on available data; As since Marina is the Heiress of her Dukedom, I suggest you should try to build a relationship with her. But I know that you are both rather concerned by "few circles of Magi". That I can't say. The Navis Nobilite if you want to get technical are a circle of Psykers same for the Gray Knights. The guilds? I would need more Data]

-Cough cough- I turn to Marina, "You still haven't answered my question. Who are you two?"

"Well I am. Prince Joseph, the Imperial Successor of the Imperium of man."

"Hannah, Daughter and Successor of the Omnissiah."

"Thank you." She says and bows slightly.

"Now are you going to apologies for calling me a 'Mutt' and Hannah a 'Bitch'?" I attack, though me and Hannah really didn't care it's never a good idea to leave wounds untreated.

She freezes at the murderous intent released by the Tech-Priest within less then a second.

"Don't." Hannah orders. "Or you'll be made into servitor!"

"DO fucken apologies!" I press Marina, since I have no idea what this Tech-Priest is willing to risk for Hannah's honor...

"Forgive me for my actions and words I had said or done in the past."

""Accepted."" We both say at her.

I look at the Aid and move myself between him and the Heiress.

His robes moved slightly and a very deep sigh with a "Forgive me." Leaves the his lips or what goes as his lips. No one knows who that was for.

"It would be better if we talk in person" Hannah says, "I'll be waiting for your return." 

"She has disconnected." Her Aid said and walked away.


"What was that about?" Marina asked.

"You have no idea how close you were to your own death." I reply, "Since you also introduced yourself as the Heiress I take it this will be Official?"

"Yes. But what do you mean I was close to my death?"

"If anyone of the Villagers touches his robes, one of two things will happen. One death for the person that did it, or getting his or her mind wiped and made into a slave." I explain, "And you called his boss a bitch. The boss he and the other like a as a God."

Several lighting strikes fill the air before she could respond.

"What was that?!" She asked turning on herself to look in the direction where it came from.

"Las-guns on Maximo? Yes, other wise those would be a lot softer." I reply with what I think is the answer.

I look where the shooting was to see a rather large Ork burst out of a building with large chunks of him missing.

"Aim for the head!" I shout at them. "Now was there anything else you wished to talk about?"

"Yes. Two more things. One is personal and the other is Official." She starts, "I will like to extent my deepest gratitude for saving this Village, my attendant and myself." She bows deeply and then stands straight up, "I would like to give you and Hannah a invitation to meet my Father, Duke Robert."

I Apologies for the delay. I have been working on a Side-Project, that in no way will interfere with this book or Humanities Resistance anymore then it already has.

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