Warhammer 40K: Power Fantasy Rebirth

Chapter 8: First Log

First written Log of the Crown-Prince Joseph, the language is unknown to those that had learned Gothic and those that can read these are apart of his Custodes vitae (Life Guards) or IFA (Imperium Forderatum Aliquam (Imperial Federal Police); becoming apart of the Inquisition as the Ordos Traitorous (An Ordos that takes over the work of dealing with Traitors)) and the Members of Hannah's inner circle whom learned English from Hannah herself.

-Entry log I-

My name is God/Crown-Prince Joseph the First Imperial Successor to the Imperium of Man.

I find it strange that I nor Hannah can remember our last names, it is just a hole within our memories.

Anyway, this logs will be done in English to prevent tempering Hannah has already made hers. Though she can cheat by just effectively copy and pasting her thoughts onto a piece of parchment with her... servo skull... I must say that this was her first one, she was really excited her face beamed with happiness. Though the look of her Tech-Adepts was far funnier since said servo skull was that of an Ork's skull. I smiled slapped her on the back and came to write this log.

It has been, about a week and half since we arrived in this world, and about a day and half since we saved the Heiress of the lands we found ourselves. That is an over statement, but nonetheless. Her name is marina for a girl of her age she is strong willed and just from the brief time I had been with her, said times being at most half a day. She wishes to see that her people are safe, though does carry a sense of superiority which befits her station as a Duke's Daughter, I do believe that she will find the crown to be far heavier then she is expecting, without help.

I'm not good with descriptions but she is one thing for sure is that she is a decently strong Psyker... but I am hesitant...
Some may ask, why would the Prince and Successor to the God-Emperor himself hesitant... Marina was wielding a staff, a force weapon of some kind but it had chaos markings, even now I can still see those of the four which shall not be named... and when pressed in regards to said staff she had said that is given to her by her grandfather.
I really didn't care, so I asked about the carvings and she was surprised that they glowed when I had saw them since they never did that to her... and "That is was a true mark of a Magus for the Symbols to glow upon just a gaze."

I was left baffled but... based on this alone, I had to guess that Psykers on this world seem to have some innate ability to resist the Warps temptations even while using weapons that are clearly carved with them. I need to learn more about this world, it's Psykers or "Mages" as they call themselves.
I am hesitant since Marina invited Hannah and I to come met her father in a official setting, but what she had told me of the City of Heron, it is a place where Mages are seen as superior to normal humans... but it's the number of staffs with those marking is what worries me.

Anyway, this world from what I can tell. Is a feudal world with a Kings or Queens at the top, a noble class the from chatting with Marina has two levels that are normal humans and Psykers whom as they statues as "Mages" are a form of Nobles, then the Knights which has it's own sub-divisions leaving the lowest and largest being the peasant class.

While Hannah and I are anomalies within this planets "Normalcy" since She is dress as a "Magus" and I dress as a "Republic" Republic being slang for those that use firearms, instead of magic since both are equally as deadly with the Powers of the Psykers making most battles one sided, but the main issue for us, is that I use both... both Psyker powers and my Auto-Guns.

But nonetheless, I am ready to head to Horan and this time I can't stop Hannah from coming on any grounds...

The trip is about a few days by horse... I plan to call an additional squad of Guard Militiamen, and hopefully see what upgrades I could get for my HQ since Hannah as to stop hunting for the elusive Titans but her hunt was stopped when the System had told her that she gets forces linearly while I really can pick and choose.

Now back to more today matters, Marina officially on behalf of the village for me to takeover for protecting it, in other words "To many of the town guard are dead please protect the people." But based on her story about the Emperor coming here... means that I do somewhat have a duty to protect them, though some did want to join us, said ones that asked lost everything. Home, family, friends and so on... I don't remember myself being so uncaring? Hmm.

The number was two men, one women and a child... I made the child a message relayer just doing small jobs around the HQs, I that needy for bodies to throw... though I feel that would change... outside of that he has been learning English from me, since safe as I am within my HQ, I need loyal body guards.
I do trust my soldiers... but I don't trust the faith they hold, a faith that I believe that could be exploited with choice words or Psyker shit happening...

I have some plans, this is just an outline, but I plan to make a unit of men and women that are completely Loyal to me, even above the Imperium... Again for another log...

But speaking about the other three, the main issue with them is that they don't know jack shit. So the Commissar Marcus is teaching them basic operating protocols... while leaving their "Planetary" Identity intact. Said identity is not really known to me, though their Gothic dialect is very distinct. Hannah and I's accent is off even for our soldiers. (English Gothic accent?) versus whatever this world's name is. It really throws everyone off. (To be honest I find it funny to watch the exchanges)

I wish once we have enough people to form a section (10 men) or a squad we could, make them a Auxiliary unit to the Terran Old Guard...

Signed; God/Crown-Prince of the Imperium of Man...

I reread the entry log from the Servo Ork Skull... I smiled, it seems my English hasn't failed me.

I give the entry to Tomas who filled it away, Tomas being the child I had mentioned within said entry...

He is barely 14 with short brown and surprisingly amber eyes, his build isn't to dissimilar to any child that lived on a frontier farming village. So he his well built, for his age making most kids at his age back on earth look fat...

He was given a blank grey uniform that Felica and the rest of the Command Squad said that it looked similar to the uniform they had worn when enrolled that the Schola...

So far I haven't decided what to really make him, in the sense that should I train him or not. Menial or join me in combat?

Whatever, Hannah has been usually excited to see a city of a feudal world... though I want to at least want to bring a squad of actual soldiers with us at least.

I reopen my status.

[Master Status]

Name Joseph The God Emperor of Mankind Successor 

Level 7 of Rank 1->Level 14 of Rank 1

HP: 160->260

PP: 130->230

(Open Equipment Menu?) (New Equipment Available)

(Call Reinforcements?)

Party Members: Hannah The Omnissiah Successor,


Hmm... my stats doubled since the saving the Village... thinking about it what was even the name of the place? I shake my head.

[Call Reinforcements]

Req. Points; 45 :Available Power; 3/15 :Relic Points 0

(Upgrade HQ?) For 20 Req. Points you can upgrade the HQ too Level two.

  • (Recruit?) Imperial Command Squad (0) MAX

(Build Req. Station?) For 5 Req. Points will produce 15 in return for every 12 hours.

(Build Power Generator?) For 10 Req. Points will increase the Available Power by 3 points.

(Upgrade Imperial Guard Fieldworks?) Cost 50 Req. Point.

  • (Recruit?) Imperial Guard Militiamen (8 per) Cost 10 Req. Points; Imperial Militiamen are nothing more then mobilized PDFs sent into battle and often given las-weapons on loan from the planets houses.
  • (Recruit?) Rookie Imperial Guardsmen (8 per) Cost 15 Req. Points; unlike the Militiamen these men and women are best of any worlds PDFs, but are still not officially Guardsmen. Basic training with las-weapons and frags.

(HQ Level too low)

Oh... I had upgraded the Imperial Guard Fieldworks, and good to find an ACTUAL Unit, though knowing the distance I wished I has cavalry, some Rough Riders would be nice or Death Riders.

This is going to be funny Marina and Mary are waiting out side of our HQs... with a two wagons since me or Hannah can't ride a damn horse and we wanted to bring soldiers.

I was bring these Rookie Guardsmen and Hannah was getting a "Explorer Team" which was two different squads who were going to be merged into one... as Hannah's "Teams" since she didn't have squads or sections... anyway. She is combining a both an five man group of Skitarii Acolytes and three Explorators who do operate as Hannah's version of my Militiamen and Skitarii Acolytes being my Rookie Guardsmen...

I was talking Felica and my commissar along with my long range Vox Caster, and Hannah took her Aid-De-Camp with her lead bodyguard.

"Ready?" Hannah asked me, we had been planning to surprise Marina and Mary.

I Smile and nod, ""Three, two. One!"" We count down at the same time.

We step outside, as we hit one, my three that I am taking were waiting off to right and Hannah's two were standing with her Aid a but hunched over, but her head Bodyguard looks like a Skitarii ranger with his rifle, and the normal red he would wear was the Camo green that Hannah wears.

The two that would take us to Horan looked at us with raised eyes since we had ear to ear grins.


Marina and Mary dive to the ground, smiles formed on our soldiers. Though I have no idea if the Tech-Adepts are, since they have that shit over their mouths.

"Stand up." I say jovially to the pair. "It's only reinforcements."

"Reinforcements? I, I knew that." Marina tells me.

Hannah jabs my in the side and pouts... what a fucken minute, "I swear." I whisper to her.

She huffs, but winks.

"Sir from the village side." Felica calls. She was looking through a pair of binoculars. 

"I see them too." Hannah's lead bodyguard calls after. "Two Valkyries." He was looking through the sight of his Rifle.

Marina quickly got to her feet followed by Mary, they looked over towards the village. But their squinting eyes told me that they couldn't see the small specks in the distance.

Ah shit I forgot I had new shit in the equipment menu.

[Equipment Menu]

Head Equipment- Slouch Hat (Change?) (Upgrade?)

Torso Equipment- Cadian Majors Battle Dress (Change?)

Lower Torso Equipment- Cadian Majors Battle Pants and Boots (Change?)

Small Arms- Auto-Rifle and Pistol (Change?)

Heavy Arms- None (Change?)

Melee Weapons- Native Sword (Change?)



[Equipment Menu]

Head Equipment- Slouch Hat (Change?)---> Slouch Hat W/Golden Feather

Torso Equipment- Cadian Majors Battle Dress (Change?) ---> Nothing changed

Lower Torso Equipment- Cadian Majors Battle Pants and Boots (Change?) ---> Nothing changed

Small Arms- Auto-Rifle and Pistol (Change?) ---> Auto-Rifle and Las-Pistol

Heavy Arms- None (Change?) ---> Nothing changed

Melee Weapons- Native Sword (Change?) ---> Short Chainsword




WAIT! Fuck... I was trying to not be a deity... Hmm. That's a fuck up...

Everyone looks at me as they feel the warmth that I seem to give off...

Once I reemerge after feeling the weight of the sword I found and my Pistol disappeared and was changed.

"Joseph! WHAT THE FUCK!" Hannah harshly whispers.

I gave a impish smile, she just facepalms... "No point in hiding it now." And she too disappeared in a pillar of smoke and oil.

I take my hat off and inspect the feather... doesn't look at all like an Emu feather, looks like a vultures or a bold eagles but just gold as if it was it's natural colour, I affixed it back on top my head.

Next I drew my short Chainsword, it's about as long as a grown man's forearm. I reeve it up briefly and the sound that it emits is music to my ears and the ears of my soldiers.

With the Tech-Adepts looking at me briefly and nodding seeing that my equipment works... But my soldiers were looking at me, or more so at what had changed.

Then I draw my Las-pistol after sheathing the Chainsword. It seems to be the standardized Las-pistol... well as standardized as the Imperium can get, so Cadian pattern.

Putting that away I turn as the Hannah pillar was dissipating.

She still had her camo Tech-Priest robes, but the other changes were more pronounced as I saw that she had a pair a extra Sensory "Foxlike ears" atop her head and the single Mechadendrite "Tail" slowly wrapping itself around her waist like a belt.

"Well, that's a start." I tell her. "What is it this time? Kitsune or what?"

"No did a Japanese one last, I'm going Korean... a kumiho? I think. Yes..." She nodded after a moment, she had often treated her "Ears" and "Tails" like clothing changing them at will and to fit a style she was going for... Looking at her again, her front was far more open then it was before...

"Shrine maiden?" I asked, our conversation had clearly gotten lost to everyone but us two.

"Inspired, yes." She answers. "Okay I'm done."

I Shake my head and look back at everyone else, whom were looking at us confused... "What?" I ask, they look back and forth between me and Hannah...

She and I get confused... we ended up in a staring contest since everyone was just confused now.

Thankfully the sound of a pair of Valks landing changed the subject. We organized the squads we were taking, and I left behind my head bodyguard as overall base commander.

Mary and I with parts of my command squad and Rookie Guardsmen were taking the front wagon, Hannah and the Heiress with the Tech-Adepts being a bunch of stiff corpse in the back of the rear wagon.

The arrangement was simple, if shit goes down Hannah and her Cog-boys could protect Marina long enough for me and my chuckle fucks of Guardsmen to leave our wagon. Though I had to grab my Medicae since Rookie Guardsmen didn't come with one, so Juliana was packed in like a sardine in our wagon.

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