Well at Least I’m a Magic Pirate Now

Chapter 19: Well at Least I’m Getting Attention

Sareneth 19, Fireday

My boss swayed slightly as he took in the scene. His eyes flicked between the two of us, noting our mussed hair and the freshly cleaned table. Awkward silence would have reigned if the goats weren’t bleating for their breakfast.

So. Uh. Hopefully he’s ok with me having friends over. 

After the goats worked themselves into a frothing frenzy, Kroop sighed. “Make sure everything important is clean,” Kroop ordered, pulling the elevated bag of grain down and shoving the barricade we’d erected around the goat pen out of the way, “and keep your damn hands out of the stores. If you can manage that, I don't care what you do at night.”

He gave Syl a hard glare. He trusted me not to steal anything, but she was an unknown element.

I stood and offered Syl my hand, which she accepted graciously. She didn’t really need any assistance to stand, but in my experience people appreciate the little things. She expertly packed her satchel with the paperbacks and departed with a lazy salute to the chef.

“Be careful, kid,” Kroop cautioned me, “you’re not exactly high ranked, but if you end up dating someone don’t be surprised if they expect special treatment.”

What the hell would she expect? Extra nasty biscuits and fish slop?

“I’ll keep it in mind,” I answered, “but I’m pretty sure she’s not trying to manipulate me for extra food.”

I’m absolutely the aggressor on this one. Magic ring and everything. 

Kroop shook his head and sighed. “I don’t know anything about you two. I just know this isn’t a line of work where you can really trust many people.”

Damn Kroop. Who hurt you?

We went about our morning as usual. Goats, chickens, biscuits, soup. I passed out the biscuits with the exact minimum amount of thought required, keeping one eye focused on scanning my mission log. It seemed unlikely that anyone would circle around and wait in the long line again for shit tier biscuits. I had a concerning anomaly I needed to check in my mission log.

Win a game of Arm Wrestling, Hog Lob, or Heave with stakes worth at least 5 gold pieces. 

Reward: 1 experience, Scroll of Hypnotism

The mission to win a bet for 5 gold was nowhere to be found. I had noted the reward for that mission, the scroll of Hypnotism, stashed among my things the prior night without quite processing where it came from. In a rush of avaricious glee, I’d been more concerned with examining my items than asking where they came from. I even had 7 experience (I needed 11 to hit level 3) and 7 missions completed, so I’d clearly managed to finish it somehow. I just didn’t know how. It had even been replaced last night.

Save officer Arron Ivey from Bonewrack Isle.

Rewards: 1 Experience, Spell Focus (Conjuration)

Another reason to visit beautiful sunny Ghoul Island. Hopefully I’ll just end up there organically; I’m not looking forward to stealing the jolly boat to sail away to a spooky island. For one thing I’m pretty sure someone would beat me senseless for stealing the lifeboats. 

I was startled from the mechanical dispensation of crackers by Caulky making one of her unusual appearances in the hold. She provoked a round of whispers from the line as she made a beeline for me at the biscuit station.

“You think she pissed off the cap’n?” One speculative gent asked, “Why else would she be here? She eats with the officers!”

“Oi. Emrys. Yer to report to the cap’n once you’re done here.” She informed me, ignoring the whispers. “He wants a word.”

She left quickly, possibly to get to that breakfast with the officers, and the question of why she was in the hold was immediately replaced with why Captain Harrigan wanted my attention.

“Hey, Syl.” I waved my paramour over, “I’ll owe you one if you finish this up for me. I don’t think it’s a good idea to keep the captain waiting.”


The captain loomed over the ship, even as silently took in the wind and waves. It was a moment of calm, when the captain could safely lean over the railing and let his long braided beard sway in the wind.

I stopped briefly to bestow Sandara a sympathetic nod as I walked past the hot box. She looked more bored than distressed, but I sure as hell wasn’t going to put a single toe out of line in front of the Big Man himself. He waved me over to the railing, confident that he knew who was on the poop deck and why.

“So lad.” The towering dark skinned man rumbled, finally acknowledging my presence after thirty tense seconds standing next to him, “I notice that you didn’t bring much back on your little fishin’ trip. Care to explain?”

I froze. I don’t have autopilot to cover my ass here, not unless I want to face the consequences of an all-nighter. It would be better than a beating, but he didn’t seem particularly angry. Just stay cool, Curtis. 

“Yes sir.” I answered neutrally, “We ran into trouble early on. None of us were well armed and we weren’t expecting reefclaws.”

“So ye set out without the proper equipment.” He scratched at his braided beard. “And ye left behind most of the traps ye did bring. Don’t deny it, I've already spoken tae Cusswell.”

I swallowed the urge to snap back that we’d been sent on short notice with no information. I’d only had a team with me at all because I’d gathered them myself. This man was perfectly willing to kidnap random strangers as a hiring strategy and had glared at Kroop for implying he was fallible. He’d signed off on Plugg’s shenanigans with Sandara. I wasn’t really sure what Captain Barnabas Harrigan might do if I annoyed him, and all the data points I had told me that I didn’t want to know.

Interview techniques go! Turn that negative into a humble brag!

“Yes. I’m glad I brought a team.” I agreed, neutral tone masking my irritation. “If I’d been going solo, I don’t know if I’d have managed to bag one at all. As it was, we needed to drag Owlbear out of the water before he passed out.”

A smile tugged at the corner of his mouth, which I took to be a promising sign. He took his gaze off the horizon and locked eyes with me. “Yer a cook, but here in the Shackles that doesn’t necessarily mean you spend all your time in the galley. I’m rebuilding my fleet. I need men who can keep their heads and make the best of a bad situation.”

Wait what. Shit. Neutral friendly expression. More stoic. Don’t give anything away until you know what he wants. 

“Sir?” I prodded him to continue as I held the towering man’s gaze.

“I’m putting ye as the head of a strike team.” He revealed, “Three subordinates, anyone that isn’t already spoken for. If something needs doing and it’s not worth a real officer’s time, your team will jump to it. Understood?”

My mouth went dry. This was a pirate ship. That probably meant killing people sometimes, unless Harrigan was very good at intimidating people into surrender from a distance. I wasn’t sure if I wanted this, but I did have a model to fall back on: the corporate world I’d been planning on joining.

Make sure your boss knows your worth. 

Ask for a raise if you have leverage. 

Do not accept a promotion unless you know what it entails. 

Always keep one foot out the door. 

“What additional duties would this entail day to day, and would I receive training for the position?” I asked, trusting an entirely different kind of autopilot while the drow was sleeping, “I’m honored to be given the opportunity, but I have limited experience in a leadership position and I think I’d need some coaching to really shine.”

“You’ll be expected to practice with your team in the evening and be responsible for their behavior, so pick wisely.” He answered with a raised eyebrow. “As far as training, I think I could convince Krine to slap you around and tell you where you’re weak.”

“Thank you, that would be excellent.” I affirmed, “I’m new to the pirate life. Could you inform me if this is a common step towards status as an officer, or perhaps even as captain of my own ship? I’d like to know my prospects for long term employment with your fleet.”

He snorted derisively, making me worry that I was too forward. “When a captain takes a ship and decides to keep it for the fleet, typically he gives it to one of his officers to captain. When that happens, the new captain chooses his officers from among the crew. You rise when you catch the eye of your betters.”

Not a direct answer to my question, but I get what you’re saying. 

“I am also curious what kind of increased compensation might come with this new position.” I inquired, “I’m embarrassed to say that I have been so engaged with my current duties that I’m still unfamiliar with your standard payment structure.”

“Ask Kroop if ye want a full explanation,” he waved me off, “but the short answer is that you’ll get an extra half share of the final tally, and yer team will have more opportunities to loot for yerselves than the masses. I’ve also ordered Grok to give you a few things if ye say yes. Think of them as a thank ye gift.”

I nodded. “Do I understand correctly that I have input on who makes up my team?”

“Aye, if that’s you agreein.” He confirmed. “Pick any three people on the crew that aren’t spoken for. Pick wisely; you’re going tae be responsible if they get killed.”

“Of course sir.” I nodded vigorously. “You won’t regret this.”

He dismissed me, and I made a beeline for Grok. I wanted to know what Captain Harrigan considered a present worthy of a promotion.


Ally with 3/6/10 crew members from the following list before 7/4: Caulky Tarroon, Owlbear Hartshorn, Ambrose Kroop, Cut-throat Grok, Sandara Quinn, Rosie Cusswell, Crimson Cogward, Conchobar Shortstone, Syl Lonegan, Jakes Magpie, Fipps Chumlett, Jack Scrimshaw 

Reward: 1 exp, Sudden Coaxing Spell/ 1 exp, Advance Pay, Boots of Authority / 1 exp, craft magic arms and armor

Steal a magic item without being caught or punished for 24 hours afterwards: 1 exp, Mystery Talent

Mystery talent: a special bonus feat to be revealed upon acquisition.

Save officer Arron Ivey from Bonewrack Isle.

Rewards: 1 Experience, Spell Focus (Conjuration)


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