Why A Dimensional Chat Group?


"Finally some peace," Hachiman looked visibly relieved.

"Why what happened?" Yuu asked as he ate his lunch.

Hachiman was left speechless at Yuu, but he and Miyamura understood that Yuu wasn't someone to pay attention to others and mostly stayed in his own world.

"You happened," Hachiman said plainly, he was blending into the class so nicely until this guy walked in blowing up his chance of a peaceful year, not that he had any chance.

"I just said hello, Should I have not done it?" Yuu tilted his head while asking Hachiman and Miyamura.

"N-No, not really," Hachiman scratched his face.

'Damn, this guy's little brother energy is off the charts,' Hachiman couldn't handle it and looked at Miyamura for help.

"Ah come to think of it, isn't Attack on Titan ending next week? Congratulations on that," Miyamura said with a smile, he got a nod of affirmation from Hachiman showing how thankful he was.

"Yes, did you change the ending from before?" Hachiman had heard about the previous ending and it had left a bitter taste in his mouth, Though he was quite surprised when he heard Yuu talk about changing it two months back.

"Do you want to read the last chapter?" Yuu asked as he wanted an honest opinion.

"No curiosity got the best of me last time, I'll wait till next week," Hachiman shook his head as he grabbed his own right hand which was trying to reach out asking for the last chapter.

"I'll also wait till next week, But that marks the end of your second work, First was Death note and then Attack on titan," Miyamura said, both of the mangas have gotten a lot of popularity around japan and around the world as well given how much of a hit the anime was.

Both mangas are made by the same Mangaka: Yoshi Ichi. And it was none other than Yuu who was sitting right in front of them.

"The Reddit is getting heated with discussions about the end," Miyamura showed his phone screen and the Reddit was in full swing.

"I haven't seen the Reddit be this chaotic since the time the community thought Levi died," Hachiman surely enjoyed that since he seemed to be smirking just by remembering it, He quite liked seeing those girls panic and cry, it awakened something dangerous inside him.

It was to the point that Hachiman asked Yuu to kill off Levi, Of course, it didn't work but it was worth the try.

"So many girls were gathered in front of Shueisha's office that it even made it onto morning news," Miyamura seemed to also remember it since it had even become a popular topic in school.

"It is for times like these that having nothing about your personal life known is the best for a Mangaka, The fangirls are crazy, But I don't see it becoming a problem for you," Hachiman shrugged, Anything about the Mangaka Yoshi Ichi wasn't known by the normal readers as Yuu had only done a few radio interviews and hadn't shown his face, he didn't do any events as well.

"The manga community is also in an upheaval because two of the famous series are coming to an end right after another," Miyamura was still scrolling his phone page to see different articles.

"Well, Berserk just came to its conclusion last month, And now another Manga is coming to an end and the current manga scene hasn't produced any good mangas that could rival the old ones like Naruto and One piece which is still going on, It is all about high school romance comedy these days," Hachiman commented peeking at Miyamura's phone.

"Why are you suddenly silent?" Hachiman asked Yuu who seemed to have been lost in his thoughts.

"I was thinking of someone who would be overjoyed to see Berserk being completed," Yuu said while looking outside the window.

"Wouldn't that person have already read it?" Miyamura said.

"I hope so," Yuu nodded as he looked at Hachiman who was looking at his phone intently.

"Did you find something interesting?" Yuu asked making Hachiman look up with an evil smirk, meaning he certainly did.

"I did, take a look at this," Hachiman showed his phone.

It was the school forums and there was an interesting post on it titled 'The Ice Princess and The Silent Prince' the post had a photo attached to it.

"When did they take this?" Yuu looked confused since it was a photo taken this very morning during the opening ceremony.

"Don't act like you didn't know, look you are posing and everything," Hachiman pointed at the photo showing Yuu sitting with his right leg crossed over his left resting his chin on his right hand.

"That is how I normally sit," Yuu was sitting at the moment just like how he was in the photo.

"…Leaving that aside the students are going crazy over this, Popular news has it that you guys are secretly dating, Are you?" Hachiman raised an eyebrow in amusement, although he knew the answer.

"I don't know who she is," Yuu didn't understand where this idea came from.

"You do not know who this person is?" Hachiman asked while pointing at the girl in the picture and Yuu shook his head.

"There isn't a single student in this school who doesn't know about her," Hachiman unexpectedly knew who the person was and Miyamura also seemed to know.

"There is one in front of you," Yuu raised his hand, it might sound like a joke but the thing is, it wasn't a joke.

"That is Yukinoshita Yukino; she is very famous in school," Hachiman stopped just at that since Yuu looked uninterested in the matter, not that surprising for the two.

"Also why does it take you guys so much time to come from the cafeteria, It didn't even take a few minutes," Yuu didn't even bother about the person mentioned like the two thought and went with something totally different.

Normally when Hachiman or Miyamura went to get something from the cafeteria it would take them 10 to 15 minutes to come out. Yuu would always be the first one to the place of the meeting since he always had a bento but it was different for the other two.

"We had the reincarnation of Moses right next to us that is the reason," Hachiman got pissed off as he remembered how many times he had been pushed out of the way by the uncivilized mob of people.

Miyamura on the other hand avoided jumping into the crowd and waited for a little till the crowd dispersed to a bearable amount.

"What did I do?" Yuu wasn't sure how him tagging along helped them come earlier.

"You didn't do anything, the students just give you way," Hachiman shrugged, In Hachiman's own words Yuu gave off a top elite student aura that kept the normal background students at bay.

That was what Hachiman himself thought when looking at Yuu for the first time during the first year.

Tall, Handsome, first during the entrance exam, well mannered, great at sports, he had all of the qualities to be at the top of the food chain in high school.

Hachiman at the time thought that Yuu would become the leader of the elites in their class, even those elites seemed to like him quite a lot but it didn't happen.

Leaving the elites aside, there wasn't anyone in the class or the whole school that Yuu talked to. He would come to school sit in his place and leave when the class was over.

It wasn't like he couldn't hold a conversation, Yuu could talk to people who had come to talk to him but he seemed rather distant, like he wasn't part of the world, unattached, not minding anyone.

Hachiman quite liked this part about Yuu, That's why 3 months into the first year Hachiman decided to talk to Yuu.

"W-Wanna hang out after this?" Hachiman stuttered at the time since the whole classroom was looking at him at that time. Not that he was proud of it but he also didn't talk to anyone in the classroom for the whole three months.

So you can say that he was labeled as the class's loner, but it didn't matter to him. But to the other classmates it, that same loner was now trying to approach the most elite student in the school.

Some looked at him with disbelief, some with shock, some with intrigue, and some with pure hostility. But they all thought that Yuu would refuse it like he had done so many times before.

Even Hachiman thought the same but his curiosity got him into that position. He wasn't worried about being turned down since he was prepared for it, the most that will happen is he will be remembered for a few days before he would have his peace. But the answer wasn't something he or anyone ever thought…..

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