Why A Dimensional Chat Group?


But the answer wasn't something Hachiman or anyone ever thought about…..

"...Sure," That was all Yuu said at that moment, and everyone was shocked.

"...Wha?!" But Hachiman himself was the one who was the most shocked out of any of them.

That was the day Hachiman's life changed, since then he has been fighting to get his tranquil loner life back, but alas his efforts bear no fruit for his opponent is too strong.

"Hachiman, You there?" Yuu's voice seemed to have gotten him out of his trance.

"What happened? You looked lost," Miyamura looked a bit concerned.

"I was so shocked that I was sent into a flashback," Hachiman shook his head, while Yuu just looked at him blankly. His face was saying 'That doesn't explain anything,'

"In short, you are so good-looking that it wards off most people," Hachiman explained.

"You're saying it like it is bad," Yuu said.

"It isn't bad, right Miya...mura?" Hachiman looked to his left and seemed to have stopped.

"What?" Miyamura wondered if Hachiman was sent into another flashback by any chance.

"Nothing, for a second I forgot that I am the only average-looking guy between us three," Hachiman seemed to have remembered something he didn't want to as Miyamura could only smile wryly.

Miyamura was also had very good looks it is just that he hide it with his big glasses and long hair, along with him minding his own business and minimum contact with fellow classmates cemented his position as a loner along with a few other names.

It is just that both Yuu and Miyamura to a certain extent do not understand truly how handsome they are. But the reason for that was completely different for both of them.

"Hikigaya also looks quite good," Miyamura wasn't lying Hachiman was really better looking than the average person but there was one glaring problem.

"Say that while looking in my eyes," Hachiman looked at Miyamura with his dead fish-like eyes.

Hachiman knew of this and also knew that Miyamura wasn't saying it emptily but it was funny seeing Miyamura look at Yuu for some help.

"I also think Hachiman looks very good," Yuu said looking straight into the latter's eyes without any problem.

'The problem is he isn't lying either, that is genuinely what he thinks,' Hachiman sighed as he remembered that Yuu has a very different standard for looks.

"Do you still believe the thing that friend of yours said?" Hachiman asked.

'It isn't about the outward appearance of a person but the inside that is important,' Yuu was about this by his friend, He didn't say the name of this person either but it wasn't important because...

'It is a childish and naïve outlook,' Hachiman understood the meaning behind the words, Someone can have the best looks in the world but it won't matter if they have a rotten heart. But even then….

'There is no person in the world who will have a clear heart, It is impossible,' Hachiman truly believed that every human has a shadow inside them and no it isn't his Chuunibyou reappearing.

The shadow here represents flaws, things that the person tries to hide in order to appear acceptable to others. This is the reason why people repress aspects of themselves that might be harmful to their appearance.

This is why children are considered pure but also evil because they do not know much. You would do things as a child that you wouldn't as an adult. Why? Because you grew up? No.

It is because as a child you didn't care about how others looked at you. But by growing up you learn what is acceptable by society. Which causes a child to repress different aspects of themselves that are considered flawed, which results in an adult.

And there was another reason for why Hachiman disagreed...

'That guy is way too good-looking, I do not trust such a bright-looking handsome guy,' Yuu made a portrait of his friend once to show it to Hachiman and Miyamura. And all they could say was...

Unreal, such a person can't exist. That was all the two thought, that guy made Yuu look like an average person. To a certain extent, they expected that Yuu was pulling their leg.

But then they remembered that this guy doesn't do jokes when he has that straight-ass look on his face. Miyamura just accepted it since Yuu was serious but Hachiman still refuses to believe it or he is still trying to.

He even believes that Yuu's friend is the evilest person ever.

'As they say, the brighter the light is the longer the shadow it casts,' Hachiman was in his own world right now as Miyamura and Yuu finished their food.

They both looked at Hachiman who seemed to be happy with the conclusion he had drawn in his head. Hachiman just hates the idea of Yuu's friend just because it is naïve no other reason.

"So, should I also tag along with you guys to the cafeteria when you go and get lunch?" Yuu suggested.

"Won't that be troublesome?" Miyamura said.

"It is better than wasting one-third of the lunchtime," Yuu pointed out and Miyamura nodded in understanding. It would indeed save time and hassle.

"Sure, we'll take your supernatural help," Hachiman said since it was super helpful, and it would also get him fewer stares from the girls who are jealous since he is friends with Yuu. It feels weird to be envied this way but it was whatever.

"Alright let's go back now," Yuu looked at his phone to see the time before standing up. It was 12:53 which meant only 7 minutes till lunch break was over.

Miyamura and Hachiman also stood up since this was a daily thing. Putting the desks and chairs where they were supposed to be, the trio left the empty classroom and made their way toward their own classroom.

Taking a bathroom stop on the way they reached the classroom and entered closing the door then...


The bells rang announcing the end of lunch break.

"On time as always," Miyamura shook his head.

"What do you expect from the 'Last Second Man'" Hachiman laughed but then he saw that he was the only one laughing.

"At least give me a reaction, I put some effort into that," Hachiman sighed looking at the blank looks he got from Yuu and Miyamura. They didn't find it funny at all.

"Anyway let's start cleaning the classroom," They get fifteen minutes after the lunch break to clean up the classroom before the next period.

It doesn't take long since the whole class does it together, Yuu was cleaning the blackboard since he is the tallest in the class.

There were still 7 minutes left till the next period but…

"Your favorite teacher is here," A man in his late twenties with reddish brown hair tied in a ponytail walked in after opening the door with an enthusiastic look. But his happy look changed as soon as he saw the first person in the room.

"Tachibana-kun change into a girl's uniform," The man looked at Yuu with a serious look.

"I refuse," Yuu said with a flat look.

"Then sit in your place and let a girl welcome me in your stead, I don't want to see an ugly guy's face as soon as I walk in," The man looked angry but it soon went away as he saw the female students giggling. It was really funny since this teacher was the only person in the school who thought Yuu was ugly.

And Yatsuda was the only person who had the guts to say such a thing to Yuu and be spared. No one else would ever try this since the risk was too big.

"Yatsuda-sensei seems like you haven't changed a bit," Miyamura said.

"You can't change the person you are Karakura-kun," Yatsuda smiled while shaking his head.

"It's Miyamura, Sensei," Miyamura sighed heavily since this happened again.

"I'll try to remember it," Yatsuda waved his hand dismissively; his expression clearly showed he wasn't going to.

"You say that every time Sensei," Hachiman sighed since it was a common occurrence for Yatsuda to mispronounce the boy's name because he doesn't remember them, No he didn't put any effort into remembering them.

"I am saying I'll make an effort Yuutsu-kun, Now leave me alone and go in your corner," Yatsuda went towards the girls and started to talk to them.

"That is not even a mispronunciation anymore," Hachiman face palmed, to be honest, he respected Yatsuda to a certain extent since this man was true to his desires, a bit too much if you will.

But it was still a bit too much to be called Yuutsu (Depression). But what can he do, it was expected from Yatsuda.

Yuu, Hachiman, and Miyamura went back to their seats since Yuu was done with the blackboard. The other two were just standing near him talking before Yatsuda barged in.


Yuu took out his phone as he heard a notification sound. It was a message from his mom.

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