Why are you special?

034: & Dragons

I choose to delay, wanting to see what they'll do.

The first dragon to act is a tall, elegant dragon with scales that shine like polished silver, and its tail has a feathered appearance. It swoops down from well out of normal sight range, and hits me with a Flame Strike spell, bathing me in fire, half magical and half divine… which does nothing, thanks to the Golem Immunity spell I have up. The Silver dragon is fine, at least.

A sleek, dark dragon which moves with a disturbing, serpentine grace, its eyes glowing as if lit from within by crimson embers, tries next… from much farther away, as Horrid Wilting is a Long range spell, rather than Medium. It's also harmless to me three times over; once because it's a Fort save spell that doesn't affect objects (so I've been immune since first level), once because it permits Spell Resistance, so Golem Immunity takes care of it, and - to poor results for the dragon - once because of Reflective Hide, which sends the spell right back at the poor Umbral dragon that sent the spell my way.

Next up is a magnificent dragon covered in splendid gold scales, with horns jutting from its head like a crown. It flies in close, casts a spell and vanishes from view… because it's Maze spell bounced off my Reflective Hide. Yeah, it’s not Spell Turning, so it doesn’t run out. That’s OK. I'm sure it'll be back shortly. Getting out of a Maze spell is just a DC 20 Intelligence check, and Sovereign Dragons have good stats.

The next beast is a serpentine dragon with skin the color of deep volcanic rock, enormous claws, and jagged, stonelike horns and scales. It uses a spell-like ability, and two colossal mounds of dirt and stone appear, rushing towards me. I expertly dodge, and the rocks smash together, leaving a pile of rubble where I was standing a moment prior. I go ahead and let the Opportunity spell take care of the saving throw - it's just damage, so a one in eight thousand chance of my actually rolling a one and soaking it is fine - and yes, the Evasion from my Eidolon prevents all of the damage. The Underworld dragon also fails to have any meaningful impact.

Next up comes a dragon with golden scales covering its majestic body and a regal crest of horns arches backward above wise and piercing eyes. This one crashes down and attempts to Crush me. Again, I'm fine on anything but a Natural One, and the Opportunity spell makes that one in eight thousand. I hop out of the way, no problem. Of course, now I'm adjacent to several tons of mind-controlled dragon out to kill me… but that's fine. This Gold Dragon isn't that much of a threat… Energy Immunity soaks the heat aura just fine.

Hissing green acid drips from the fanged maw of the black-scaled, horned dragon that tries to get me next… and this one actually has something mildly annoying to do: It plops a barred Forcecage around me. Fair choice: It puts me in a twenty foot cubical box where they can cast at me or use their breath weapons with impunity… but it also lets me cast out, and prevents physical attacks both directions. I'm honestly not sure whether or not to call that a win for the black dragon.

Scales the color of emeralds armor the next ferocious dragon. A single sharp horn protrudes from the end of its toothy snout. It tosses a spell out that puts acidic, cloying fog into the cage with me. The Freedom of Movement spell means I can still move… well, freely… and Energy Immunity (Acid) stops the burning from meaning anything… but I still can't see much. I should add Mistsight to my buff list at some point.

Of course, once I can't see, things are far less interesting. A bolt of lightning sizzles past me, which I dodge effortlessly. Ditto for a big cone of wooden shards, a wave of icy air, a cloud of superheated steam, and some good old-fashioned fire.

At a lame attempt to be cool, I calmly say, "My turn," out of the fog. I go crazy with Greater Dispel Magic. I get dual actions from the Serpentir, so two swift and two standard actions there; Winding Key gives me an additional standard action, and if I don't mind soaking the five points of damage (which I don't, I have a lot of hit points, many of them easily renewed temporary ones), Borrowed Time gives me another Swift action. So I get six spells off each round, and all for free.  The first goes to clearing the fog. The rest? I target the Dominate Monster effects on the dragons. And I of course use Divine Providence to ace all of the dispel checks.

As I free the dragons from their controller, I shout out, "You know your real enemy; and he's no longer invulnerable," in Draconic. They smile at me as they head elsewhere.

Of course, there were a dozen dragons, and that only freed five. Two of the other seven get clever, and hit me with a targeted Greater Dispel Magic - which reflects, and rebounds on themselves… freeing only one of them, but still! Clever.

The others keep going at me… not that it helps. I'm basically immune to these creatures. Elemental damage from breath weapons? Reflex saves plus Evasion say nope. Targeted spells? Reflective Hide says nope. Rays? Ray Deflection says nope. One tries to mix it up in melee: Sorry, my AC is so high it needs a natural twenty to hit, and my hardness and DR fully soak any blow they might land. Another tries melee touch spells… which fizzle on my Golem Immunity spell. Area elemental damage like another Acid Fog? I just plain ignore it thanks to the Energy Immunity spell.

On my next turn, I free the reminder.

The fighting stops, but things are still a bit tense - Fred apparently didn't much care if the dragons he was facing were good or evil, so I have a red and a gold engaging in a staring contest over my head.

I fly up between them, "So… best behavior, kids."

The two respond in unison, "Who are you to call us kids, puny human?"

"I'm the one who soaked everything you threw at me and then proceeded to free your minds, while being completely uninjured by the festivities. If you're upset about being called kids I will cheerfully take off the 'kid gloves' and start using lethal spells." I give that a bit to sink in.

Seems both are wise enough not to press the matter.

I continue, "Now, I know you two probably hate each other with a burning passion," did I mention both gold and red dragons are fire-based? Yes, it's a bad pun, "But I'm pretty sure there's someone you can both agree needs to die first. I will cheerfully take him permanently out of circulation, but I'd like some information on him. His hideouts, his habits, his friends… pretty much anything you are willing to give me on him."

The red speaks up first, "He has a private demiplane. That's where he goes to rest and recover. Which he's had to do a lot more of lately."

The gold jumps in, "Was that due to you?" I nod, and the gold continues, "Nice. Well, his demiplane is accessible by a tuning fork, left tine one point eight seven three inches long and made of platinum, the right made of gold and two point zero zero three inches long. Handle of rowan wood."

The red continues, "He has a castle inside, where he traps the souls of his victims in various ways. Stone, flying, made via the Create Greater Demiplane spell rather than honest labor," which means I can delete it the same way, once I'm there; nice, "Here's the layout…."

The red dragon casts a Silent Image of the castle on miniature, and I take sone time to examine it, passing through it and appreciating the fact that he modeled it completely, inside and out, including furniture.

The gold picks up, "It's trapped, heavily, around the gates and walls, but the living quarters are clear."

"Right, can't have traps in areas he might be walking around when exhausted," the red adds, "Or drunk, but I've never seen him such, although not for lack of trying on his part." Yeah, that would be due to Life’s blessing.

The gold continues, "As for friends… that rat bastard of a man doesn't have any. Not for long. His honeyed words can only keep someone around for so long. He's got zombies, constructs, and slaves, but that’s it."

The red picks up, "As for how he fights… he is completely dependent on his miraculous luck. There's no better way to say it. Everyone always misses him, he resists every spell, what little he does get caught in due to good tactics does almost nothing to him. He hits the bullseye every time, and always gets a perfect blow, his spells always work on everyone, and to devastating effect…"

Gold's turn, "... and his choices of gear reflect this. His swords are vorpal and ghost touch, but otherwise minimally enchanted…" the dragon goes over a very long list of equipment, all of which grants abilities, basically none of which is merely numbers boosting, although he did go with a Headband of Mental Superiority - a good one - for the skills and bonus spells. He apparently also collects Rings of Three Wishes, Luck Blades with stored Wishes, scrolls of Wish, and similar.

I smile, "His divine luck is gone, now. Sounds like this will be easy. Thank you both."

The two dragons nod and fly off in opposite directions as the world fades….

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