Why are you special?

057: Exploring

Of course, I still need to call up, and buff, my new minions.

So I caress Wanda a little as I talk to her, buffing up her Diplomacy skill as I revel in her curves, "I have a couple of pets to procure, and that's going to take me about two days." Yes, we're in public. She enjoys it, and would be perfectly fine with a stranger lifting her skirt and ramming her right now. She considers herself free use.

"Hmm…" Wanda seems in good spirits, "Can I come with?"

As I slip my hands under her clothes and tweak her spouts, I move my mouth to whisper in her ear, "I'd like you to stay here, ask around a bit, and dig up some information for me, if that's all right…"

Wanda moans lightly back at me, "Anything you want… just keep going…"

I work one arm down, sliding it under the band of her skirt as I tell her what I'm after, "One of the noble families here - the Thatchers - are rumored to have strange powers. I'd like you to ask around and find out what they're known to be able to do…."

She whispers, "Keep going…"

No underwear, huh Wanda? Makes it easier to slip my fingers into your wet hole, I guess… "... but try to avoid actually encountering them, as I don't know what they can do," I slip a finger in her open channel, exploring her insides a bit with my fingers and rubbing her nub with my thumb.

Wanda's breathing really heavily now… "Yes… yes… that's… I can do that…"

Good little pet… but I do have work to do, so… "Thank you. I'll be back in a few days. Until then, I have a little something for you…" I use Fabricate with Craft(Electronics) to drop a radio controlled vibrating egg, already charged and turned on, inside her where I have my fingers, then pull out, leaving the active egg up her tunnel.

As her knees start to go weak, Wanda wonders as she whimpers, "How…?"

I chuckle, "It's a toy from home, should be good for several hours. Here…" I create the paired remote, and hand it to her, "This will control it, and of course you can simply remove it at any time, as it's not stuck. Have fun!"

I also mentally flag David and Oscar, 《I have some pets to summon; please keep an eye on Wanda for me, take care of her milking when she doesn't find enough volunteers, but let her do the task I gave her… I have her gathering information, and don't want her assassinated or kidnapped when she's not subtle about it. I'd enjoy interrogating anyone who goes after her for asking, though, if you catch my drift.》

Oscar sends back a simple,《Sure.》

While David details things with,《I can do that, no problem. Does she know she's bait?》

I mentally shrug,《Eh… she's not, really. I want the information I asked her to get, warned her to avoid the folks she's asking into, and am assigning others to keep her safe. Oh yes, and she's tough as nails on her own and warded to high heaven to boot. Hurting her is a fool's errand for most. So, yeah, she's going to be taking point, but I wouldn't really call her bait.》

David pauses, 《Fair enough, I guess. Yeah, I'll watch out for her and see about capturing any assailants.》

That settled, I access Fred's memories to identify an area where large wild cats are known to hang out, and… start by going to my Crafting plane, because I want to get my familiar first. Attuned Mysticism (Fey) on Gate gets me a Sprite, talking to her  bit makes her agreeable (between Divine Countenance, Persuasive Countenance, and Beyond Morality, even normally "hostile" folks start at "indifferent" to me, and normally "indifferent" people are "helpful" instead… oh yes,  an Attuned Mysticism for Alpha Instinct pushes that a step higher (to "Friendly") for humanoids, and the Inspire Trust Mythic path ability lets me roll Diplomacy to influence attitudes very quickly… so basically everyone is "Helpful" if I want them to be.

Unless they're PCs, whatever that means here.

There is one little hitch: Sprites in Final Fantasy d20 are a slightly different creature from the Sprites in Pathfinder, and I want the Final Fantasy d20 version… fortunately, I have enough divine power for that, and it's within range of my declared blessing. So I just need to pay a little extra, and I'm good to go.

I go with the Protector archetype for my familiar, primarily for the increased hit points; I can replace the features she's losing with spells, and her having my full normal hit point total makes her a pretty hardened target.  Buff spells will make her better.

First though, a trick: Transformative Familiar lets her turn into a magic item. An intelligent magic item, to which I can add enchantments, including from the intelligent item list… and I have unlimited crafting potential.

Yeah. I go nuts with that.

I order up every useful enchantment in the game, and lay them all on her, summoning Time Clones to do the work so it won't take long. And of course, I add her to my Soul Vault immediately.

While that's going on, I Plane Shift and Teleport to the appropriate area: A nice little section of steaming jungle… about a hundred miles from a sea-level glacier. What is UP with the biospheres here… ah. The me at my bungalow looks it up: It's an effect of dungeon leakage. A few months after a dungeon is seeded, the surrounding territory morphs a bit to match. So it's basically magic pollution… that creates MORE biodiversity. I guess I'll file that under "happy accidents" then. Of course, Dad could have had a hand in that….

So I go back to enjoying the waves at my bungalow as I start the ritual to call an animal companion in the jungle. Being in many places at once does weird things to language.

Again, I spend a little divine power on my blessing because I want a slightly unusual animal companion… in my case, the Synthetic archetype - a cyborg, basically - for three reasons. One, I get Technologist as a bonus feat, which means I'm considered trained when working with tech… not that there's any here… yet. Two, she'll have a base intelligence score of ten, which means I don't need to worry about tricks, she can take any feat she qualifies to have, and will be able to make full use of my buff spells - most notably, Shapechange. And three, everything that archetype loses, I can replace via spells, or it doesn't matter anyway: Share Spells? Shared Training spell means the Share Spells teamwork Feat covers the lack just fine. Evasion? Ruin Delver's Fortune adds it back in. Multiattack? All of a big cat's attacks are primary anyway, it doesn't apply. OK, losing Improved Evasion at 15th is mildly annoying, bit that's all that goes away.

And I want to start with a big cat, for Pounce and a lot of attacks. Plus, of course, riding.

The ritual isn't too bad.  I just kind of know it from having selected the ability… I need to commune with nature… and apparently that means being au naturale here. Whatever… my shadow can wear all of my magic items, no problem, and there’s nobody around for miles… so it doesn’t matter if my magically tattooed ta-ta’s are hanging out or that I can feel the breeze blowing through my mound into my ready ravine down there.

I must look quite the sight. I'm covered in tattoos because they're magic, I am wearing a headdress made from the local plants, and am dancing like I'm trying to draw dollars from crazy carousing college kids. Fortunately, there's nobody around to see.

Well, other than that big old elf cat prowling around thinking he's hiding. Which… honestly, is a type of big cat… huh. I may be dancing for him… I was expecting a female, though. I take a closer look via Blindsight, so I don't need to interrupt the ritual:

He's a big one, clearly in the prime of life, and yes, suitable for riding.  And his left eye… yep, that's not flesh, it's glass, and has that gleam of intelligence that says there's more than a beast in there.  And he's… at attention? Huh. It's not like there's any female cats nearby… oh. He's got the hots for me? Eh, I can work with what I have. Explains the dance, but why a cat would like a humanoid woman that way makes no sense… but this body is quite the ride. I think I'm game. It's not like I'm going to get pregnant with catfolk from him.

I'm already carrying, after all.

I keep going, shaking my hips, waving my pom-poms, puckering my lips… OK, yes, this is far too human-centric of a dance. Why…?

At the end, my target looks like he's practically bursting hands-free, and the close of the dance has me doing a crabwalk, holding my pelvis up high, my slit glistening, my legs spread wide… right at him.  Yes, this ritual apparently has me offering myself to my new companion.

… and he comes forward to accept, his rod at full attention and out of his furry sheath, about the size of my forearm. Eh, I'm durable, how bad can it be?

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