Why are you special?

058: Stretching

We are both ready as he walks over and towers above me. From this range, I can see traces of metal under his fur where he is reinforced with technology… definitely a giant cyborg cat.  He speaks in English, not common… "It's been so long…" his voice has a touch of static to it, and his mouth doesn't move as he speaks, beyond opening slightly.

I chuckle, replying in the same, "Well… have at me, then. I don't think we need to worry about kids, and diseases are easy to fix here."

And despite him being sized for a horse, he slides in with barely any effort. Seems I'm ready too. He stretches me out quite well, and I watch as my belly deforms slightly in time with his thrusting. In, out, in out, up, down, up, down, very rapidly and animalisticly … luckily he doesn't try biting my neck like I've seen cats do. I could take it, but it'd be awkward when he chipped a tooth.

He only pumps a few times before he unloads inside, and I feel his juices mixing with mine. He starts to deflate, but I haven't gotten off yet… "We're not done…" I grab him with my legs, and flip the both of us over, pinning the horse-sized cat underneath me as easily as I might a small child. Have I mentioned I have a rather lot of spells boosting me? Because I do.  The laws of physics are more what you might call suggestions at this point.  A quick Remove Fatigue spell gives him the benefits of eight hours of rest… hopefully refilling his seed bank.  He does harden up again.

He seems somewhat panicked, "How… what are you…"

I moan as I start grinding into his soft furry pelvis, "Magic… and a lot of it. Now be a good kitty and make mine happy."

He wiggles, squiggles, and squirms as best he can, pinned inside me as I rock his rod in my baby bakery. Soon enough I get my turn as well, and release him as he spurts again.  

I stand up and let him go, his seed slowly spreading down my inner thigh as he rights himself and lays down.  I hear a low rumble… ah, he's purring.

I watch him for a moment, and start petting him, which intensifies the purring, "So how did you come to speak English?"

The cybernetic cat doesn't stop purring as he answers, "I was born in Hawaii? I would have thought that being a giant talking cat would be more relevant.  Ooh… more please."

I chuckle, and keep petting, "So you haven't been HERE very long, then?"

He stretches, scratching the ground, "No… last thing I remember was the anesthesiologist turning on the drip, then I woke up to that entrancing dance of yours … I'm dead, aren't I?"

I shrug, "You probably died, but I don't think you're dead now. I died… three times that I remember. It's fixable here."

He rolls over and I start petting his belly, "'Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore.'"

I chuckle, "If anything, I should be saying that. I look a lot more like Dorothy than you do, and you have the fur coat…."

I'll need to figure out how he's talking without interrupting his purring at some point, "True. So I guess this is reincarnation, then?"

I nod, "Yes, although you're the first other I've encountered," and I think I brought you here. I wonder if my familiar is the same way? "What was your name?"

He laughs, "Alfred. Hardly matters anymore though, does it?  What do you want to call me?"

I consider, "What do you want to be called? Fresh start and all that. No social security administration to require you keep your old name or anything. I've switched names a few times already."

He considers, "So I can simply change what I'm called easily?"

I shrug, "Sort of. There's no government agency enforcing names, and the society isn't nearly so mobile, so if you leave behind everyone who knows you under one name - or bring people with you who understand the switch - you can simply adopt another when you move. I've done it a few times, as I was being hunted until relatively recently."

Alfred keeps purring, and curls up, "So I probably shouldn't call myself 'Serial Peacemaker' or something where the joke will wear off eventually. Hmm…."

That makes me laugh, "A joke name would be bad, agreed."

He continues purring as he muses, "So what am I, exactly? I mean, no mane, so I'm not a lion, and whoever heard of a tiger with brown and green striped fur? And what's up with the speaker in the roof of my mouths?"

Ah, that’s how it works. I keep petting, "A couple of things. I ran a Druidic ritual to get an animal companion…"

Alfred interrupts, still purring, "Wait, so I'm someone else's class feature now?"

I chuckle, "If you'll have me, yes. Nice that you're familiar with the mechanics."

He doesn't hesitate, "Oh I want you, yes. If I have to be a cat, being a close companion of one of the strongest classes in the game is the way to go. Also, you're fun. And … yes, I played a little with my grandson."

"Nice…" I continue, "You’re an elf cat, which is basically a tiger with different colors. And I grabbed the Synthetic archetype for my animal companion, which means you're an intelligent cyborg."

That makes him pause his purring, "I thought D&D was a fantasy game. Where do cyborgs come in?"

I shrug, "Close: Pathfinder, and I have a divine blessing that lets me pull in mechanics from third party sources and closely related games," Technically all true. But I'm not going to tell him I'm the divinity in question as well unless he asks, as that sounds crazy, even for a talking reincarnated cyborg elf cat, "And while I haven't seen cyborgs and robots, they're in the rules… crossover with Starfinder, by the same company, I think."

"And somehow this translates to an actual area with magic?" Alfred shakes his head as I continue to pet him.

"It was a surprise for me, too…" I sigh. This has been a nice break, but there's work to he done, "...well, are you ready to go meet my familiar, and find out just how much I can buff you up with spells?"

Alfred looks at his paws, and asks, "Can I get some hands?"

I chuckle, "I'm going to want to ride you a lot…" I consider our recent activities, "Possibly in both senses of the word. How do you feel about being a dragon? Forelimbs work as hands just fine."

He considers, "Flying, fire breathing, the whole nine yards?"

I nod.

"Sign me up!"

Yeah, about what I figured, "Have you settled on a name?"

He giggles, "Well, if I'm going to be a magic dragon, how about Puff?"

I smile, "Well… keep in mind the problem with joke names… and we don't currently live by the sea."

He makes a sound very much like snapping fingers, "Well, I'll stick with Alfred, then."

I nod, well, then I'll get dressed… I pull my clothes back out of warp storage directly onto my body.

Alfred blinks, "Well now that's a time saver."

I chuckle, "It is, yes. Now let's get you 'dressed up'...."

I go through the hoops to grant myself the spells and to grant Alfred Bonded Mind so I can apply Personal spells to him and so I actually know Form of the Dragon III. I then apply a Mythic Augmented Heightened version to him, picking a Large Gold Dragon… because he wanted fire. Now, I could do Huge… but with the Form of the Dragon line, the only thing size actually impacts is reach and armor class… and a Large dragon is more readily disguised as a horse or whatever. Plus I can use Animal Growth or Reduce Animal if I want him bigger or smaller. The reason for Form of the Dragon rather than Shapechange is raw power: Shapechange doesn't have a Mythic version, so the extra +4 to Alfred's Strength and Constitution will help out. After all, even when I add Mythic Domains via Borrowed Power to get my effective Druid level for him up to 14th, he only has a dozen hit dice,so he can use the boost.

Although… I only have fourteen hit dice, while Wanda has twenty, David has twenty-six, and Oscar has ninety…. so really, when it comes to hit dice, I was the weakest in our group, and adding Alfred makes me the second weakest in our group… and my familiar will be tied. Huh.

I mean, in terms of nearly everything else, I come out ahead, but still: weird. We're a very imbalanced party.

Alfred stretches his wings, "Oh, that's better…" and I notice the static is gone, and he's using his lips and tongue to talk.

I nod, "Well, let's go pick up my familiar and buff you both up, and then we can meet up with everyone else."

Alfred kneels down, I Fabricate a suitable exotic military saddle, and climb aboard. One Greater Plane Shift later, we're on my crafting plane, where my familiar is ready….

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