Why Did It Have To Be Yu-Gi-Oh!?!

16 – Sakamoto Games Tournament Part 1

Thanks for your comments yesterday! Most of them were spot on to what I was thinking, and even I got a few good ideas from them as well!

Now we return to Toshiaki and get started on the second to last mini-arc before Duelist Kingdom! =D

Hope you enjoy this chapter!

16 - Sakamoto Games Tournament Part 1

Saturday morning was more or less a repeat of Friday morning. 

Ishizu and I woke up and cuddled for a good hour before leaving the bed. She had, somehow or other, convinced me to do something productive today. I then offered several suggestions on what I thought was a productive use of our time, but she covered my mouth again, blushing heavily, so I assumed that was a no. 

We made breakfast together, something that we both very much enjoyed, and ate with Odion and Marik. They were heading out today as well, Marik to spend time with Bakura again - I finally remembered his name! - and Odion to...do whatever he does. It wasn't that Odion was being secretive, I was just worried that he would kill me for the things I was doing with his sister, so I never asked. 

After everyone left, and one more make-out session once the dishes were cleaned and our teeth were brushed, we finally left the house. 

Ishizu wanted to go shopping for a few things this morning. Mostly new bedding for our bed, drapes, some furniture pieces, clothing, makeup, hair & beauty products, as well as some organizers for our closet and bathroom. Yes, there were a lot of "Ours" in there.

She is keeping her old room for now, but the master bedroom was no longer mine alone. Especially the bathroom. Within the week and a half since we started dating, my master bathroom had been taken over by several boxes, bottles, brushes, and random containers - many still in their original packaging. I maintained my own corner and sink though!...

To be honest, I didn't mind all that much. It felt nice to be able to share what I had with her. Though the speed at which we were falling for each other worried me slightly. Not because I disliked it, but for the opposite reason actually. I was worried things were going too well, and that usually spells disaster.

Josh had been in many relationships, most ending badly...and was a bit of a man whore if we are being honest, so I knew what it could be like from the other side of the spectrum. I don't think my heart could stand a screaming match with Ishizu like the ones he...I had been through. 

Now was not the time for such dark thoughts, however, so with that in mind, I agreed to the trip and just enjoyed walking through town with her, hand in hand.

* | * | *

We had a blast and spent the next 3 hours buying everything and anything that Ishizu wanted. She never had a chance to let loose like this before, and she was quickly finding that shopping was one of her new favorite pastimes. Her smile was infectious and I, who hated shopping normally, was having just as good of a time watching her be so happy.

I didn't even complain about the 20 bags I was holding! If that doesn't deserve a boyfriend award, then I don't know what does. 

Ishizus' family had money. A lot of money. Like, Saudi Oil Baron or Prince amounts money. In fact, her family owned the majority of the oil fields in Egypt, but that was not something Ishizu really had much input in. It was controlled by another one of her uncles, one she liked a fair bit more than her Uncle Heishin.

When I explained the shop to her, she had immediately offered to give me thousands of Duel Points so that I could more quickly achieve my goals. I kid you not, she suggested it immediately like it was nothing. I would have totally accepted it as well, not one to turn down such generosity, but the system informed me that it was pointless.  

Attention User!

Duel Points must be earned by the user for them to be applicable and useable in the shop.

Payments and income are fine to be used, as are winnings from duels and special events, but gifts are not. 

The system will punish you if you try to abuse it. Earn your own success.

When I explained this to her, she understood and we moved on. I was not about to mess with my chances at using the system in the future.

Back to the shopping trip.

Ishizu was free from her family's overbearing rules and restrictions for the first time ever, and, to top it off, had a seemingly limitless credit card. We did A LOT of shopping. Her pace was even getting me winded, and she, routinely, had to call Odion to come to pick up piles of packages. She was buying for all of us, herself, me, Odion, and Marik, in mind, so there were several full car trips. 

This did not mean she spent her money recklessly, however, she only bought items that she thought would be useful to her immediately and took notes, like in a small notebook with a yellow #2 pencil and everything, on things to look up and possibly buy for later. 

This was not all that surprising to me, however, as she had only arrived with her suitcase, 3 sets of her robes, and an overnight bag. Everything else she owned while here, she bought and used right away from nearby stores. This was true for Marik and Odion as well. The combination of her sudden freedom and having next to nothing meant that almost everything was essential. Especially clothes. We bought a lot of clothes. 

One thing I was adamant about was her not buying ME a ton of things. I had clothes and all my necessities, so that would have been a waste of her money. She could spend her money on herself or her brothers however she wanted, and I was never going to say anything against it, but I refused to let her buy me everything she saw and wanted me to wear or use. I had my own pride as a man, after all.

This was different from her giving me money for the shop to pursue my goals, this was her spending money on me and spoiling me just because she wanted to. That, I was not okay with...At least not an excessive amount of it.

I promised that we could go out and try new things or buy outfits together in the future, but, unlike her, I didn't need the clothes and my fashion senses were simple. Jeans + T-shirt. Preferably Black. 

We finished up the shopping trip at a cafe and she talked excitedly about where she wanted to put things, ideas for redecorating the house, and places she wanted to go together based on things she saw during our adventure. We had our dates planned out for the next foreseeable future, that was for sure. 

At 11 AM we moved to a family restaurant to do something that I know I will regret. We are meeting up with Kin and Ren so that they can meet Ishizu, officially, as my girlfriend. 

'Why...Why do I feel so nervous...'

* | * | *

I open the door to the restaurant for Ishizu and she smiles at me as she enters. 

It was your typical family-style restaurant. Circular booths of green upholstered faux leather lined the walls. The floor was composed of black and white checkered tiles and the walls were made from green tiles, dark wood, and giant glass windows that looked out towards the street.

The inner portion of the restaurant had a long bar with several stools that people could walk up to, sit down at, and order from immediately. Perfect for those who wanted a quiet solo meal. Behind the bar was a serving area for the waiters, waitresses, and busboys/girls to work. Further in the back was a large, western-style, swinging metal door that went to and from the kitchens. 

The place was large and, on a Saturday at lunch, full of people and families. The noise from the conversations was a dull roar in our ears and the smell of freshly cooked lunch foods made our stomachs grumble unhappily.

I follow Ishizu inside and we walk up to the server podium where we explain we are meeting some people. That proved useless, however, as the people we were waiting for called over to us loudly.

"Aki-chan~~~!!!!" Kin waves spastically from his table. Ren gives a small wave and smiles at Ishizu as she also helps in garnering our attention. 

I sigh. 

"I don't know them, we should probably leave..." I say quickly and turn to do so.

"Oh, hush. I want to meet your friends." Ishizu says, grabbing my hand and all but dragging me to the table. 

I give in to the cruelty of fate and follow after my lovely girlfriend to my, most assured, doom.

I had explained to Ishizu the nutjobs that were Kin and Ren...as well as begrudgingly calling them my best friends. 

They really were my best friends, but the way they tease me incessantly makes me not want to call them that, if for no reason else than to spite them in some childish way. 

Once she learned of them, Ishizu had wanted to meet them as soon as possible to make a good impression. She had no friends here, other than me and some newly budding friendships at her school, so she was looking forward to making more. 

Kin was the same as ever. 6'2" with spikey silver-colored hair and steel grey eyes. He stood quickly from the table to let Ren out so that she could give a proper greeting. Ren was 4'11" but with the body of a sinful goddess. She had straight blonde hair and sparkling brown eyes that gave her a distinctly cute look...If you could ignore her assets. Which I was used to doing.

As we walked up to them, Kin moves forward and engulfs me in a hug. We are about the same height, me being 6'1", so he is more or less standing on his tiptoes and draping his arms around me.

"Our Aki has grown up so well...Ren, we knew this day would come. I'm afraid we must let our little boy go-Ak!" He says with fake tears glittering in his eyes, then yelps as I elbow him. 

Ren completely ignores her boyfriend and walks up to Ishizu with a broad smile and an outstretched hand. 

"Nice to meet you, Rasha-san! Aki has told us so much about you!" She says with a beatific smile that could tempt an honest man's virtue. 

Ishizu freezes and then looks at me slowly with panic clear in her eyes. 

"Her name is actually Ishizu. Rasha was a fake name she used when we were younger. She is the heiress to a large Egyptian family, so you can guess the reason why that was necessary on your own." I answer, shrugging Kin off and stepping close to my girlfriend to wrap my arm around her waist protectively. 

Ishizu smiles up at me, offering me a silent thank you for the help. 

Kin and Ren stare at me in shock. Never, in all the years they had known me, had I interacted with a girl so casually and with such affection. 

They share a look of their own, a genuine, wide, and relieved smile growing on their faces. As one, they bow to Ishizu and speak. 

""Thank you for being with him.""

"Aki is never as happy as he is when he speaks of you," Kin says gently.

"I am thrilled you two reconnected and are now dating. Aki has been through a lot and deserves all the happiness in the world. He has given Kin and I so much of it, and now he can receive some of his own." Ren echos, tears glittering at the corners of her eyes.

It was my turn to freeze. 

'I...Wasn't expecting that.' I think, honestly feeling choked up at the passionate words from my friends.

Ishizu must have been feeling that herself, as she steps forward and waves for them to stand from their bow, which has earned the attention of most of the restaurant clientele. She then grabs Ren's hand, the one she was not able to earlier, and shakes it with vigor. 

"I will do everything in my power to make sure Toshi is as happy as possible. He has helped me more than I can put into words, and I would be miserable without him. I hope that we can become great friends as well, Ren-san. Same to you Kin-san" She says with a bow, causing me to blush and hide my face in my hands. 

Kin grins widely at my reaction and Ren, not one to lose in enthusiasm, grabs Ishizu's other hand in hers, bringing both their hands together in front of their chests, and looks up to her with a wide smile and shinning eyes.

"Yes! Please take care of Aki forever!" Ishizu and I flinch at that, sharing a startled look. Ren, being Ren, ignores our embarrassment and continues on, "And I would love to be your friend! I am so tired of all the fake-ass-bitches at school who only want to be my friend because I am popular. A real friend would be a refreshing change. Please treat me well!"

Ishizu smiles brightly at her and it is a cute moment that I will remember for many years to come. 

"Ah, I would also love to be your friend, Ishizu-san, but there is no reason to be so formal! Aki is like a brother to me, so that would make you my older sister! Can I call you Onee-chan?" Kin says with a hopeful, childlike smile.

""No."" Both Ishizu and Ren say in unison, giving Kin a disgusted look. They then look at each other and start laughing. That sealed the deal.

At 5'4," Ishizu could understand Ren's short girl pain a little, and having been put on a pedestal her entire life made her understand Ren's position in school as well. Ren, on the other hand, came from a rich family with lots of problems and was used to dealing with troublesome brothers and family members. 

To say that they hit it off quickly would be an understatement. They practically ignored Kin and me in their eagerness to learn more about each other.

Kin crouches on the floor and draws circles on the tiles with his finger, clearly depressed after his brutal rebuttal.

I want to ignore him, I really do, but he just said all that nice stuff, so I figure I can be nice too. Just this once.

"Come on man, stand up. You are embarrassing us. Just call her Ishizu, she would prefer that, I can guarantee you. As long as you act normally, I am sure we can all be great friends." I say, offering an olive branch.

Kin looks up at me with crocodile tears and then jumps from the floor, arms spread wide, to hug me again.

"I knew I could count on you Aki-chan!~" He yells with tears flowing from his eyes in happiness. 

I sit down in the booth quickly, avoiding Kin's hug entirely, and following Ren and Ishizu who have started talking animatedly on the inside seats of the booth.

Kin falls to the ground, alone, and is even more depressed. 

'I tried to be nice... But you are too clingy, dude.' I think, washing my hands free of any guilt from the situation.

"I have so much to tell you that I know Aki doesn't want me to!" I hear Ren say, her smile turning conspiratorial. 

"O-Oi! Don't go telling her weird things-" I try, but am interrupted as a hand slams down onto the table.

Kwehehehe~ Evil laughter comes from below the table as Kin rises like a zombie from the ground.

"Indeed, Ishizu. We have so much to talk about." He says, the grin on his face making a cold chill run down my back.

'Yup. This was a bad idea...' I think as my heart sinks.

* | * | *

An hour later and we were exiting the restaurant. It felt like 20 years to me.

Just as I am about to ask Ishizu if she is ready to go home, hoping beyond hope that my torment would finally come to an end, I hear the voice of a barker calling out. 

"Today is the day of the monthly Duel Monster's Tournament with your hosts Sakamoto Games! We will be starting at 1 PM, so don't miss your chance to sign up!"

I look over at the pretty woman who was announcing the event, and then back at Ishizu. 

She heard it as well and smiles at me as she gives a shooing motion with her hand. She leans down to Ren to asks quietly, "Would it be too much to ask for some girl time? I want to get my hair and nails done, but I have no idea where to go..." She trails off, looking down in embarrassment. 

"YES!" Ren shouts, then covers her mouth as she starts blushing, "Ah, I mean, yeah that would be fine. Come on! I know just the place!" She says, pulling her new friend along quickly. She turns and waves at me with a mischievous smile, no doubt thinking she was ditching me and Kin. 

Ishizu looks back, flustered, but happy, and yells, "I will call you when I am done!" As she gets progressively farther and farther away. 

I pull out my phone and text Kin that I have a headache and am going home, then duck into a nearby alleyway and transform into one of my normal-looking personas.

I walk towards the location, enter another alleyway closer to the game store, and come out as Anubis to join the queue in line for the tournament. 

I ignore the people around me whispering or trying to get my attention as I wait to sign up. Once It is my turn, I offer my Duel Points Card and sign up for the tournament, much to the pleasure of the announcer woman.

"Anubis himself is joining today! Don't miss your chance! Sign up quick!" She encourages, giving me a playful wink...which I completely ignore.

As I am heading for the door of the game shop, a surprise translucent, black box with golden Egyptian hieroglyphs pops up in my vision. 

Event: Beating An Overconfident Boomer!

Takashima Nobu, the third Duel Monster's World Champion and National League Spokesman, is entering the Sakamoto Games' monthly tournament.

Test your deck and duel against someone who was once the best in the world!

Rewards Are Based On Results

Win the tournament to receive additional rewards!

I nearly trip as I read through this popup. 

Takashima Nobu was here! I needed to talk to him about Kame Games and about Regionals! When was I ever this lucky before!?!

'It must be due to Ishizu. I should make her blush and flail around again as a thank you.' I nod to myself, committing to that plan.

Beating a World Champion, now that sounds like a hell of a good time...

A manic grin split my face. 

'I bet the rewards for beating him are huge!' I think as I move confidently through the doors. 'Wait...I can't be too eager. I have to consider my image. The way I act and the things I say and do will be very important for the future....'

I see Takashima sitting alone at a table near the back, but instead of a person, all I can see is a giant dollar sign ($).

I had seen him on TV a couple of times, so I knew what he looked like. He was shuffling his deck with a confident smirk on his face.

'Sorry, Nobu, but I am about to ruin your day. Let's have some fun, shall we?' I think, unable to lose the grin under my mask. 


Kin leaves the restaurant after using the bathroom. He looks around once outside and frowns. His girlfriend and his friends were nowhere to be found...Confused, he checks his phone to see a text from Ren and one from Aki. 

He stills and his face grows increasingly pale. "They...They ditched me..."

"Some damn friends I have! Girlfriend? What's that!?!" He huffs as he stomps away.

"Ren, I can understand. But Aki? ...Just you wait, Toshiaki, I will get you back for this. Of that, I have no doubts." He says, the evil smile from earlier returning to his face.

I expected to get right into the tournament, but that felt too rushed to me, so I went with Toshi introducing his new girlfriend to his friends to set the stage.

Let me know your thoughts!

Question of the day!

What do you think of Kin and Ren? Are they annoying or funny, and what do you think about their character designs? Would you be interested in more of them in the future or are they good as once in a while side characters?

I am letting you all decide if they are part of his crew in the future and if they should be let in on his secret. Power in numbers, and all that. =)

As Quick Note:

We have only seen them from Toshi's eyes. To everyone else, they are vastly different.

Kin is a calm and serious basketball star. He has good grades and is fiercely loyal to both Ren and Toshiaki. He ONLY acts this way in front of Toshi due to their friendship and will become serious if things require it. I thought he might be a good Joey-esk best friend for Toshiaki's adventures.



Ren is an actual genius. She purposefully makes herself seem dumber so that she can live a more normal life and escape the pressure from her family. She is the 2nd youngest of 7 children and hates nearly all of them for how despicable they act. She loves Kin with all her heart, even if she doesn't always show it, and loves Toshiaki as a brother. She is very popular at school and is known for her upbeat and happy personality, but she is hounded by fake friends and creepy guys all the time.

In actuality, she is a bit cold and calculating, something that only Kin is aware of and that Toshi only sometimes catches hints of. She doesn't want to be that way around Toshi, scared it will bring him down further.

She is an excellent duelist, but never duels. She is much more into theory crafting and deck building than actually dueling herself. She does love to watch tournaments and championships, however. It lets her unwind a bit.



Let me know what you think in the comments below! Thanks for reading!

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