Why Did It Have To Be Yu-Gi-Oh!?!

17 – Sakamoto Games Tournament Part 2

Thanks for your comments on the last chapter! Based on them, we will have Kin and Ren continue to be major side characters in the story and support Toshi, but the truth of their pasts will be slowly revealed and explored over time as their friendships deepen. 

Shout out to thundorball for the most liked comment! If people want to see a Slice of Life side arc with Kin and Ren, then I am totally down to write one! I am actually considering using small arcs to separate long spans of dueling. I don't want either to get too boring.

I promised some card games, and folks, we are in for a few chapters of nothing but that! Without further ado:

It's Time To D-D-D-D-d-d-d-d-d-d-Duel!

...I had to do it once, okay?

17 – Sakamoto Games Tournament Part 2

Saturday Afternoon, Sakamoto Games' Monthly Tournament

The start of the tournament was an absolute shit show. 

I won't claim full responsibility, but my presence obviously did not go unnoticed. In fact, I choose to defer all the blame onto the female barker for the tournament! She is absolutely at fault for how packed this place is now. 

The Sakamoto Games' Monthly Tournament was only supposed to be a bracket of 16, but by the end of the signup period, and after the end of the 30 minutes extended period they gave for further signups, there were over 150 people packed into the game shop. 

It was a big shop, with 2 floors and a huge open space in the middle, but it was not anywhere big enough for a 150 person tournament. Realizing that, the owner decided to change up the format just a bit this time. 

The winner would still receive a prize in Duel Points and card packs from the store, but everyone who wanted to enter would now have to antie up 100 Duel Points. The winner of the tournament would now also get 40% of the antie pool, 2nd place would get 25%, and 3 & 4th place would get 12.5% leaving 10% for the store. The prospect of winning over 2,000 Duel Points on top of the system-granted rewards was making me salivate.

Most of the casual duelists were bummed by this change and had to drop out, not willing to spend that kind of money, but after seeing some of the big names contending here, they decided to stay and watch what should be an epic competition.

Said big names included me, Takashima Nobu, Nishiyama Cleo, - A retired professional and 3-time Regional Winner - Jason Freed, - A Half-American pro who was a top contender for this coming Regional Tournament - and, the biggest surprise for me, Duke Devlin. 

In the anime, Duke Devlin was a competing game shop owner to Solomon that challenges Yugi to Dungeon Dice Monsters, a game he created based on Duel Monsters. I am pretty sure there is no real big reason for him joining today, he isn't even a famous person yet, but it was still cool to see him. His hair was gravity-defying and a sight to behold. 

The rest were either rich kids, other Regional competitors, or a smattering of retired duelists that had heard the news of a tournament blowing up and were in the area, so decided to check it out...At least, that was their public reason. I could almost feel the lust and longing in their gazes while they pretended not to stare at Miss Nishiyama...

Nishiyama Cleo was the successful CEO of an international art conglomerate with ties to Industrial Illusions - Pegasus' company. She was also sexy as hell and very publicly single. Her escapades with men were always the height of gossip in Domino City, as everyone wanted to know who she was dating and who she had snubbed. Like reality TV back in Josh's world. She was considered to be one of the most eligible bachelorettes in the city, at the moment.

Her simply being here was another reason for so many to show up. I glanced over at the late 20s bombshell just as she pushed some of her silky, auburn hair over her tanned shoulder. Her shining emerald eyes caught me staring, and she smiled with a seductive radiance that could have even challenged Ren. Based on all of the glances I felt from her earlier, I am pretty sure she came here to meet me. Though that may just be my ego talking.

Too bad for her. I wasn't interested in whatever she was selling.

I matched her gaze with my golden-yellow eyes for a second, showing I was not nervous, intimidated, or afraid of her in any way, and then purposefully looked down to continue reorganizing my deck.

I smirk as I hear her click her tongue in annoyance. 

Ishizu was the only one for me. Period. That ship has sailed and I was not allowing any stowaways aboard to try and sink it. Besides, Anubis will only ever have Ishizu's Persona, whatever she decides on, as his friend. 

'Heh. Should I be mean? I'll say I'll introduce her to others as my friend, but when I actually introduce her, I will say she's my wife...I can see her blush now...hehehe'

Lastly, there were the media. 5 different news teams were currently setting up in the shop to film and report on what was happening. Most featured attractive female reporters wearing low-cut blouses. Apparently, sex sells here as well. 

Once all of the Duel Points were collected, the table cleanup & reorganizing was finished, and the spaces were filled, we were left with a bracket of 64. 

"Alright...Sorry about the wait everyone! We will get started in just a few minutes." The store owner, Mr. Sakamoto, announced using a megaphone. "I just want to go over the rules as we finish the setup."

"This will be a single-elimination tournament with no losers bracket...otherwise we would be here all weekend..." He says with a chuckle, one that is echoed by the excited crowd. "Competitors will be using 1 deck of no more than 60 cards and are allowed a 15 card side deck to switch cards around as needed between duels."

He then waves his hand to a side of the room that was roped off and had a whole bunch of news and film crews finishing setting up. "Please do not go past the ropes unless you are asked for an interview. I would like to keep things professional and let both sides, fans and media, enjoy the show."

Several of the reporters and cameramen/women waved and cheered in response. Finding a good spot to set up was always a challenge, having him cordon off a section of the store just for them showed his prowess as a business owner. 

"I would also like to introduce my good friends Hayashi Naomi & Yamagata Kimiko. As you no doubt already know, like me, they are both retired World Champions! As for why they are here, they have graciously agreed to do me the favor of giving commentary on the matches today! How exciting, right!?!" He amps up the crowd masterfully as shocked and thrilled cheers come from the spectators, especially the girls.

For my part, my body stills completely as a cold sweat runs down my back.

Yamagata Kimiko was Kin's mother and was good friends with my mother before the accident. She had pushed really, really hard to officially adopt me after their deaths, wanting to ensure I had a good and healthy life growing up. I had ultimately refused, not because I didn't like her or her husband, but because I wanted to keep my parent's name and live on my own. She reluctantly accepted on 2 conditions.

First, I had to accept her hugs and affection whenever I came over. She was worried I would suffer without a mother figure and desperately wanted to be that mother figure for me. Secondly, I had to go over weekly to have dinner with her, Yamagata Ryo, her husband and Kin's father, and Kin. (Ren was usually there as well.) 

Her being here made me extremely nervous. She was an amazing abstract artist and was incredibly intelligent. Very little escaped her eyes and I had never been able to lie to her successfully before. This just got very dangerous for me.

'Play it cool, Toshiaki. Play it cool. You are in costume, have a voice changer, and are acting completely differently from how you normally do. She won't notice. She won't...She won't, right?'

Mr. Sakamoto continues while I am having internal turmoil.

"With the surprising response for this month's tournament, I thought some official announcers would be necessary. Please, consider donating to their children's outreach charity! It hopes to teach the joys of art to underprivileged youths across Japan. You can find more information on the poster board or with the flyers at their announcing table." After he finishes, he bows to them both as they received loud applause from the crowd. He then waves them towards a table just in front of the media ropes and nearby to the dueling table.

"Lastly, to make use of these wonderful ladies, we will be doing duels one by one. This will take a bit more time, but It will be more exciting for those watching and for our news guests. We don't have any fancy graphics to use, unfortunately, but we will be writing out the tournament bracket on a whiteboard and setting that on the right side of our commentators in just a moment. Another one will be set up on the left side so that the current competitor's names and achievements can be seen for everyone." He smiles widely as he says all this and waves for some of his staff to move the whiteboards in place. 

'Huh. He truly is capable. To think of all this in under an hour and a half...and to have the connections to pull it off. That's an Ex-World Champ for you...' I think, honestly impressed by Mr. Sakamoto's abilities. 

* | * | *

Pov 3rd Person

15 minutes later and the bracket is up for all to view.

"Alright!" Mr. Sakamoto yells with an excited clap once everything is in place. "No more delays, Naomi-san, Kimiko-san, let's get to it, shall we?" He asks and the entire room explodes into cheers. 

"Sure. Testing, Testing. Can you all hear me?" Naomi asks into her microphone on the right. The words from her low voice are short and to the point.

Hayashi Naomi was a tall, spunky woman of 5'10." She had a heart-shaped face with pink-orange hair styled in a bob cut and deep sapphire eyes. She was most likely in her early 40s, but the way she wore her suit and skirt made it look like it was the first one in existence. Despite her age, - Or maybe because of it? - her exquisite features and curves drew the eyes of nearly everyone in the room, regardless of gender. One could easily tell she had been a model in her younger years. In fact, not only had she been the first Model to become a Duel Monster's World Champion, but she had also been the very first Duel Monster's World Champion.

She was a Pop Culture Icon today and the inspiration for an entire generation of girls. This was not why she was so popular today, however.

Her current popularity stems from a side of her that was exposed during her press tours and meet and greets. A side of her that sparked fandoms across Japan and in which videos of it received millions of views on YouTube. A side that achieved such a drastic change in her normal character that it spawned the phrase, "Don't Bully Naomi~!" 

Cries of "Kayaaa~~!", "Anego1Anego basically means big sister or older sister, but it is used for delinquents and Yakuza. In this case, it is being used because she is an inspiration to them and is considered very cool and charming.~~~!", and "Big Sister Naomi~~!" reverberate off the walls of the shop from nearly every girl present. Onlookers, the media, and store clerks alike. Even Kimiko cracked a smile and hugged her blushing friend.

"Oi. Quiet down you lot." The crimson Naomi says with a growl. This only elicited another wave of cries.  

Laughing, Kimiko quiets the crowd down by speaking through her own microphone. "Okay, Okay, enough you guys. If you keep teasing her, she will get embarrassed and leave. Do you want that?" Kimiko asks with a sly smile.

The cries stop immediately. 

"That's what I thought~!" Kimiko says and wraps her arm around Naomi, who was currently holding her head in her hands with her arms on her knees, and who was blushing furiously all the way up to her ears.

"While she is recovering, let me introduce both of us for those of you who might not know. I am Yamagata Kimiko and I was the 13th Duel Monster's World Champion." Cheers erupt for her once again. When they quiet, she continues, "I am now an artist and run the Art For The Future Foundation with my co-caster here. This lovely lady, who honestly needs no introduction, is beautiful and talented Hayashi Naomi. She was the 1st Duel Monster's World Champion and is all of us girls' Big Sister."

The cries start briefly once more. 

Yamagata Kimiko was a beautiful woman of 5'7." She had long, black hair and steel grey eyes, and she had the air of a cool beauty. Her win was actually considered pretty remarkable in DMWCT XIII2Dual Monster's World Championship Tournament 13. She was a little-known pro who had beat not one, but two duelists who were touted as this generation's best. One of them proposed to her after the match and was brutally rejected by her ice queen side. The other was the son of a big corporation CEO and left fuming and cursing up a storm. The feed was live so news stations all over Japan were fined by the government for the profanity. Needless to say, they don't shoot everything live anymore.

When it is quiet again, Naomi, who has recovered somewhat, says, "It's a pleasure to be here. Please do consider donating to the Foundation. We would be happy to talk to anyone about it after the tournament. We would also like to thank Mr. Sakamoto for having us and letting us advertise."

Sighing and facepalming, Kimiko mumbles, "You didn't have to turn your introduction into a sales pitch..."

Removing her hand, she was nothing by smiles. "Well then, let's start the first duel! Looking at the bracket it appears the first two up are Anubis, a local up-and-coming newbie, and Melokuhle, a pro visiting from South Africa. Let's have a round of applause for our duelists."

Polite applause greets this request while the commentators are both handed 2 folders by a staff member. They open them to scan the information quickly. 

Anubis and Melokuhle head into the center ring and take a seat at the table facing each other. Melokuhle offers his hand to shake and Anubis flinches ever so slightly at the motion, he follows up quickly, however, and shakes the man's hand. 

Kimiko pauses at the start of the sentence she was about to say when she notices the exchange.

Naomi, assuming it is her turn to speak, starts with the competitor's background info. "Melokuhle is a well-known African Duelist. He holds 9 of Africa's 20 Regional Tournament wins and runs his own game shop. It says here that he is on holiday with his family, and, when he heard the news of this tournament having some big hitters, he decided to come and check it out. His professional duel record is 66 wins and 12 losses." 

Anubis and Melokuhle take out their decks from metal cases. Melokuhle's deck box was a simple steel box and an industrial electrical lock with a dial pad on the front. Anubis had a box that was painted mat black with dull gold highlighting the corners. It also had a keypad on the front with a golden-yellow shining backlight.

They pull out their decks, close the boxes, and start shuffling their cards in open view of everyone. Once done, they put the shuffled cards on the middle of the table, face down, and let their opponent cut them in half as the last step in the shuffling process. They then take their cards back and put them on the marked section of the felt table. 

Kimiko stares at Anubis as she announces, "Anubis is a complete mystery. He appeared 3 weeks ago and has taken the Domino City Rookie League by storm earning him a spot in the upcoming Regional Tournament. He has no official duel record since this Regional Tournament will be his first, but reports say that he has an 80% win rate at the shops he visits. Apparently, he'll come for a day, challenge everyone in the store, then leave. In his wake, people from his fan club do almost the exact same thing, Different shops all over have started hearing talk of "The Followers of Anubis." Let's hope this isn't the start of a cult, ay Naomi?" 

The crowd chuckles and Anubis tilts his head slightly in confusion.

"Are the duelists ready?" Naomi asks. 

The two duelists nod. 

"Alright, please put your fists out above the table and on the word scissors show either rock, paper, or scissors. Understood?" Kimiko instructs.

They nod again.

"Rock, Paper, Scissors!" Everyone yells at the same time. It was like a game show catchphrase and wasn't at all cringy to most...except for one person who was making a very contrite face under his mask while choosing paper.

"Anubis wins and will go first. Ready? 3, 2, 1, Duel!" Naomi shouts excitedly with a fist bump. The crowd echos her and do the countdown as well.

The cheers soon fade and then break into quiet discussions. Unlike some other events, it is expected for the audience to talk during a game. It was talking loudly during a game while nothing exciting was going on that was a social no-no. The duelists were far enough away to hear the discussions only as a low buzzing in the background. 

The lights dim as a large projector descends to display a video capture of the game from a GoPro-like camera tied above the table. Seating was arranged in the form of folding chairs, and snacks and drinks were offered by the store if people wanted to pay for them. Most of the crowd turns their focus on the screen showing the game instead of the duelists themselves as it was nearly impossible to see what they are doing in person without binoculars.   

Anubis and Melokuhle draw 5 cards and the duel starts.

* | * | *

POV Change: Toshiaki

Anubis' current deck: Deck

'Just my luck...' I sigh internally.

I am in the very first round of the competition. I was really hoping not to be in the first or last round.

Why? Because when it comes to remembering people at events, one tends to remember the first and last more than anything. I wanted to divert attention away so that Kimiko doesn't figure me out. 

No dice. Oh well.

"Good luck," I say.

"Ha! You as well, friend." Melokuhle answers.

I set a monster card and 1 spell or trap card and end my turn.

'Ah, yes, the days of schoolyard Yu-Gi-Oh!... The classic T-set.'

I can hear Kimiko and Naomi's commentary throughout the shop.

"Anubis begins with 2 set cards and passes the turn. What do you think Kimiko, is it a high defender?" Naomi comments off to the side.

"That is a possibility, but I don't know enough about his playstyle to make a guess. We will have to wait and see," Kimiko comments. "Melokuhle has drawn for turn and summons a 7 Colored Fish with 1800 ATK & 800 DEF. He attacks into Anubis' face-down monster and-"

Their voices fade into the background as I focus on the game.

I smirk at him and flip my Mystic Tomato (1400/1100 - Effect). 

"Thanks," I say and move my defeated monster to my graveyard. "When Mystic Tomato is sent from the field to the graveyard I can summon 1 dark monster with 1500 ATK or less from my deck in face up ATK position," I tell him. 

"I am aware." He says with a twinge of annoyance in his voice.

"I just wanted to be courteous. Should I assume you know the effects of cards moving forward?"

"Yes, that is fine. I will ask if I want to know."

Honestly, I didn't even think about it. I just said what the card did since I was used to people asking about card effects in the local game shops. 

I follow the card effect's instructions and summon Wall of Illusion (1000/1850 - Effect). This card sends monsters that attack it back to their owner's hand. It also has 50 more defense than his 7 Colored Fish has for its attack. I then shuffle my deck.

He ends his turn and I draw.

I set two more cards in my spell/trap zone in my Main Phase and summon Neo the Magic Swordsman (1700/1000) in attack position. I then activate my Ultimate Offering trap card. It allowed me to pay 500 Life Points to normal summon an extra monster on either my main phase or during his battle phase. I pay 500 LP by typing it into the calculator on the table, dropping me to 7500, and summon an Armored Lizard (1500/1200) in attack position.

I end my turn with a nod to him. 

"A bold move from Anubis," I hear Naomi comment as I listen back in for a second, "The real question is: Is he bluffing or does he have a trap that can stop Melokuhle's fish?"

Melokuhle Draws for his turn and smiles wide. This makes me focus on him once again.

"You got guts kid, but it's over now. I sacrifice my 7 Colored Fish and summon Flame Cerebrus (2100/1800) in attack position. I will attack your Armored Lizard with my Flame Cerb-"

'That's it?' I scoff internally.

"I activate my trap cards Waboku & Ultimate Offering," I announce, interrupting him. The cheering and hype that was ramping up dies down in an instant as shock replaces it.

Waboku makes it so I take no LP damage from battle and my monsters can't be destroyed this turn. I also chain that with Ultimate Offering's effect sacrificing 500 more LP for my 4th monster on the field, Great White (1600/800).

"I...I set a card and pass my turn." He says, setting a spell or trap card. 

I draw my next card and smirk. "Good game," I say softly. 

"What? Are you conceding?" Melokuhle asks in confusion. 

"No, I just won. I sacrifice my Wall of Illusion for Summoned Skull (2500/1200). I'll flip my Change of Heart card in my spell zone and activate the effect to take control of your Flame Cerberus. In the battle phase, I deal 9400 Life Point Damage. Good game." I repeat and lean back in my chair.

Cheers and Naomi and Kimiko's shocked exclamations shake the room as Melokuhle rubs his face in annoyance. 

"Yeah, Good game...I guess." He says and stands up to leave after collecting his cards. I collect mine as well and then sigh in resignation as I head back to my corner table. 

'I've had lucky hands like that before, where everything seems to fall into place. It usually means that I've used all my luck for the night.' I think with a pout at my usual pattern.

That was fine though. I faced Nobu next round as long as he won and he was the only one I needed to beat for the event. After that, anything else is just a bonus.

'Let's go through the side deck to see if I can find anything to switch out. It seems like he was using a full aggro-type deck - lots of big monsters. I wonder if that is the most common meta to play right now? I saw that a lot in the shops, but just assumed they lacked effect monsters. He should have had the money to get some, however. Did I really just get lucky?'

Once I am back at my table, I look back at the commentators to hear what they were saying. Naomi was talking about the next two contenders in the 2nd bracket, but Kimiko? She was looking directly at me.

'Fuuuuuck! Please don't take an interest in me...' 

Hope you enjoyed the chapter! A bit of a long one today!

Alright. Let's get it out of the way. "They pull out their decks" - Even I laughed at that when editing this. Get used to it. There is gonna be a lot of deck humor, intentional or otherwise, moving forward. =P

Question Of The Day:

This is gonna seem out of the left-field, but I am planning for some filler arcs in between main events. 

How do you want adult content to be portrayed in this story? Should it be hinted at and left at that, talked about in some detail - Rated R - but not entire scenes of it, or do you want the whole lemon with entire bonus chapters dedicated to it? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

The latter option is how I do it in my Finn Cambridge story and most seem to like it because I make them optional and not important to the story. I can certainly do that here as well if people want.

Let me know what you think in the comments below or like the one that is most agreeable to you! Most likes is how we will proceed going forward.

Thanks for reading!




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