Winter Lilies: A Yuri Garden Anthology

2. Lovely Hatchling

Prompt: A transgender princess in a tower is rescued by a cool and beautiful dragon lady

Author: DekuKurohi

Find the author here:

Content Warnings:

Transgender specific:




Should the feeling of need be repressed? Should expectations always be fulfilled? Those are thoughts that lingers in my mind, but I never muster any courage to tackle any of it… Everything seems so scary even from down below… Does no one else feel the same way that I do? I’m still not even sure why I’m up here, did I truly slight them? Locking me up here with no freedom to myself…

*Knock* *Knock*

“Brother. His Majesty demands your presence.” Before I could ponder, or rather tried to, my older brother appeared. He barged in wearing regal clothes, then observing me who was quite startled at his sudden appearance. He had a strained smile on him before saying, “Make sure to dress in something else before leaving alright? None of us wants him to get mad again...”

“A-Ah. Right, sorry.” I stuttered replying. He smiled at my rather clumsy response.

“Just don’t take too long alright? I’ll wait by the door.” He said before leaving me to my lonesome again… However, I don’t want to change from this dress… I have to deal with this, I can’t just stall the inevitable…




Within the presence of the King, our own father, within the throne room which exists to exemplify his authority over the nation and all that lives in it, including us, his children.

“Your Majesty, what do you require of us?” After a long silence my brother speaks his mind.

“My sons. It has come to my attention that a rather disturbing news has reached our ears not too long ago. Rumor of a great calamity that is approaching us as we speak.” Calamity? Just what sort of trouble could come up that is worth his personal attention? And what does he want us to do in that case? “In regards to that, I have a very simple task for both of you, and with it much glory to be had…”

I could see his eyes shift between us with a different tone to it, with my brother he has a look of confidence, and expectation… Yet the glare he gave me, it feels like my very soul is being choked out…

“Your goal is to-”





A new life was born into a world full of struggle, breaking out of its egg, eyes still sensitive to light. Its small scaly body crawls out clumsily, taking a look around the environment, not seeing any of its kind. The air around it is hot, as if it was inside a volcano itself…

“(Wait… I am at the top of one!)” It panicked as it realized this, but quickly gathered its thought. It then began moving with its tiny little legs, getting away from the crater.

A hatchling it may be, the little creature moved at impressive speed and began scouting the area for where it should go next. Its quick thinking betrays the fact that it was born only a few moments ago.

Crawling down from the top of the volcano it began looking for food, as a natural born predator it already has a few natural weapons to itself without needing time to develop them.

*Sweep* *Chomp*

But a few moments after finding a suitable prey, a small lizard prowling through the area got fatally bitten by the newborn creature. Even for its species this little girl shows a lot of promise that it can instinctively tell.

As times passed it hunted more and more, continuing to mature, growing bigger and more aware of her abilities. In time there was nothing that could oppose this being, not that it was something on her mind to begin with…




“Dragon?” My brother muttered in a stupefied tone. Dragon… I have heard of them as well, and they are revered for their incredible power… What would one of them be doing so close?

“Indeed. One lone dragon will cause a great deal of havoc in our land. Normally I would deal with this myself, but I saw this as an opportunity for your coming of age.” He replied with great confidence. Weren’t some dragons treated like gods due to their incredible power and wisdom? If this dragon is like that then what really are our chances?

“...Were we to do this by our lonesome or do we get some assistance, Your Majesty?” My brother asked, no doubt stressing out of his mind like I am.

“Fear not, I have already prepared a few brave warriors to be by your side. In no uncertain terms shall such a beast continue to rampage our lands.” He seems rather confident in our ability to win. No doubt my brother and the knights are formidable, but I have been inactive in the tower for so long now, am I really in the condition to fight? My brother turned to look at me as I was thinking that? Was he thinking so as well? Before my brother could ask any further… “Make me proud as heir to the throne. You two shall depart tomorrow morning. You will find the truth to this matter, regardless if it is truly a dragon or some other monsters, we cannot allow it to ravage on our land any further. You will destroy it and bring more glory to our name!”

So soon too…

“And you!” He turned to look at me suddenly with his voice harshened in tone. “Depending on your actions I may consider lifting your restriction, but know that as a prince high standard must be kept, I will not let a welp roam free to embarrass our royal line. You two are dismissed!”




“Brother… I know Father has low expectations of you but I know you’re worth more than that.” After we’re dismissed, Brother quickly tries to reassure me… He has always been a reliable man, unlike me who seems to quiver and never able to speak up.

“Haaah… It’s alright… It’s not like I would be comfortable walking out and about anyway.” I said, feeling defeated already.

“Hmm… Well if things are different you would’ve walked around freely and comfortably by now… Nothing to do about it I suppose. Let’s get some practice in then, it wouldn't do us any good if we’re out of shape for tomorrow.” He said and suggested. “You are a good fighter even if you don’t look it, a far cry from being a damsel in distress.”

“I mean I have been-”

“That was when you were five, anyone can get kidnapped at that age, you’re an adult now, you definitely can defend yourself. Come on, let’s stop thinking about it and let’s go.” He interrupted me with confidence in his tone. It’s hard to argue against someone like that when I’m not even sure of myself.

“I guess it’s better than sulking around… Let’s go then.” I said, going along because I’m still unsure about all that has happened. If we failed, then we either died or disgraced, if we succeeded… I don’t know what I’ll do with my freedom that doesn’t earn others ire again…




Amidst the carcasses many beasts, few with nary a bone left to prove their existence and defeat, stand one creature. Apex predator, the one at the top of the food chain, stands there without a care, with every beast and monsters becoming nothing but food.


Body glowing in a white light as the body contorts in unnatural manners, soon the young dragon shifted form, from the scaly forms with mighty wings and tail, to something one would consider less monstrous. The bipedal body thinned out, scales leaving the body and the body morphed from lizard-like to that not of mythical being, but what seemed so mundane.

This mighty being took a form that does not befit the title of apex predator, but of a sapient life form that populates the world, those that celebrated themselves as the enlightened. Looking at one’s own hands the reaction came slowly.

“(Human hands…)” The now feminine figure thought to herself. With nothing but desire and great power the once towering yet young dragon became a beautiful young girl, though the transformation itself was not perfect as there are still some old characteristics left as she noticed and inspected them. (Still have the tail, horns, and wings… I should figure out how to hide those sooner or later.)

In time she will master this ability, but for now she is more than curious how her body works in this state, and so she moved on, leaving destruction in her path as she tested her power and continued to grow in strength, showing that even in that tiny form her power does not diminish.




“(Now time to observe humans. After all, I have no idea what they are like! Just need to check and observe them, maybe try mimicking if all else fails.)” The dragon girl thinks to herself now that she perfected her ability to morph between her two forms. Before she could think of wandering into a human settlement there are still a few things to take care of first. “(Well time to find some clothes first…)”

Casually jumping down the perilous volcano to the surface as if it was nothing, she started wandering around the forest below the great peak she called home. The soft grassy surface unlike the rough rocky ones her feet are all too used to.

“(I guess people won’t live near a volcano… Their entire settlement would become nothing but ashen ruin.)” She thought to herself after a long session of searching. “(Well hopefully I wouldn’t have to explore the world in nude for too long.)”




To her fortune it wouldn’t take long until she found signs of human life, though worries still exist as she is still naked, which will no doubt cause any interaction with humans extremely awkward. There were a few footprints leading into a rather dark forest, walking along she came across a somewhat rough if decently sized camp of sorts, with wooden walls and a few tents set.

“(They look more than a little dangerous I’d say, thuggish I’d say.)” She thought to herself as she caught a glimpse of those who settled there. If there is one thing she can think of is how they look to be some lowlife that probably causes havoc amongst their own kind. Judging the book by its cover isn’t the best idea so she thought to observe them a little more instead of being hasty. She got a little closer to try eavesdropping, at least trying to get the feel of their behavior through their tone and behavior, as she does not know the language of these humans.


Unfortunately she didn’t realize the conspicuous flooring around the area was actually a trap. Though she didn’t fall into the pit below, the sounds of the wooden floor cracking was quite loud.

“Who’s there!?” One of the larger men shouted, hearing the trap had been activated. The rest of them also began arming themselves.

“(If this isn’t stranger danger I don’t know what is!)” She thought to herself seeing the armed humans approaching. She hid herself behind a tree as the group began looking for the intruder.

“Darn it. Whoever it was didn’t actually fall in!” One of them complained. She was unsure of what to do until…

*Grab* *Slam*

By instinct she grabbed one of these thugs who wandered off from the group who was just about to discover her and slammed him down to the ground. It was to subdue rather than kill, with the victim knocked unconscious from the force. She then forcibly stripped him of his clothes. “(I doubt he’ll mind since he’s out cold.)”

“What? The hell happened to him!?” One person noticed the man knocked out cold and naked with the girl still behind the nearby tree, still opting to conceal her presence. They then walked over to see if they could find the culprit.

“(Just hiding is getting terribly boring at this point…)” She thought to herself with a sigh. She then stepped out of hiding, leaving the group of humans confused at the appearance of the youthful girl. “(Let’s just subdue them all and get this over with!)”

“What the hell? It’s just a little girl-”


Before he could finish commenting on the surprise arrival, he was punched in the gut and collapsed in inhumane time. “(Just go to sleep, all of you.)”

The group of bandits, flabbergasted at what just happened, were frozen still as the dragon in human form subdued each of them one by one, a single strike was all that was needed for each of them to be knocked out cold. A completely ridiculous scene of a small girl taking down a massive, infamous even, group of bandits in short succession, making her way into the base and dealing with those left inside. The goons, the leader, all were irrelevant as they were mere humans against a monster in human form. Their fancy weapons and armors all stolen from the higher ups does not assist them in stopping this force of nature. Nothing left but one person standing in silence.

“(...Now what? I guess I could steal some of these items and try to blend in with actual human settlements… Hm? I could hear a cry…)” A rather peculiar voice catches her attention, a lone cage that was hidden in the far corner of this hideout. Walking over to the cage reveals what seems to be a cute and very young girl, looking a few years younger than her current appearance, crying and wearing a pretty dress that doesn’t seem to belong amongst the group of dirty and savage bandits. “(A hostage maybe? How terrible, whichever family she belongs to must’ve been pretty wealthy if they went through the trouble…)”


With nothing but her own two hands she bent the metal bars keeping the little girl trapped. Even if she doesn’t know where to take her she can at least give her her freedom.

“(Ah right… Since I didn’t kill them, these bandits probably will wake up soon and try to take her back. I should do something about that as well.)” She then takes some of their supplies and gathers the unconscious bodies, tying them up so they don’t run around freely when they wake. She also stole their rations and gave it to the girl who just noticed all that had happened and was completely confused, unable to process what had occurred. “(Hopefully this will be more than enough help. If she is from high society or whatever help should soon arrive… Maybe I can help a little more with that.)”

*Shine* *Sizz*

What she has created was akin to a firework, one that permeates the sky with its beauty and size. She hoped that this little light show would cause enough attention so others can come and investigate. “(I would like to stay around until the help arrives, but I want to explore the world a bit more before anything else, and besides she should be fine here and it shouldn’t take long for help to arrive with that fancy spell.)”

*Pat* *Pat*

“(Be a good girl and stay here alright? Help will surely come.” The dragon in human form gently patted the girl’s head, snapping her out of her crying and lifting her head to look at her savior.

The girl only got a few glimpses of her before she took off.




Over a decade passed since that little incident, and the young dragon continued her adventure around the world as she pleased, but for the most part she stuck around her place of birth, hunting down prey and growing ever stronger. Having observed humans for over a decade with small awkward interactions here and there she learned to converse and understand how these humans worked.

“(Hmm… Perhaps one of these days I should try making a meaningful connection to humans… I mean I have been learning about them for so long now might as well make the best of it. Just how should I go about it I wonder… perhaps it’ll come to me naturally, perhaps not.)”




A girl with black hair with red highlights like that of burning flame… What does that mean?

“Is there something bothering you?” My older brother asked as both of us continued our march with about a dozen knights by our side.

“N-No, it’s just that dream again…” I replied feeling as if I was broken out of a trance.

“The one you keep having since that day? I supposed such a recurring dream would trouble anyone, regardless of how innocuous it seems.” He commented on my odd predicament.

Was that person someone who I saw before? Or was that some sort of premonition… I can’t really tell. “I do hope I figure something out.”

“In due time I’d imagine, but first we need to keep a steady pace. If the words are true, whatever is giving the commoners the scare should be close to that volcano over there.” He said while pointing at the impressive if terrifying natural landmark, a volcano that is said to be so tall it can reach heaven itself. The rumors of dragons existing there wasn’t exactly something we recently learned, it existed for centuries by now, which also makes it the first place one would think of where a dragon may reside.


“Wha-!? Everyone, ready up!” Before long a mighty roar echoes throughout the land as everyone heeds to my brother’s words. A giant foe landed in front of us abruptly, leaving a whirlwind as it crash-landed, causing a small earthquake in itself.

“A dragon!” One of the knights shouted out. A giant lizard-like monster that is in a league of its own. Its body is covered in red scale, towering over us with its ever-constant menacing glare. Despite looking oddly with its rotund body and stubby arms its power is clearly great.

It appeared so suddenly we were left stunned despite expecting it to show up at some point… Wait.

“It’s inj-”


“-What now!?” Before I could comment on the dragon’s odd state everyone saw a shining red light in the corner of their eyes. “I-Is that…?”

What we saw was something we could never expect. Its body was covered in dark scales with certain spots like its claws, wings, and near its horns covered in what almost seems like scales glowing red. Its body was even bigger than the red dragon with slimmer bipedal form, its arm and legs were long and muscular with a set of wings so massive it could cause a powerful maelstrom if it so desired. If what we saw earlier was a dragon, this being could easily be considered the king of all dragons.

In its mouth it was charging its breath, flames of hell that were ready to burst. We weren’t sure what it was aiming at, but if there’s one thing we can all agree on is this…

“Everyone! Run!” My brother said what we all were thinking and immediately ran away from both dragons.


We ran without looking back. It may seem like a disgraceful thing to do, but in the face of certain death it was the only option.


A massive explosion. All of us despite our best effort to run away were blown away, not by the resulting explosion itself but its shockwave. We were all sent flying and rolled around in the dirt.

“*Cough* *Cough* Is everyone alri- *Cough*!” My brother was the first to speak up. Looking around myself it seems like everyone is still in one piece.

A great cloud of dust permeates the area and leaves us all barely able to see the aftermath of that attack. Forget the red dragon, if the infernal dragon were to ever be provoked it could easily spell doom for mankind, were we truly meant to fight something so terrifying?

“Was that a great lightshow or what?” A stranger’s voice was heard just when we were all stuck in a trance of our own fear. Why is there someone here at this time? Why does her voice hold no fear?

“Who? Where are you! Show yourself!” Picking up the rather provocative tone in the stranger’s voice, my brother demanded her presence.

“Relax brave knight, I meant you no harm.” The stranger said with complete confidence as the dust settled, leaving behind a woman who was concealed by her cloak and a completely charred and mangled corpse of the red dragon behind her.

“You are in the presence of the Crown Prince Zekiel Alarvalkraldifa! State your intention!” One of the knights said on my brother’s behalf, having no problem pointing his sword at the unarmed stranger… Though I can’t blame him, she reeks of so much suspicion that one would expect her to have a knife or two hidden in the cloak she is wearing.

“A prince huh? Certainly look like one. Well apologies for the disrespect, Your Highness. I am merely a vagrant who came to see the commotion. These areas are known to be quite chaotic.” She nonchalantly replied. Whoever she is doesn’t fear the group of knights in front of her at all. From surface value she doesn’t seem all that strong, but the audacity she has to even appear before us after such a terrifying attack implies she is actually quite strong, but where does that lead or correlate exactly?

“You better leave at this moment, as you just saw this place is not safe.” My brother said as I was pondering just what her deal is. The stranger simply looked around with an amused chuckle.

“Well it’s plenty safe right now, if the big scary dragon wants you all dead we wouldn’t be talking right now.” She said it so casually despite how catastrophic the event would be if her words are proven false. Where is that dragon anyway? It’s hard to believe that it would just attack another of its kind and leave, not even considering us… Or does it see us as nothing but insects? Completely harmless and an eyesore at best?

“How can you be so sure? Did you have something to do with this!?” My brother replied before asking an accusatory question. He and everyone else were increasingly more wary of her, all the while I tried to come up with a conclusion of my own.

“Hmm… Well I’m sorry for that flashy attack I supposed.” She said sarcastically, scratching her head as if not even taking us seriously. Why would she be sorry for that… Did she…

“What could that mean?” My brother was more confused than anything else at the apparently non-sequitur response. Wait…

“You were controlling that dragon weren’t you!” I point my sword at her while accusing her of the attack. Everyone looked a bit taken aback that I was the first to point that out.

“Hehe…” She began to chuckle again after hearing me say that. Was I right or not? “Hehe… Ahahahaha! Isn’t that something! It’s close enough I suppose.”

*Woosh* *Flap*

“What the!?” Everyone was left flabbergasted at the sight as the stranger took her cloak off. What was presented was a beautiful woman with an imposing presence, towering over us. Her long wild hair and eyes shared the dark color with traces of glowing embers, her tall body covered in black armor and scales, with her arms and legs looking draconic with horns on her head, and not to mention large imposing black wings behind her.

She’s a dragon. She is the dragon. The one we were so afraid of and ended up unknowingly antagonizing…

“Markhel! Snap out of it! We have our duty as princes to drive her off!” My brother snapped me out of my panic.

“Did I hear that right? Two princes in my presence? My judgment must’ve failed me there. And you all think you can win? You all will have an easier time carrying mortars up the mountains than this.” What is she saying now? “No matter. If you wish to fight then you’ll get it!”

A surge of power was seen. As soon as she said that we could feel the immense pressure from her power being emitted. Just what are we fighting against!?
*Swoop* *Smash*

Before we could even do anything she moved at a speed we can’t even track, closing the gap between us quickly and smashing her clawed fist into the ground, causing it to crumble and quake beneath us.

“Woah!” All of us were blown away and completely lost our footing. Some lose grip of their weapons, and others take a heavy fall and can hardly move.

“Your Highnesses… At this rate…” One of the knights subtly pointed out how futile fighting her is. There is simply no way we could beat her, if we keep going we will die.

“We need to escape…” I muttered, which earned me a glance from my brother.

“But if we do that you’ll-!”
“It’s better than all of us dying here! Move!” I said trying to muster all the authority I have.


“If you want to leave that badly…” The dragon woman said as whirlwinds enveloped around here. “....Finish what you started!”


Suddenly the winds themselves were ignited, turning where we are into some sort of hellscape. We are completely trapped in the vortex of flames. These powers of hers seem so inconceivable I doubt Father would be able to replicate it.

*Punch* *Kick* *Smash*

What ensued in such a small time frame was her defeating all of the knights in one or two shots. With nary but a few able to even react, and even fewer try to counter her assault to no avail. She punches right through a blade without a scratch on her, one of her kicks was so strong it knocks several knights out by launching them into each other, and wildly swinging her arms causes a massive dent or even breaking some armors.

“All but you two…” The vortex of flames fizzles out as the two of us are left to deal with this monster in human form. “Don’t worry, I was going easy there, pretty sure none of them died.”

The fact that she was going easy just makes me more uneasy if anything…

“I’d say it’s time for you two to sleep as well. I’ll come say hi later.” In a flash she appeared before both us-




“U-Ugh…” My stomach hurts… W-What happened? I remember that dragon lady approaching us and-

“You failure!”

*Shock* *Spark*


“Father stop!” I can hear my brother’s voice… What happened? It hurts.

“Silence! I am merely giving him the punishment he deserved!”
*Shock* *Spark*


*Shock* *Spark*


*Shock* *Spark*


*Shock* *Spark*

“AHHHHHHHHHhhh!!!....” I can’t… think… It… hurts…





I remember crying on that day, barely able to see anything with the tears in the way when suddenly a figure approached me. She looks older, she looks carefree, she looks confident. I could feel my tears stop flowing when I saw her instead of those scary men…

And then I never saw her again…

“Mhmmm…”  My body aches all over… Where am I now?... That dream… This room… I’m back here huh… It hurts to even stand back up… Hm? There’s a note left here…

‘Father unfortunately decided to lock you up here again. I’m sorry, there was nothing I could do to quell his rage.’ …I can’t really hold this against him. It really wasn’t his fault, there was nothing we could do…

“Haaaah…” At least here I don’t have to be around anyone. I hope they haven’t taken out all the dresses… Yep, still here. Just wearing it… It makes me feel like everything would be alright. It’s so comfortable… I just wish… Maybe I wouldn’t have to be in this prison to wear it…




That ‘prince’... I swore I have seen someone like that before, but when… Argh whatever, I could figure it out later. Still from the looks of it the royalty seems intent on driving me off. I have been flying around and observing a lot of things from above but I didn’t exactly do anything, guess they didn’t think my presence was welcoming, I just have to sort that out myself at a later date.

I do wonder if I am sneaky enough to get into the castle. I did say I wanted to visit them at some point, but I want to avoid conflict as much as possible. I don’t want to accidentally kill someone, that would’ve sored my reputation no doubt… Not to mention bad karma.

Maybe I should scout the castle first before making my grand entrance at a later date, I only saw it from far away and that’s not good enough reference.

On that note I hope all of them get back safely. I know I beat the crap out of them but really they were asking for it. They should appreciate the fact that not only did I spare them but also ask a bunch of people to come and cart them back home, not that they’d likely know it’s me specifically.

Well I’ll go do some hunting before going to the castle, they’re probably still sore and in a bad mood after that beatdown. I should give them a bit more downtime before actually visiting… Didn’t quite imagine facing off against royalty as my first dragon outing, but a big scary dragon would make the higher ups get involved wouldn’t it.

Now I did plan on visiting them, it would be disingenuous to back out now, but how should I go about things… Maybe I should try to see how they’re faring right now at least.




“Father is popping veins hearing the words of the dragon.” My brother said, catching me up with all that has happened since I passed out… Twice.

“He’s seriously going to raise an army just to get rid of her?” I asked, finding it absurd that he would go that far.

“We know how he is, once his pride is damaged he goes ballistic. We were lucky you only passed out.” He commented. It’s clear this is troubling him as well. “With what we witnessed even with him at the frontline he’ll be defeated and most likely perish, and the kingdom will be engulfed in chaos…”

“...And if she didn’t kill him?” I asked the hypothetical.

“It might break him if not worse, there’s no winning for him. I admit he isn’t as great a man he believes himself to be, but I don’t want to see our own father falling into despair or worse.” He answered, sounding defeated. I couldn’t care less what happened to him as long as he doesn’t hurt anyone else anymore. My brother hasn’t faced nearly as much cruelty as I have so his opinion is a little bit biased.

“...I just hope… The two of us will come out of this alright at the end.” I said my feelings on the matter. It’s a little selfish of me but aside from my brother and our late mother no one cared for me, so it’s hard to think about them, not that I want anything bad to happen to them either.

“I hope so too… Maybe one of these days I can stop sneaking dresses into your room, you gotta learn to do these at some point.” He replied by trying to tease me. I think he’s trying to lighten the mood a bit with that awkward smile of his.

“I hope so too.” I said with a small smile to him before he left. I don’t know if that time will ever come with how the situation is right now…

Guess now I just have time to myself… Speaking about the time that might not come, if I keep growing larger I can’t even wear these dresses anymore, it’s really scary to think about. If there is any way to prevent this I doubt anyone would be willing to share it with me…

“So this is what is locked up in this little tower.”

“Eeek!?” I was so caught off-guard I left out a loud girlish scream and turned around to see who was just talking. I thought my brother just left with no one else around!

“Hah! Now you’re like a chicken with its eyes broken. Hello there prince… or is it princess? Well I shouldn’t assume so let’s hear it.” A familiar looking woman sat there by the window. She looks like the one in my dream… No, doesn't she look like the dragon lady? What is going on? Why is she here?

“Why… How are you here!?” I screamed out feeling threatened at this moment. Someone sneaking into this tower can’t mean anything good!

“Can’t you answer my question first… Nevermind, I just fly here, there weren't many patrols you know.” She said something so absurd so casually I couldn’t quite comprehend it.

“You… fly?” I have never heard of a human flying before… Wait. “I-It’s you! The dragon!”

“Well I am glad you recognize me, but I have a name you know.” She replied so casually despite my rude tone. “Name’s Plerng, what’s yours.”

“It’s Ma-.... It’s M-…” It’s happening again. Whenever I try to say my name I couldn’t find it in me to answer.

“Hmmm… Okay I think I know what’s going on with you, but let’s get you all relaxed first. I’m just here for a friendly chat.” I still can hardly wrap around the idea of her just coming here, let alone anything else!

*Pat* *Pat*

“Good girl.” …

“W-What was that for!?” I backed off and covered my head. J-Just what did she think she was doing!?
“Whoops. That’s teasing, not relaxing.” She said with a small grin on her, that was on purpose wasn’t it!


“W-Wha!?” Why did she suddenly lift me up!?


“Here. Let’s get started with sitting down on your comfy bed instead of standing around with shaky legs, it’s not exactly a good posture you know?” She said while sitting close to me.

*Thump* *Thump*

I can’t tell why but just her being close to me makes my heart beat loudly. She smiled at me seeing my reaction, getting closer to me.

I could tell she was beautiful before even with draconic parts, now without it I could look at her without having to think back to this monstrous giant, and it makes her beauty all the more apparent. Tall, somewhat toned body, along with… Umm… Nice assets. I feel kinda envious looking at them.

“Hmm…” She was looking at me as well, as if there was anything worth looking at me for. “Ah… It really is you.”

“Huh?” What does she mean by that? It’s like she recognizes me from elsewhere, that's not that battle.

“Nothing nothing… You know, seeing as you are right now. You’re not exactly a prince are you?” She stood up and stared at me with those confrontational eyes of hers.

“I get it. I’m not like a prince, I know that all too well…” It felt painful whenever that was brought up.

“You’re like a delicate princess, being kept from the outside world.” Her next words were a surprise to me. Not a prince but a princess? Princess… Princess…

“Princess…” More like a woman than a man… Am I like a woman? I mean my body is that of a man that much I know…

“A princess indeed… Hey, do you know the story between a dragon and a princess?” She leaned over with her face directly in front of me with her fingers caressing my chin… “The big scary dragon came to take her to who knows where.”

“W-What are you…”

“Pssh. I’m just teasing you. I’m not a bad dragon. I’m not gonna kidnap you to god-knows-where… Unless you want me to?” She’s teasing me again isn’t she?

“J-Just stop it with these teasing!” I said feeling like my whole face turned red.

“Ahaha. Sorry princess, I have been alone for a long time and have been wanting to find someone to mess with, please understand that as a big scary dragon not a lot of people will approach me.” She said with her usual friendly tone. So she has been lonely, is that it?

“Just let me be already…” I pouted at her with her continuous teasing.

“Fine fine. I’m just here to introduce myself properly anyway. Keep your hopes high alright princess? I’ll come to visit tomorrow so you won’t get lonely.” She said before-

*Hop* *Flap*

She jumped off the window, her wings materializing from nowhere and flying up high into the sky.

Princess this princess that… If only it was that easy… What am I even thinking?




“He’ll mobilize the army in just 3 days?” I asked, feeling flabbergasted.

“Right. It seems like he really is rushing it, and wants me to take part as well.” He said, justifiably worried. To think my brother has to go out there as well…

“Has he already gone mad?” I blurted out due to shock.

“Who can say… By the way, you have been looking awfully… I don’t know how to express it… Comfortable? Happy? Something along those lines. Is there something you want to share with me?” He said while putting up a friendly smile. Just what should I say exactly? What can I say that wouldn’t tick him off?

“U-Uhh…” I am left speechless with no good response without spilling the bean.

“Nevermind. As long as you’re content it’s fine. Say to this friend of yours that I appreciate them keeping you company.” He said before leaving… So he at least knew someone was sneaking in here and talking to me.

“Well I’d say he got his message across. Eavesdropping is so rude isn’t it?” As soon as he left, Plerng showed up again. It’s been almost like a routine for the past few days now. As soon as he left she showed up, and always eavesdropped as well. She knows my father will try to kill her but she is completely untroubled by his plan. “So what do you want to say to me now Princess Ma-something? Like I said I’ll tear his pride to shreds if he really intends on facing me.”

“Are you really intent on calling me Ma-something?” I exasperatedly replied.

“Well you didn’t give me your true name did you? If you don’t have one I could come up with one myself.” Can’t really argue against that unfortunately. That name just doesn’t want to come out of my mouth, even though it is my name.

“But I-”

“Matea.” Matea? Who’s Matea?

“Let’s end this little blunder and just call you that alright? I think it fits you well enough.” She said while poking my forehead like I’m spacing out.

“Matea… Isn’t that a girl's name?” I asked, still feeling a bit confused. It seems like a feminine-sounding name

“Do you like it or not?” She doesn’t answer my question and seems intent on it staying that way.

“I mean… I think it’s a nice name…” I find it hard to argue against her headstrong nature so I don’t feel like telling her off.

“If you like it, you like it. You can choose your own name just to be clear. No one can tell who you are except yourself.” She bopped my head again… Only I can tell myself who I am… “Don’t you want your name to be something you can actually say out loud?”

“I-I suppose so.” I can’t really argue against that.

“Good. Nice to meet you Matea.” She said with a big gentle smile on her… I think my heart skipped a beat.




It feels like her face has become clearer each day since she visited me… My savior… Plerng… My savior… Plerng…

*Knock* *Knock*

I heard a few knocks at the door and saw my brother once more.

“Hmm…” He is observing me for whatever reason, scanning over my body like there’s something that caught his attention.

“What is it Brother?” I asked, seeing his odd action.

“Just came to see how my little sibling is doing. Seeing you more and more these days I have a hard time calling you a brother honestly…” Can’t call me his… What!?
“W-What do you mean by that!?” I panicked hearing those words.

“I-I didn’t mean it like that! Calm down!” He truly doesn’t? I hope he really meant that. “Seeing your conduct I think calling you my sister would’ve been more appropriate, but you’re not a girl so I can’t call you that either…”

“So that’s what you meant… I’m sorry that just by being me I’m making you confused.” I apologize to him for how hasty I was, and for making him confused in the first place.

“There’s no need to apologize. I’m the one at fault for wording it so badly.” He replied with a regretful tone. Now I’m making him feel even worse… “But… I’m sure one day I can be sure of who you are… Sorry, perhaps that was being a bit over dramatic. We will always be siblings, that much I am certain… Maybe she’ll know what to say.”

He mumbled on before leaving. It feels like everyone around me is saying more and more vague statements trying to get me to think… something.




“If you are a girl, then you are his sister. It’s that simple.” Plerng said to me after I explained my dilemma I had with Brother.

“But I am a-”

“Yes your body is that of a man, you have told me this before and it’s clear that it is, but let me ask you something, is every human the same?” What?

“Of course not.” I answered the obvious question.

“Then why can’t you be different? Someone might resonate more with a different side even if their body doesn’t indicate it, maybe that’s what you’re meant to be, but by a happenstance it doesn’t happen.” …Resonate with a different side. I guess I have been doing that…

“Am I really a girl?” I asked that simple question.

“...Ultimately that’s not for me to decide.” She replied plainly. So it’s my decision in the end.

“But what about what comes after if I finally decide?” I asked only to get bopped on the forehead again.

“You’re too focused on the future, if you can’t even think of yourself now you’ll go nowhere. Tell me. At this moment, who are you?” Who am I? It should’ve been clear who I am… But it doesn’t seem that way anymore… “I guess you’re still thinking… Don’t worry, I’m sure the time that you can decide will come soon.”

She smiled. That smile… gives me comfort… Why? The dragon that will cause calamity wherever she goes, gives me comfort…




Tomorrow… Just tomorrow. I don’t know what would happen on that day…

“Well… I guess you’re not all too bright and cheery seeing what was to happen tomorrow.” She showed up saying so with complete serenity.

“Is there nothing else you can do?” I asked the one who seems to have bottomless power.

“...I have my own pride too, you know. If your father dared to challenge me and consider himself with no equal, then he shall face the consequences. I know that everyone below him will be affected, but that’s more on him, not me. A king should not drag his kingdom down with him, and therefore I shall not respect him as such. He is ultimately a foolish man who does not know his place… Moreover...” She then put her hand under my chin, looking me right in the face. “One who greatly hurts his own child does not deserve to be called a father.”

“...And why are you here now? Soon you’ll turn everything he created into dust, why talk to his children?” I asked her. She already decided, why ask me about anything?
“It was a mere happenstance at first, but now I want to know more about you. Don’t you feel that way as well? If that’s not true you would’ve just ignored and belittled me.” She grasps my head with her two hands as her face gets closer and closer.

“I-I guess I can’t deny that…” I said, trying to look away but can’t. A dragon who is so interested in talking to humans, it’s hard not to learn just a bit more, just what her deal is.

“Not to worry, I’ll try to be as civil and reign in as best I can just for your sake. Who knows, if you were willing, maybe there will be a grand role for you to play there.” She gently said to me.

*Pat* *Pat*

“If you so wish, maybe I could even whisked you off this prison of yours one day, just for you. Perhaps if you were to be true to yourself and said so to me, then that’s when we will go together.” She said so while standing by the window, sunlight shining through, with her turning around to look at me directly.

“...Why are you so certain you will do it? Why would you?” I asked the figure who looked as if to disappear into the blinding light.

“It’s simple really.” She said with a bright smile to complement the radiance of the sunlight.

“I have saved you once before, and I shall do so once more, this time for keeps.”


With that bright light… My savior once more disappeared… Be true to myself… To be saved again… This feeling I have for her…




The fateful day has come. The king has gathered his army of thousands strong. In his eyes a mighty dragon is nothing but a mere thorn in his side, his arrogance shines through with none dared to challenge him. A great warrior and mage with no one he knows of as equal left him with delusion of unimaginable grandeur. All accumulating of him to stand here in front of his castle, leading the thousands to unknown fate.

A pair of siblings stood face-to-face in the tower, witnessing the extreme of their king from far. The older brother looked at his younger sibling and said, “I’m sorry, this is where we parted ways.”

“I understand… I pray for your safety. Brother.” She said with a melancholic look in her eyes.

“Same to you too. I’m sure you know what to do.” He said before walking off to join his father in this expedition, leaving her to look on. Leaving her to look on from the tiny window as he marched towards an impossible adversary.

“My loyal soldiers!” The king said on the top of his lungs, making his authority clear with the voice that rings out to the army. “Not too long ago a beast dared to make a mockery of us by coming to our land and dared to attack our knights as well as the crown prince! This act of arrogance can go on for no longer for it dared to sully our kingdom’s name! Rise up to arms my army! March! We shall make an example out of it! For all to know of our glory!”

The army all shouted out, invigorated by the grandiose speech of a mad king, not truly understanding what they’re up against.


Any sort of fervor the soldiers may have were silenced at the sheer terror of the sudden earshattering roar. All eyes were turned towards the sound as the cloud darkens. With it descends a being no one could’ve imagined, with only a few ever witness its intimidating presence before this very moment. A massive black dragon of inferno, patches of its body glow bright of a volcano’s flame, and its size dwarfing that of the king’s castle.

*Sizz* *Whoosh*

Air was ignited. Suddenly the dark clouds were ignited bright, the area all covered in the towering inferno. Leaving a sight that can only be described as one word. Hell.

“So it has appeared! Men! Charge!” The king, as if unaware of the world changing to its will, ordered his soldiers to attack the airborne dragon.

Some attack the black beast with arrows and magic only for them to have no effect. There was not even a scratch on the dragon’s skin, while many were frozen in fear within this hellscape.

“King of delusion.” Suddenly the dragon spoke. In a deep voice that injects fear deep into all that listened to it. “You have committed a grave sin of daring to challenge me. A being you cannot even comprehend.”

“Silence beast!” The king merely shouted with a comparatively pathetic voice, try as he might his voice cannot silence the superior being. He raises his wand and conjures a mighty spell of lighting, only for it to not even phase the giant.

“KNOW YOUR PLACE!” An angered roar of the great dragon created a massive shockwave that blasted all humans away like they were but ants.


Within the mouth of the great dragon a swelling inferno emerges, looking to incinerate all that dared challenge its mighty flame.

“PERISH AND REPENT FOR YOUR SIN!” The dragon shouted out before a massive beam of flames emerged and sent straight towards the arrogant king, who conjured a barrier to protect himself with.


“Arrrg!” Said barriers were broken in a matter of seconds, leaving the king full brunt of the attack that nearly completely charred his body, with no one even sure if he is even alive. The castle behind him also took some damage, with the entrance collapsed entirely.


The dragon prepared for one more attack to make sure the king is dead.

“Father!” The crown prince rushes over to his side, seeing the grave state he is in.

Once more a massive blast of flames were directed at the king, but his son quickly snatched his wand and conjured a barrier of his own.
“Hnrgh!” He struggled to block the attack as the soldiers who were in despair looked on at the crown prince bravely taking a stance to protect the king. Soon the blast subsided, but it took all from the crown prince to block just one attack.

“So you dare protect the fool on the throne! I shall hold back no longer!” The dragon said as the flaming vortex intensified and ready to encircle on the army itself, maybe already losing their will to fight as walls of flame were closing in on them.

“It’s… impossible… This cannot be… happening…” Those were the king’s words before he passed out, seeing his army fall to despair, his body charred and broken, looking not like a king but a fool.

This to many appears to be their end, and there is no saving them, all of this happened due to the foolish king who believed defeating this being was even possible.

“STOP!” Suddenly a voice was heard, one not too many recognized. Suddenly the flames lose their intensity as its caster looks towards the one who dared to speak up. The voice that dared to ring out in this trying time, where the victor is already decided, the scream echoing through the raging storm of flames despite being a mere human against the great dragon.

“Who are you to challenge my judgment?” The dragon asked the brave one, looking towards where the voice came from and seeing a lone tower. With superior senses the dragon can easily spot the one in the tower, seeing the individual standing at the tower’s window.

The dragon then grabbed the entire tower itself, peeking through the window to confront its residence.

“My name is… is…” The one who spoke took a moment, still clearly unsure of what to say after all this time, but she now knows what she should say as she looks straight at the dragon’s eyes.

“Speak up maggot! I shall not tolerate those who cannot even say their name!” The dragon impatiently shouted at the newcomer.

“I am Matea! Princess Matea!” She shouted back at the dragon with all her willpower.
“A Princess… And what does a spawn of the one who committed great sin could possibly do to persuade me?” The dragon asked as the bewildered soldiers and other onlookers looked on, not even certain what had transpired.

“My father may have committed a great sin, but if he and others were to fall so too will the kingdom, and that means many innocent lives would be lost. That is something I cannot forgive!” She said bravely to a foe she cannot hope to defeat.

“Even with such an argument a sin cannot simply be forgiven, it shall be an act of give and take. A grave sin is committed and there must be sacrifice!” The dragon yelled back at her.

“In this case… I am-” Before she could say any further however…

“What is this foolishness!” Suddenly a voice rang out that no one was expecting, by the crown prince’s side, the charred body of the king moved, clearly hanging on to dear life.

“Father now is not the time to-!” The crown prince tries to persuade his father to lower his voice, not wanting him to once more provoke the foe that can easily topple his dynasty.

“I don’t want to hear whatever nonsense that failure is saying! Nothing but madness! You’re not worth any damn title! Let alone a prince! You’re nothing!” He screamed out, leaving the once brave princess slightly shaken. “I’ll make an example out of you! You’ll be hung in shame in those ugly dresses of yours- MMph!”
“Father now is not the time!” His son quickly wrestled him, silencing the king from saying any further.

“So this supposed father of yours dared say you’re not a princess, yet you still intend to clean his kingdom’s sin?” The dragon, unamused at the pathetic being’s rambling, once more stared down the princess.

“I-I…” She took a moment to clear her mind, relieving herself of that moment of weakness. “Yes! I am a princess! And it is my duty to help the people! I can’t let you trample on their lives!”

“And what are you willing to sacrifice then?” The dragon asked once more, all the while others looked on with great anxiety, and in the king’s case, going completely berserk and restrained by his son who looked on with hope.

“If it’s anyone’s life, then take mine! Do with it however you wish, but I cannot allow harm to come to anyone else!” She speaks with complete conviction.

The air almost seems to come to a standstill as if the world itself is waiting for the dragon’s answer…

“HAHAHAHAHA! HOW AMUSING!” For a moment the flaming storm cries out as the dragon laughs at the princess’ willing sacrifice. “So you’re willing to let me do as you wish with you as long as I spared these fools?”
“If that’s what it takes, then I accept!” She firmly answered, staring down at the one who had everyone at their mercy.

It feels like time has stopped as the two stare at each other, with many looking on in hope and despair. When suddenly the hellscape dissipates, leaving only ashen land behind. All were flabbergasted, as if the reality around them crumbled, but in that broken scenery the sunlight shone brightly still.

“So there are some virtues left in this foolish kingdom. Very well. I shall accept your sacrifice. Humans! Rejoice that one of your kind has willingly sacrificed herself in your name! For I shall spare your pathetic lives for now! Remember this day for the rest of your life so as to not repeat this mistake ever again! As there shall be no second chance!” The dragon then forcefully took Princess Matea and ascended up into the cloud as everyone looked on, dropping the tower from her hand, shattering and breaking the prison at last. That day marked a change for the kingdom as a whole, but for one individual left there it was also another important change.

The crown prince looked on as the dragon and his beloved sister ascended and disappeared into the clouds, looking on with a feeling of loneliness but also hope. In his arms the one who dared to keep her forever away from freedom, a man whose reality was shattered, now losing consciousness and falling into a deep sleep of his own madness and delusion.

Laying down the man who he can hardly respect anymore, he looked up to the clouds and muttered silently to himself, knowing that the one who was meant to receive said message will act upon it.

“Take care of her.”




“I-It’s so high up!” I complained after a moment of calmness after all that transpired.

“Come now, don’t you think it’s beautiful?” The woman who held me in her arms said. I took all I had to look down and… It really is.

“I never dreamed of ever seeing anything like this… To see so much of the outside world…” I muttered out, entranced by what I saw.

“Such beautiful scenery, don’t you think this is perfect for a date or what?” She said with a smug smile on her face.

“Date!?” I incredulously said. “We’re up in the clouds, this is so scary!”
“Haha… I guess it is. Well, it is still impressive is it not?” She said as if ignoring my complaint.

“How did I ever fall for-!” I caught myself from saying it, but still I could feel my face painted completely red.

“Ah ah ah~ Did I hear a slip-up just now?” She’s teasing me again!

“This is so embarrassing! This whole thing is embarrassing!” I can’t help but shout it out.

“How about you make it up for the both of us then?” She said while leaning her face closer to me, as if it was for a… “Say the magic words my dear.”

“I… I…” I know I need to say it. Ultimately I have to, there is no longer any reason to lie to myself anymore.

“I?” She repeated, egging me on. Yes I understand, I’ll definitely say it.

“I love you, Plerng.” And with that we fall into a deep kiss. It was a new beginning for us, the one I’m sure will be sweet till the end…

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