Winter Lilies: A Yuri Garden Anthology

3. A Story of Two Girls

Prompt: Delinquent x Delinquent

Author: Okay

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Content Warnings:


I breathed in the semi-fresh air. Nothing beats that in the morning. I could smell the food vendors selling various foods, and I could feel the warm, mid-morning sun on my face. All this was made better with the successful shoplifting.

I breathed in one final time, and left. As I swaggered on the way back to my car, I suddenly remembered a group of boys I had offended at some point. Ever since then, they had made it a point to make my life this much more annoying. They couldn’t have slashed my tires again, could they? I mean, that’s just too much, even for them. But I wouldn’t put it past them to do so.

            Cursing, I hurried back to my car. It was just a plain old car. The black paint was pristine and new, and I hadn’t bothered to check what type of car it was. A car’s a car. That was the main reason why I never got those car fanatics who would rant for hours on end about a 1999 Ford with a blah blah motor with blah horsepower and blah blah blah. For some reason, many people expect me to be like those fanatics. Then they would always look confused for a bit, try to hide it, and carry on. It’s always funny to watch their eyes widen in surprise.

            People judged based on appearance way too much. Just because I was 5’8, had buff arms, and dressed in sweats, they expected me to love cars.

            My good mood stuck with me when I found myself at the front of my apartment building. My mom had made sure to buy one with good security.    

I continued humming while I walked across the lobby, into the elevator, and into my room. I unlocked the door, kicked it shut behind me with my foot, and plopped down on my couch. Ah. This was the life.

After some rest, I reluctantly stood up and changed into more comfortable clothes, not that hoodies and sweatpants were uncomfortable, per se, but the bra was just restricting. If I could, I wouldn’t ever wear one, but if I didn’t, my boobs would swing uncomfortably and painfully anytime I did anything more strenuous than walking.

            Safely in my pajamas, I sat back down on the couch after grabbing a Sprite (people always think that I would drink beer right now, but who would willingly drink that piss flavored shit? Not me.) I turned on the TV and watched a random show I found on Netflix.

            My couch was black, and was arranged in a U shape across my living room, and there was a glass table in front, where I had set down my Sprite. Under the table and couch was a very fluffy dark gray carpet. The floor was a nice ashwood and had a polished finish. Under my TV was a dark gray shelf with a few potted plants and books. At the edges of the room were more shelves that housed more plants, books, and some picture frames of my former family. At least, the pictures that I could keep. But along with my old family, I have my new family, which is basically my adoptive mom.

            Gradually, I began to feel hungry, so I went to my kitchen and made a ham sandwich. The kitchen was an open-concept with the dining room. Connected off to the side was a short hallway. At the end was my master room, with a bathroom and a guest room on either side of the short hallway.

 I grabbed an orange too, then plopped back down on my couch and continued to watch the show. It was named ‘Pretty Little Liars’. I finished my sandwich, and began peeling my orange. I hummed to myself, and split it in half. Then I ate one half whole, then the other.

            Once the time clicked to 11:00 pm, I washed up, took a shower, and went to bed. My king sized bed was placed at the center, with two black nightstands on either side. I had a wide window beside my bed that faced the city, but it sometimes also made my room very hot during the day. I also had a desk and computer, and a bookshelf filled with old favorites of mine off to the side.

I sighed into my comforter, pulled the blanket up to my chin, and shut my eyes, about to sleep.

            A piercing ding ding ding suddenly echoed around my room. I reached over to my phone, and saw the caller ID was ‘The Boss’. I mostly put it that way to spite her. She’s especially annoyed whenever I make a reference to her past.

“Yes?” I said, not bothering to keep the annoyance out of my voice. I was about to sleep, and she knew me well enough at this point to know that I was going to bed right now.

            “It’s time for you to go back to school. The school year’s just begun, and besides, I think it’s time,” She said, once again bugging me on this topic again.

            “What?! Why?” I fought to keep the whine out of my voice. I’m not a kid dammit. Well I technically am but…Shut up, brain.

            “Look, as your adopted mother, I need you to go to school. And so, with the power invested within me by the law, I now command you to go to school. Don’t worry. I’ll make sure to sign you up for a good -but within your ability- school.”

“What?!” I yelled. But I knew that when she used that tone, she had either already done it, or she was just about to do it. Besides, I was technically living in one of her houses.

            “I’ve already signed you up for a public school near you. I’ll send you the address. Also, I’m scheduled to return in a week or so, so I’ll see you then! Bye~” My mom hung up.

            I sighed. Just why did I have to go to school? I’m doing just fine right now! I intellectually know why, but it didn’t mean I couldn’t complain about it though.

            I checked my messages, and sure enough, she had entered me into a highschool near my neighborhood. I guess now, I’ll have to shop for school supplies and…wake up early. Sigh.

            Today is Saturday, so I have until Monday to buy everything. That was more than enough time. But I sighed again. Sometimes I wonder, though, if I sighed the normal amount of teenage girl sighs, or did I sigh too much? Too bad I have no one to compare it to, because I have no friends.

The next day I bought everything at Staplers, and spent the remainder of the weekend chilling and watching Netflix and Disney+.

            On Monday, I drove to the school, just on time for the warning bell. I sighed again, lugged my light backpack out, and stomped my way to the school gates.

            The school had a stupidly blinding white outside, covered in windows and such. The parking lot was big enough, though, that I could find a spot with little difficulty. The inside of the school was a straight hallway, with lockers and doors on either side, the walls covered in motivational, anti-bullying, and help guideline posters. The hallways then branched off into other hallways. There was a staircase that went up, and another that went down.

            The other kids were already hurrying to their own classes or at their lockers, but after a round of questioning some nerdy kid, I was given directions to the principal’s office. I’m not sure who I’m supposed to go to for my schedule, but I figured the principal’s office was as good a place to start as any.

            Annoyingly, there was another student before me in line. While the teachers or secretaries of whoever had been looking away, I glared at the younger kid in front of me with my best and most menacing glare (Which is glare #3. I practiced in the mirror lots) and jerked my chin behind me. He seemed to get the message, and shrunk into himself, while giving me his spot. I cleared my throat, and the secretary or teacher or whatever looked up from his work.

            “Can I help you with something?” He asked, clearly annoyed with me.

            “I’m a new student here. So can I have my schedule?” I asked. I wanted this over and done with. Then I can spend one day of class to show my mom I did go to school, and then I can skip them the rest of the school year.

            “Ah. Erin, right?”


            After an insane amount of waiting, he finally handed the fucking paper over. I grabbed it and checked the time. First period was already half over. I looked down at my schedule and saw that my first period class was math with Ms. Huilfif, in room 220. I promptly headed up the stairs and quickly found the classroom.

            As I stood outside the classroom, I was suddenly struck with nervousness. This made no sense. Why am I so nervous? I frowned to myself, and was about to push open the door when I saw a girl leaning on a wall dressed in a black hoodie wearing ripped jeans waving at me. I hesitantly waved back, before turning back to the door. I turned the doorknob, and it didn’t turn. I tried turning it harder, but it didn’t budge.

            “It’s locked,” a voice said. I looked over, and saw the girl in the ripped jeans. I blushed, and was about to knock when I heard her say, “Do you wanna hang out?”

            Surprised, I looked over to her again.

            “Why?” I asked.

            “‘Cus you seem chill? Plus, you're the new kid, so you won’t have any friends.” She said bluntly.

            “And how do you know?” I challenged her.

            “‘Cus I know everyone in our grade. And no, this isn’t an exaggeration. I know everyone. I have their contact info, their instagram accounts, and their addresses. And I certainly haven’t seen you around before.” She explained proudly.

            “Huh. Well, I was planning to go to all my classes today. So I can’t hang out with you.”

            “Seriously? Ugh, I guess I was wrong about you then. I’ll have to go have fun on my lonesome then…” The girl turned around and began walking away. Cursing my weak, friendless self, I yelled, “Wait!”

            The girl stopped, and turned around. She was smirking, and we both knew that she had won.

            “Well, first things first, let’s go to the best restaurant around here and eat some breakfast!” She turned around and walked away. I hurried to catch up to her and when I did, I asked, “Where’s the restaurant?”

            “Nowhere your car can’t take us,” she replied.

            “Wait, how do you know I have a car?”

            “A girl has her ways,” She replied mysteriously.

            “You were spying on me, weren’t you?” I narrowed my eyes at her.

            “And if I was?” She said, batting her eyelashes.

            “Well, nothing.” Another win for her.

            She sauntered confidently towards the parking lot, and quickly found my car. She stood at the passenger seat’s door, and waited for me to unlock the car. I unlocked it, and got in. She also sat in the car.

            “Nice car you have here,” She said, fiddling with the seatbelt.

            “Hm,” I grunted. I put the seatbelt on, and asked her, “Where’s the restaurant?”

            “I’ll give directions. You know where the second avenue is, right? Well, just drive there and I’ll direct you.”

            I started the engine and began driving. As I was driving, during red lights, I would peek at her face. She had dark gray eyes, dirty blond hair, and a nice jawline.

            “Like what you see?” She suddenly turned towards me. I blushed in embarrassment. I didn’t reply and continued driving.

            “Okay, now turn right at the second street.” I did as she told, and soon, she had directed us to a restaurant named ‘Papa Joe’s’. I expected pizza, but after stepping through the entrance, I was hit with the scent of meat, oil, and whatever else was being cooked in the back. I immediately liked this place.

            “Good, right?” She said, smiling at me. We went to the front to order, and I decided on a cheese burger and a milkshake. The girl decided on a Joe’s Special and a Coke. She chose a window booth, and I sat on the opposite seat.

            “What’s your name?” She asked me.

            “I thought you would know that.”

            “And what makes you think that?” She asked, gasping exaggeratedly

“The fact that you had been spying on me.”

“You’re just saying unfounded things.”

“Fine then, what’s your name?”

“I’m Vanessa,” She said, flicking her hair out of her face.

“I’m Erin.” I replied.

We sat in silence until the food arrived. I picked up the big and juicy burger then took a bite out of it. It was good. The juice surged out the meat and into my mouth. The rest that couldn’t fit in my mouth dribbled down my chin. It was a gross sensation, but fuck is this burger good.

“I see you’re enjoying the meal,” Vanessa smiled. I could feel the heat on my face that had just vanished reappear again. I froze, and wiped my mouth hurriedly. Why am I trying so hard to impress her? Why am I acting like some blushing wreck!?

“Yep,” I replied, once all the juice had been wiped off my face. I took a sip of my milkshake, which was decent enough, and said, “This is really good. I’m definitely coming back.”

“Good. That’ll help Joe’s business. So what do you want to do next?” Vanessa asked.

“Aren’t you the one that told me to hang out with you?”

“Well, this is all I could think to do? I mean, what do you usually do when you go outside?”

“Umm,” I paused. Whenever I step outside, it’s usually for a stroll, to buy groceries, some shoplifting, or to vandalize a shop while I was strolling around.

“You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to. Well, we can always go shopping.”

“Why don’t we just return to the school?” I tried. I felt an intense sense of reluctance to leave her. I wanted to be as close to her as possible. Why couldn’t I just get up and walk out? Why am I getting attached to her?

“But shopping is fun! Besides, I’ve had my eye on something in a mall. Please?” She pouted. I sighed.

“Fine, but after we’re going back to the school.”

“Yay!” She said childishly. Where did her Queen Bitch attitude go?

After paying, we walked back to my car and drove to the mall Vanessa had been talking about. Once there, she bolted off to a store and asked to try on a cozy looking sweater. She walked into the changing room, and came out without it.

“Didn’t you like it? Why’re you not buying it?” I asked, confused. But on a second glance at her torso, I noticed why. Her stomach area is now bulging slightly compared to before. Ah. So that’s what happened.

“Whatever. Let’s go.” I and Vanessa walked out of the store, then back into the car.

“You really suck at hiding your shoplifted clothing,” I commented as I drove.

“Well, I forgot to bring a bag. What else was I supposed to do with it?” She frowned at me.

“For one, you could’ve just asked me to bring my backpack?”

“You would’ve helped me?” She asked incredulously.

“I’ve done worse things before, you know? Plus, I’ve shoplifted a thing or two before.”

“Well then, let’s go to another store!” Vanessa said energetically.

“But aren’t we supposed to go back to the-”

“Nope! We aren’t! If you’re going to enjoy this date, you will stop thinking about school!” She interrupted me. But I was caught onto the word ‘date’.

“When was this a date?” I asked, my face heating up.

“Uh, since was it not? I mean, we went to a restaurant, we’re going shopping, and we’re having fun hanging out together.”

“But you never asked me.” I said. I could feel my face heating up. The temperature of the whole car felt like it had been raised by a few degrees.

“Fine. Will you go on a date with me?” Vanessa asked, rolling her eyes. I looked towards her, and promptly met her eyes by accident.

“I will,” I replied, sweating.

“Good. Now, let’s go shopping!”

Until 12:00, we drove from store to store, mall to mall, stealing whatever caught our fancy. I made sure to wear a mask, which wasn’t too unusual. I also made Vanessa wear one. You can never be too cautious.

After eating lunch at Joe’s again, we drove back to the school, and once there, Vanessa asked, “Did you enjoy it?”

“I did.”

“Then, do you want to go on another date? When are you free?”

“I should be free this Sunday.”

“Well, let’s go on another date on Sunday. Here’s my contact info.” She shoved a wrinkled piece of paper into my hands. That’s when I felt how sweaty her palms were too.

“Call me.” She smiled charmingly and stepped out of my car.

I went to the rest of my classes for the day (most of which I found surprisingly interesting. Maybe I’ll attend the classes more often), and when school ended, I drove home, and dumped my backpack on the counter. I took out the piece of paper I had pocketed and added the number to my contacts.

The next day, I drifted through the school day. I had rediscovered a new part of me. A part that liked solving equations and problems. I occasionally saw Vanessa hanging out with some of her friends. She waved at me everytime I walked past, and I waved back.

It was on Thursday that I finally mustered enough bravery to call her.

The phone was answered on the fourth ring.

“Hello?” I heard Vanessa’s voice say.

“Hi. I’m Erin,” I said.

“Oh! Hi Erin. How was your day?”

We continued our conversation until it was late. I reluctantly hung up, and brushed my teeth with newfound happiness. I’m going to see her at school again tomorrow.

The next morning came slowly, and the drive to school was even slower. I tapped my fingers impatiently on the driving wheel.

I entered the school and looked around for Vanessa. There! I began heading towards her. She was currently in a group of other girls, but I only had eyes for Vanessa.

“Morning, Erin!” Vanessa said.

“Morning,” I smiled. I saw the other girls around her, and couldn’t help but frown. They’re only her friends. I told myself. It wasn’t like me to get randomly jealous. Or maybe it was?

“So, how was your sleep?” She asked.

“Good. Fantastic, actually. Why’re you asking?”

“Weren’t you excited to see me?”

“Well…yes.” I was embarrassed to say this in front of a crowd of strangers.

“Anyways, I’ll be hanging with Rosa here,” She pointed at a short blond girl beside her. “Wanna come?”

“No thanks,” I replied. I was still trying to be a proper student to show my mom that she didn’t need to breathe down my back. That, and the fact that I’m absolutely loving school. She had already called me multiple times throughout the week, and Facetimed with me every night, just to ask about school, and whether or not I had been bullying other children, and if I had made any friends yet.

            “That’s too bad. Anyways, see you around!” With that, Vanessa walked away with her group of girls. Now that I thought of it, whenever I saw her I would always see a big group of girls following her around. It didn’t make sense that she had been alone the first time I had met her.

            The warning bell sounded, and I hurried to my class.

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